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Clint Stoerner


Anyone ever listen to this toothless hillbilly on 610 am?

Good God, he makes Jon Harris and John McClain seem objective.

Quite obviously the suits at 610 have told the redneck to fall in line like everyone else on the station, and talk the organization up like they are the second coming of the 1980s 49ers.

This bumpkin is particularly unconvincing though.
I dont know about temp.

He doesn't have an official spot but he's been on almost since Ted left.

Normally he’s on Thursdays only.

Stoerner is a hilljack and an idiot. Cecil Shorts, who fills in on Tuesdays I think, is eons better. He can actually be real.
Of course you do. You probably buy that the Texans are a juggernaut and Watson is the best qb in football history like Jethro tells you.

No ... I don't buy anything .

I'm just hoping for the best and believe Watson is a good QB . I'm hoping the OL gets fixed and Fuller and Foreman can stay healthy . I think they have lots of talent at the WR/TE position and I think the Texans have a great front seven and maybe the new DBs can play .
No ... I don't buy anything .

I'm just hoping for the best and believe Watson is a good QB . I'm hoping the OL gets fixed and Fuller and Foreman can stay healthy . I think they have lots of talent at the WR/TE position and I think the Texans have a great front seven and maybe the new DBs can play .
Hoping Fuller will stay healthy is like hoping Trump will resign.
I've heard him glam up the Texans which I always find fake from most of the 610 guys. I wont say I'm especially fond of him in general ,but I did hear a few segments in which he discussed qb mechanics and improving practice habits etc. I was impressed with his insight on it. Keep him on football scheme and technique - that's his wheelhouse. I don't wanna hear anything else from him.

-and Cecil Shorts should get way more air time.
I've heard him glam up the Texans which I always find fake from most of the 610 guys. I wont say I'm especially fond of him in general ,but I did hear a few segments in which he discussed qb mechanics and improving practice habits etc. I was impressed with his insight on it. Keep him on football scheme and technique - that's his wheelhouse. I don't wanna hear anything else from him.

-and Cecil Shorts should get way more air time.

Cecil Shorts and Wade Smith are two of the more honest, (and knowledgeable), guys in Houston. I admire their honesty .... unfortunately that will lead to a limited life span. Sounds kinda like politics, huh ? The slow motion but continual degradation of .... ooh, that's depressing !
No ... I don't buy anything .

I'm just hoping for the best and believe Watson is a good QB . I'm hoping the OL gets fixed and Fuller and Foreman can stay healthy . I think they have lots of talent at the WR/TE position and I think the Texans have a great front seven and maybe the new DBs can play .

This is very reasonable.

I only wish the media heads in this city could match your level rather than their obvious agenda of filling people’s heads with delusional nonsense.
This is very reasonable.

I only wish the media heads in this city could match your level rather than their obvious agenda of filling people’s heads with delusional nonsense.
In a nation of whiners here is one more. There is actually many sides to any issue and this board is sidetracked and railroaded by a few whiners but this crap is just ridiculous. Shouldn’t we actually see the new changes in pads first? Again, Shinobi figured out the problem and expressed it so clearly.
I've heard him glam up the Texans which I always find fake from most of the 610 guys. I wont say I'm especially fond of him in general ,but I did hear a few segments in which he discussed qb mechanics and improving practice habits etc. I was impressed with his insight on it. Keep him on football scheme and technique - that's his wheelhouse. I don't wanna hear anything else from him.

-and Cecil Shorts should get way more air time.

He's actually very good at explaining plays. Like the throw Watson missed in the playoffs to Watson in the endzone. He said Watson was late with the throw and explained why he was late with the throw. I like this kind of analysis.
Thank God that dumb rube is not on the air today.

Wade Smith is instead. Wade is objective, measured and professional....all things that the hayseed lacks.

Good riddance Clint. Back to the trailer park you go.
I always found if a commentator falls on the optimistic side, they're labeled as sheep simply saying what the Texans want them to say.

If the commentator falls on the pessimistic side, they're labeled as truth tellers.

Then there are those that live in reality and fall in between these 2 extremes.

Unfortunately none of the full time talking heads employed by 610 am fall in this category. 610 would rather have their people boast about a Texans utopia, where unicorns roam free and Leprechauns rule.
Then there are those that live in reality and fall in between these 2 extremes.

Unfortunately none of the full time talking heads employed by 610 am fall in this category. 610 would rather have their people boast about a Texans utopia, where unicorns roam free and Leprechauns rule.

If you truly feel this, then why continue to listen to 610? Go to 790, they are more critical of the Texans org.
I find opinions on talk radio to be lame and outdated. Unless they have a real reporter or NFL insider on

Better to come here

Gave up on that trash years ago.

The Houston talk radio is worse than any I've ever heard. I've never seen a single guy on any of those stations I liked other than Richard Justice way back in the day, and then he sort of disappeared.

The whole concept is terrible. Way to many commercials and all of the competitors seems like they are on commercial break at the same time.
In a nation of whiners here is one more. There is actually many sides to any issue and this board is sidetracked and railroaded by a few whiners but this crap is just ridiculous. Shouldn’t we actually see the new changes in pads first? Again, Shinobi figured out the problem and expressed it so clearly.

I'm just a glass half full guy I guess bubba, maybe it's from growing up watching so many NFL team yearbook episodes where they would sugar coat horrid teams. I just found the 1992 Bengals episode on Youtube and they did a pretty good job of making David Klingler look like a future Hall Of Fame elite quarterback and that the Bengals were on the fast track to being contenders lmao, if only they knew the pain and misery that team was in for the next decade.
At the end of the day whether someone is doing a good job or not is based entirely on the bias of the listener. A reporter could have years of experience covering a team, inside sources that go all the way to the owners, a near perfect record on predicting big moves a team will make and smoking gun evidence to prove it all. If what they are saying, however, doesn't match the listener's preconceived views then they are either a shill or a hack. The solution is very simple, if you don't like it, don't listen/read/watch it. Problem solved and you might actually make an impact.

Ultimately they don't care if you like or agree with them or not they only care that you are tuning in. Reminds me a what wrestler Randy Savage once said ( and I'm paraphrasing) "Cheer me or boo me I don't care just don't sit down and do nothing when I come out because that's the real career killer"
Anyone ever listen to this toothless hillbilly on 610 am?

Good God, he makes Jon Harris and John McClain seem objective.

Quite obviously the suits at 610 have told the redneck to fall in line like everyone else on the station, and talk the organization up like they are the second coming of the 1980s 49ers.

This bumpkin is particularly unconvincing though.
Clint is a country boy from Baytown...this is true but I like him. He knows his football pretty good considering he was a local highschool star. Temporary fix eh. He just got hired full time so since you hate him so much maybe you need to change the station. I like the guy.
Karlk I'm still waiting for a example of some of the things that he has said that makes you so hard on the man. He played on the pro level which should give him better insight on things that might be going on. You must be from LaPorte lol. I think Stoerner used to beat up on them a lot back in highschool. Still waiting............. Maybe you hate him because he is a former Dallas Cowboy.
Karlk I'm still waiting for a example of some of the things that he has said that makes you so hard on the man. He played on the pro level which should give him better insight on things that might be going on. You must be from LaPorte lol. I think Stoerner used to beat up on them a lot back in highschool. Still waiting............. Maybe you hate him because he is a former Dallas Cowboy.

To each his own so if you like him more power to you. That said, he's podunk as possible, repetitive as hell, he's quite knowledgeable on football matters and little else, he optimizes every texas stereotype in the worst way, he strikes me as a franchise company man, and worst of all he's a former cowboy.

I dont wanna hear him rehash some histrionics when he played with the cowboys to make a point. **** the cowboys. If that's his bottom line for every story he should be on a dfw station.

I measure radio personalities in the time they can hold my interest. I gave ines 30 seconds at best. CS gets about the same unless he's talking football. Even then it's feast or famine.

Damn I miss zerline.