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Falcons owner Arthur Blank in trouble for Fuzzy Zoeller like racial comment

Thank you OM-Texan, you really nailed it with that comment.
The thing is, few groups whine & complain more about perceived indiscretions
of PC than Jewish-Americans. For example, anybody else remember the incident when the Black NBA basketball player made some remark about how Jewish people are good lawyers & business owners, in reference to the disproportionate number of NBA teams that are owned by Jews ? Of course the same is true in the NFL, with something like 25% team ownership by a group that makes up only 'bout 2% of the general population. Jews are very self-concious about "allegations" or "perceptions" that they are overly focused on money, control, etc.
So Mr. Blank, a Jewish-American billionaire who owns an NFL franchise,
most definitely blundered in his remarks on TV the other night if one
buys into the cliche "what's good for the goose is good for the gander".

Give me a break. Your comments on Jews are more inappropriate than what he said. If I live in an area that has fast food or certain "fatty" foods and everyone eats it and in an interview I throw out "fried chicken and french fries" then who cares. Are the French now offended or people who want them called "Freedom Fries?" It was so innocuous that your explanation actually becomes comical in nature.

As for Michael Ray Richardson..I wouldn't call these comments just random about Jews..especially when they follow the first comments.

According to the Times Union, Richardson told a fan who heckled him early in Tuesday's game, "Shut the [expletive] up." And near game's end, he shouted at another heckler, "Shut the [expletive] up, you [derogatory term for gay men],"

"I've got big-time lawyers," Richardson said, according to the Times Union. "I've got big-time Jew lawyers."

When told by the reporters that the comment could be offensive to people because it plays to the stereotype that Jews are crafty and shrewd, he responded with, "Are you kidding me? They are. They've got the best security system in the world. Have you ever been to an airport in Tel Aviv? They're real crafty. Listen, they are hated all over the world, so they've got to be crafty."

And he continued, "They got a lot of power in this world, you know what I mean?" he said. "Which I think is great. I don't think there's nothing wrong with it. If you look in most professional sports, they're run by Jewish people. If you look at a lot of most successful corporations and stuff, more businesses, they're run by Jewish. It's not a knock, but they are some crafty people."
I'm convinced.... When my buddy comes in town from Waco, I won't ever suggest that we get some fried chicken at Popeyes or Frenchy's... Of course I will have him refrain from asking me if I want some cabbage or cole slaw...

I had to hit google earth up and view the Federal complex Vick is going to be housed at and sure enough, Blank was right....obviously, he is being kept away from the other prisoners so he can eat his chicken in peace.

I had to hit google earth up and view the Federal complex Vick is going to be housed at and sure enough, Blank was right....obviously, he is being kept away from the other prisoners so he can eat his chicken in peace.


LOL. Nice work
Oh, and I dont get bent out of shape for being associated with consuming a lot of alchohol, nor do I get upset about comments made with potatoes or cabbage....

I agree. White men are stereotyped because most of them can't dance (myself included). I'd find it quite amusing for someone to make fun of that aspect of white dudes. Can't see why I'd choose to get upset over it.

OK. But I'm sure that I could say something to get you riled up. Because everybody has a button just waiting to be pushed. Everybody.

This reminds me of the Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."

Regardless if we, as individuals, wish to acknowledge it, we each choose what offends us. I try not to give anyone the leverage to have that edge on my mental state, so I simply refrain from making some people's opinions mean anything to me.
Give me a break. Your comments on Jews are more inappropriate than what he said.
As for Michael Ray Richardson..I wouldn't call these comments just random about Jews..especially when they follow the first comments.
How are my comments inappropriate ?
And setting aside whatever he said about queers, what is incorrect about the NBA players remarks anyway in regards to Jews, beyond being incorrect in a PC sense (or inappropriate if you wish ?).
Does a term like "crafty" offend you ? Maybe they need to be crafty to survive all those peoples who hate them (and they are hated by many different people, many different nations actually) ? Jews have been trying to survive for a long time as history shows.
BTW, I frankly find Blanks remarks totally innocuous with no intent to even slightly offend anybody, African-American included. But he did slip-up, and I merely initiated this thread about his faux pas because, well that's one of the things we do here, discuss news & events in the world of sports. In other words, I basically think the whole PC thing is a bunch of crap, but what the hell I'll play along for fun of it.
you're not allowed to make any sort of generalized statement, good or bad, about any race, creed, whatever. doing so makes you a horrible person.
Blacks are gifted at worship and celebration.

"If you go to a black church, you see people jumping up and down because they really get into it," he said.

Whites are good at organization,"You guys do a good job of building businesses and things of that nature, and you know how to tap into money,"

"Hispanics were gifted in family structure, and you can see a Hispanic person, and they can put 20, 30 people in one home."

THE JAPANESE AND other Asians are inventive, and "can turn a television into a watch,"

~ Reverand Reggie White
~ Minister of Defense
you're not allowed to make any sort of generalized statement...
You're free to make any statement you want. That doesn't give you freedom from criticism regarding said statement. I just checked, there's no freedom from criticism in the Constitution.
I usually avoid these topics as no-win situations, but I had a thought about this particular case.

As I understand it, Arthur Blank and Mike Vick had a close relationship. Is it possible that Blank knew that Vick - as an individual person - liked fried chicken and french fries?

If that is indeed the case, everyone else is making the big racial jump.

Just food for thought.
You're free to make any statement you want. That doesn't give you freedom from criticism regarding said statement. I just checked, there's no freedom from criticism in the Constitution.
tell this to the ACLU and all of their affiliates.
How are my comments inappropriate ?
And setting aside whatever he said about queers, what is incorrect about the NBA players remarks anyway in regards to Jews, beyond being incorrect in a PC sense (or inappropriate if you wish ?).
Does a term like "crafty" offend you ? Maybe they need to be crafty to survive all those peoples who hate them (and they are hated by many different people, many different nations actually) ? Jews have been trying to survive for a long time as history shows.
BTW, I frankly find Blanks remarks totally innocuous with no intent to even slightly offend anybody, African-American included. But he did slip-up, and I merely initiated this thread about his faux pas because, well that's one of the things we do here, discuss news & events in the world of sports. In other words, I basically think the whole PC thing is a bunch of crap, but what the hell I'll play along for fun of it.

OK, if you like to play that way, cool with me. I just think throwing out all kinds of remarks on Blank and Rome earlier because they are "Jews" was defeating the initial purpose of your argument. But if you are playing devil's advocate, feel free to vent and get the reaction.:cool:
I have to be honest, I don't assume that. Unfortunately I can be a bit of a misanthrope, but I apply that to people of all races. If someone is being a jerk to ME I wonder if they guy's a jerk to EVERYONE or just me. I wouldn't automatically assume that my maltreatment was simply because of my race.
Despite not particularly caring for MOST people I'm willing to give most the benefit of the doubt. Incidentally if you're from Louisiana chances are you're descended from the French, the British, native Americans, Chinese Imigrants and anyone whose ever been there on vacation and really have no reason to be a racist...yet many Louisianans seem to be. Curious. The only people I HATE are the Dallas Cowgirls and their fans. Everyone else I can have a beer/sake with.

Jerks come in all colors.

I cannot say I don't care for most people, just the opposite.

I am a Texan, but I am first generation Texan, rest are from south Louisiana. I cannot agree/disagree about many Louisianans being racist. I haven't seen it in my relatives, but that's not to say it doesn't exist.

And curiously, I love pork fried rice, bagpipe music, and fried chicken. Hummm..:D

Can't shoot a bow and arrow worth a flip though.

Likewise about the girls and their fans.

I just think throwing out all kinds of remarks on Blank and Rome earlier because they are "Jews" was defeating the initial purpose of your argument.
Does the word "Jews" bother your sensitivites H-Frog ? Okay then, Jewish-Americans. Andt they have each others back. But all ethnic groups have that bond with each other. American-Italians, African-Americans, American-Arabians, and yes WASPs all worship together, socialize together, do business together, intra-marry, etc. Maybe its not the PC world you yearn for, but its reality.
But back to Rome & Blank. Rome was very critical of the NBA players remarks
which he and you find "inappropriate", but on the other hand very defensive of Blanks "fried chicken" remarks & critical of Blanks critics of those remarks.
Like I said, they got each others backs (like most ethnic cliques).
And BTW, I'm a huge Jim Rome fan. I'm a fan of his intellect and wit and in particular I'm so appreciative of his unrelenting and continual attack on drug use in sports. And what its doing to our soceity and in particular our countrys youth. Jim Rome is a good American citizen !
Hey, in the words of another important and personal favorite of mine in sports broadcasting, who also happens to have been Jewish-American, lets "tell it like it is".
Does the word "Jews" bother your sensitivites H-Frog ? Okay then, Jewish-Americans. Andt they have each others back. But all ethnic groups have that bond with each other. American-Italians, African-Americans, American-Arabians, and yes WASPs all worship together, socialize together, do business together, intra-marry, etc. Maybe its not the PC world you yearn for, but its reality.
But back to Rome & Blank. Rome was very critical of the NBA players remarks
which he and you find "inappropriate", but on the other hand very defensive of Blanks "fried chicken" remarks & critical of Blanks critics of those remarks.
Like I said, they got each others backs (like most ethnic cliques).
And BTW, I'm a huge Jim Rome fan. I'm a fan of his intellect and wit and in particular I'm so appreciative of his unrelenting and continual attack on drug use in sports. And what its doing to our soceity and in particular our countrys youth. Jim Rome is a good American citizen !
Hey, in the words of another important and personal favorite of mine in sports broadcasting, who also happens to have been Jewish-American, lets "tell it like it is".

Nun, here is what you have to learn: 1) I'm not sensitive at all. There is just subtle differences that you are missing when it comes to stereotyping. 2) Look at the bolded statement. That is the difference. "They" when referring to a ethnic group is putting a whole group together and stereotyping. The difference betwen what Blank said and what Richardson and you are saying is that Blank NEVER said "they like fried chicken." He made a general statement about one player getting out of shape. I'm not sure how more to point this out to you. 3) I don't yearn for a PC world. I think it is annoying to have to watch everything you say. I just yearn for people to understand the differences between referring to a whole group AND people inferring that a person is referring to a whole group because of their own stereotypes.
As i said earlier in this thread, i think his comments didn't have any racial overtones to them, but that's my opinion, & I didn't encounter too much of that kind of stuff growing up here in houston. My wife however, who grew up in old, small towns just outside of SA did have to battle these things on the regular & i can completely understand why she might be offended by what he said.

It's great to read we have lots of forward-thinking people in here though.
Anyways............... My 3 peice from Popeyes was awesome...

Oh, and I dont get bent out of shape for being associated with consuming a lot of alchohol, nor do I get upset about comments made with potatoes or cabbage....

real irish or 'oirish'