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If Kaepernick or Wilson were a Texan would they be the starting QB?

My buddies and I had this discussion the other day and we all came to the same conclusion that neither of them would and they would be on the sidelines behind Matt Schaub.

Now if you agree with this, I'd say that this is a huge problem with our HC. Now this is not a "Fire Kubiak" thread or anything, because we all know that idea isn't even up for debate. However, Kubiak's stubbornness has always been a huge problem. I think Kubiak is fully willing to ride Schaub until he is either hurt or until it is to late. I don't think that Kubiak will have any intention what so ever to even consider another QB for maybe another two years. We are in a win now mode, and I felt like our offense looked so much better and had way more versatility when Keenum was running it in the pre season. I'm not trying to suggest that Keenum should start right now, but for the first time I started really liking this Texans Kubiak offense when I saw a mobile guy with a stronger arm running it.

Do you feel that Kaepernick or Wilson would start here "right now?" And if you don't how in the world could you justify that not as a huge problem with the HC's judgement?

Again, this is not some Fire Kubiak thread and I don't want it to go that route. We had this discussion the other day and I thought it was very interesting to discuss.
We are in agreement that neither one would start ahead of Schaub. However, at least Kaepernick and maybe both should start ahead of him if we had them. Head coaches often don't recognize poor performance, but just go along with their coordinators and tend to remain with the status quo. When Gif Nielsen was quarterbacking the Oilers he wasn't replaced until Chuck Studley took over as interim HC, and Nielsen couldn't even hit a receiver 15 yards from him in the flat behind the line of scrimmage.

We have the same problem with kicker replacement. How much is a victory worth to the franchise? A million $$? Yet Bullock is evidently going to stay until he loses a game for us, or beyond.
We have the same problem with kicker replacement. How much is a victory worth to the franchise? A million $$? Yet Bullock is evidently going to stay until he loses a game for us, or beyond.

That's because none of them are perfect. Given enough opportunity, they'll all miss. Bullock won the game for us in San Diego. He didn't against Tennessee, but he didn't lose it either.

I'm willing to see what happens next time.
Well, I'm willing to say that Bullock SUCKED in his first 2 games, but that could change. Maybe he just needs to get over the jitters of being in real NFL games.

Honestly, I might have overreacted in this thread (about Schaub) after seeing the DVOA and DYAR numbers Schaub has right now in the other thread. One thing that stuck out to me was that he has 3 int.s, which is very high for 2 games, but I didn't think about some intangibles, like the fact that D. Brown has kind of sucked lately (probably because of toe problems) & Schaub has been pressured more.

Probably the most accurate thing to say here is that I both have & will change my mind about Schaub a thousand times. Is he good? Yes. Is he good enough? Well, it depends on the day you ask me, I guess.
One thing that stuck out to me was that he has 3 int.s, which is very high for 2 games

But this is so far outside the norm that I'm not even worried about it. Schaub has consistently laid down the same numbers year after year, if he makes 16 games, there's no doubt in my mind what his stat line is going to look like.

The only thing I question, is how those stats translate to wins. So far, it's 2-0.. with a great game by Schaub & an eh performance by Schaub with a couple of "elite" QB drives.

I'm not a Schaub fan... but I think the conversation about Schaub is about to change. I just got finished reading this excellent BRB piece, this guy does an excellent job of breaking down certain aspects of the game, all of it very correctable. What's not "correctable" is that Hopkins is already playing at a high level (I know I gave him a hard time in another thread, but this guy uses the all22 feed & I was wrong... all there is to it).

His gifs are from the Chargers game. There's no doubt in my mind when the QBs studied the film, they kept saying, "& Hop is open." Matt showed a lot of trust & faith in Nuk in the second game. That's only going to get better.
One thing that stuck out to me was that he has 3 int.s, which is very high for 2 games

Funny thing is it would be much more accurate to say Schaub has gotten off to a banging start with TDs. He is only marginally higher than career for INTs (3.2 % v. 2.5%) while he is significantly higher on TDs (6.5% v. 4.3%). That is without being fair and considering 2 of the 3 INTs were tip balls.
But this is so far outside the norm that I'm not even worried about it. Schaub has consistently laid down the same numbers year after year, if he makes 16 games, there's no doubt in my mind what his stat line is going to look like.

The only thing that I can see that would change his stats would be a change in execution/play-calling in the Red Zone.

In the last two years, the Texans have been #3 and #5 in FG Attempts, and last year were 20-20 on attempts under 40 yards. Tells me that Gary was comfortable with the "sure thing". Conversely, they were #8 and #12 in TD's. This again shows a preclivity to either play it safe or a lack of execution.

This is a real opportunity for this team, but Schaub only has the ability change one of those outcomes. Of course, Kubiak only has the ability to change one of those as well. It will take them both doing something different than they have in the past in order for those FGA's to turn into XPA's.
Let's line up Schaub, Yates and Keenum and have 'em all pee on an electric fence. The one smart enough to hold his dick with his left hand will be our new starter.


After I cleaned the coffee off my computer screen I figured the thread would be
Funny thing is it would be much more accurate to say Schaub has gotten off to a banging start with TDs. He is only marginally higher than career for INTs (3.2 % v. 2.5%) while he is significantly higher on TDs (6.5% v. 4.3%). That is without being fair and considering 2 of the 3 INTs were tip balls.

Good way of putting it 51% increase vs 28% and I agree on the tipped balls.
In the last two years, the Texans have been #3 and #5 in FG Attempts, and last year were 20-20 on attempts under 40 yards. Tells me that Gary was comfortable with the "sure thing". Conversely, they were #8 and #12 in TD's. This again shows a preclivity to either play it safe or a lack of execution.

Not sure that shows what you think. The Niners and Giants were #1 and #2 on FG attempts and #10 and #7 on TDs. Is Harbaugh a sure thing, play it safe kind of coach? What that reflects to me is teams getting into scoring position frequently. Of the top 10 scoring teams all but the Saints and Seahawks are high on the FGA list. Look at the 10 fewest FGA teams and all sucked at scoring except for the Saints and Redskins.
The true outlier in mobility with Kubiak's time working with QBs has Matt Schaub. All of the other QBs he has worked with were at least average (see TJ yates, Greise), if not above (Jake the snake). there are a ton of rolls and bootlegs in this offense. The idea he could not work with Wilson or Kaepernick is faulty in its core premise.
Do you not see a difference between Schaub, Manning, & Rodgers?

Schaub, Romo, Flacco.... are the same guy to me. They do it a little different, but in the end..... they're the same guy.

Ryan. I think Matt Ryan is closer to the Manning & Rodgers group than the Schaub/Flacco group. Schaub, Flacco, & Romo are good enough that you aren't looking for a new QB, but you're looking at once in a blue moon odds of winning the Super Bowl with them & Flacco just reset that clock.

Funny you say that about Ryan & he's led his team to the playoffs more times than Schaub but has won the same amount of playoff games that Schaub has....1. he's also put up worse playoff performances.....worse than anything Schaub has done.

As for your 1st question, Of course I see the difference..the most pronounced difference however is their physical tools....which is all anyone ever harps on...numbers wise though, Schaub holds his own & that should be the only thing anyone cares about.
Funny you say that about Ryan & he's led his team to the playoffs more times than Schaub but has won the same amount of playoff games that Schaub has....1. he's also put up worse playoff performances.....worse than anything Schaub has done.

As for your 1st question, Of course I see the difference..the most pronounced difference however is their physical tools....which is all anyone ever harps on...numbers wise though, Schaub holds his own & that should be the only thing anyone cares about.

Funny you should mention "funny"

I don't remember seeing Matt Ryan trip over his own two feet in the play offs.

Might have happened, not saying it didn't. But I don't remember.

I like Matt's numbers. I know they're in line with the elite QBs... but like I said in my earlier post, it depends on how they translate to wins. It's all about context.

I remember watching Jake Plummer in Arizona. I never thought it was him holding that team back. He went on to Denver & had some success. Same thing with Matt. No doubt in my mind that 2009 Matt could have won a Super Bowl had he been on a better team.

Now he's on a better team & I have my doubts... but I'm also hoping 2009 Matt comes back.
I don't remember seeing Matt Ryan trip over his own two feet in the play offs.

Might have happened, not saying it didn't. But I don't remember.

To keep it easy - QB rating

2008 - 72.8
2009 - n/a
2010 - 69.0
2011 - 71.1
2012 - 93.8, 114.8

So last year was his first good playoff year.
To keep it easy - QB rating

2008 - 72.8
2009 - n/a
2010 - 69.0
2011 - 71.1
2012 - 93.8, 114.8

So last year was his first good playoff year.

Great point. Matt Ryan plays well & they go to the NFC Championship game. He doesn't play well & they're one & done.
Great point. Matt Ryan plays well & they go to the NFC Championship game. He doesn't play well & they're one & done.

He didnt even play that well last year in the playoffs. The Seattle game they won, he tossed 2 picks and made that game way more intersting than it probably should've been as they were losing in the 4th. His kicker and defense bailed him out.

In the SF game he did alot of his damage early and the his offense got shut down in the 2nd half....which is what ultimately cost the the game....
So we're back to stats being meaningless...

we've been over this subject ad nauseum..all im trying to do is point out the double standard fans have with schaub to show that it doesnt matter what metric we use to grade will always dislike him and put at least 2-3 others above him based on nothing more than the infallible "eye test"..
we've been over this subject ad nauseum..all im trying to do is point out the double standard fans have with schaub to show that it doesnt matter what metric we use to grade will always dislike him and put at least 2-3 others above him based on nothing more than the infallible "eye test"..
I think part of the problem is the fact those people know we passed up on the likes of Ben Roethlisberger (Dunta Robinson), Aaron Rodgers (Travis Johnson) and even Joe Flacco (traded down for Duane Brown). All three quarterbacks have won at least one Super Bowl and multiple for Big Ben.

They realize the agony that was the David Carr era and while they appreciate Matt Schaub's effort in what is now his 7th season as a Texan, I think the panic meter has grown to a sense of urgency. We want to see Matt Schaub lead us to the promise land especially while most of us would agree this team is stacked on both sides of the ball.

I think the pressure on Matt Schaub isn't quite what it is compared to what Tony Romo faces in Dallas, but it really should be because of the talent Schaub has. I'd be lying if I told you there was a team out there with more talent than the Texans. I'm not even homering. And even if I could find a few it would be a handful at best, as in five or less.

Injuries aside, there is no reason why the Texans can't win it all this year. It's Super Bowl or Bust in my eyes. I believe a lot of people feel the same way as I do.
we've been over this subject ad nauseum..all im trying to do is point out the double standard fans have with schaub to show that it doesnt matter what metric we use to grade will always dislike him and put at least 2-3 others above him based on nothing more than the infallible "eye test"..

Well said bro. How does that expression go again, something like, "haters gonna hate".

I think part of the problem is the fact those people know we passed up on the likes of Ben Roethlisberger (Dunta Robinson), Aaron Rodgers (Travis Johnson) and even Joe Flacco (traded down for Duane Brown). All three quarterbacks have won at least one Super Bowl and multiple for Big Ben.

They realize the agony that was the David Carr era and while they appreciate Matt Schaub's effort in what is now his 7th season as a Texan, I think the panic meter has grown to a sense of urgency. We want to see Matt Schaub lead us to the promise land especially while most of us would agree this team is stacked on both sides of the ball.

I think the pressure on Matt Schaub isn't quite what it is compared to what Tony Romo faces in Dallas, but it really should be because of the talent Schaub has. I'd be lying if I told you there was a team out there with more talent than the Texans. I'm not even homering. And even if I could find a few it would be a handful at best, as in five or less.

Injuries aside, there is no reason why the Texans can't win it all this year. It's Super Bowl or Bust in my eyes. I believe a lot of people feel the same way as I do.

Did those guys win Super Bowls on our team? Because it's definitely not the same thing. What if I told you that I believed Matt Schaub could win a Super Bowl on the Seahawks? It would mean nothing. Also, obviously everyone screwed up passing on ARod, but last time I checked Matt Flynn looked pretty damn good in GB too and has been replaced by nobodies (at the time) everywhere he went after. I don't want to turn this into a ARod is product of the system debate though because I believe he's one of the best regardless, just making a point about different QBs on different teams

As for Matt Ryan the biggest difference is he had monsters at every position, greatest TE of all time. One of the best WRs over the last 8 years, one of the brightest phenoms at WR coming up. And even Michael Turner (until last year) was averaging 4+ YPC and 10-17 TDs a year. This offense means you can't double ANYONE. Schaub just got his chance at this offense with Hopkins in town now opening the field for OD, Dre, and the run game. Through 2 games ( I know this is about to be a stretch ) he's on pace for 5100 yards and 48 TDs. LOL. This is the year Schaub shows he's better than Matt Ryan and everyone else minus the elite 4 (statistically of course).

With that all said, I hear you and agree, this is the year. I had us slated for AFC ship game this year, when it gets to that point just about anything can happen, hopefully Texans Super Bowl.
Well, I just think that Kubiak likes Schaub because Schaub is a "yes man." He will do whatever Kubiak says and wants and is very under "his control." Schaub doesn't try to deviate from his game plan or improvise which is what a lot of QB's have to do now days more then anything. I don't think that Kubiak trusts Schaub to do a whole lot either which bothers me, because if he is going to be your guy then why not allow him to do a little bit more on his own since he has been in this system for a long time and Schaub is a pretty seasoned vet. I think Kubiak has his plays that he likes and he doesn't really like to adapt away from it depending on who we're playing or what the system of the other team's defense is. I think that Gary has his system and he runs that system the way he plans going into a game and he won't deviate from that plan no matter what circumstances are in a game. And Schaub listens, and Gary likes that.

Now, Kaepernick and Wilson are two great talents. But would they have ever gotten a real chance if they were on this team? THere has never really been an open competition at QB for Schaub. Not that there has been hardly anyone to really compete for it until this off season, but I don't think that Gary has any care in the world to even look.

Gary would never take chances like the Harbaugh's did last yr. It's not in Gary's DNA. So to answer your question, no chance in hades of Wilson/Kap starting in Houston.

Gary not taking chances/playing favorites (Coach Joe must Go) is why the Texans will never win a Lombardi under Gary. All of the Texans need to wear their letter jackets to Sundays including BoB/Gary/Rick and Olsen need to wear them too when the team is on the road. Rah Rah LOL
Same with Schaub,

Right now the AFC championship game is only a dream for the Texans.

To be fair, we haven't been one & done. We've played two play off games both last year & the year before.

& Matt hasn't played well. Took Ryan 4 trips to get to the NFC Championship game. Took Flacco 5 trips to get to the Super Bowl, despite playing well.

Hopefully Matt will play well his second time around.
To be fair, we haven't been one & done. We've played two play off games both last year & the year before.

& Matt hasn't played well. Took Ryan 4 trips to get to the NFC Championship game. Took Flacco 5 trips to get to the Super Bowl, despite playing well.

Hopefully Matt will play well his second time around.

Thank goodness for those Bengals!

How many times can you guys discuss the same tired, stupid ****?

Good grief. Schaub is our quarterback. Kaepernick isn't. Wilson isn't. Ryan isn't.

If you want them to be your quarterback go root for San Francisco, Seattle, or Atlanta.

It's beyond beating a dead horse by this point. Every single thread devolves into this bull**** discussion about Schaub. Be more pathetic, why don't we.
How many times can you guys discuss the same tired, stupid ****?

Good grief. Schaub is our quarterback. Kaepernick isn't. Wilson isn't. Ryan isn't.

If you want them to be your quarterback go root for San Francisco, Seattle, or Atlanta.

It's beyond beating a dead horse by this point. Every single thread devolves into this bull**** discussion about Schaub. Be more pathetic, why don't we.

You were not forced to enter the thread.

It's an interesting topic and subject considering the fact that a lot of people believe that neither would be starting over Schaub. It brings up the question of how long of a leash will Schaub ultimately have and at what consequences? Maybe you think Schaub can lead us to a SB. I don't think it's impossible, but I think we'd have to win in spite of Schaub as opposed to it being because of him. I like Schaub and have defended him here and there over the last two seasons, but I can't for the life of me at this point feel like he can make big play after big play that I see SB winning QB's make on their entire run to the SB. I'd love to be wrong, but I I've seen enough to have a conclusive opinion on this matter. I just wonder how long it takes before Kubiak allows others to compete for the job.
I like Schaub and have defended him here and there over the last two seasons, but I can't for the life of me at this point feel like he can make big play after big play that I see SB winning QB's make on their entire run to the SB. I'd love to be wrong, but I I've seen enough to have a conclusive opinion on this matter. I just wonder how long it takes before Kubiak allows others to compete for the job.

What did you think of the defense giving up 41 points a second time to the Patriots?

What did you think of Arian's inability to pick up first downs, or DBrown's inability to block it for him?

Are they also on a short leash?
What did you think of the defense giving up 41 points a second time to the Patriots?

What did you think of Arian's inability to pick up first downs, or DBrown's inability to block it for him?

Are they also on a short leash?

Really off the wall questions here. Arian and Brown were both elite level players at their position. Schaub wasn't. Schaub had looked like crap ending the season and his immobility for years has hurt the team in certain situations especially last season.

Brown and Arian were the least of our problems and Arian had a pretty good playoff. Trying to compare those 3 as if they had the same value at their position is a silly question that I am not surprised you of all people would attempt to ask.
You were not forced to enter the thread.

It's an interesting topic and subject considering the fact that a lot of people believe that neither would be starting over Schaub. It brings up the question of how long of a leash will Schaub ultimately have and at what consequences? Maybe you think Schaub can lead us to a SB. I don't think it's impossible, but I think we'd have to win in spite of Schaub as opposed to it being because of him. I like Schaub and have defended him here and there over the last two seasons, but I can't for the life of me at this point feel like he can make big play after big play that I see SB winning QB's make on their entire run to the SB. I'd love to be wrong, but I I've seen enough to have a conclusive opinion on this matter. I just wonder how long it takes before Kubiak allows others to compete for the job.
I agree, i cant see him willing us single-handedly to the super bowl....that kind of stuff is reserved for the elite and i think everyone agrees he's not elite, despite what Solomon Wilcots may think..:ahhaha:

what i dont understand however is why does it have to be one or the other in regards to the bolded in your post with most fans? Why does everyone think its so far fetched for him to get us to a super bowl by simply pulling his own weight, relying on the rest of his team to handle their business while he makes his share of plays here and there when he's called upon? This is something i can easily see him being able to do b/c if for no other reason, this is how we're built as a team; we simply dont ask our Qb to do alot. Furthermore we're not going to get to a super bowl anyway if every faucet of this team isn't on point anyway.

Noone has a problem with our run 1st philosophy where we dont rely on the qb to do too much.....until it fails, then everyone expects Schaub to come in and save the day...each time he fails, they put the blame solely on him instead of looking at the reasons why we had to depart from our philosophy in the 1st place. The reality of it is is that super bowls largely are won by those teams who can best stay within their philosophy. And when we're clicking on all cylinders, we're we're running the ball well and eating clock....that doesnt require a whole lot from Schaub. All i'm really saying is that you cant really blame a guy for coming up short sometimes when he's forced to perform in a manner that he's not normally asked to perform.
Really off the wall questions here. Arian and Brown were both elite level players at their position. Schaub wasn't. Schaub had looked like crap ending the season and his immobility for years has hurt the team in certain situations especially last season.

Brown and Arian were the least of our problems and Arian had a pretty good playoff. Trying to compare those 3 as if they had the same value at their position is a silly question that I am not surprised you of all people would attempt to ask.

Silly me. I thought "everyone" was complaining about Arian falling down with minimal contact & his 4.4 & 4.1 ypc in the play offs is nice, it's not elite.

Schaub had a 90.6 passer rating, 66% completion, 343 yards & 2 TDs... not elite, but better than a 4.1 ypc day by a running back.

We needed Arian to have a great day, we needed the defense to have a great day, we needed Schaub to have a great day... none of that happened.
If either of those QB's were in a Texans uniform they would absolutely, without a doubt be starting. Matt doesn't have 50% of the talent of either of those two. Easy question, easy answer.
Interesting to review the comments in this thread headed into week 5 now.

A lot of really naive posters in here obviously.

I think we all know the answer to the initial question in this thread at this point which should say a lot about the HC of this organization.
Interesting to review the comments in this thread headed into week 5 now.

A lot of really naive posters in here obviously.

I think we all know the answer to the initial question in this thread at this point which should say a lot about the HC of this organization.
Tex.... I love ya but dude...

  1. You refuse to acknowledge Kubiak has helped coach successful, mobile QBs before in Young, Elway, and Jake Plummer. So to say he's never made use of a mobile QB is bogus.
  2. You refuse to acknowledge that context is everything in this discussion because Kaepernick and Wilson were hand picked by the head coaches that decided to start them over the guy they inherited from the previous administration. So having Kaepernick or Wilson magically appear on the Texans' roster is not an apples-to-apples comparison.
  3. You refuse to acknowledge that both Kaepernick and Wilson were drafted higher, by at least two rounds, than any QB the Smithiak regime has ever drafted. When has Smithiak spent a 2nd or 3rd on someone they didn't expect to start - maybe not right away but within a year or two?? So to infer that a QB drafted as high as those guys were draft and yet wouldn't get a fair shot to start flies in the face of Smithiak history.
So who's really being stubborn?
Tex.... I love ya but dude...

  1. You refuse to acknowledge Kubiak has helped coach successful, mobile QBs before in Young, Elway, and Jake Plummer. So to say he's never made use of a mobile QB is bogus.
  2. You refuse to acknowledge that context is everything in this discussion because Kaepernick and Wilson were hand picked by the head coaches that decided to start them over the guy they inherited from the previous administration. So having Kaepernick or Wilson magically appear on the Texans' roster is not an apples-to-apples comparison.
  3. You refuse to acknowledge that both Kaepernick and Wilson were drafted higher, by at least two rounds, than any QB the Smithiak regime has ever drafted. When has Smithiak spent a 2nd or 3rd on someone they didn't expect to start - maybe not right away but within a year or two?? So to infer that a QB drafted as high as those guys were draft and yet wouldn't get a fair shot to start flies in the face of Smithiak history.
So who's really being stubborn?

With Kubiak, Wilson & Kaepernick would probably have really great careers. As it is now, I'd wait 'till year three to say one way or the other. They're both being asked to "grow" a little this year, so we'll see what that gets them.

I remember when Stafford & Bradford were "the bomb"
With Kubiak, Wilson & Kaepernick would probably have really great careers. As it is now, I'd wait 'till year three to say one way or the other. They're both being asked to "grow" a little this year, so we'll see what that gets them.

I remember when Stafford & Bradford were "the bomb"
I've lost count of how many highly touted, highly drafted QB's have bombed.

I think that Carroll showed 2XL balls by starting Wilson over Flynn. I thought Harbaugh was crazy to bench Smith for Kaepernik. Both decisions worked last year, but Kaepernik is stinking it up this year. Wilson looked like flea crap for 3 quarters against us last week.

I applaud Carroll's willingness to back the guy he thought was the better QB. I think Harbaugh made a poor decision. I bet he would love to have Smith back. Of course, the 49's haven't played the Texans yet. Kap will probably look like the 2nd Coming tomorrow night.
I think Harbaugh made a poor decision. I bet he would love to have Smith back. Of course, the 49's haven't played the Texans yet. Kap will probably look like the 2nd Coming tomorrow night.

I bet Harbaugh wishes he played three of the biggest losers from 2012 & one shell of a 9-7 team more than he wants Kaepernick back. So far, they've only lost to play-off teams.
Tex.... I love ya but dude...

  1. You refuse to acknowledge Kubiak has helped coach successful, mobile QBs before in Young, Elway, and Jake Plummer. So to say he's never made use of a mobile QB is bogus.
  2. You refuse to acknowledge that context is everything in this discussion because Kaepernick and Wilson were hand picked by the head coaches that decided to start them over the guy they inherited from the previous administration. So having Kaepernick or Wilson magically appear on the Texans' roster is not an apples-to-apples comparison.
  3. You refuse to acknowledge that both Kaepernick and Wilson were drafted higher, by at least two rounds, than any QB the Smithiak regime has ever drafted. When has Smithiak spent a 2nd or 3rd on someone they didn't expect to start - maybe not right away but within a year or two?? So to infer that a QB drafted as high as those guys were draft and yet wouldn't get a fair shot to start flies in the face of Smithiak history.
So who's really being stubborn?

Bingo bango, msr.
i bet harbaugh wishes he played three of the biggest losers from 2012 & one shell of a 9-7 team more than he wants smith back. So far, they've only lost to play-off teams.
fify. And I hope that trend continues tonight.
Tex.... I love ya but dude...

  1. You refuse to acknowledge Kubiak has helped coach successful, mobile QBs before in Young, Elway, and Jake Plummer. So to say he's never made use of a mobile QB is bogus.

  1. Spare me with the trivial BS that Kubiak helped Elway. He didn't help Elway to do anything. You guys that hang onto this Denver mirage has just gotten sad at this point. Elway had been to 3 SB's in his early years with Reeves while Kubiak was a stinking backup then he became a guy on the coaching staff later. Elway had been a great QB way before Kubiak ever stepped in to do anything under Shanahan. I never once stated that Kubiak "wouldn't" make use of a mobile QB either way, so I have no idea why you are using that to make a point when that hasn't been argued. But enough with this crap about Kubiak somehow helping Elway.

    [*] You refuse to acknowledge that context is everything in this discussion because Kaepernick and Wilson were hand picked by the head coaches that decided to start them over the guy they inherited from the previous administration. So having Kaepernick or Wilson magically appear on the Texans' roster is not an apples-to-apples comparison.

    Stop trying to dodge the question. YOu want to reverse things around as if the situation can't be discussed. Well it can. The idea is that if there was a very talented QB on this roster with a lot of potential, would Kubiak even consider the guy? Based on his history here and and the current situation, well it goes without saying that he wouldn't. He sees no problems nor any issues with Schaub and he can't even make himself believe that we could possibly be a better team without trying something else. But it doesn't really matter, because as long as Kubiak is coaching here in a Texans uniform, you are always going to be one of his typical supporters that thinks he can do no wrong as a coach despite the same problems he brings to this team as a HC. Biggest one right now is his typical blind loyalty to Schaub that will ultimately hold this team if it even can make the playoffs this season.

Spare me with the trivial BS that Kubiak helped Elway. He didn't help Elway to do anything. You guys that hang onto this Denver mirage has just gotten sad at this point. Elway had been to 3 SB's in his early years with Reeves while Kubiak was a stinking backup then he became a guy on the coaching staff later. Elway had been a great QB way before Kubiak ever stepped in to do anything under Shanahan.

Remember this guy?


Very talented race car driver. Drive the wheels off anything. But it wasn't until he hooked up with this guy


That he was able to do something really special

Remember this guy?


Very talented race car driver. Drive the wheels off anything. But it wasn't until he hooked up with this guy


That he was able to do something really special

Remember that is a movie not real life. :kitten:
Remember that is a movie not real life. :kitten:

I'm ready to conclude that they would not be. Gary does not abandon his guys. He plays them whether they suck or not and nobody is going to tell him otherwise. The only way either of those people (Kaepernick or Wilson) make it to the Texans is if they fall to the 5th round and then neither one ever gets a serious shot at playing because Gary loves Matt. It's a simple as that.
I'm ready to conclude that they would not be. Gary does not abandon his guys. He plays them whether they suck or not and nobody is going to tell him otherwise. The only way either of those people (Kaepernick or Wilson) make it to the Texans is if they fall to the 5th round and then neither one ever gets a serious shot at playing because Gary loves Matt. It's a simple as that.

That was sort of the point of this thread. It's the fact that Gary has always had this horrible loyalty to players unlike a lot of other coaches. His loyaly to his system, certain players, and his philosophy all together continually hurts this team whether we're a playoff caliber team or a bottom feeder. The common denominator is always this same ole old school mentality of coaching where Kubiak refuses to adjust to today's NFL, and his current team he has on his hands. I saw the signs with this guy in year two and no matter how much I want to trust this guy's knowledge he always proves to me that he learns nothing from previous seasons and failures from the past that have held this team back. He is stuck in his old ways and refuses to adapt to who he plays and never abandons his textbook style of coaching no matter what the current outlook of his team is.