Practice Squad
The Texans success will depend on david carr we all know that he has to improve a great deal, as a watch the texans play i feel real strong about this upcoming year one thing is real important, MR carr will have to show that he's the next coming of the new breed in qb's. this is'nt the only key to the new carr tho the whole team must drive the carr like it's brand new. with upgrades in the o line and upgrades in the defense we texans fans are looking for more out of our team this yr. the wideouts must be game breaking AJ. will be double team so. jabbar gabbney must step it up a little tony hollings must hold on to the football last yr i closed my eyes each time it was given to him he really needs to improve in that area. D. Davis is a real good back but during the course of the yr he will need a break so it's real important that the 2round pick we used a yr ago on hollings blossum this yr. Ok they are talking about moving chester to guard a good idea maybe this would cut down on flase starts for # 69 i just hope the large wand that they put there has enough magic in him to dominate the defense. Now to the defense I have high hopes there due to all the set backs last yr one thing was accomplished experince we where in most games with a struggling offense and lot's of backup on defense but it show me one thing that with that if we had not been so beat up on defense and had more of our starter we would have won a few more games so i think with the new additions on def. we can finnally get back to yr one when that was all we had. Hopefully mr. wong can finnally do something besides doing nothing in two yrs. hopefully. arron glenn can not get to many hamstrings and help the rookie, hopefully coleman can do a better job than matt stevens. our keys to success depends on a aggressive defense that makes people couch up the football. the turnovers is key we need them and must have them to be sucessful THESE ARE THE KEYS TO THE NEW CARR WE HAVE CARR SEATS FOR BABBIN AND ROBINSON BUCKLE UP IT'S ABOUT TO GO 75 FOR A TEST DRIVE.