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Has anyone heard any updates on Dylan Horton?

AbM set it up on a tee for this. Was it intentional?

im old man. Grew up in the 60s and 70s. Horton hears a who is old school children’s story stuff. Do todays kids even know about Horton or some of these other children’s fables? I remember my Mom reading the story about the kids that knocked on the wrong door, and ended up being cooked in a cauldron. Fun times. Now days, parents would probably call that child abuse and cover their ears and eyes lol.
I remember my Mom reading the story about the kids that knocked on the wrong door, and ended up being cooked in a cauldron.
But do you remember the kids name and who cooked them and where they were?
But do you remember the kids name and who cooked them and where they were?

Hansel and Gretel. The rest of the story is a bit vague in my mind. They got lost and ended up at a witches cabin? She invites them in for dinner. They just didn’t know that they were the dinner. Is that close?
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im old man. Grew up in the 60s and 70s. Horton hears a who is old school children’s story stuff. Do todays kids even know about Horton or some of these other children’s fables? I remember my Mom reading the story about the kids that knocked on the wrong door, and ended up being cooked in a cauldron. Fun times. Now days, parents would probably call that child abuse and cover their ears and eyes lol.
Maybe not put in a cauldron, however today people knock on doors and get shot.
I think that was reported from the start. When Horton returns, he returns. Don't see the need for speculation here.
Speculation is what people do. I'm sure you have not forgotten the Deshaun Watson threads that still continue today?
Speculation is what people do. I'm sure you have not forgotten the Deshaun Watson threads that still continue today?

@badboy , that's different from speculating about a man's mental health? Don't you think?

Having issues quoting messages, again.
Speculation is what people do. I'm sure you have not forgotten the Deshaun Watson threads that still continue today?
No speculation around these parts

He's a POS, may even more women come forward. You seem to want everybody to forget about this. I hope that thread goes on for as long as he's in the NFL.
No speculation around these parts

He's a POS, may even more women come forward. You seem to want everybody to forget about this. I hope that thread goes on for as long as he's in the NFL.
I do. I’m tired of spending my energy on him. I’m going to hope that justice is served but I’m going to spend -my- time going forward on something else. Don’t forget… he also hurt us. Letting go is part of healing for me.
I do. I’m tired of spending my energy on him. I’m going to hope that justice is served but I’m going to spend -my- time going forward on something else. Don’t forget… he also hurt us. Letting go is part of healing for me.
To each their own. I believe everyday his character needs to be besmirched. Never let him off of the hook for the terrible things he's done.
I've been asked about Horton's prognosis.

He was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkins lymphoma. In early stages, it is quite curable. When you get to stage IV, less so. Five year survival in most studies is ~65-70% (unfortunately there are no studies that take survival rates out to 10 years). If remission is attained, more than half of recurrences occur within two years of the primary treatment. Up to 90% of recurrences happen before the five-year mark. The occurrence of relapse after 10 years is rare. After 15 years, developing lymphoma is the same as its risk in the normal population. Even with a recurrence, with further treatment, many people with Hodgkins lymphoma go on to live long lives. One last factor that these patients have to be aware of is that they have a 20-30% "lifetime" risk of developing a secondary cancer.

Horton was diagnosed on Dec 1, 2023.........his chemotherapy will be at least 6 cycles, which is usually 1 month per cycle. Radiation therapy may be added to this regimen. Football is not in his future this year and unlikely next year. The specifically aggressive chemotherapy regimen for the late stage of this disease takes a particularly signficant toll on the body, and will require great effort to build back up to a football player's strength/endurance/performance level. His youth and baseline health prior to diagnosis is a positive.

Returning back to health will be his main focus for quite a doubt, future return to football may act as an mental incentive for his recovery.

Prayers for the young man. 1711203256839.png
I've been asked about Horton's prognosis.

He was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkins lymphoma. In early stages, it is quite curable. When you get to stage IV, less so. Five year survival in most studies is ~65-70% (unfortunately there are no studies that take survival rates out to 10 years). If remission is attained, more than half of recurrences occur within two years of the primary treatment. Up to 90% of recurrences happen before the five-year mark. The occurrence of relapse after 10 years is rare. After 15 years, developing lymphoma is the same as its risk in the normal population. Even with a recurrence, with further treatment, many people with Hodgkins lymphoma go on to live long lives. One last factor that these patients have to be aware of is that they have a 20-30% "lifetime" risk of developing a secondary cancer.

Horton was diagnosed on Dec 1, 2023.........his chemotherapy will be at least 6 cycles, which is usually 1 month per cycle. Radiation therapy may be added to this regimen. Football is not in his future this year and unlikely next year. The specifically aggressive chemotherapy regimen for the late stage of this disease takes a particularly signficant toll on the body, and will require great effort to build back up to a football player's strength/endurance/performance level. His youth and baseline health prior to diagnosis is a positive.

Returning back to health will be his main focus for quite a doubt, future return to football may act as an mental incentive for his recovery.

Prayers for the young man. View attachment 13841

Get well young man and prayers up for your full and complete recovery. Football will be there for you when the time comes.
Horton was really starting to work his way into the rotation in a big way before his unfortunate leave of absence. Hope he can make it back not only for sentimental reasons but because the team is going to be better with him than without. Maybe a season of JJ in that rotation if he needs to take a year to get back to 100%?
I've been asked about Horton's prognosis.

He was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkins lymphoma. In early stages, it is quite curable. When you get to stage IV, less so. Five year survival in most studies is ~65-70% (unfortunately there are no studies that take survival rates out to 10 years). If remission is attained, more than half of recurrences occur within two years of the primary treatment. Up to 90% of recurrences happen before the five-year mark. The occurrence of relapse after 10 years is rare. After 15 years, developing lymphoma is the same as its risk in the normal population. Even with a recurrence, with further treatment, many people with Hodgkins lymphoma go on to live long lives. One last factor that these patients have to be aware of is that they have a 20-30% "lifetime" risk of developing a secondary cancer.

Horton was diagnosed on Dec 1, 2023.........his chemotherapy will be at least 6 cycles, which is usually 1 month per cycle. Radiation therapy may be added to this regimen. Football is not in his future this year and unlikely next year. The specifically aggressive chemotherapy regimen for the late stage of this disease takes a particularly signficant toll on the body, and will require great effort to build back up to a football player's strength/endurance/performance level. His youth and baseline health prior to diagnosis is a positive.

Returning back to health will be his main focus for quite a doubt, future return to football may act as an mental incentive for his recovery.

Prayers for the young man. View attachment 13841
Additional information regarding relapse rates of Hodgkins lymphoma.....................According to a 2021 review, up to 30% of people with advanced-stage Hodgkin lymphoma (in which Horton is included) experience relapse, while 5-10% of those in earlier stages relapse. The risk of relapse increases with male gender.
Good to see Horton back at camp. In terms of football expectation, I would anticipate him being placed on the inactive list this season (similar to David Quessenberry) with an outside shot at contributing year 3. But his body needs to heal from cancer, much less take on the stresses of being a full time NFL defensive lineman.

I seriously doubt he’s on the field this year, but it’s great to see him progressing…and super happy for the young man that his cancer is apparently in check. This year should be about his overall health, and if he’s still serious about a career in the NFL, slowly regaining his strength and conditioning…ramping up to true football shape for 2025. Good luck and best wishes to Dylan.
I’m curious…

What are we holding on to him for? Could we get some compensatory picks out of it from the NFL? Why don’t we simply cut him and move on?
Whether you are a business or a NFL team, there is a human side on how you treat your employees. It is just money, does not hit the cap, and the right thing to do. Other players see this and feel better about the support they would get from the organization in times of trouble, other than sucking and then getting cut. Think of how loyal and dedicated Dylan will be to the Texans if he does come back full speed
I just don’t see the upside anymore from a financial standpoint but yeah I guess so. I’m trying to understand how the NFL thinks in these terms.
Dude is still on his rookie contract. Chump change to the Texans.

2023-2026 Rookie
Dylan Horton signed a 4 year , $4,641,036 contract with the Houston Texans, including $801,036 signing bonus, $801,036 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $1,160,259. In 2024, Horton will earn a base salary of $915,000, while carrying a cap hit of $1,115,259 and a dead cap value of $600,777.
I’m curious…

What are we holding on to him for? Could we get some compensatory picks out of it from the NFL? Why don’t we simply cut him and move on?
I’m curious whether NFLPA would step in if any soulless team actually cut a guy while they were recovering from cancer.

Guess we’ll see what happens if/when a player on the Browns has a similar diagnosis to Horton.
No I didn’t. Reading comprehension isn’t a strong suit of yours is it?
From the Texans Wide Receivers thread, in reference to Metchie:
NitroGSXR said:
I’d let him go for a 7th if that was all we could get. Teams aren’t going to overpay for a person who developed cancer while recovering from a serious injury. I just want some kind of value in return because I’m afraid of outright cuts and not getting anything in return. Our corps are too deep.

So my comprehension seems to be working just fine.