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Big Ben injured in Motorcycle Accident

An update at 3:38 our time from

There are conflicting reports from Pittsburgh's two leading papers regarding the severity of the injuries suffered by quarterback Ben Roethlisberger in Monday morning's motorcycle accident.

The Tribune-Review reports that Big Ben has, among other things, two serious knee injuries. The Post-Gazette reports that the team is "encouraged" by reports from Mercy Hospital, and former teammate Jerome Bettis said that he's been told that Ben will be fine.

Here's hoping he will be fine - 2 serious knee injuries doesn't sound like a career enhancer.
From what I heard on the radio, IMO he will not be coming back anytime soon or maybe even at all.

He lost most of his teeth according to radio reports.
Chicagotexan1 said:
If Pit is on our schedule then amend it to "delayed" complete recovery - until the after we play them.

I'm much more worried about his life than his football playing abilities. I know what you mean but...
You can add a mere broken nose to that...................This is indeed why we call them MURDERCYLCES and their riders (especially those without helmets) DONOR CYCLISTS (although many times there is very little left to harvest).
Looks like many reports now are coming off the previous "severe knee" injury talk, and are now just saying that he sustained "injuries to his knees". That to me is a positive thing.

Broken nose, broken jaw, broken sinus cavity, facial lacerations, lost teeth, cut on back of head...

You've got to wonder with all those head injuries what the lasting effect of this will be on him mentally.
And when you learn your lessons kiddies, there will be

1)Not being armless
2)Not being legless
3)Not being brainless (although part of that must have already been present)
4)Not being headless
5)Not being hemi or paraplegic

OH, yes

6)Not being DEAD

This would have been a good read for coach to have given Ben with his father - son talk last year:

I do wish him well.
All I can say is....what a dumb a**!!!

This guy had the rest of his life to ride motorcycles...AFTER his playing days were over.

Way to think about yourself before the team Ben...I am sure your team mates will really appreciate this! So much for a Steeler repeat!

Having said this...I hope he fully recovers from his injuries. I'd hate to see his career ended by such a stupid act.
John Clayton said he should be back by season time and that he may miss the first pre season game, but that's all. He said his knee injuries were more like scrapes, so that should heal well before his face does.
He should be fine. I went through a windshield when I was 9. My injuries very similiar. Except my lip was busted wide open, and I had to get stitches in my gums. No arm or leg injuries. So wear your seatbelt.
TexanFan881 said:
John Clayton said he should be back by season time and that he may miss the first pre season game, but that's all. He said his knee injuries were more like scrapes, so that should heal well before his face does.

That is interesting. We'll know a lot more once he has a face to face interview on camera. IMO, the longer that doesn't happen, the more serious it is.
Are you guys watching Sprotscenter? The Steelers are relieved he can still play this season. **** that Id be relieved he's alive!
Youngstown Colt said:
I'm not directing this at you whatsoever, but I wish I would have seen statements like this after K2 got in his accident.

Sadly, there was nothing but ridicule and jokes.
K2 came into this league riding his fathers coattails(regardless of talent). Big Ben has EARNED his stripes. He's much of a man.
On another note, I had a VERY similar injuy in 1996 from a bullriding accident that left my right cheekbone, right eye socket, right nasal cavity, jaw, nose broken and a loss of 6 teeth. If those are the worst of his injuries, he'll be fine this time next year. Maybe sooner. The nasal cavity is the worst, if the eye wasn't damaged(nasal cavity can leak air into the cranium=BAD) If he suffered a fractured skull of any kind, it's a lot more serious. No detail on his knees. Probably concussive type injuries, hopefully no broken patellas or torn ligaments.
As a Texans fan, I LOATHE the Steelers. As a human and football fan, I pray for a speedy and full recovery.

PS: Depending on severity, I would look at a 3-6 month window for any kind of contact drills at all. But that's real world, not competive sports. Modern chemistry can be miraculous.
Yikes! Hope big Ben pulls through and can still play. He's got so much ahead of him that it surprises me a little that he'd take these kind of risks. I thought he'd be smarter than that. It's not yourself that you have to worry about on a bike, but rather everyone else around you. This accident is case in point.
Double Barrel said:
Yikes! Hope big Ben pulls through and can still play. He's got so much ahead of him that it surprises me a little that he'd take these kind of risks. I thought he'd be smarter than that. It's not yourself that you have to worry about on a bike, but rather everyone else around you. This accident is case in point.
Little old ladies with blue hair, turning left, are the single biggest cause of motorcycle fatalities each year. Sad but true.
Battle Red Bull said:
Did anybody catch what kind of motorcycle he was riding?

Never mind.... I just saw what was left of the crotch rocket.... I'm shocked that he is injured given his choice in motorcycles.
Battle Red Bull said:
Never mind.... I just saw what was left of the crotch rocket.... I'm shocked that he is injured given his choice in motorcycles.

Excuse me but I resemble that remark--the physics of a collision don't change based on the brand name of your bike. According to reports, Big Ben had a lady pull in front of him cutting him off--a Harley Rebel wouldn't have reduced his injuries.
infantrycak said:
Excuse me but I resemble that remark--the physics of a collision don't change based on the brand name of your bike. According to reports, Big Ben had a lady pull in front of him cutting him off--a Harley Rebel wouldn't have reduced his injuries.
Um...HONDA Rebel....Don't piss the bikers off. They take that stuff seriously.
My point is that it seems like these NFL players are always riding crotch rockets when they go down. IMO, just shows a lack of concern for safety. I don't have the empirical data available just yet, but that's my theory until I start hearing about pro athletes wrecking cruisers.

While I don't begrudge any man for riding sport bikes, it does smack of stupidity when a pro athlete has an accident on a motorcycle, especially one built for speed.
I just saw video of the donorcycle, as CND calls them, and the car. He's lucky to be alive. Front wheel and forks compressed up into the body of the bike, and the woman's car severly damaged in the right front quarter. There's a 10" diameter fracture on the lower right windshield where I assume his head hit.

How in the hell does Clayton know when he'll be ready to play? Rhetorical...

I used to ride dirt bikes but always wore a helmet. That habit started when a buddy of mine put down his Honda 350 on a paved road at about 60 mph. Buddy #2 riding with us ran over his head during the mishap (proven by some nice tire marks on Buddy #1's helmet). Buddy #1 survived but lost a lot of skin in the process. He slid on his back and luckily didn't roll. The helmet is in his garage as a reminder.
Pitssburg's lost enough of the pieces of last year's puzzle. This is going to help nothing. With Big Ben losing out on training camp and probably most if not all of preseason, he's not the seasoned QB like Montana or Favre or Young who can say it won't significantly affect his long term regular season performance. These injuries likely will put him in potential increased risk for recurrent concussion, possible visual disturbances for months and at very least chronic arthritic knees. Violent accidents can have long term chronic maladies of the neck and back which do not definitively present before weeks following the trauma lending the victim vulnerable to reinjury. If I were Pittsburg, I would be spending more of my time looking for the reasonable substitute than praying for a quick uncomplicated recovery. With that said, I wish Big Ben a speedy and complete recovery.
I like big ben, I think he is an exellent QB but.....I like Omar Jacobs better so this is his chance to shine and earn the starting job, so get out there and play ur ass off.

Omar Rules!!:cool:
I will also pray for Ben to have a speedy and full recovery. I've always respected the man for his honesty and personel freedom of lifestyle. Very unfortunate in this case it almost cost him his life. Bottom line these bikes should be banned and helmets should be mandatory :texans:
"The seller ended this listing early because of an error in the listing."

Error in judgment perhaps?
Not to be mean but this guy could get some money off this. He said repeated times that he hopes Big Ben will be okay and everything, and maybe he needs a little money. Also, I'm sure some Steelers fans would be interested in the "memorabilia".
Perhaps, I dont know. I just saw it on another board and thought I would post the information here. I personaly think it's a little premature for that kind of talk coming out of the Steelers camp.
I wanted to include this post in its entirety, as I think that it may open some eyes to why we see things we see in the trauma rooms:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 The Cincinnati Post
A lesson for Roethlisberger

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger wouldn't dream of going onto the football field without his helmet, but he thinks nothing of climbing on his motorcycle without one.

Apparently it hasn't dawned on him that cars are a lot bigger and faster than opposing linemen, and hit harder too.

On Monday, the Miami University graduate got a lesson in physics - and personal responsibility.

Roethlisberger suffered serious facial injuries, injuring a broken jaw and nose, when he was thrown from his bike after it hit a car. It's unclear how it will affect his career, but he's lucky he wasn't killed.

The wreck is already getting a lot of attention, and not just because he is who he is. It's also because Roethlisberger had been warned by his coach and criticized by TV announcers for the team in the past for his riding, particularly because he's been vocal about his penchant for riding without a helmet.

It's difficult to say with certainly whether a helmet would have kept the player from being injured, just like it's difficult to say whether a helmet would have saved Boone County Sheriff's Deputy Mike Scheben, who was unhelmeted when he was thrown from his bike and killed while riding in Union on May 31.

And sometimes helmets don't make any difference, like when a pickup truck crossed the center line June 3 and killed two bikers, including the chairman of the Western Kentucky University board of regents, Cornelius Martin. Martin suffered severe trauma to the chest.

But helmets generally save lives and prevent injuries.

At one time all states required helmets, but under pressure from those who advocate "freedom" lawmakers in 30 states have rolled back those laws, including in Ohio and Kentucky.

Over the last decade, deaths in motorcycle crashes have nearly doubled, going up eight straight years even as the total number of miles driven has decreased. Recent federal studies concluded that 700 lives could have been saved in one year alone if they were mandatory.

Studies routinely show that helmets save lives, reduce the likelihood and severity of injury and reduce health care costs.

A study by the Neuroscience Institute at the University of Cincinnati and University Hospital came to the same conclusion. The study examined 224 patients involved in motorcycle collisions who came to the hospital's trauma center in 2003-2004.

Fifty-nine of the 139 riders who weren't wearing a helmet suffered a head injury, compared to just seven of the 75 helmeted riders. In addition, 34 of the unhelmeted riders suffered spinal injuries, compared to 14 riders who were wearing helmets.

The hospital stay for those riders who suffered head injuries and weren't wearing helmets averaged eight days, compared to four days for those with helmets. Hospital costs were significantly greater too.

Because those who didn't wear helmets were less likely to carry private health insurance, more often those costs were picked up by the public.

It's hard to argue with those numbers.

Riders should wear helmets, and if they're not going to, perhaps government should step in and make them.

Even if they quarterback for the world champions.


Here's a link that makes you think about how many of our millionare athletes show blatant disregard for their responsibilities to their professions and to their families.:
Looks like Big Ben received the sport bike as a gift:

Roethlisberger's 2005 Suzuki Hayabusa, which takes its name from a Japanese bird of prey, was totaled. The 170-horsepower bike, which weighs 500 pounds fully loaded, was targeted by law enforcement agencies worldwide after its 1998 debut because it can reach a top speed of 189 mph.

Suzuki Motorcycles of North America gave Roethlisberger the bike as part of a promotional deal in exchange for his appearance at several area Suzuki dealerships, including Andrews Cycle in Salem, Ohio, where he picked up the motorcycle last summer. Andrews' sales staff declined comment.

The motorcycle is popular among first-time buyers, said Steve Stiller, a salesman at Northgate Motorcycles in Cranberry, Butler County.


Big Ben typically rode Harley style motorcycles. This doesn't apply to Big Ben since he has been riding for a while but as a follow on to CnD--IMO a significant part of the increase in motorcycle injuries is due, as the quote above indicates, 1st time buyers going out and getting machines far beyond their skill level. The Hayabusa is not a starter bike. People who are more interested in posing and showing off jump straight onto these instead of working their way up the motorcycle food chain with predictable results.
CloakNNNdagger said:
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 The Cincinnati Post
A lesson for Roethlisberger

Riders should wear helmets, and if they're not going to, perhaps government should step in and make them.
Goverment tried that once and it got overturned. I think it was early 80's.

I have never been in favor of protecting the dumb from themselves.
I have never been in favor of protecting the dumb from themselves.

Its not about protecting the dumb from themselves...its about protecting those that pay the price for the idiots that don't have healthcare insurance. Why should I have to pay the price for some yahoo that decides to get on a motorcycle without a helmet AND without insurance?

Just put a bullet in the guy's head if he wipes the taxpayers from the burden of having to pay his healthcare bills.
infantrycak said:
Big Ben typically rode Harley style motorcycles. This doesn't apply to Big Ben since he has been riding for a while but as a follow on to CnD--IMO a significant part of the increase in motorcycle injuries is due, as the quote above indicates, 1st time buyers going out and getting machines far beyond their skill level. The Hayabusa is not a starter bike. People who are more interested in posing and showing off jump straight onto these instead of working their way up the motorcycle food chain with predictable results.

Bingo. The Houston Press had an article about this very subject a few months ago, and so many inexperienced riders go out and get bikes that are way too big for their skill level. They get overconfident about their abilities and take for granted the power that these motorcycles produce. This attitude has killed many young riders and maimed countless others for life. I suppose one could chalk it up to human genetics trying to cull the herd a bit.
According to ESPN radio (from 790am) Ben didn't have a motorcycle license. That makes all the claims of his riding without a helmet being legal false. Supposedly Penn's no mandatory helmet law applies to experienced riders that have a license for at least 2 years.

That brings this up: Should pros be allowed to do whatever they want in their offtime or do they owe the team, city and fans to be reasonably safe with themselves?