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Holy Schmokes!! Ricky Williams Retired

keyfro said:
this would be a time for miami to call up st. louis...and try to find a way to trade for steven jackson...i know he was st. louis's number one but they don't need him and he's already upset people there by not showing up...a trade to miami for next year's number one and number three sounds like a good trade
The Rams arent trading Jackson for a couple reasons: 1) Faulk is old and missed half of last season and Jackson would be a great replacement 2) Faulk could retire after this season or the next and Jackson would be ready to go 3) If the Dolphins get Jackson the pick would be in the mid 20s so the Rams couldnt get someone to replace Faulk that is has good as Jackson
I love Ricky Williams. Have for a long time. I was thrilled when he was traded to the Dolphins because I can't stand the Saints coach and I thought that it was a bad fit, even when Ditka was there. I loved that he and Priest were tearing up the league at the same time. I enjoy that he is so odd.

With that said, for someone who just a month ago was cheerleading his teammates about dedication and focus, this is REALLY odd. I understand about the drug tests. But the guy sounds like someone who went on summer vacation and just doesn't want to go back to school.

I'm all for free spirits and doing what's right for yourself, but when you make a commitment, you make it. I just graduated two months ago, and my grades tanked terribly my last semester because I was trying to graduate and trying to finish my job at the same time. I wanted to quit my job, but I made a three-year commitment and would have never left my boss in the lurch. Yes, we have the right to be free, but we also have responsibilities in life. And his job is like any. There's a right time and a wrong time to walk away. This was the wrong time.

I hope Dave can talk him out of it. Or I at least hope Ricky can show up at Dave's office and have a face-to-face talk. This is incredibly irresponsible.
If Ricky leaving (I'm telling ya, he's going to Amsterdam) means Wannstedt is leaving, then Ricky could be doing the Dolphins a big favor in the long term.

The only times I've previously visited the Dolphins message board were before and after their loss to the Texans last year. Both times I came away impressed with the knowledge and attitude of their fan base. Today I'm seeing more of the same. Day 1 and some of them are already past Stage 1, which is denial.
We ALL KNEW Ricky was a risk when we brought him in. We should feel fortunate that we got 2 great years out of the guy. He came here he ran hard, he produced he did what was asked of him for AS LONG AS HE WANTED TO.

I keep hearing this "responsiblity" crap. Just what exactly does he owe us or our organization? How is he "responsible" for anything but his own life? This team banked on him, paid a pretty penny to bring him in, THEY built the team around HIM, not the other way around. The FO misplaced their trust on a player that was a gamble in the beginning and now we all have to pay a price for it. They built the team around ricky, something he never asked for. He never asked for more carries..hell he was happy with Minor as the 3rd round back. The FO rested on it's laurels and tried to have him carry the team. Instead of investing heavily in potent offensive WEAPONS and hungerly pursuing a franchise QB over the last few years. THEY banked on Ricky. I think Feeley has what it takes but i severly question his effectiveness without Ricky's running game. Something that would not be a problem had they secured a franchise QB BEFORE Marino retired. Same damn story as when Dan retired. The FO built the team around ONE guy never planning for the future and they scrammbled to fix it when he left. THEIR problem not his.

Ricky is a rich man, he doesn't owe us a damn thing. "we embraced him, we loved him"....well if Ricky ever did say something right it was that he was figuing out who his TRUE fans were. It's not the fairweather fans that stand by a player when he's good and then push him out the door as he approaches old age. The fact is Ricky has given WAY more to this franchise than they've given back. He's carried it for two years, HE has been the franchise player selling thousands of tickets just to see him, selling merchandise and bringing new fans to the team (those fans will leave now btw but i'll still be here). He's given them their due, now let him take his. "but people paid money to see him play this year" yeah, obviously they did so in effect he's sold THREE years worth of tickets while only taking 2 years in salary. He doesn't owe those fans a thing, he could be sick, injured, or suspended and not play those games. Fans that buy tickets to see a single player rather than a game are foolish to do so in the first place.

people are taking this WAY too damn personally. He made a PERSONAL decision to leave the GAME of football. That's it, he's a player that left a GAME. We knew he was different so just let him be. He doesn't like the spotlight yet he stood in it for a few years for us. If anything WE owe HIM the understanding to let him walk. And YES it is bad timing and he will be sorely missed. but I'm not going to get Rabidly made and slew his name. This is obviously something that came out after his trip to Australia. Do you people that say "I give 2 weeks notice" REALLY think that 2 weeks notice would have made a difference? We could have had over the hill Eddie thanks. We have Minor, we'll make do and rebuild. Let him leave and wish him luck.

I've never been a Dolphins fan, but I may be becoming a Dolphins fan fan.

One is left to wonder how the Jags fans would react if Fred Taylor suddenly decided to join the Peace Corps.
jacquescas said:
A dissapointment? maybe by a fans perspective. y.

How about from his teammates' perspective. If he was going to do this he should have done it in January so the Dolphins would have had time to go to plan B. Kinda tough to do in late July. My guess is his teammates are not going to throw a party for him.
Some say Ricky marches to a different drummer, but to quote a writer "He not only marches to a different drummer, he marches to a completly different philarmonic orchestra!". _V_ touched on what I think is the real underlying reason. He has stated that people should not be told what to do (ie. Obey Laws) and so he wants to go and do weed as much as he wants to and watch sunsets or what ever. To much money, to little sense of responsibility and commitment, basically it is a thing that someone who has never grown up and accepts responsibility does.
Well, Ricky tested positive back in May for using weed, and would have been fined at the least. By retiring, I think he avoids that fine, but possibly also frees himself to stay out for a year or two and then come back to sign with the team he wants.
The Dolphins' best approach, though, is to try to talk Williams out of retirement or force his hand financially.

When the Dolphins acquired Williams in a trade from the Saints, they did pick up the contract and the right to sue him if he quits early. The Saints gave him an initial signing bonus of $8.843 million, and even though the Dolphins didn't have to pay the Saints for a portion of the bonus, they do have the ability to sue for him to fulfill the contract.

If successful, the Dolphins would get a $3.3 million repayment for failure to perform. Williams is signed through 2006 and would owe the Dolphins three years.
the article at
If I were the 'Fins, I'd be suing him. If he wanted to quit, fine, but this is a business and there are consequences for being a quitter. If he had at least told Wannstedt a few months ago that he was considering it, that wouldve been something. But to be pondering this for so long and then to surprise your head coach and whole team a week before training camp is ridiculous...
Sounds like someone needs a running back really bad to me. I wonder if the Dolphins would be interested in Tony Hollings for a 1?

Idle curiosity really. I don't want to see Tony go anywhere just yet but I'd be tempted if they came calling in deperation.

Also I wonder if this means Stacy Mack might get another chance to try and prove he's a full time running back. If he's healthy now and still out there then the Dolphins might take a look at him.
IMO, Mack will probably be getting a call this week. He seems to be about the only back out there that's under thirty that's available.
Well as far as Ricky's responsibility to the team is concerned I think people are overating it. The NFL is a business. Yes I know we hear that cliche all the time, but it doesn't just apply to a team jettisoning a longtime fan favorite cause he hits the wrong side of 30 for salary cap reasons (ie. George, Smith). Ricky's situation isn't unlike what a few ''ers were faced with several years ago. They made loads of money in a business they didn't care much for, so they took the money and pursued other interests. It's hard to relate, but if you didn't enjoy the job you had and you had the means to pursue whatever passion you wanted to in your life .... would you? I think many of us would. Ricky had planned to retire after this season anyway, and I'm unaware if he informed the Dolphins. However, Miami had to have known the situation they were getting themselves into. They based their entire team on one unpredictable guy. Ricky has been there for 2 years. It's not like the Dolphins didn't have time to add more playmakers on offense. I don't see how his marijuana use would effect his NFL career. LeBetard has said that Ricky regularly uses it, and has done so for awhile. He past drug tests by drinking a gallon of what I am guessing is a body toxin cleanser or something of that sort. If that really was the underlying reason for his retirement why now if hes been doing it for some time? He's passed previous tests, and I see no reason for him not being able to pass other ones. My last point concerns his teamates. Sure, I'm sure they are dejected and angry at Ricky. However, Ricky wasn't a social guy, and wasn't well liked by his teamates. I believe that Minor was the only teamate he even talked to while working out. If his teamates are angry then they need to direct their anger in a more deserving direction ... Dolphins Management. Considering that they were unable to locate him when he was on a trip in Europe you would think that they'd try and keep a close tab on him by now. However, they still didn't. The star of you're team should deem more attention from management than Ricky did. Especially considering how unpredictable he is. That is, after all, one of the reasons why New Orleans traded him to Miami. It just seems odd that the Dolphins were concerned about having a 'Plan B' if Ricky was to get injured this season, but never actually took the steps to pursue depth to ensure it's effectiveness. They got Sammy Morris. Someone they saw when he was with the Bills last year, and he was anything but effective. It's a very odd situation, granted, but blame can't be placed solely on Ricky. There is plenty of it to go around.
True, it would be a risk. Davis hasn't played a complete season without injury in what? Forever? I'd still be tempted though.

If it works out then great and Davis comes through plus I have another 1 to work with next season.

If it doesn't work out then that's a shame but hey, it's still 2004 and I've got an extra 1 to work with next season. Come 2005 I'm back to drafting myself another young back to take the job away from Domanick.

There aren't any "knowns" here. Nobody knows if Hollings will (or won't) work out. Nobody knows if Davis is going to be hell on wheels next year or a one hit wonder. Taking their 1 for Hollings would be one of those deals where in three years you find out if you were a fool to do it or brilliant. Knowing what little I do from my fan perspective I'd think about it and maybe go for it.
If the Dolphins do try and make a trade for another RB they will be in a very difficult situation. Given their handling of the Feely deal with Philadelphia I wouldn't put it past them to make yet another horrible deal in a desperate attempt to put a respectable team on the field this season. I doubt they'd try to get Hollings, but they might go after another solid #2 back in the NFL. They're at an extreme disadvantage since the entire NFL knows of what a desperate situation they're in, and they can use it to get more than they should in return.
__V__ said:
Also, you guys totally overvalue Davis imo.

Oh and I do not overvalue Davis. I agree he's generally "overvalued" around here and that I've got high hopes but at heart I'm pretty realistic about him. It was a thousand yard season. Nice to see and after Allen/Wells it looked like the second coming of Jim Brown to us but a lot of guys who never made a lick of difference have generated a grand in a season since it went to 16 games.

If Davis improves upon it by averaging more yards per game, not just more yards overall because he plays in more games and making a real difference in the final outcome then I'll be getting real high on him. At present though he's accomplished nothing that James Allen didn't do with the Bears.
Just a thought. What about William Green from the Browns? They do have Lee Suggs in the backfield too afterall. It could be the answer for the Dolphins this season. I heard someone mention on ESPNews that James might want to relocated back to Miami after this season with the Colts. Just something to think about. :hmmm:
texasguy346 said:
Just a thought. What about William Green from the Browns? It could be the answer for this season. I heard someone mention on ESPNews that James might want to relocated back to Miami after this season with the Colts. Just something to think about. :hmmm:
I could see Green going there but the Browns would have to settle for a 2nd because there is no way the Dolphins give up a 1st for him.

And the Colts have to choose after this season if they want James or Harrision??? I'd take Harrision, so James might be the odd man out....
ogenleye is trade bait has been this entire offseason...the dolphins just didn't need anything til now...i could see a ogenleye for thomas trade coming very soon...along with the team signing mack...let's face it...go into training camp with thomas, mack, minor, and morris then cut the odd man's not ricky williams but you get the job done like they did up in phili this past year

having thomas be your starter...mack in short yards...and minor for change of pace
Ok...I am a Longhorn so my view on this is probably different than a lot of y'alls! :)

I love Ricky...he is a great RB and a great person. I have had the opportunity to get to know him over the last few years. He does a lot for the University as well as many charities.

Yes, Ricky has some personal problems.....don't we all!?!

I will be honest here...I have smoked pot what?!?!

I wish him nothing but the best!! If you want to retire are entitled. It is your life and noone elses!!! God Bless and Good Luck!!
Who has the better record this year, us or the Dolphins???
I still say the Dolphins because of there defense but they dont have a good RB and that will allow defenses to pay more attention to Chambers and Boston. But they are playing in a division with the defending champs, a good Bills team, and a Jets team with there best QB back. But you can say that we too play in a tough division. It will be intresting to see...
Well first off, it is not Ricky's fault for the Dolphins' Brass not planning ahead. I mean Dave Wann could have figured this one out, "We give RW the ball 30-40 times a game, and all we have to fill in if he goes down is a proto-typical 3rd down back.... if something happens to Ricky, we should be ready".

So what do the Dolphins do??

Rd Sel# Player Pos. Ht. Wt. School
1 19 Carey, Vernon G 6-4 363 Miami (Fla.)
4 102 Poole, Will CB 5-10 193 Southern California
5 160 Bua, Tony SS 5-11 218 Arkansas
6 174 Hadnot, Rex C 6-2 323 Houston
7 221 Pape, Tony G 6-6 323 Michigan
7 222 Pope, Derrick ILB 6-1 226 Alabama

--makes sense, right?

Secondly, I do not feel he had to give anyone a heads up on his decision. Do you honestly think teams give players a notice to being fired? They just cut them, of course the info is usually leaked to the media three days prior so I guess they do know it is coming.

Third, if Ricky wants to chill out in Jamaica and smoke herbs, it is his business. He made his money and now he can do what he wants.

Fourth, yes the Saints gave up the 99 draft, but they did get a 1st in 2002 & 3rd in 2003 of Ricky's trade to a more crucial time in their development towards a playoff team.

---- 2002 #25 pick - Charles Grant (DE) UGA
-----2003 #86 pick - Cie Grant (MLB) Ohio ST

What would you rather Ricky do, go out while he is at the top of his game, or do the Emmitt thing??

Which one looks more ridiculous?

People gave Robert Smith crap for retiring "early", these guys are doing the smart thing...retiring while they can still have a promising future --the ability to walk without pain or being hopped up on pain killers!

I think Ricky is a man that knows how to make responsible decisions (less the wedding dress thing). He is being the one thing that most people will never be...himself! He does not choose to run with the crowds nor does he choose to conform.

Say what you will, but you must commend him for his individuality and should not condemn him for his decision to retire.
MikeMc said:
Well first off, it is not Ricky's fault for the Dolphins' Brass not planning ahead.
I guess the Dolphins should've consulted Miss Cleo? :confused:

If you factor in Ricky's somewhat, shall we say "temperamental" attitude, it makes a little more sense NOT to spend your 1st / 2nd rounder on an RB. What if Ricky gets upset and thinks you're actively trying to replace him? So, you don't pick up an RB till the later rounds and end up with no better choices than you've got right now..(if you're Fins mgmt.)

Ricky brought this anger & resentment down on himself, no one "forced" him to make this decision THIS LATE! He has the right to do so, and the fans have the right to be p.o.'d about it.

Personally, I think it can only help the less quality running back to face in the AFC!
It's his life and I commend him for doing what he feels is right for himself. It's too bad it has to be bad news for so many people on his team but they'll move on, find somebody else and the sun will still come up tomorrow.
Oh my gosh...please say it isn't so...I actually AGREE with something that MikeMc thinks.......

I NEVER thought I would see this day! idonno:
Just wondering; if David Carr were to retire tomorrow because his heart was no longer in it would some of these responses be the same? I personally don't care if Ricky plays or not, but i do question the timing.

As it was said earlier thats one less AFC running back we have to worry about.
You wanna know what the worse thing is? It isnt the fact that he left right before the season began, it isnt the fact that he left the Dolphins with little time to aquire a replacement. But the worse thing is that basically, the retired so he could, and i quote, " Smoke a joint whenever I want." He retired for WEED!
Obviously this is a pisser for any Dolphin fans out there. Yes, you can get into how many years he has left and what a WASTE it is to throw away such talent, but really is it such a waste? He's done what he wanted and what he was interested in and is now moving on.

I think we, the people who don't play sports professionally look at it in a sort of romamticized light. "WOW, wouldn't it great to play a game for a living?!?!".
Just like anything else as a job it has to get monotonous at times, the money is great but I don't know how great it would be to get run over by 250-300 pound monsters every Sunday.

I say better to get out while you are ahead rather than stick around and become some broken down has been.
keyfro said:
espn's website says they wonder if it's like robert smith and drugs being the doesn't seem like ricky to be into drugs but who knows

I don't remember drugs being the reason Smith retired. The guy wasn't a football player, he was "a guy who plays football". He is one of the smartest guys to ever play in the NFL. He is a science geek. He is always saying that our society puts too much emphasis on sports. He doesn't like the idea of athletes being role models. I actually agree with him.
SassyTexan said:
Why the sudden urge to travel to Asia?... voices in his head calling? :hmmm:
I also think he is one strange cat.
What bad timing. Dave Wannstedt will be pulling all of his hair out now!

This is obvious. He has decided to become an insurgent in Iraq. What the !!??
What's with all the arguing over Ricky retiring? Isn't Florida a "Right-to-work" State? How many of you have quit your job without letting someone know (2 week notice), or better yet, how many of you were still working at a job while you were actively trying to find a new one?

Why is it that so many "fans" have a double standard towards athletes? I mean, you want them to be treated like the "common person" when they get into trouble, but they must be put on some different level while in their "pro-life" because we all enjoy their contributions. Be consistent with what you want!
I believe Robert Smith quit to go to medical school. I was never under the impression it had anything to do with drugs.
Well y'all, after seeing Earl Campbell's attempt to walk out on stage during the Super Bowl's opening ceremony, I have no comment about anyone in the same profession deciding when it's time to retire.
__V__ said:
Heck, Eddie George was on the table last week. Now the Dolphins missed out on all the reasonably decent options to replace him.

I pause for a moment of silence.
good thing I used the #9 pick on him this past week in my fantasy football. I was on vacation over the weekend, and someone else got minor in FA before I could get a chance. Well, 15 bucks down the drain.
Well V, I guess not every team shows the forthcoming as the Texans do when it comes to player replacement.

e.g., if Stacy Mack does not pan out, Texans draft Dominick Davis in the Draft..... Stacy Mack indeed does not pan out, and Davis replaces Mack in a very outstanding way.

----- Tony Banks is signed in the event Carr goes down. I believe Banks went 2-1 last year (3-1 if you count him coming off the bench to beat Buffalo) with his only loss coming against the Super Bowl winning Patriots in an OT nail biter!

So now you say that it is Ricky's fault for the Dolphins brass being unprepared? I said earlier, Dave Wannstedt should know that he needs a very capable back to replace Ricky in the event that those 400 carries per season catch up to him.

It's not Ricky's fault that so many DUMB owners, GMs & HCs put so much faith in him. What happened to the old adage "No one player can win takes the whole team working together"? Seems like the Patriots have this "team concept" figured out!
No not really, it is you and others like you that keep saying "he let his team down because of the timing of his retirement". No, maybe his HC, GM or Owner let the team down because they were not prepared for the day that Ricky was gone.

And yes, to many Dolphins' fans and those that know. Miami was basically the Defense and Ricky! You don't give an Offensive player the ball 400-500 times a year without some indication that he is "the man" on the Offense.

Look who they have...Sammy Morris, Rob Konrad and Travis Minor. You mean to tell me that there was not a "capable back" in the 4th round or beyond?

RBs taken in the Draft that Miami could have had (4th rd to 7th round....that were drafted):

4th #119 - Mewelde Moore (MIN)
4th #128 - Cedric Cobbs (NE)
5th #154 - Michael Turner (SD)
6th #191 - Troy Fleming (TEN)
7th #208 - Adimch Echemandu (CLE)
7th #219 - Quincy Wilson (ATL)
7th #235 - Derrick Ward (NYJ)
7th #242 - Bruce Perry (PHI)
7th #247 - Brandon Miree (DEN)

Notice that almost all of those players are on teams that are in a similar RB situation as MIA.... they rely heavily on the RB for their offensive success. See SD especially! Power Running game with one back responsible for the bulk of the offensive production, young RB at that. SD knew what to do, but MIA did not?

I guess David Boston & AJ Feeley will bring the Dolphins full circle to the Marino days! What does Wannstedt know about passing the ball....he is a D & running game coach. I guess he will be out soon.
I don't understand the "expecting them to be psychic" model of analysis either! Especially when you consider tidbits like these.... :crazy:

From Pat Kirwan's article on

What's even more strange is that a few weeks ago, Wannstedt held a team meeting for veterans, and Williams was one of the guys who stood up and spoke passionately about how they all needed to dig deep to get to the next level.

Read the whole article here..
__V__ said:
Just another reason not to draft early in serious leagues.

Since I play in a few leagues, I tend to try to have my drafts spread out and find that the early leagues have more trading and interaction that lasts throughtout the season as people react to the injuries and position battles.

Of course, my earliest league drafted like July 31 last year and included

Vick, Bledsoe, Carr, Faulk, Moulds and William Green which looked really good at draft time a turned out to be my only disaster of a team. :hmmm:
disaacks3 said:
I don't understand the "expecting them to be psychic" model of analysis either! Especially when you consider tidbits like these.... :crazy:

From Pat Kirwan's article on

What's even more strange is that a few weeks ago, Wannstedt held a team meeting for veterans, and Williams was one of the guys who stood up and spoke passionately about how they all needed to dig deep to get to the next level.

Read the whole article here..

Whats not to understand, Ricky Williams would rather smoke the sticky icky than play professional football for the Dolphins. There are no guaranteed contracts, he could get lit up tommorrow trying to carry this "team" they put together and have more in common with Earl than he already has and they don't have to give him squat. They clearly are not concerned with his health or they would have developed a passing game over the off-season to help out. Why should he care?
The notion that the Dolphins were supposed to be mind readers and have another elite back just waiting in the wings is downright silly. Players of or near Williams's calibur don't grow on trees. There are only a handful of elite RB's in this world, and he happened to be one. If Ricky cares more about smoking the ganja than smoking lb's in the flat, that's his business. But to do that one week before camp opens, leaving the Fins no real alternative is classless. That somehow the Dolphins should have been prepared for this makes me lol:
You guys can keep spouting off your double standard treatment of athletes (professional that is).

Why no comment towards my Banks filling in for Carr?

I doubt anyone thinks Tony Banks is an elite NFL QB that was able to fill in for David Carr (and perfrom very well).

I'm not saying the Fins needed a Deuce McAllister waiting in RWs place, but someone they felt could fill in adequately if something happened to Ricky, be it major career threatening injury or leaving the team, or fill in the blank.

I have not said anything to the effect of the Dolphins needed to be psychic....I did say they needed to be well prepared in the case of anything happening. They seem to have addressed the QB situation nicely over the past few years. Did they just feel that confident that nothing would ever happen to Ricky? So much so that they failed to find an ADEQUATE replacement in the slight chance that he go down?

Keep saying what he did was classless......this is business, not a game. He can do whatever he wants to, just as the management can. Hell we are talking about a sport where noone (owners or players) honor their contracts. How is this any different? Because it is a week before camp? Hell, at least he gave them a week to figure out what to do.

Get off his back. I don't believe there was this much "outcry" in disgust of a player's actions when the T.O. "trade" dibacle happened!
Get off his back? LOL. The guy signed a contract. He came to all of the offseason programs. He gave every indication he planned on being there, until it was too late for the Fins to make a legit recovery, and we should "get off his back". You have to be kidding me. You need to get in the real world. If you have a team, any team, the team usually relies on its best "players" ie, empoyee's. If that employee signed a 4 yr contract, would you expect the company to then recruit, at great expense, someone to wait in the wings to replace the best employee on the team, just in case the bus runs him over on the way to work, or he decides he would rather go smoke wacky weed all over the world? Get real.
I don't know if this has been brought up, but there has been a rumor floating around that Ricky told his buddy Travis Minor about retiring much earlier than he did the team. It's said that Ricky waited to inform the Fins until the top RB's, like Eddie George, were off the market so Minor would have the best opportunity to win the starting RB gig. Only those guys know if it's true or not, be it would help explain why Ricky waited so late in the summer to call it quits.