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Andre recruiting Ochocinco, and Cromartie???


All Pro
Starts off with Ochocinco

@johnson80 I want to whoop your ass just because I can!!!

Then Andre
@ochocinco here u go again. When ever u ready

I'm gone whoop your ass until your account is unverified!!! RT @johnson80

johnson80 andre johnson
@ochocinco u no what I have a better idea. Come play with me in Texas then we can fight everyday. Lol

Okay, I love this idea RT @johnson80

Then Antonio
@ochocinco @johnson80 yeah I like it too.
Then I can shutdown both of u guys in Practice lol...jus playing

I'm not lets go RT @A_Cromartie31!/A_Cromartie31!/johnson80!/ochocinco
I would possibly be willing to take the headache if we could fit them under an imaginary cap with reasonable contracts.
That's interesting. I wonder if it means anything. Ochocinco and Cromartie are both from Florida. Ocho is from Miami, Cromartie is from Tallahassee. Also, Cromartie went to Florida State, so it is likely that he has some sort of relationship with AJ.

I would possibly be willing to take the headache if we could fit them under an imaginary cap with reasonable contracts.

I think AJ might be one of two or three guys who could grab Ocho by the facemask and get him in check.
Starts off with Ochocinco

@johnson80 I want to whoop your ass just because I can!!!

Then Andre
@ochocinco here u go again. When ever u ready

I'm gone whoop your ass until your account is unverified!!! RT @johnson80

johnson80 andre johnson
@ochocinco u no what I have a better idea. Come play with me in Texas then we can fight everyday. Lol

Okay, I love this idea RT @johnson80

Then Antonio
@ochocinco @johnson80 yeah I like it too.
Then I can shutdown both of u guys in Practice lol...jus playing

I'm not lets go RT @A_Cromartie31!/A_Cromartie31!/johnson80!/ochocinco

If that were to happen, we would book flights to the Super Bowl. As Texans fans, we've been conditioned to never expect something that awesome.

One can always dream.
Ocho stinko isn't even that good of a WR anymore. He's more worried about attention and self promotion than he is football. Been that way for years. Would hate to see him on this team. If the Texans went in a direction like that Steve Smith would be a much better option.
Either Cromartie would greatly help this secondary. Ochocinco might not be great, but as a #2 opposite AJ, he might do OK. Although, I would much rather see the Texans spend that money on Sindey Rice if they can get him. Even Steve Breaston could put up the numbers of Ochocinco for a third of the cost.

Glover Quin Jr
@ochocinco @A_Cromartie31 @ochocinco @johnson80
come on so we can win this super bowl and celebrate.. that feeling look special last night

Glover Quin Jr
@ochocinco @A_Cromartie31 @johnson80 lets bring a trophy to Houston..
I wish the Texans would do this. We haven't accomplished anything as a franchise, so why not take a flyer on Chad Johnson/Ochocinco?
Wouldn't mind if the Texans signed those guys. Sure Chad can be an ass at times, but opposite AJ, I think it would make him a damn good number 2 receiver. He's not as good as he used to be, but I think hes a better option than what the Texans currently have. I don't think it will happen though.
Wouldn't mind if the Texans signed those guys. Sure Chad can be an ass at times, but opposite AJ, I think it would make him a damn good number 2 receiver. He's not as good as he used to be, but I think hes a better option than what the Texans currently have. I don't think it will happen though.

He wasn't even a good #2 WR to TO this season and TO played lights out for most of the year. Chad's had one big season in his last 3 seasons. The Texans need to resign Vonte Leach as their first priority on offense to keep their running game intact and need to focus all their resources on defense as far as other players go.

The last thing they need to do is to sign a guy who wants attention so badly that he tries to ride bulls and goes on VH1 reality shows. It's a reason why Palmer hates playing with the Bengals so badly that he might retire. Chad's a big part of that.
If that were to happen, we would book flights to the Super Bowl. As Texans fans, we've been conditioned to never expect something that awesome.

One can always dream.

We'd definitely be good. I wouldn't mind Ochocinco on this team. If he would have played a full season last year, he may have gotten to 1,000 yards. No doubt him and AJ could both get to 1000 yards in this offense. He'd be a better #2 than Jacoby or Walter. And Cromartie would help on defense, since I doubt we land ASO, though one can dream. Texans need to do this. What's the worst that can happen?
He wasn't even a good #2 WR to TO this season and TO played lights out for most of the year. Chad's had one big season in his last 3 seasons. The Texans need to resign Vonte Leach as their first priority on offense to keep their running game intact and need to focus all their resources on defense as far as other players go.

The last thing they need to do is to sign a guy who wants attention so badly that he tries to ride bulls and goes on VH1 reality shows. It's a reason why Palmer hates playing with the Bengals so badly that he might retire. Chad's a big part of that.

Yeah, IMO though, he is better than what we have never know. Hes not my first choice that's for damn sure, but I would like to see what he could do here, on the cheap that is. :cool:

I definitely agree with resigning Vonta, he is a huge asset to the running game. That guy can lay down some vicious blocks.
Ugh. No thanks.

All the banter back and forth is fun, to kill all this dead time, but in reality the acquisition of Chad Johnson means a significant number of passes deferred/re-routed from our other receivers and targeted for Chad Johnson. I'm not all that enthralled with what I have seen from Chad Johnson. He seems to bring his teammates down, rather than building them up.

What's his contract status like anyways? Would he have be traded for? Even if he was a free agent, what is he going to want? Would Bob McNair want him and his shenanigans? Remember: This is the guy who flirts with NFL fines every week he scores a TD--Is that really what Bob wants? No, it's not. Easy answer.

I think we avoid Cromartie for obvious reasons, as well.

Bob McNair wants tio guard public perception very closely. He's handling this thing like all his players are on scholarships that can be yanked at any time for undesirable behavior on and off the field. Hell, he even had a sit-down with Mario Williams over racing cars.

This is fun stuff to kill time. To play the "what if???" games, etc.

In reality, Kubiak and McNair don't want to risk blowing up an already consistent and reliable passing game. It has more risk than reward attached to it. For every crack head Bud Adams has on his roster, we have 20 solid, Good Citizen type players to match it. Don't think for a second that Bob doesn't hold that ratio in high esteem and as a middle finger to Bud and his crew in Tennessee. Bob's philosophy is that the good guys are gonna' win in the end. Maybe 250 years from now, but you get the drift. LOL.

That's what made the Mavs win so great: Those guys didn't ditch their long-term teams to go play in Dallas for a one-season title run--They had been there awhile, slowly plugging away and choppin' wood as a t-e-a-m. Bosh and James tried to guarantee a ring, and almost did, but lost to the Mavs who had an aging Jason Kidd and a sick-for-two-games and older Dirk Nowitzki who is a flat-footed perimeter shooter who is slow as hell when he moves to the basket. The ironies are so thick. And that's what I hope happens with the Texans: That we're actually about to break the sound barrier and do something different, and we'll have done it without being the thugs that the Titans and the Jags are. And without the crybaby give-me-the-call-ref! antics of The Forehead in Indy.

Go Schaub! Go Foster! Go Andre! Go Texans! Chad Johnson can't be a part of that, IMO. Doesn't fit.
It'd be prerequisite that he change his name back to Johnson so we could make Johnson & Johnson jokes.

There are guys at both positions who I'd prefer (i.e. Steve Smith, Richard Marshall), but I certainly wouldn't be upset if we signed Johnson or Cromartie.
The offense is not the problem with this team, so I'm not sold on Ochocinco improving that chemistry more than he'd disrupt it.

We need good defenders if this team is going to make the playoffs. Taking up cap room with Ochocinco is not achieving that objective.
I'd love it and think Ochocinco and Cromartie would be a blast to watch in Steel Blue and Battle Red.

Probably won't happen though with the Boy Scout Club in charge of the organization.
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How does the addition of Chad Johnson (I refuse to call that dimwit by his idiotic nickname) compare with what we got out of adding say.... Eric Moulds? Maybe he's got more left in the tank than Moulds did when he came here but it feels so similar to me that I see no reason to try it. I already know what happens when you put an older WR who's lost a step opposite Andre Johnson.
I'd love it and thing Ochocinco and Cromartie would be a blast to watch in Steel Blue and Battle Red.

Probably won't happen though with the Boy Scout Club in charge of the organization.

Pretty much my feelings exactly.

Offense hasn't really done anything to get better and barring the progression of a player like Dorin Dickerson they might have actually regressed a bit (having not re-signed Vonta and all)...

Free Agency would be an excellent opprotunity to improve our offense and defense going into next season. And by us not having drafted any talent to make an impact on our offense I would not mind them going after a WR to add to the weaponary....
How does the addition of Chad Johnson (I refuse to call that dimwit by his idiotic nickname) compare with what we got out of adding say.... Eric Moulds? Maybe he's got more left in the tank than Moulds did when he came here but it feels so similar to me that I see no reason to try it. I already know what happens when you put an older WR who's lost a step opposite Andre Johnson.

Carr vs Schaub is reason enough for me to believe that there would be a difference...

I think Moulds probably is a lot more productive is Mr. Mittens isnt throwing him the ball...
I'd love it and thing Ochocinco and Cromartie would be a blast to watch in Steel Blue and Battle Red.

Probably won't happen though with the Boy Scout Club in charge of the organization.

I don't think either one of them are gay.

I wish the Texans would do this. We haven't accomplished anything as a franchise, so why not take a flyer on Chad Johnson/Ochocinco?

I agree, why not? Chad is still a good WR and Cromartie is better than what we have...but If I had a choice to get these two guys OR just Nnamdi, i'm choosing Nnamdi.

Cromartie would come here, he'll just follow the money and Chad would be happy to get out of Cincy any ways. So it's nice to have options, hopefully the Texans do something this offseason...hopefully there will be a offseason...
The offense is not the problem with this team, so I'm not sold on Ochocinco improving that chemistry more than he'd disrupt it.

We need good defenders if this team is going to make the playoffs. Taking up cap room with Ochocinco is not achieving that objective.

I could see doing it, but I pretty much agree with this. MUCH rather have Aso and Cromartie, if that were possible. That's the dream right now, because my goal would be to find a secondary mix that can actually shut down our passing game in practice, including the TE(s). THAT's a defense.
I could see doing it, but I pretty much agree with this. MUCH rather have Aso and Cromartie, if that were possible. That's the dream right now, because my goal would be to find a secondary mix that can actually shut down our passing game in practice, including the TE(s). THAT's a defense.

A man can dream!....

I'd actually become blindly optimistic if the Texans could pull off both Aso and Cromartie. That addition, along with Wade's control of the defense and the players already on staff, would give me the confidence as a fan that we are going in the right direction.

A man can dream!....

I'd actually become blindly optimistic if the Texans could pull off both Aso and Cromartie. That addition, along with Wade's control of the defense and the players already on staff, would give me the confidence as a fan that we are going in the right direction.


Now tell them bastards to end the lockout!
He wasn't even a good #2 WR to TO this season and TO played lights out for most of the year. Chad's had one big season in his last 3 seasons. The Texans need to resign Vonte Leach as their first priority on offense to keep their running game intact and need to focus all their resources on defense as far as other players go.

The last thing they need to do is to sign a guy who wants attention so badly that he tries to ride bulls and goes on VH1 reality shows. It's a reason why Palmer hates playing with the Bengals so badly that he might retire. Chad's a big part of that.

Does anyone remember what Cincy was like before Chad Johnson (ochocinco)? They were horrible. Ochocinco, changed the attitude there, though, when he declared a guaranteed victory over the Houston Texans (of all teams). They then changed as a team and the year after that, made the playoffs for the first time in a long time.

You can say what you want, but it has been said by all of his teammates that Ochocinco is a great teammate. All except for Palmer, but he's just butt hurt because he isn't as good as the media was making him out to be. That QB has always been overrated. If you go back and look at his INTs they are absolutely sickening, and Chad would call him out because he was getting tired of it.
Does anyone remember what Cincy was like before Chad Johnson (ochocinco)? They were horrible. Ochocinco, changed the attitude there, though, when he declared a guaranteed victory over the Houston Texans (of all teams). They then changed as a team and the year after that, made the playoffs for the first time in a long time.

You can say what you want, but it has been said by all of his teammates that Ochocinco is a great teammate. All except for Palmer, but he's just butt hurt because he isn't as good as the media was making him out to be. That QB has always been overrated. If you go back and look at his INTs they are absolutely sickening, and Chad would call him out because he was getting tired of it.

This is like the "Is it Carr or is it the offensive line?" debate.

I hear what you're saying. I just don't think Chad really cares as much about football as other WRs do. For as much as Palmer might be mascarading as an NFL caliber QB when he's not, I think the same might be said of Chad Johnson.

It's possible that BOTH of those guys are a step behind. It doesn't have to be an either/or situation.
I wouldn't be opposed to Ochocinco, to be honest. Of couse I will have to include the usual, "for the right price". I think Chad 85 would be coming here BECAUSE of Andre. He likes to have fun, every wideout wants to be the main focus, but if he does sign here... it's one of those situations that he KNOWS Andre is the main man but that 85 should see a lot of looks. As a #2 and him hanging out with Andre, I think we'd be just fine. I wouldn't want him as a #1 though.

This kind of goes with Cromartie. I think he's vastly overrated as a #1 CB, just as Ochocinco is at WR. We'd be looking from Cromartie to fill the #1 spot and while that would be an improvement, I don't have the feeling our defense is overwhelmingly better. If the Texans choose to go with Cromartie AND a safety like Weddle, then I'd say our secondary is much improved.
that would be ****ing amazing. then we will have

OD(not a WR but a pass catcher)

and on defense:
Brandon Harris
Jason Allen
GQ (safety)
Eric Weddle(hopefully will go after him at least for other safety spot)
other Corner (Jonathan Joseph hopefully)

defense looks vastly improved to me even without the other corner
The Texans have been historically bad at anticipating which veterans will adjust well to our team.

I'm now of the "throw jello at the wall" mentality. Lets bring in as many guys as we can, see who does well in preseason/camps, and go from there :D
So far this off season Andre has been "in talks" with Ochocinco, Cromartie, and Asomugha. He may replace Rick Smith before too long
If Chad Johnson comes here, the first thing we should do is make him take either #82 or #84. #85 is taken (by Joel Dreeson), OchoQuatro. :)