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"Is Obrien Really An NFL Caliber Head Coach"??

It's depressing to think that O'Brien might be back next year just because McNair may feel he needs to justify his hiring, or actually believes there's sunnier days. If you've lost the locker room by your second year, you're in over your head. If Rex Ryan is laughing at how you're handling quarterbacks, you're in over your head. When your most consistent draft pick is a 6th round fullback, you're in over your head. I'll restrain myself there, but this list is dang near endless.

This should've been obvious (I'm trying really hard not to curse here) when hiring a New England coach who's experience is Tom Brady's towel boy, and declining college programs. Who really thought this was a good hire ... except maybe Robert Kraft, who after talking to McNair smirks as he walks away. The 35 year old Shanahan has more NFL experience.

There is a strong pattern and MO of Belichick assistants walking in the door and demanding respect before they've even earned it. This is usually very quickly followed up by some real bonehead amateur mistakes that make the team worse instead of better. It doesn't take long after that before Belichick assistants are losing respect instead of earning it. Players and staff get to a point where they can't take the Belichick assistant seriously and become disappointed and disillusioned. Which is about the time they're asked to leave and unceremoniously escorted out of the building.
Does anyone know if Hoyer & Malletts contracts are tied to playing time? Are the Texans (Obrien/ McNair) chopping both QB's playing time to save $$ money on contracts or bonus money?? Based on McNairs history of being cheap when it comes to QB' wouldn't surprise me. Anyone that knows details of qb's contracts please post.
Does anyone know if Hoyer & Malletts contracts are tied to playing time? Are the Texans (Obrien/ McNair) chopping both QB's playing time to save $$ money on contracts or bonus money?? Based on McNairs history of being cheap when it comes to QB' wouldn't surprise me. Anyone that knows details of qb's contracts please post.

Nope, not in this thread either.
Really? Being on time is focused? I don't think I'm as impressed as I should be.

This is the part that really slayed me:

"Though O'Brien acknowledges that it's difficult to tell how a team will play based on how they practice, he liked what he saw on Monday."

Oh, so NOW you realize this about practice, Bill? So you admit that might apply to quarterbacks, too? Shucks!
But it still comes down to would Obrien
draft Peyton Manning or Ryan Leaf.

I don't know if he can tell the difference.

In reality, nobody can. Nobody knows what these guys are going to do at the next level, that's why so many of them are busts. Weeden and Osweiler were taken before Wilson. Alex Smith taken before Rodgers. And then there's all the 1st round busts, Russell, Quinn, Sanchez, Tebow, Locker, Gabbert, Manuel. These guys weren't taken where they were because all of those GMs and/or HCs don't know what they're doing. They were the best you had to choose from, according to just about anybody in football. Nobody knew Ryan Leaf was going to be the flaming failure he was or he wouldn't have been in the discussion with Manning.

The problem is not getting it right between Manning and Leaf, it's that these top prospects, year in and year out, aren't learning how to play QB in college, at least not learning how to play NFL QB, so your chances of picking a QB that turns out to be a Manning or Rodgers are very slim to begin with.

I'm not putting that on Smith, O'Brien, anybody. That's a crap shoot at best. What I can put on the GM or HC, is that you have zero speed on your team and you went out and drafted zero speed. Your team is riddled with injuries and you go out and draft players who've fallen in the draft because of injuries. Nix, for example. That's all on the GM, HC, whoever it is pulling the trigger.
I'm already tired of hearing about "we have 11 one game seasons". WTF is that even supposed to mean??! Based on that logic, he's lost 4 out of the last 5 one game seasons!! :hmmm:
I'm already tired of hearing about "we have 11 one game seasons". WTF is that even supposed to mean??! Based on that logic, he's lost 4 out of the last 5 one game seasons!! :hmmm:

I've been sick of his 'we'll be multiple' and 'we're a game plan D' crap for a while now. Hey OB, you can't be 'multiple' until you can do at least two things right and you haven't gotten to one.

And to throw another log on the fire, he's f'kd up a perfectly good run game. We now run a predominately half assed ZBS with attempts at power running thrown in with players selected for ZB. Like everything OB, it's a giant turd of indecision.
I'm already tired of hearing about "we have 11 one game seasons". WTF is that even supposed to mean??! Based on that logic, he's lost 4 out of the last 5 one game seasons!! :hmmm:

You know the old saying , if you have two QB's .... You don't have a QB. It's painfully obvious we don't have a QB and OB's indecisiveness sure isn't helping the situation.

Still cant figure out why he benched Mullet ... He had been moving the ball & the INT wasn't on him , it was Foster's fault , damn ball hit him in the hands and wasn't the typical Mullet laser beam.
That was a pretty gnarly shot he took to the ribs. I was surprised he got up. For some reason I get the feeling that because he took himself out of the game OB took it as saying he didn't want to be out there .... or he was just looking for a reason to go back to Hoyerable and justify his original decision.
I've been sick of his 'we'll be multiple' and 'we're a game plan D' crap for a while now. Hey OB, you can't be 'multiple' until you can do at least two things right and you haven't gotten to one.

And to throw another log on the fire, he's f'kd up a perfectly good run game. We now run a predominately half assed ZBS with attempts at power running thrown in with players selected for ZB. Like everything OB, it's a giant turd of indecision.

People used to scoff at Kubiak for the perception that he thought he was the so-called "smartest man in the room". However, I think O'Brien epitomizes that attitude. There is NOTHING successful about his team this season. You cannot point to any single aspect and say that at least that part is working.

And the whole "we have to coach better. We have to figure out how to coach these guys better" sounds so freakin' bush league that I wonder if it's a blind squirrel looking for that one nut. Maybe 2014 was that nut, and now we are just seeing a bunch of blind tree rats run around without a freakin' clue. If you are still trying to figure out how to coach guys at the pro level, perhaps this is not the job for you.

I couldn't find one that said what I wanted it to....
The LOSING will continue
until COACHING Improves
This is the part that really slayed me:

"Though O'Brien acknowledges that it's difficult to tell how a team will play based on how they practice, he liked what he saw on Monday."

Oh, so NOW you realize this about practice, Bill? So you admit that might apply to quarterbacks, too? Shucks!
LOL!!!!! Great post
Bill Obriens record as a "Head Coach" ( College & Pro NFL)

25 Wins
20 Loses

He has won 55% of his games......That pretty much says it all.....He's an "average" Head Coach....
If O'Brien is really tanking the season, which I don't believe, he will be tanking himself too, and get just what Kubiak got. Just as well because he is the mother of all failures.
Actually i think your wrong on this. I think Mallett does. Hoyer is blah. He'll win 7 games and we'll be screwed on the draft. The better answer is start mallet, if he refines himself into a better QB then you know what you have OR he never wins another game and you have a top draft pick.

This is ANOTHER reason that O'Brien is demonstrating he's not a great head coach. And all this switching around has just killed the morale of everyone. This is terrible.
This is a great point....Start/play Mallett & it's a win win scenario....Start / play Hoyer and it could really end up biting us in the butt .
I wonder how McNair felt after being convinced that Andre needed to go (or however it went down) and then seeing him come in here wearing a colts uniform and tear up the Texans.

Maybe overall he still feels it was the right move.....but watching that at the time couldn't have gone over too well.
Those 2 TD's most have really stung (Obrien/McNair) lol....U gotta give props to Andre....U KNOW that was sweet for him....
Yeah, yeah, good for Andre. He still's not going to a super bowl with the team he's on. :lol:

Maybe Andre clued into what O'Brien brings to the table as head coach before we fans did. If so, avoiding this train wreck was a pretty good choice.
Neither are we.....what's your point??

Really? My point is that Andre's chances of playing in a super bowl with Indy are just about as good as they were with the Texans. Indy might win the division because they're the best of four bad teams, but they won't be going anywhere in the playoffs.

Andre will have to make due with another playoff check, that's about it.
Should have kept Dre. We suck anyway and, if we had kept him, if he makes it into
the HoF in a few years he would have gone in wearing a Texans jersey.

Now there is no shot of that. 2002-2015 and this franchise still has left not a single
mark on the NFL that our fanbase can point to..

What we got in return was two crappy receivers that can't catch that aren't even
playing because of injury..