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"Half the stadium or more cheering for Vince"

I will be in my seats cheering like a fool for the Texans as usual - spilling beer on the gentleman in front of me, pissing off the opposing team's fans that are always friggin behind me and at least two run ins with vendors.

I would not mind seeing some VY flare myself as a Horn fan not to mention implications of his results in my fantasy life. No different when you circle the calendar in the past to see a certain someone perform that you have always respected and enjoyed his play. But make no mistake about it I am sick of being entertained with fantasy football rather than real football. Last home game stunk, but at least I was entertained and the experience resembled an NFL game.

Will I cheer for Vince? Negative, not even one hook'em sign, but there may a couple of ooh's and ahh's. The kid is fun to watch.
That is really my point! Factor in the Vince situation, and now you got a MUTINY!

No you don't. You 'got' fair weather fans, frontrunners and bandwagoners doing what they do.

And before you lay the natural reaction blind homer tag on me, I'm not happy with the current state of the Texans either, and I'm acutely aware of what's going on. I'm just not predisposed to show everyone in the country what a collective set of dumb asses Houston fans are by donning a division rivals jersey in our own stadium and cheering for them to beat our own team. Especially when it's the team owned by the guy who told us to stick it up our ass 10 years ago.
No you don't. You 'got' fair weather fans, frontrunners and bandwagoners doing what they do.

And before you lay the natural reaction blind homer tag on me, I'm not happy with the current state of the Texans either, and I'm acutely aware of what's going on. I'm just not predisposed to show everyone in the country what a collective set of dumb asses Houston fans are by donning a division rivals jersey in our own stadium and cheering for them to beat our own team. Especially when it's the team owned by the guy who told us to stick it up our ass 10 years ago.

The Texans have a hard time winning football games, and take out the first game against the Cowboys, the Texans are really unimportant when it comes to their history.

Hypothetically, let's say the Texans won the Super Bowl the first year and did exactly the same for year two to now, I don't think you would have all this uproar and talk of Vince.

The Texans are quickly being known as a bunch of losers, factor in the Vince situation, which provides insult to injury, you get this situation.

The quickest way to fix this is for the Texans to win 3 of the next 4. They do that, and the Vince jersey's will go away.

This whole situation is the doing of the Texans, you have to win games at some point or things are going to get ugly. And if you have never won games, that makes it even worse!

Who wants to root for a bunch of losers anyway?
Who wants to root for a bunch of losers anyway?

I've been attending NFL games since the early 70's and have seen the fairweather fringe ebb and flow many times. Winning and losing is cyclic. People (especially here) bail/don't care when they lose and then come back and cheer when they win. That's why we lost the NFL in the first place (because Bud got the itch in a down cycle when it wasn't in vogue to root for the Oilers). Now they are running back to kiss his ring, whether they realize it or not.

I will be taking advantage of the situation on Sunday because I know there will be a lot of newbies in the stands and I will be encouraging all of them to stand and scream to support Vince when he's on the field. Comic relief if nothing else.
I will be cheering for Mario or Demeco sacking or pummeling Vince Young!!!! I have NO love for the Titans & it's evil owner Bud ( the twin brother of Al Davies) Adams!:cowboy1: :mario2: :mario3:
the core fans hang in there in the dark years. The fringe guys all go find something else to do and when the team starts to win they jump back on. There is a term for that in sports.

The Texans have never won anything of significance, still haven't won three in a row, and that doesn't look to change for several years.

That is my point, if they had at least had a winning season somewhere, this really wouldn't be an issue.

The longer they continue these losing ways, the more it gets put in cemet they are bunch of losers.

aj. said:
I've been attending NFL games since the early 70's. Winning and losing is cyclic. People (especially here) bail/don't care when they lose and then come back and cheer when they win. That's why we lost the NFL in the first place (because Bud got the itch in a down cycle). This is like Newtons Fourth Law.

There hasn't even been a cycle yet to win, and in today's NFL, that is unacceptable.

As for Bud, I take that situation as Bud is a jerk and he didn't get along with the Mayor and wanted to prove a point.
Saints fans have been cheering and rooting on their losing team for going on 30 years now. They may have put bags on their heads at times and done some other crazy things but they have always been passionate for their Saints regardless of how many losing seasons they have had.

Bags yes but never put on another teams jersey and cheer for some guy who went to college in the same state. We have had way to many native sons who have gone to other teams.

This games reminds me somewhat of the Ravens-Titans game earlier this year. There were a lot of #9 jerseys in the stands, some blue, some purple.

McNair got a standing ovation from the crowd when he was introduced. But during the game, I am pretty sure the Titans-McNair fans in the crowrd weren't cheering for McNair and Mason when they scored the game winning TD.

I sure hope that this is the way it goes down Sunday w/ the Texans getting the win.
There hasn't even been a cycle yet to win, and in today's NFL, that is unacceptable.

Of course it's unacceptable. But not nearly as unacceptable as openly rooting for a division rival in our own stadium.

I expect that what I see on Sunday will surpass the poorly promoted "save the Oilers" Derrick Club rally on the steps of City Hall as the benchmark of bad when it comes to Houston's rep as NFL fans.

This is the most one-sided, dominating debate I ever seen on this message board.
Who wants to root for a bunch of losers anyway?
Then you aren't a fan.

Main Entry: 3fan
Function: noun
Etymology: probably short for fanatic
1 : an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator
2 : an ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit) <science-fiction fans>
All this Vince Young is god talk reminds me of all the Reggie Bush is god talk we heard last year at this time.

Mario and DeMeco will eat him for lunch.

oh like they did the last meeting? :shoot:

seriously I think it's kind of childish telling people who they can and can't cheer for. If people living in Texas want to cheer for Vince Young that is their business and not yours. It's not for us to judge who is a "Real" fan of the Texans and who isn't.

I was looking at another texans message board and the poster asked for fans to cheer for Vince and only because to show the owners of your team that you're pissed with the decision to pass up vince or reggie. I'm not telling you to do this but it does make sense.
Then you aren't a fan.

Main Entry: 3fan
Function: noun
Etymology: probably short for fanatic
1 : an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator
2 : an ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit) <science-fiction fans>

He could be a fan of losers or loosers? Not sure how you spell it up in Nash Vegas, but both forms seem acceptable in the H.I.S.D. :neener:
Not sure exactly where the thread has turned...and I didn't read anything but the title of the thread.

I've always believed that Houston fans are the most fickle fans in ALL of sports!

But as far as cheering for Vince...or ANY Titans team...ANYMORE...

Not gonna happen.

Not after the way those guys over there on their boards were treating Texans fans today!

I used to be a Titans fan. I liked Kearse, McNair, George, Matthews and the rest of the Oilers crew. NO MORE! Not this fella. Any sentimental(sp) feelings are GONE, after today!

sorry you had a bad experience at I didn't have anything to do with that. I only saw bits and pieces of that thread. I don't remember any of it to tell you the truth.
But as far as cheering for Vince...or ANY Titans team...ANYMORE...

Not gonna happen.

Not after the way those guys over there on their boards were treating Texans fans today!

I used to be a Titans fan. I liked Kearse, McNair, George, Matthews and the rest of the Oilers crew. NO MORE! Not this fella. Any sentimental(sp) feelings are GONE, after today!
Well there you go, Houston. Send all your fence riding fans to our board and they'll come running back to you in no time flat :D
"Half the stadium or more cheering for Vince"

Well, I'll be damned. Who woulda thunk it? I guess that's to be expected until the Texans start winning some games.

There must be more Vince Young threads here now than David Carr threads. I don't know this place anymore.
I just don't get all of this. Where I grew up, and that's right here in Houston, you didn't root for the opposing team, the opposing teams players or anything like that. I don't care how many Hall of Famers were on the Pittsburgh Steelers, I hated them 24/7 and would never ever hope they did good. They were the enemy. Now that I'm a little older and looking back on some of the great players they had....I still hate those bass turds.

As bad as our franchise is/has been, the goal for us all (players, fans, etc.) is to get the W on Sunday. That's what I'm rooting and cheering and screaming my ass off for on Sunday, regardless of what I think about any of the players, on my own team or the other.

I'm a big fan of Bret Favre, but when he came here to play the Texans, and even though it was the only time I'd probably ever get to see him play in person, I wanted a mudhole stomped into his ass that night.

If you're a Young fan, that's fine. If you're a Texans fan too, that's a tough one because he's a division opponent. There MIGHT be some years down the road where these two teams knock each other around pretty good, knocking each other out of the playoffs and such. For me it's pretty simple. The team is bigger than a player.

I agree though, with the 'typical' Houston fan sentiment. Hell, people were cheering for Barroid Bonds when he was going for 70 a couple of years ago and booing the Astros when they walked him. Like they didn't care about winning or losing, and I just don't get that. That's not what being a fan means to me.

I still contend that all of this will change with winning. The Texans haven't had a chance to build on the fan base they have (us diehards) because they haven't won yet. The fence straddlers and casuals haven't been converted yet and won't be until the Texans win and get this town back to the pom-pom shaking frenzy it once was.

The previous regime set us back big time. This is Kubiak's first year. And look at the player turnover already. He'll get this thing going in the right direction, it's just not going to happen overnight. And believe me, I'm as tired of losing as anybody. I hate losing. I've left that stadium on many occasions steaming freaking angry as hell. But I'm right back in my seat the next game, rooting, cheering, and screaming my ass off for the HOUSTON TEXANS to get that W.

Vince has IT.
Everyone knows there is a direct correlation between how much beer you drink vs how much you are supporting your team. If you do not know this, then I am questioning YOUR fanaticism.

Alrighty....good luck with those AA meetings down the road.... :ok:

gwallaia said:

This is the most one-sided, dominating debate I ever seen on this message board.

I agree. Well said, aj....wish that was a Voice of the Fan.

the core fans hang in there in the dark years. The fringe guys all go find something else to do and when the team starts to win they jump back on. There is a term for that in sports.

Wish I could fit this in my sig, because it defines the NFL standard for fanatic. These fairweather Houston fans can twist the definition all they want, but they're denying the precedent set by other teams to be a fan.

I will be taking advantage of the situation on Sunday because I know there will be a lot of newbies in the stands and I will be encouraging all of them to stand and scream to support Vince when he's on the field. Comic relief if nothing else.

Without a doubt. I will encourage everyone to cheer as loud as possible when Vince Young is running his offense. You know, to tell him how much everyone appreciates him and all. :spy:

As for Bud, I take that situation as Bud is a jerk and he didn't get along with the Mayor and wanted to prove a point.

That's revisionist history, man. Bud used Jacksonville to get the city to put $80 million into Astrodome rennovations, taking out the infamous scoreboard for 10,000+ seats (funded by a 30 year bond which we still owe around $50 million today).

Within 10 years, he demanded a taxpayer built stadium with the land donated (near downtown), and he would control the stadium 100% (excluding anything to do with the Houston Rodeo).

Bud screwed the fans. Period. He would have gotten a stadium if he just waited and was willing to pitch in some funds. He is a greedy sob and a sorry human being as far as I'm concerned (especially in light of wiping the history of the "Houston Oilers" from record books and the Hall of Fame).

Yep after 7 games Vince Young has been inducted into the profootball hall of fame, his speaker to introduce him...........Reggie Bush, its supposed to take place next Saturday..........don't miss it.

Actually, they're going to change the name to the Vince Young Pro Football Hall of Fame. :shades:
oh like they did the last meeting? :shoot:

seriously I think it's kind of childish telling people who they can and can't cheer for. If people living in Texas want to cheer for Vince Young that is their business and not yours. It's not for us to judge who is a "Real" fan of the Texans and who isn't.

I was looking at another texans message board and the poster asked for fans to cheer for Vince and only because to show the owners of your team that you're pissed with the decision to pass up vince or reggie. I'm not telling you to do this but it does make sense.

You really want to know what is childish? People on here claiming to be true Texan "Fans" and then rooting for a hated division rival to beat the Texans. How is that not childish. I'm telling you to not promote yourself as a Texan fan and then root for the Texans to lose because your still whining over the fact that they didn't draft your hero. What some of these so called fans are doing is just plain disgusting. Okay lets say you go to so and so high school in the area. Your QB leads your team one of the most memorable state championship victories ever. Now lets say you like The U. of Texas, and your oustanding QB gets turned down by Texas and goes to Texas A&M, are you seriously (as a die hard U. of Texas fan) going to root for Texas A&M to beat Texas because he didn't get recruited by Texas, No you are not. These so called "fans" are doing just that.

No offense to Texas A&M fans I was just using that as an example that most "Longhorn" fans can relate to.

Again I appologize in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors in this post.
You really want to know what is childish? People on here claiming to be true Texan "Fans" and then rooting for a hated division rival to beat the Texans. How is that not childish. I'm telling you to not promote yourself as a Texan fan and then root for the Texans to lose because your still whining over the fact that they didn't draft your hero. What some of these so called fans are doing is just plain disgusting. Okay lets say you go to so and so high school in the area. Your QB leads your team one of the most memorable state championship victories ever. Now lets say you like The U. of Texas, and your oustanding QB gets turned down by Texas and goes to Texas A&M, are you seriously (as a die hard U. of Texas fan) going to root for Texas A&M to beat Texas because he didn't get recruited by Texas, No you are not. These so called "fans" are doing just that.

No offense to Texas A&M fans I was just using that as an example that most "Longhorn" fans can relate to.

Again I appologize in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors in this post.

I used that analogy earlier this season. What if Vince would have transferred to A&M instead of going to the NFL? Does every VY fan start rooting for the Aggies? Or what if your favorite high school player decides to go to Baylor instead of Texas? Do you root for Baylor now? Where do you stop and draw the line?
I used that analogy earlier this season. What if Vince would have transferred to A&M instead of going to the NFL? Does every VY fan start rooting for the Aggies? Or what if your favorite high school player decides to go to Baylor instead of Texas? Do you root for Baylor now? Where do you stop and draw the line?

You cheer for the player. I love Joseph Addai and I will cheer for him while he on the Colts. I don't want the Colts to win, but I do want him to do well.
I have a different view on it, I think you should root for the team. Sure you can root for the player, but I don't think you should root for your team to lose because that player plays of a different team. Just my opinion nothing more.
Titan "Tack" Fan;526558 said:
You cheer for the player. I love Joseph Addai and I will cheer for him while he on the Colts. I don't want the Colts to win, but I do want him to do well.

This Sunday, do you root for Fred Weary to stop someone from sacking David Carr, or to make a block that allows a TD run? He went to Tennessee. Or how about Thomas Johnson to get a couple of sacks? He's a Middle Tennessee State player.

It's the same logic, no matter how much you justify it.
This games reminds me somewhat of the Ravens-Titans game earlier this year. There were a lot of #9 jerseys in the stands, some blue, some purple.

McNair got a standing ovation from the crowd when he was introduced. But during the game, I am pretty sure the Titans-McNair fans in the crowrd weren't cheering for McNair and Mason when they scored the game winning TD.

Young is going to get a lot of cheers before the game starts. I just don't see the fans there going crazy for him during the game itself (though there will likely be more fans cheering for him than normal).

There 's big difference there though - McNair had played for the Titans and was the face of the Titans for years.
Young hasn't played for the Texans and probably never will.

And Sunday I hope he gets run over by the Texans defence.
Not really. They tend to move in an undistiguishable herd anyway.

Not sure if you are from Texas, but that would be more accurate for the Aggies. If you are an Aggie you can't have it both ways. Longhorns are either wine and cheese or hippies, they are not an indistinguishable herd.
I've been attending NFL games since the early 70's and have seen the fairweather fringe ebb and flow many times. Winning and losing is cyclic. People (especially here) bail/don't care when they lose and then come back and cheer when they win. That's why we lost the NFL in the first place (because Bud got the itch in a down cycle when it wasn't in vogue to root for the Oilers). Now they are running back to kiss his ring, whether they realize it or not.

I will be taking advantage of the situation on Sunday because I know there will be a lot of newbies in the stands and I will be encouraging all of them to stand and scream to support Vince when he's on the field. Comic relief if nothing else.

I like that.... I think I will get my section to stand and cheer loudly when Vince is on the field....
In fact... Instead of half the stadium cheering for Vince, lets get the whole stadium cheering when Vince is on the field....
This Sunday, do you root for Fred Weary to stop someone from sacking David Carr, or to make a block that allows a TD run? He went to Tennessee. Or how about Thomas Johnson to get a couple of sacks? He's a Middle Tennessee State player.

It's the same logic, no matter how much you justify it.

I think it's like when parents have sons who play on opposite teams....

There is no clear cut answer or definition of what a "true fan" is....

That's like saying If VY's "son" went to Texas A&M he'd have to root for the Longhorns to rub his own sons face in the dirt when they played...

I totally believe that you can hope that a player on another team plays well, while still hoping your team wins....I've played against family members b4, and I was happy that they had good games, but I still wanted my team to win and everytime I got a chance to crush them I did....but I still wished them well.....
Root for whoever you want, but to be a Texans fan at this game and wear a VY jersey? To go out this week and buy one to shove it down Bob McNair's, Kubiak's, Carr's, whoever else you pour into your hate mode, is an absolutely unbelievable, ridiculous type of behavior.

I would venture to guess that 3/4 of the people, if not more, that are going to do that could give a rat's a** about UT. They hate that we didn't take VY because they think he is God and they hate David Carr.

At any rate, this is now the NFL. College ended a long time ago. Grow up!

P.S. I am also a UT fan, and Houston native. I love UT. But newsflash!!!! VY isn't there anymore. He is with are arch rivals the Titans. Do what's right and support your team or stay home.
I think Peek said it best in yesterdays chronicle, I'll quote him if I may." Shame on the crowd if they come into our stadium and root for him." "Hey this is our house. When he comes in here, we're going to lock the gates up,and it's gonna be on after that." Sounds to me as if the Texans are not gonna roll out the red carpet. Maybe a stretcher. Cheer for your HOME team, or don't show up for anymore games. Stay on which ever side of the fence you choose.:cowboy1:
I think Peek said it best in yesterdays chronicle, I'll quote him if I may." Shame on the crowd if they come into our stadium and root for him." "Hey this is our house. When he comes in here, we're going to lock the gates up,and it's gonna be on after that." Sounds to me as if the Texans are not gonna roll out the red carpet. Maybe a stretcher. Cheer for your HOME team, or don't show up for anymore games. Stay on which ever side of the fence choose.:cowboy1:

I have been disappointed with Peek by and large. But I like that comment and I would like to see him back it up. It would curry a lot of favor with the fans and possibly the team.

Can you provide a link? Would like to see the context.
I have been disappointed with Peek by and large. But I like that comment and I would like to see him back it up. It would curry a lot of favor with the fans and possibly the team.

Can you provide a link? Would like to see the context.

It is in yesterday Dec. 7, 2006 Chronicle on page C8. not for sure but may be on in archives.
Peek's a neat guy. He about said it like it is. I hope all of our guys are fired up for this one.

I BELIEVE!!!!!!! This logo takes on a whole new meaning for this game :wherewill

You are either with us or against us!!
All you Texan fans who are praying for Vince to kick butt because you're a UT fan are living in the past.

Get over it and enjoy the Alamo Bowl for you Longhorn Fix.

Riiiiight. 35 years since the last time they won the NCAA Championship and then Colt McCoy to follow up. Relishing and appreciative of his time at UT is more appropriate. In the context of berating Texans' fans for not drafting VY, when they were most likely not a Texan fan in the first place, who cares.
It is in yesterday Dec. 7, 2006 Chronicle on page C8. not for sure but may be on in archives.

Link To article

Antwan Peek has some words for Texans fans who plan to come to Reliant Stadium on Sunday and cheer for Vince Young: "Shame on the crowd if they come into our stadium and root for him," Peek said after Wednesday's practice. Peek said despite Young's hometown-favorite status, there should be no question about whose house Reliant Stadium really is.

"Hey, this is our house," Peek said. "When he comes in here, we're going to lock the gates up, and it's gonna to be on after that."
It is in yesterday Dec. 7, 2006 Chronicle on page C8. not for sure but may be on in archives.

I have seen a lot of discussion about the state of mind of Houston fans. I open up the Chron's site and the first thing that comes up is:
Man gets 27 years for machete attack — Harris County Prosecutor Anna Emmons holds the machete used by Hector Moquete to hack his ex-wife, Lillian Burgos. She says she forgives him.

Crazy is as crazy does.
I just got through listening to those comments by Peek on the Texans' site and it wasnt' like that. The context was more like smiling and just trying to think of something to say. He was just spitting out whatever came up.