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Hulk75 Lives

The funniest part about that clip is Carr talking about the timing being a little off during a clip of him hurling the ball 15 yards over his receiver's head and then saying "we'll get better". Typical Carr though ... smiling after a loss without a care in the world. Good riddance.
that was a heck of a pass. Carr seems to throw one to the water boy at least once a game...I was talking to Herv earlier and told him the only time I've seen anyone wear a hat like that they were also carrying a miniature chihuahua in a small jewel encrusted designer pouch.
that was a heck of a pass. Carr seems to throw one to the water boy at least once a game...I was talking to Herv earlier and told him the only time I've seen anyone wear a hat like that they were also carrying a miniature chihuahua in a small jewel encrusted designer pouch.

I can see the Paris Hilton angle but I was thinking more along the lines of Jamiroquai. The only thing that seperates the two in my eyes is that Jamiroquai has talent
As a "troll" i always think it is funny when a player like Carr leaves a team. I mean I have run sooo much smack about that guy. I lost an entire arsenal.




As a "troll" i always think it is funny when a player like Carr leaves a team. I mean I have run sooo much smack about that guy. I lost an entire arsenal.





This, my fellow Texans, is a fantastic look into the mind of a Tennessean, in virtual action. Backwoods, cutting edge, old fashioned, internet savvy, toothless and the love of words that rhyme with dumping, especially when certain genders are involved, is the stain that the brain of the Possum must negotiate. :pirate: