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Does anyone else notice this....

It is just me...or do the newer ppl on this board have unrealistic expectations. Everyone wants Capers/Palmer fired and think this team wont get any better in the long run. Maybe I'm being rude,but it bugs the hell out of me that people aren't patient with this team. Just calm down people,yall act the Texans been apart of Houston for 25 ****in' years. Have faith in our front office and shut up with the unrealistic bs.
Actually a lot of people that have been here since the very beginning, through the multiple board changes, and historically very patient, have started to become frustrated with the very slow progress. And with good reason.
ThaShark316 said:
It is just me...or do the newer ppl on this board have unrealistic expectations. Everyone wants Capers/Palmer fired and think this team wont get any better in the long run. Maybe I'm being rude,but it bugs the hell out of me that people aren't patient with this team. Just calm down people,yall act the Texans been apart of Houston for 25 ****in' years. Have faith in our front office and shut up with the unrealistic bs.

Fire Capers/Palmer
ThaShark316 said:
It is just me...or do the newer ppl on this board have unrealistic expectations. Everyone wants Capers/Palmer fired and think this team wont get any better in the long run. Maybe I'm being rude,but it bugs the hell out of me that people aren't patient with this team. Just calm down people,yall act the Texans been apart of Houston for 25 ****in' years. Have faith in our front office and shut up with the unrealistic bs.

Actually, there are a number of posters on this board who recognize that this is a 3 year team. But if you want to see 'patience', then my advise is to look for posts in the middle of the week, and not the childish tantrum rants on a Sunday afternoon following a loss.
You're partially right. I've been around a little while and I'm disappointed by this team too.

I think we knew this team wasn't going to be playoff-bound this year, but I do think the offense should've shown more progress than it has in 2004. David Carr just can't seem to take over a game. Davis can, but only if he's healthy, and lord knows the brittle Tony Hollings is no help as a backup to him. Furthermore, Carr seems to have at LEAST one totally boneheaded turnover each game lately, and the offense in general is increasing its penalties rather than eliminating them.

The receivers are good, but they don't get the ball enough because we have a large slab of frozen meat playing left tackle and a couple of guards alternating between false starts and getting beaten.

I don't know whether our one-dimensional offense is the fault of coaching or a QB who isn't progressing mentally. But I DO expect more of Carr at the end of year 3.

Back to the issue of expectations. People are ticked off about the Texans' inability to win in the second half of this season. I think that's fair. But some people are getting worked up over losses to top playoff contenders, and I don't think that's right. Losing a close game to Green Bay at home was inexcusable, as was gagging against the Jets. But losing today against a team that's flattening everyone in the league with 30-40-50 points isn't as big a deal to me.

As I wrote in the gameday thread, though, if this team FINISHES with 5 or 6 wins, I think there's reason to gripe. This team should win at least 7 games. Period.
Once again, Carr really didn't play very well today. Throwing the interception
right at the beginning of the game was very disappointing. And he got sacked
a couple of times for big losses to stall drives when he should have been able to get rid of the ball. Also, I actually wonder if he hasn't sustained an injury to his throwing arm. Notwithstanding the pass protection break downs, he still never thru the ball downfield a single time (I don't think). To me that's pretty amazing.
I wonder about the injury thing also. Last 4-5 games he has been pretty bad. Passes floating, way off target, falling short etc. Lots of just bad tosses. First 4-5 games he was doing pretty well and now he isn't. Can't seem to toss the long ball. Somthing has changed, just not sure what.
ThaShark316 said:
It is just me...or do the newer ppl on this board have unrealistic expectations. Everyone wants Capers/Palmer fired and think this team wont get any better in the long run. Maybe I'm being rude,but it bugs the hell out of me that people aren't patient with this team. Just calm down people,yall act the Texans been apart of Houston for 25 ****in' years. Have faith in our front office and shut up with the unrealistic bs.
As I stated last week...Rome wasnt built in a is gonna take time to build a GOOD NFL team.....not to mention our division is brutal.Look back at our opponents the NFL has given us the last couple of years.....even the top dogs on the block would have a hard time....bottom line though.."To be the gotta beat the best" We will get there baby....for the people just hanging on to the bandwagon.....jump off,we dont need you anyway.LOL
Carr does seem to have regressed quite a bit lately, but he'll be fine in the long run. If the line were holding up really well, he'd look like a hero right now.

We've been upset with this team for several weeks now for getting blown out of games that they should've kept closer, but were expected to lose anyway. This week they were supposed to get blown out badly and they made it competitive. It's just frustrating to see that they lost because of a serious lack of a passing game today, when passing has been their greatest strength this year...well, except for the D getting interceptions, maybe.

The really good news is that DD appears to be back, and it's about time. DD had something to do with us keeping their offense of the field some and holding Manning at bay. Let's hope he can keep it up.

Dunta doesn't just get intercetions. He'll also knock your block off!!! :coolb:
edo783 said:
I wonder about the injury thing also. Last 4-5 games he has been pretty bad. Passes floating, way off target, falling short etc. Lots of just bad tosses. First 4-5 games he was doing pretty well and now he isn't. Can't seem to toss the long ball. Somthing has changed, just not sure what.
Good assessment of a bad situation. Wish someone within the Texans would address this.

If coaches are fired... I'd like to hear from those that post this who to replace with that would keep this team growing into next year without a hitch and not regress back into the 1st two years of the team....

Shark... I think the "fire" threads are the battlecry for some who are unaware and will just latch onto it as it makes sense to them without thinking of another alternative. (Not saying I'm one to know it all... WAY far from it.)

What's changed from the beginning of the season? Why has Carr regressed? More game tapes that the opposition has. A weakness has been exploited (maybe a few of them) and they're gonna take advantage of it to win. Carr's running for his life, therefore - looking for the downfield play while not taking a 350 lb smack to the turf.
I think the team needs to progress and in order to get better they've got to play. It's ugly at times and it's got me wanting to pull my hair out but it's got to happen. Wand won't develop into the player the Texans want just sitting on the bench watching it happen and niether will anyone else. If the Texans were going to spare someone the misery of the learning process then it should have been Carr in 2002 but that time is passed and they can't go back and change that.

Even in the cases where I've thought the Texans made mistakes I still think that another year with this staff in this system is the best bet for growth. Change is what everyone wants when things aren't working but change has a price. Look at the price the Texans paid this season in changing to the zone blocking scheme. If things work out as planned then it also has a payoff and before I want to see Capers & Co. hit the road I want to know if their "plan" for this team is going to pay off.

I've been saying on every board the Texans ever had that I would judge them on wins and losses starting in 2004 and since we're not done yet I'm not prepared to give them my final grade. I will say that right now where wins and losses are concerned they're not doing well. They could win 2 out of their last 3 and finish with 7 wins and that would be a solid, passing season W/L wise. If they took the last 3 games then I'd be thrilled but I don't expect it. Just winning 1 more game makes for a 6 win season and I think a sub-par season. In 2005 I will judge them solely on their win loss record and to paraphrase Bill Parcells (God I hate doing that) at that point "we are what our record says we are". No more expansion talk and no more growing talk. If you can't build a decent team in 4 years, in todays NFL then you need to find a new line of work. If we're watching the Texans false start 5 times in the first half come week 12 of 2005 then I'm no longer sold on the program and think something didn't pan out.
I said it when we 1st started years 1,2, and 3...they'd get a pass from me. Year four,we should ALL be in zero-tolerance mode....I don't know about u guys,but these 1st three years,we're just to see how we would stack up with the league....year four is the 1st year of REAL criticism IMO. So lets just go 8-8,and get ready for the 1st of reckoning,cuz 2005...the texans will be ready.
Changes don't necessarily have to be made in the personnel, but the approach the entire team takes might have to change. Moral victories don't count in this league. I think it's fair to expect the team to compete to win and not just compete to be close. I think it's fair to expect a coaching staff to look for opportunities to take advantage of the strengths of the team and the weaknesses of the opposing teams. This team has lost many games in the 4th quarter. That's to be expected in a 1st and 2nd year team, but it shouldn't be in a 3rd year team. The coaching staff has an obligation to teach this team how to win in the 4th.
I think that people are upset because the current system has never really worked. Folks in Houston know football. Many of us have been around the game our whole lives. If you have such a close relationship to the game, you have a better feel for what works and what doesn't. I can see developing over 2 or 3 years, but now is the time to see results and right now there aren't many. Just look at the level of talent the Texans have right now. Now compare it to the level of talent that Pittsburgh has, including a 1st year QB. The difference in talent does not add up to the difference in wins and losses. In know that Pittsburgh has a few more advantages and are playing a little over their heads, but when you factor it all together the Texans are not supposed to be that much worse than the Steelers, but they are. So you have to ask yourself why. IMHO it is because the Texans don't have a very good foundation. The team is fundamentally unsound and makes way too many dumb and thoughtless mistakes. They run bad routes, miss blocking assignments and commit too many penalties, especially in crucial situations. The players are partly responsible for that, but in general that reflects mostly on coaching. Those are the things that coaches can and should fix, but the Texans staff hasn't for 3 years now. A team that has less talent, but makes fewer mistakes will beat the Texans almost every week because of that, much less the "Big Dogs". At some point you have to start over with a more effective system. I like Capers, the way he built and runs the team is very admirable. Palmer on the other hand, has been a flop from day one. He has never been successful anywhere he has been and is not going to start now. Fangio has done a decent job with what he has, but this season he has been too conservative in key situations. But overall the staff does not fit with what the team needs to win. Folks do have to keep in mind however, if they restaff, it will almost be like starting over. We'll have to wait a year or 2 more for a new system to work as well. But from my perspective that is what we have to do because the current course is leading us the wrong direction. Why wait 4 years when you know after 2 and a half that the system does not work? At the very least they should bring in a new Offensive Coordinator and revamp the coaching staff and philosophy.
Harry Biped said:
I think that people are upset because the current system has never really worked. Folks in Houston know football. Many of us have been around the game our whole lives. If you have such a close relationship to the game, you have a better feel for what works and what doesn't. I can see developing over 2 or 3 years, but now is the time to see results and right now there aren't many. Just look at the level of talent the Texans have right now. Now compare it to the level of talent that Pittsburgh has, including a 1st year QB. The difference in talent does not add up to the difference in wins and losses. In know that Pittsburgh has a few more advantages and are playing a little over their heads, but when you factor it all together the Texans are not supposed to be that much worse than the Steelers, but they are. So you have to ask yourself why. IMHO it is because the Texans don't have a very good foundation. The team is fundamentally unsound and makes way too many dumb and thoughtless mistakes. They run bad routes, miss blocking assignments and commit too many penalties, especially in crucial situations. The players are partly responsible for that, but in general that reflects mostly on coaching. Those are the things that coaches can and should fix, but the Texans staff hasn't for 3 years now. A team that has less talent, but makes fewer mistakes will beat the Texans almost every week because of that, much less the "Big Dogs". At some point you have to start over with a more effective system. I like Capers, the way he built and runs the team is very admirable. Palmer on the other hand, has been a flop from day one. He has never been successful anywhere he has been and is not going to start now. Fangio has done a decent job with what he has, but this season he has been too conservative in key situations. But overall the staff does not fit with what the team needs to win. Folks do have to keep in mind however, if they restaff, it will almost be like starting over. We'll have to wait a year or 2 more for a new system to work as well. But from my perspective that is what we have to do because the current course is leading us the wrong direction. Why wait 4 years when you know after 2 and a half that the system does not work? At the very least they should bring in a new Offensive Coordinator and revamp the coaching staff and philosophy.

:rofl: funniest post of the year
ThaShark316 said:
It is just me...or do the newer ppl on this board have unrealistic expectations. Everyone wants Capers/Palmer fired and think this team wont get any better in the long run. Maybe I'm being rude,but it bugs the hell out of me that people aren't patient with this team. Just calm down people,yall act the Texans been apart of Houston for 25 ****in' years. Have faith in our front office and shut up with the unrealistic bs.

Though with all the chgs, operating under various names.
Wolf said:
:rofl: funniest post of the year

I like the quote attributed to Bum Phillips, something about a great coach can take his players and beat yours, then turn around and take your players and beat his own.

If that's true, and I have a feeling it is, this team is in real trouble. Better start fixing it sooner rather than later.