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Impeach Bill White Sign during game.

I watched the replay of the game last night and the shots of the south end zone during FGs and extra points looked pretty red to me. Most of the stadium did. There's always some people who don't get the memo but I tend to not worry about what other people wear. What I find more disturbing are all the empty seats in the stadium (as in no-shows) for a prime time game. And it might shock some people but the north endzone is not immune from that disease. Lots of emptys in the 300 and 500 north endzone. Why is that? I think there was a lot of turnover in the ownership of those seats from the 'sun' days but certainly that can't be the reason.

I know this is the wrong forum for this, but what has Bill White done that's pissed so many people off?

Please no dissertations, just a quick answer.

The only things I've heard in the news recently was his thing with Clear Channel Communications (billboard removal) and the dispute with the City employees union. The guy holding the sign could very well have been a city employee/union member.
Mayor of Houston.

Hmmm. Let me see:

1. During Hurricane Rita (when he thought the storm was headed for us) he went on TV and told EVERYONE with any form of transportation to evacuate the city as quickly as possible and caused THE BIGGEST TRAFFIC JAM IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Nevermind the fact that Houston is 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and that the "Great Hurricane of 1900" which completely obliterated GALVESTON didn't really touch us. He set 4 million people into a panic and had Houston looking like the bloody fall of Saigon.

2. The safe and clear program. By which stalled cars are towed off Houston freeways. I'll admit on the surface it looks like a good idea. But it devides the city into a few zones and assigns a big tow truck company to cover each zone. If you're an independent tow truck driver...OH WELL! ABCDE..FU!

3. Sanctuary City. The mayor in a round about way wants our police to IGNORE ILLEGAL ALIENS like the two jerks who were shot by a Pasadena homeowner for breaking into his neighbor's house. Like the drunken idiots whom we see on the news every other day who plow into other peoples cars killing them. Like the plethora of drug dealers and coyotes who are elevating crime stats daily.*

4. Copper Theft Proposal. Mayor White in his infinite wisdom has decided that the BEST way to combat the epidemic of copper thefts that have plagued us as a city would be the reduce the number...OF SCRAP METAL DEALERS! If there were only 40 scrap metal dealers in Houston instead of 150 there would be less crime. IN OTHER WORDS, put 110 business operators AND THEIR EMPLOYEES out of work making the 40 who you allow to stay in business to become richer. How is putting people out of work going to reduce crime?

Bill White is trying to screw small businessmen AGAIN and trying to let those who hire illegal aliens to have a readymade workforce. If someone wants to impeach that Charlie Brown looking muff-hugga I won't lose any sleep about it. Screw it. Impeach him!

*This is NOT to imply that all illegal aliens are dangerous criminals, but to point out that while turning a blind eye to them breaking an "unjust" law we become responsible for crimes that wouldn't have occured had the person in question been deported when pulled over by the cops...for ANYTHING!
I don't like White either, but that's about as annoying as going to a concert and hearing some rockstar spout off about politics. Shut the ******* and sing. Put the stupid sign away and cheer (or Boo). Weaknut!!

Unless it's a concert by Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen or U2. Most of their material is political so when those guys go on political tangents during a show you kind of expect it.
Right time and right place for the sign holder,

You did not see any I love homo signs at the front of the bull pen during the girls game now did ya.
I watched the replay of the game last night and the shots of the south end zone during FGs and extra points looked pretty red to me. Most of the stadium did. There's always some people who don't get the memo but I tend to not worry about what other people wear. What I find more disturbing are all the empty seats in the stadium (as in no-shows) for a prime time game. And it might shock some people but the north endzone is not immune from that disease. Lots of emptys in the 300 and 500 north endzone. Why is that? I think there was a lot of turnover in the ownership of those seats from the 'sun' days but certainly that can't be the reason.

QFT. I noticed the rows of empty seats and found it disturbing, as well. Houston football fans are front-running bandwagonners for the most part, save about 30,000 or so hardcore Texans fanatics.

It's a primetime game, the team is competitive, and the stadium is sold-out. What does it take for folks to get off their arses and use those tickets?!! Seriously, give them to charity or something, but it's just a waste to see so many go unused. Quite lame, too. JMO
Hmmm. Let me see:

1. During Hurricane Rita (when he thought the storm was headed for us) he went on TV and told EVERYONE with any form of transportation to evacuate the city as quickly as possible and caused THE BIGGEST TRAFFIC JAM IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Nevermind the fact that Houston is 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and that the "Great Hurricane of 1900" which completely obliterated GALVESTON didn't really touch us. He set 4 million people into a panic and had Houston looking like the bloody fall of Saigon.

2. The safe and clear program. By which stalled cars are towed off Houston freeways. I'll admit on the surface it looks like a good idea. But it devides the city into a few zones and assigns a big tow truck company to cover each zone. If you're an independent tow truck driver...OH WELL! ABCDE..FU!

3. Sanctuary City. The mayor in a round about way wants our police to IGNORE ILLEGAL ALIENS like the two jerks who were shot by a Pasadena homeowner for breaking into his neighbor's house. Like the drunken idiots whom we see on the news every other day who plow into other peoples cars killing them. Like the plethora of drug dealers and coyotes who are elevating crime stats daily.*

4. Copper Theft Proposal. Mayor White in his infinite wisdom has decided that the BEST way to combat the epidemic of copper thefts that have plagued us as a city would be the reduce the number...OF SCRAP METAL DEALERS! If there were only 40 scrap metal dealers in Houston instead of 150 there would be less crime. IN OTHER WORDS, put 110 business operators AND THEIR EMPLOYEES out of work making the 40 who you allow to stay in business to become richer. How is putting people out of work going to reduce crime?

1. It's partially the State's burden to help control & divert lanes to evac use. The plan wasn't perfect, but it's better than a parking lot FULL of unused evac buses in "Chocolate City". We also had 16x the number of "potential evacuees" to get out. I'll give him a break on that one.

2. Nail on the head - restriction of trade on roads that DON'T BELONG TO THE CITY. They belong to the State, and that whole ordeal was misguided and VERY questionable legally.

3. Bingo - Though the stats show crime was raised more from Katrina "relocations", every litle bit helps. (See thread in No-Spin Zone on Sanctuary City for further definition)

4. This one I disagree w/ you - I think the "small business" part in this case is a by-product, not an intended result. (no multi-million $ contracts like Safe Clear) The city doesn't have enough officers to regularly check on that many establishments to ensure that they are getting required documentation from their "customers". IMHO - Many of these recyclers are looking the other way like a bad Pawn Shop dealer when they see the same faces keep coming in with this stuff.
1. It's partially the State's burden to help control & divert lanes to evac use. The plan wasn't perfect, but it's better than a parking lot FULL of unused evac buses in "Chocolate City". We also had 16x the number of "potential evacuees" to get out. I'll give him a break on that one.

2. Nail on the head - restriction of trade on roads that DON'T BELONG TO THE CITY. They belong to the State, and that whole ordeal was misguided and VERY questionable legally.

3. Bingo - Though the stats show crime was raised more from Katrina "relocations", every litle bit helps. (See thread in No-Spin Zone on Sanctuary City for further definition)

4. This one I disagree w/ you - I think the "small business" part in this case is a by-product, not an intended result. (no multi-million $ contracts like Safe Clear) The city doesn't have enough officers to regularly check on that many establishments to ensure that they are getting required documentation from their "customers". IMHO - Many of these recyclers are looking the other way like a bad Pawn Shop dealer when they see the same faces keep coming in with this stuff.

I no longer live in Houston, but I have read with interest the issue of #4. (I do invest in copper, copper mines, etc. -- so I see "copper" and my eyes/ears perk...)

If I infer from your response that the metal scrap industry in Houston is regulated at the local level (i.e., "inspectors" for fair/legal trade), then this implies law. The solution to enforcing law is not to infringe upon free trade instead of hiring more inspectors.

Hire more inspectors if you are committed to regulating/overseeing scrap metal trade.

Killing businesses is like cutting off the head if you have a headache. Pardon the tired analogy, put it fits perfectly.


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we've really gotta find a solution to crackheads. those resourceful bastards can pull off some crazy stuff. like gypsy mcgyvers or something.
Just goes to show you, we have all kinds of people in Texas... doesn't mean that guy is FROM Texas, just means he is here now...