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Cushing training MMA style w/ Chuck Liddell, Glazer

barwin: I'm gonna have to check that(MMA) out bro
cushing: ill be back there (training with Glazer doing MMA) after ota's well get a couple guys out for a week
barwin: I'll for sure come check it out

I get a kick out of seeing Connor tweet like that. If you listen to an interview from him he uses the phrase "for sure" or "oh, for sure" generously.
Did Cushing ever wrestle?

Not that I'm aware of, but he sure as hell can tackle. I bet that he'd be a great wrestler with his strength and would probably have one of the best double leg take downs in the UFC if he ever competed long term. I wouldn't want Cushing on top of me trying to GNP either.
Not that I'm aware of, but he sure as hell can tackle. I bet that he'd be a great wrestler with his strength and would probably have one of the best double leg take downs in the UFC if he ever competed long term. I wouldn't want Cushing on top of me trying to GNP either.

Not to come off like an ass at all, but there is more to wrestling then takedowns. I agree with you in the fact that he would bring some power, but you cant always use power.
Not to come off like an ass at all, but there is more to wrestling then takedowns. I agree with you in the fact that he would bring some power, but you cant always use power.

Where did I ever say that take downs was all that involved wrestling?

There's take down defense, there is sprawling, there is grecko Roman wrestling, and there is all sorts of positions that require control. Cushing has ridiculous strength for his size though. That's always been one of the things that he's been known for even since HS. I wouldn't be surprised if he did wrestle in HS with as strong as he was back then.
Not to come off like an ass at all, but there is more to wrestling then takedowns. I agree with you in the fact that he would bring some power, but you cant always use power.

I triple dog dare you to say that to Cushing and then try to judo flip him.
"It's been going great. We've been doing it three or four times a week. Just the conditioning and the kind of training that we've been doing is so unique and everything has really worked out. It's been a great off-season. The biggest thing is Jay [Glazer] understands the role he's taking as a guy he's training. He understands there's a ton of responsibility and accountability the coaches are giving him to train his players. He knows the situation, he knows we're not professional fighters, he knows we're professional football players. That's what he's training us for. Not for the fights but to keep us healthy, to keep us safe, and to get us more flexible and more aware of our surroundings out there on the field. I don't see why not [more NFL players would adopt MMA training]. Not only is it very good for you, but it's kind of a release now and it's different from training all year ‘round, lifting weights, and doing all that kind of stuff. Now you can go into the gym and do this and basically get a three or four hour workout done in one hour with this kind of stuff."
One of the commentors on the cushing article said that some people in Houston didn't like him training MMA. That wasn't any of us right?
One of the commentors on the cushing article said that some people in Houston didn't like him training MMA. That wasn't any of us right?

Probably people who dont understand the training, know about Cushings injury concerns, and are worried about him risking his health.

If he did get hurt somehow, it would be a PR nightmare
Probably people who dont understand the training, know about Cushings injury concerns, and are worried about him risking his health.

If he did get hurt somehow, it would be a PR nightmare

I doubt that he'd doing anything that extensive to where he's at a major injury risk. Hell, just doing Mui Thai would help him big time with his cardio. The wrestling could possibly make him throw or knock something out of place, but I guess it just depends on how hard he's going at it really. I'd be pretty shocked if he ever caught a major injury with the training that he's currently doing.
Was probably some anti-mma a$$ jockey that doesn't understand the sport.

One of the commentors on the cushing article said that some people in Houston didn't like him training MMA. That wasn't any of us right?
Training MMA recreationally is much safer than training camp for the NFL (Where Cushing was injured fairly early last season).

I highly doubt that if Cushing is sparring; whether it be just striking, grappling, or MMA that he would be doing it with anyone but the most qualified. No way he'd risk his health (nor would the team let him) training with a spaz or some relative nobody who wants to get famous by hurting the Cush somehow.
Training MMA recreationally is much safer than training camp for the NFL (Where Cushing was injured fairly early last season).

I highly doubt that if Cushing is sparring; whether it be just striking, grappling, or MMA that he would be doing it with anyone but the most qualified. No way he'd risk his health (nor would the team let him) training with a spaz or some relative nobody who wants to get famous by hurting the Cush somehow.

The most damage one can do to themselves sparring is bruising and maybe a sprained joint, but freak accidents can happen at any time look at Brandon Marshall and the McDonald's wrapper.
The most damage one can do to themselves sparring is bruising and maybe a sprained joint, but freak accidents can happen at any time look at Brandon Marshall and the McDonald's wrapper.

I've seen bones break in the gym when inexperienced people are rolling and one of them decides not to tap. I'd say that's a pretty serious concern but as long as Cushing is only sparring with experienced people who know when to let up and don't want to get famous off of his name then he should be fine.
Counter-point: Liddell could be teaching Cush how to get fat and drunk.

Liddell has always had the beer gut, even in his earlier days. He wasn't/isn't out of shape and that gut is more muscle than flab from what it looks like. Is he past his prime? Yes. But still dangerous even now. If that Tito/Chuck fight wouldn't have been cancelled Chuck would've killed Mr. "Aren't not talk none too good"

On a derailing side note, have y'all seen Tito training the guys in TUF? His workouts are right up VY's alley.