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Big Shock - Keye Not Showing Texans In Week 2 Either!!!!!!!!!!

I just sent an email to the Statesman in response to their article and explained the errors of Mr. Vinson and his station, letting them know he is taking ownership of a circumstance that is beyond his control for weeks 3-5.

In a polite way I let them know it was the not the Titans that passed on VY.
Here's the letter I just sent to the Statesman writer:


Thank you for the article on this subject, but it goes deeper than that.

There was no mention of the FACT that at the end of last season, KEYE promised - in the AAStatesman - that they would "Start the 2007 season with the Texans, and see how it goes from there." So that's a blatant lie from Gary Vinson. I would normally not stoop so low as to say that, but he specifically went out of his way to call us Texan fans in Austin liars in your article.

Another point - he's going to act like televising the Texans in weeks 3-5 is his way of 'balancing the schedule', which is a load of BS.

As you mention in week 3, the Titans play on Monday night. So, he's not choosing the Texans over the Titans there.

In week 4, the Titans are off. He's not choosing the Texans there.

In week 5, the Titans (an AFC team) play at HOME against Atlanta (an NFC team) - games where AFC teams host NFC teams are FOX games - not CBS games - so he's not choosing the Texans there either.

In short - by the end of week 5, KEYE will have chosen to air the Titans OVER the Texans 2 times, and they will have chosen to air the Texans OVER the Titans zero times. How is that balance?

Balance will be when KEYE makes a choice between the two teams when there is a broadcast conflict as there is in weeks 1 and 2. There is no broadcast conflict in weeks 3-5.

So "balance" would be if they showed the Texans and Titans one time each during the first two weeks.

I understand that the ratings are forcing KEYE's hand here - but if he truly wants the Texans to flourish - it would be much better to do what he said he was going to do - show the FIRST Texans game.

The first Texans game is at home. In front of a sold out crowd. The team has been totally made over. They showed signs of being a much better team in the off-season.

Instead, we get the Titans - on the road in Jacksonville? SNORE!!! You want to alternate games, KEYE? Fine. But start with the Texans at home - with a newly revamped team - against a team they will likely beat. THAT is the kind of game that will get fans excited, and perhaps get some Austinite wagon-jumpers and fence-sitters to join the side of the Texans.

Instead - we get the Titans the first two weeks - and the Texans in week three against - the defending champion Colts. A game that will be very difficult for the Texans to win, and if they do lose, casual Austin fans will say 'same ol' Texans', and go back to their creepy Vince Young shrine in their basements.

So please, PLEASE print this article and/or ones like it.

Thanks for your attention,

Did anyone see that made the chronicle? Nice Job.

You are probably right about getting arrested, I doubt they are showing the game at APD headquarters.

Just posted this:
Great... People would rather idolize one player than show support for a professional in-state team. This makes no sense to me since, that one player plays for that scum-bag that ripped a team out of Texas to begin with. Over the years, there have been many, many, many great players come from Texas and Texas schools and played elsewhere professionally. I didn't suddenly become loyal to whichever team they played for or went to(although I wished them the best)... When Dat Nguyen was drafted by the Cowboys, I didn't become a Cowboy fan.

As far as the Texans not drafting VY, it WAS the right choice. He does not fit the WCO. Period. Get over it. Bush??? Anyone catch that Colts game last night??

What does it say to you when Tenessee's head coach AND offensive coordinator did not want to draft VY but Bud Adams forced them to draft him anyway... For no other reason than to take another jab at the city that made that toupee wearing used car salesman - rich. Well congratulations VY worshippers. You bought Bud's garbage hook line and sinker... You should be ashamed of yourselves as Texans...
It is funny the cowboy fan who had to put their cent worth into it. All I have to say is they root for a OU boy who used to make the girls his biatch.

Great post Bill, a lot better than my incoherant rant.

Note to self do not post while extremely ticked off.

FYI....Just had this email exchange with G. Vinson. Some new comments not in the earlier form letter

Date: Fri Sep 7 21:22:17 2007
From: <>
[ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ]
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: Tennessee football advertisers

Mr Vinson,

I know that you understand that when KEYE started with the Texans, they were an expansion team and were not expected to be a consistent winner for years.

A little history lesson for you : check out the 1st five years of this expansion team a few years back THE DALLAS COWBOYS

1st year: 0-11-1
2nd year: 4-9-1
3rd year: 5-8-1
4th year: 4-10
5th year: 5-8-1

If you had been Program Director back then, you'd have called out the Cowboys as losers and switched to whatever team had your favorite player. Bailing out right when they were ready to be winners for years to come.

You're making that mistake now.

If you can't acknowledge that the Texans are ready to turn the same kind of corner, you're just not knowledgeable or it just doesn't fit your plan.

You have no sense of sports obviously don't know what its like to be the fan of a're just siding with your other celebrity obsessed casual fans over REAL football fans who have been loyal to the Texans AND KEYE through the lean times.

You mentioned how poorly you thought the Texans were being run, but you didn't mention how well you thought the Titans were being managed (other than drafting your celebrity player, over the objection of both the coach and offensive coordinator). It's pretty much consensus that they had one of the worst offseasons of any franchise. I guess you don't care about that....doesn't fit your plan.

As for your numbers, you continue to throw them out without context, You compare Texan games that were going head-to-head with a Cowboys telecast with Titan games that had no Cowboy competition. Of course more football fans would tune in if there were no Cowboys game on. You're not comparing apples to apples, but you, of course never mention this. In addition, there was a fascination of Vince starting his pro career and the Titans got on a roll. He was a shiny new toy that everyone wanted to check out. The newness is gone. You act as if one season is exactly the same as the last. That's either naive or disingenuous.

And you still have not acknowledged the earlier statement made in the American Statesman "We'll start with the Texans and see where things go". I can see why you avoid it, because it turned out to be untrue (Lie). I see the Titans won't be competing against a Cowboy game in week one on KEYE....hmmmmm...could this have anything to do with the change of heart??

Bottom line is you have Texan fans hostage. You run programmingn on our CBS affiliate. We could spend the money and go through the inconvenience of ordering DirectTV Sunday Ticket, but Vince could blow out his knee or a million other things could happen when basing this stuff on one player, and you maybe start showing Texan games again and thats $300 blown money.

Anywhere else in the country, DirectTV Sunday Ticket is meant for fans of teams/players who ARE NOT PLAYING FOR THE LOCAL TEAM. Like Tennessee.

You are turning everything on its head backwards of the way it should be. Congratulations for sticking it to the fans who've stuck with KEYE and the Texans through the rough times.

--- On Fri 09/07, Vinson, Gary A < > wrote:

From: Vinson, Gary A [mailto:]
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 16:44:26 -0400
Subject: RE: Tennessee football advertisers

Sacrat1, thanks for writing to KEYE.

First and foremost, its the local football fans in Austin who choose what games are aired on KEYE. We monitor the level of sports viewing every Sunday on KEYE and plan our schedules accordingly. Perhaps a little background on the Texans and KEYE would be helpful.

In the Texans first season we aired 4 preseason and 14 regular season games by the Texans. That was every game available to us. In their second season we aired 4 preseason and 14 regular season as well. In the third season there were only 3 preseason games available, and we followed that with 14 regular season games. In their fourth season, we aired 4 preseason games, but only had access to 10 regular season games (and aired all of them). The other games were available on other networks.

In the fifth season, we aired the only 2 preseason games available to us, and in mid-season began to show some of the Titans games as well as the Texans. In the end, we aired 9 Texans games and 9 Titans games. Also during those five years we aired their pre-game specials, covered their training camps, and reported on them in KEYE Sports. It would be difficult to make the case that KEYE didn't give it up for the Texans, in fact, it would only be possible to make that case if you just simply ignored the facts..

The last All-Texans-All-The-Time game we showed was in Oct of last year, and in that game just 15,000 households tuned in (in a city of 602,340 households). The very next week we aired a Titans game and 54,0000 households tuned in. (A 260% increase in the number of fan's households that tuned in of their own free will) There were several games when 70,000+ fans tuned in. These results repeated throughout the remainder of the year.

I know for a fact that the Houston Texans franchise is very aware of this and are not too happy that a local college football hero playing for a team in another state attracts more viewers than their own team which is just 150 miles up the road. This result is after almost five years of KEYE airing every single Texans game we could get our hands on. It may be a sad fact for some, but its a fact none-the-less.

What I find interesting is the number of fans who want to then turn to the TV station and blindly blame them for the poor fan support of the Texans in Austin. It seems its all about everything (anything) BUT the poor performance of the Texans over the past five years (and the subsequent loss of fan interest).

We at KEYE (very obviously) would love for the Texans to have a great year and regain some of their fan base. Perhaps this is their year to do just exactly that. We can only hope that they field a strong team (looks good so far) and that football fans are attracted to it - that is how ball clubs are built.

Again, thanks for writing in, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Gary Vinson

Programming / Research Director

From: []
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 3:25 PM
To: Vinson, Gary A
Cc: Smith, Allison R
Subject: Tennessee football advertisers
Importance: High

I'm going to make sure to DVR the Titan game so that after I return home from watching my local Texas NFL team, I'll compile a list of all of the local businesses supporting Tennessee football in Austin so that myself, my family, and my friends can inform these particular businesses that they should actively support the local Texas NFL teams and that we will spread the word that their businesses shouldn't be frequented.

My small contribution to bringing local NFL football back to Austin.

Go Texans!
I don't think this has anything to do with Vince Young. It is former Longhorn and current Titan tight end Bo Scaife that everyone in Austin wants to watch!

All kidding aside, I agree with everything that has been said about this issue. I live in Fredericksburg and DirectTv screwed me last year by taking away my San Antonio local channels, where I could watch the Texans, and giving me Austin. Am I blessed or what. Dish Network at least gives you the option of having both here where I live.

Yes, the Sunday Ticket. It's so damn expensive but it is the most logical alternative at this point. I'll be at two live games this year, just like every year, so at least I have that to look forward to.

Kudos to all those that have expressed their opinions on this matter.
Fridays paper had an article about us the Austin fans in it, mentioning the griping we have been doing. If I find the link I'll post it.
Fridays paper had an article about us the Austin fans in it, mentioning the griping we have been doing. If I find the link I'll post it.

The eyes of Austin on Sunday will be upon Vince Young and the Tennessee Titans, not Matt Schaub and the Texans, which shows you how far the Texans have to go in rebuilding their image.

KEYE, the CBS owned-and-operated station in Austin, opted for Titans-Jaguars rather than Chiefs-Texans because viewership of the average Titans game was 60 percent higher than viewership for the average Texans game last year, said program director Gary Vinson.

"For 4 1/2 years, we aired every single Texans game we could, no matter how bad it got," Vinson said. "When Vince went to the Titans, we started getting tons of requests from people who wanted to see him. So we started going back and forth, and the difference was significant."

Texans fans in Austin are, not surprisingly, up in arms. One has started a Web site: www://

Vinson, however, answers to advertisers as well as viewers, and 54,800 households (the average viewing audience for run-of-the-mill Titans games last year) beats 33,731 households (the average for run-of-the-mill Texans games).

Texans spokesman Tony Wylie described KEYE's decision as "a disservice to the Texans fans in Austin. We know it's the station manager's choice, and we hope (KEYE) elects to air our games in the future."

Every other CBS market in Texas will get the Chiefs-Texans game except Dallas-Fort Worth and Wichita Falls, which will get the Dolphins-Redskins.

However, even though your local NFL team is getting dissed in the capital city, TV geeks and Texans fans can take heart in this coda: The only CBS game this weekend that will not be broadcast in HDTV is Titans-Jaguars. So there.
Hey KEYE, how'd that great Tinnbread v. JAX game work out for you??

Your idol was 11/18 for 78 yards or 4.3 avetage with 0 TDS and 1 INT, although he did rush 11 times for 22 yards. :rolleyes:
It is funny the cowboy fan who had to put their cent worth into it. All I have to say is they root for a OU boy who used to make the girls his biatch.

Great post Bill, a lot better than my incoherant rant.

Note to self do not post while extremely ticked off.


I posted this, this morning:

Texan_Bill wrote:
***baha1960 wrote:
Let's face it. VY is more entertaining than the Texans. Any chance we can drop the Texans for the Titans locally? Maybe we can cart off the Texans to College Station. By the time VY is done, it's the only market the Texans will have. Whoop it up, Ags.***

LMAO Loser!! 11/18 for 78 yards (or 4.3 average per pass) with 0 TD's and 1 INT is SOOOOOO much more entertaining than Schaubs one pass of 77 yards to AJ for a TD..

Carry on..... Continue to sniff VY's jock!!!!!

Not as lucid as normal.... but hell, I haven't sobered up completely!!
Question for everyone. I may be heading to Canyon Lake for the weekend. Does KEYE cover the Canyon Lake area? Or would that be San Antonio since its a bit closer? Will San Antonio be televising it?
I live in New Braunfels, we can watch either city with an antenna, but San Antonio is the better picture quality, and you're in luck. So far (knock on wood) KENS 5 is opting to carry the Texans games.
I gave up on KEYE last year and continue to remind DirecTV folks in the Austin area that they can get their CBS programming elsewhere.

Good job KEYE alienating the very tiny amount of Houstonians :rolleyes:, that reside in Austin, from their team.

Once the Texans start winning in earnest I do plan on watching KEYE to gather a list of their sponsors and intend on writing them of the lack of vision KEYE has and the dulling of whatever value proposition they offered.