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Is The Writing On The Wall???

Not taking sides here AJ ...:dangit:...but was Rob Ryan and Mora Jr both born with experience or were they given opportunities.

Robs dad was a coach. (does Rob still have a job now?)
Mora Jrs dad, well, he tried his hand at coaching. ( Is Mora Jr. working now?)
Shannys dad is a coach. (still employed by a successful orginization.)

Why not be in the conversation?

I think the jury should be out on Shanny Jr, and he should not be assumed to be a nepotism hire.

But thats just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.

Carry on.


The Ryan and Mora thing was brought into the debate by someone who (in addition to having a tough time posting at 3 a.m.) called me silly and asked me to take midol because I had an opinion.

My point has been nepotism from the start.

Until little Shanny delivers something substantial, he's just another favored coaches boy with little experience who hasn't earned squat. I bet that's how a lot of the players feel. That's my opinion. I'm glad he's only the QB coach.

But I'd rather have expereinced coaches in here - especially at a position that has underachieved since Day 1 - rather than have a coaching test-bed for someone's career development.
This whole Kyle Shanahan thing reeks of nepotism. Doing chalk talks for fans is one thing - being able to help turn mediocre NFL quarterbacks into good ones is another.

I agree, and proof is in the pudding. What concerns me is that we've been a suck team for five seasons, and instead of going out and obtaining the services of PROVEN coaches, we get Lil' Kyle as a QB coach and Rantin' Richard as defensive coach. We are not a proven team that can take unproven coaches and just hope for success!

A suck team + inexperienced coaches = recipe for disaster.

Let Kyle be a coach for his dad or some other team that can afford to carry an inexperienced coach on their staff. The Texans are in desperate need of leadership, and I find it hard to believe that a thrown-together coaching staff is going to magically have chemisty without the backgrounds.

Set your goals low and you will probably achieve them.

This is quickly becoming the Texans motto. Of course, I hope I'm completely wrong, but these moves have not inspired confidence in the fan base.
I say let Kubiak do what HE wants. We don't need a Chris Palmer/Dom Capers scenario again. Lil Shanahan should at least know exactly what Kubiak wants. Not many others do.
The only thing knocking him is his age, how can a guy that is 8 years younger then me going to tell me how to do my job, which is why he is not Dres WRs coach anymore.
Hey Hulkster, if I accept your logic about how it isn't a good decision to have some young guy coach up Andre Johnson, why does the logic change for coaching the most important position on the team in the QB? I mean, if he is too young to be telling NFL WR's what to do why isn't he too young to tell NFL QB's what to do?
Carr aint going nowhere y'all stop putting such wonderful thoughts in my head.
Were doomed with Davey again! Well maybe not but whoa nelly!
I don't think this changes much of anything when it come to the QB and QB coaching situation as compared to last season. Kubiak was the de facto QB coach. He was the one going over mechanics, etc. with Carr throughout the year. What if you do bring in another experienced QB coach? Too many cooks spoiling the soup. At least now he has an assistant to reinforce his points and keep an eye on them, as aj put it. It's just a title, a more apt one probably being assistant to the HC in charge of QBs. Shanny seemed to be the one Carr was talking to on the sidelines and going over pictures during games anyway.

What it does do, however, is free up the WR coaching position to someone who does have experience and CAN bring something to the table there. So glass half full... Let's see who they bring in there and then pass judgment...
I say let Kubiak do what HE wants.

Well that goes without saying. It's not like we have much of a choice. We are mere fans.

But a forum is for expressing opinions and exchanging perspectives, like sitting with some friends over coffee or beers. We cannot control anything on this team, but it sure is fun to talk about it!

What it does do, however, is free up the WR coaching position to someone who does have experience and CAN bring something to the table there. So glass half full... Let's see who they bring in there and then pass judgment...

Good point.