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Firing an NFL coach in midseason - it's likely to happen in 2013

Fire Gary today. Make Wade the interim, and let Dennison try
some of those supposedly "crazy ideas" he has with the offense.

Who knows, maybe they are "crazy" with Schaub, but not with
Keenum or Yates..

Cowher is going to probably want full control to come out of retirement. I don't like that idea because he has never made personnel decisions before.

The first part is probably correct. The second part - that "he has never made personnel decisions before" - couldn't be more inaccurate.

He worked closely with the Colbert, and Donahoe before that, on draft day. It's well-documented that on some picks in which they were divided, he won out. Some worked out well, others didn't.

Second, any time a player was cut, added, promoted from the practice squad, etc., of course he was involved.

But all the Cowher talk is wishful thinking. It's unlikely he's coming here.
My apology if this has already been posted:

McClain tweeted "he wouldn't be surprised" if Kubiak is fired tomorrow.

Of course, that's not the nearly the same as saying Kubiak will be fired tomorrow. But I have a feeling that that scoop is coming.

It would be the first midseason firing since 2011.
My apology if this has already been posted:

McClain tweeted "he wouldn't be surprised" if Kubiak is fired tomorrow.

Of course, that's not the nearly the same as saying Kubiak will be fired tomorrow. But I have a feeling that that scoop is coming.

It would be the first midseason firing since 2011.

I'm not sure what that really accomplishes. I think Kubiak knows he is a dead man walking, but that doesn't seem like a good way to manage an organization.

McClain gets more things wrong than he does right. I hope that he's wrong on this one.
Cowher is done coaching. He has discovered he doesn't need 100hr weeks and the grind...versus what he's found at CBS - which pays him handsomely as well.

There is no job in pro football that will bring him back, getting that ring was all he needed to be at peace with his decision.
Fire Gary today. Make Wade the interim, and let Dennison try
some of those supposedly "crazy ideas" he has with the offense.

Who knows, maybe they are "crazy" with Schaub, but not with
Keenum or Yates..


This is exactly the problem with firing a coach mid-season. You can't get your real coach for next year yet.

So you name a coordinator who you already know is not a good long term answer as interim (Wade, or Romeo Crennel). Team wins 4 of 5 games in December and then the pressure is crazy high that "you gotta make Wade / Romeo the permanent coach!" Then you are sunk for two more years before you can get a real head coach you want.

Better to let Gary ride down with the ship and take the rest of the staff with him.
Cowher is done coaching...

I think his wife's diagnosis of cancer had a lot to do with why he left the Steelers when he did.

Now that he's been away for several years, I see him coaching again (but most likely only the Giants or Jets).

I did think it was interesting on today's CBS show when the subject turned to Jones/Garrett/Cowboys. He seemed to pick his words very carefully when talking about Jones. He was more restrained than usual.

It makes me wonder if he would be interested in the Cowboys job.
I think his wife's diagnosis of cancer had a lot to do with why he left the Steelers when he did.

Now that he's been away for several years, I see him coaching again (but most likely only the Giants or Jets).

I did think it was interesting on today's CBS show when the subject turned to Jones/Garrett/Cowboys. He seemed to pick his words very carefully when talking about Jones. He was more restrained than usual.

It makes me wonder if he would be interested in the Cowboys job.

I thought the interim coach for Denver might be a good choice .
I think his wife's diagnosis of cancer had a lot to do with why he left the Steelers when he did.

Now that he's been away for several years, I see him coaching again (but most likely only the Giants or Jets).

I did think it was interesting on today's CBS show when the subject turned to Jones/Garrett/Cowboys. He seemed to pick his words very carefully when talking about Jones. He was more restrained than usual.

It makes me wonder if he would be interested in the Cowboys job.

That plus he missed his kids a ton. He's on record saying how happy he was being around for their important milestones...
Well, kids are grown, and two of the three are married. And I don't believe any of them live in NY. In fact, one is in London and one is in California.

So maybe McNair could entice him to come here. As a major Steeler fan, I'd love to see him clean up the Texans' mess.

The fans here deserve much better than what they're getting...
Well, kids are grown, and two of the three are married...

At the end of the day , I'm not sure he really wants to get back into the grind after all these years . He may flirt with the idea but when it comes time to toss his hat into the ring , I think he won't . He's got it good .
Come back here Monday around 10 a.m.: I'm betting it happens.

There's absolutely no downside in doing it. And McNair has to let the fans know that he really does care about what's going on -- at least a little bit.
Curious as I was wrapped up in the grey cup all bloody day...

How many empty seats were there today? I know it was likely sold out, but how many no shows? Empty seats inspire owners sometimes.
Curious as I was wrapped up in the grey cup all bloody day...

How many empty seats were there today? I know it was likely sold out, but how many no shows? Empty seats inspire owners sometimes.

it was not full that's for sure I would say start of the game it was about 87% full

but a lot of people like to hang out in the parking lot or more in the bar area
There is no upside in doing it.

Yes, there is.

Read Solomon's column in today's (Monday's) paper.

He makes a very good point I hadn't thought about: having Kubiak go to Jacksonville next week to play a game on national TV, with a 10-game losing streak in tow, is cruel and unusual punishment.

McNair would be doing a favor to Kubiak, not to mention the fans, by letting the coach go now.
Yes, there is.

Read Solomon's column in today's (Monday's) paper.

He makes a very good point I hadn't thought about: having Kubiak go to Jacksonville next week to play a game on national TV, with a 10-game losing streak in tow, is cruel and unusual punishment.

McNair would be doing a favor to Kubiak, not to mention the fans, by letting the coach go now.

I think it is a ridiculous argument. First off, that is not a benefit to the team. Second it is not a kindness to Kubiak. It is just trying to feel better about a decision you already want to make. Coaches do not want to be fired mid-season under any circumstance.

i just want it to all be over now.
infantrycak - What's the worst that can happen by firing Kubiak now (rather than at the end of the season)? They'll lose their remaining five games?

Hey, they'll likely those anyway.

Just let Kubiak go now and put the end to the speculation.

To borrow from the Houston Gamblers, the fans "have waited (and suffered) long enough."
infantrycak - What's the worst that can happen by firing Kubiak now (rather than at the end of the season)? They'll lose their remaining five games?

I didn't say anything about keeping Kubiak so things didn't get worse. I said there was no benefit to firing him now.
One benefit is that you tell the fans you give a crap - the same fans whose support has enabled him to double his $700 million investment in the team.

Benefit No. 2: You let the players know you give a crap.

Benefit No. 3: You advance the story beyond whether or not Kubiak will be fired. You do it, then begin the job of finding his replacement.

Benefit No. 4: You let Kubiak "get on with his life's work" (to quote Chuck Noll).
I hope the pats blow us out 93 to nothing not just blow us out beat us so baddddd the even the local broadcast station turns to another game

then Bob will have n choice to start the offseason right NOW LOL
Come back here Monday around 10 a.m.: I'm betting it happens.

There's absolutely no downside in doing it. And McNair has to let the fans know that he really does care about what's going on -- at least a little bit.

It's 0956 Monday morning and I'm sitting here wearing out my refresh key.

Nuttin' yet...still pecking...
It's 0956 Monday morning and I'm sitting here wearing out my refresh key.

Nuttin' yet...still pecking...

You'd best peck away until the cows come home, because it ain't gonna happen. Did he fire Dom Capers in the middle of that other 2-14 season?

Did he?

McNair could give two sh!ts about giving fans their little "mental reset".
You'd best peck away until the cows come home, because it ain't gonna happen. Did he fire Dom Capers in the middle of that other 2-14 season?

Did he?

McNair could give two sh!ts about giving fans their little "mental reset".

You're right about McNair not caring about the fans.

Little bitter this morning?
If McNair made decisions based on what the idiot stick fans around Houston wanted we would be even more of a laughing stock than we probably are now.

And why the hell are people still talking about Cowher like that's some kind of good idea? Leave the guy on CBS there's plenty of coaches that are out there who have actually been coaching in this decade, I'd rather just leave Gruden and Cowher where they currently are and find a coach who has been coaching.
Little bitter this morning?

Not at all. Just amazed at how correct Owen Daniels is.

And I know how happy you are, so don't feed me that bullsh!t about how you'd rather win games, than be right about Kubiak. It's all about your hatred for "Enron BoBBy" :loser
This is exactly the problem with firing a coach mid-season. You can't get your real coach for next year yet.

So you name a coordinator who you already know is not a good long term answer as interim (Wade, or Romeo Crennel). Team wins 4 of 5 games in December and then the pressure is crazy high that "you gotta make Wade / Romeo the permanent coach!" Then you are sunk for two more years before you can get a real head coach you want.

Better to let Gary ride down with the ship and take the rest of the staff with him.

yep. Even after watching one of the worst games I have ever had the miserable experience to watch yesterday, I think Kubiak should have to sit there and represent this garbage and own it as his garbage. This is his team. His players, his coaches, his schemes, his decisions.

Yeah, he needs to be fired. But just wait for a few more games and see how long his losing streak can go. Losing to the Jaguars tells me that they can take it to 14 games in a row.

And great point about the perception if an interim coach starts winning games. We do not need anyone on this staff to still be employed next year, so let them all go down with the ship as far as I'm concerned.

Clean house, start over, and [hopefully] pick up a "franchise" QB in the first round. There is no retooling this team. It is time for a complete rebuild, starting in January 2014.
Interesting piece about firing head coaches in midseason that ran on a year ago.

It's happened 22 times from 2000 through 2012. In only three years - 2002, '06 and '12 - were there no firings. And in two seasons, 2010 and '11, it happened seven times. So, obviously, these days owners are less reluctant to pull the plug:

Given all this, and that no coaches were fired during last season, the law of averages is that it will happen at least once this year. And probably in Houston, Atlanta or Minnesota. Winning two straight might save Schiano in Tampa, and being a first-year coach will get Bradley a pass in Jacksonville - even if he loses to the Texans next week.

I have to say as one who wants to se Kubiak gone, This is not gonna happen. The biggest reason is that it is just too out of character for McNair. If he decides to fire Kubiak, he will wait till the end of the season. That is his M. O. A person's character is not going to suddenly change. McNair will will follow the path that he feels comfortable with and that would be to let Kubiak finish the season, if firing him is his intent.
I am not sure , however that Kubiak will get canned. As a matter of my opinion, I can see more reasons for McNair to keep him than I can see reasons to let him go.
a. He is very fond of Kubiak- almost a father-son thing
b. Kubiak had that mini-stroke and was incapacitated and a man like McNair would fel like he was kicking a man while he was down to fire him. That is not happening. You don't be cruel to incapacitated people. Those are the people you are the most charitable to.
c. In regards to the stroke: McNair may feel that the stroke cut Kubiak down just as he and the team were about to get their feet under them; therefore Kubiak needs another year while healthy to have a real chance.
d. Team injuries: Even though I think this is a sorry excuse for a total team breakdown, I'm not so sure McNair doesn't give Gary a pass based on the unforeseeable consequences of injuries
e. Who knew that Schaub would totally break down.
f. Kubiak DID after all take this team to two consecutive seasons with play-off appearences. NcNair may se this year as an anomoly, and give Kubes a chance.
g. Kubiak can't go on the field and play the game for these guys, the team has to execute. Not his fault that they don't.
H. We are on the right track
There are probably other reasons I have left out, but my feeling is that McNair gives him one more year regardless of W-L record
I wonder if rick smith is searching for HC candidates.

I would if I were him. If he can come up with great options and sell why they could get us right back to the playoffs it might save his job. I don't think there is a thing Kubiak could do to keep him and most of his staff employed by the Texans after this season, but Smith is still on the bubble IMO. At least I think he is in the mind of Bob McNair.

I really don't see a firing during the season. Most fans know it's coming after the season; the players know it's coming. Finish the year and find the guy that will get us a Lombardi. Or two. Three?
Firing a coach midseason only makes since if the team still had a shot to accomplish something and firing the coach helps accomplish that. When you are in the situation that we are in, you need to let the coaches and players own up to what have built.
Yes, this definitely was an "extenuating circumstance."

I think McNair made the right move.

Now just let Smith go and I'll start to be confident in him to get good replacements.
With three games left, all of which we will be underdogs and likely to lose, the timing of it seemed strange. But after losing twice in three weeks to the Jaguars I guess it was time to make a big move. The problem is Wade Phillips isn't going to do any better as head coach, with the current roster, than Kubiak did.
It was absolutely the right move and I kept hoping he'd be let go in season because I didn't see McNair firing him in the off season when he had so many good reasons to do it now.
Another plus to the Kubiak firing is Wade Phillips isn't going to pull Case Keenum from a game. So we've likely seen the last of Matt Schaub playing with the Texans.
Honestly the thing that made me more upset with Kubiak was that when they kept showing Schaub in the sideline, it looked like he was always ready to go in, like if Kubiak asked him to keep his helmet on because he was about to give his boy another chance.