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Andre Johnson released - cut by Colts - signs with Titans

Gotta ask.

Do you think AJ gave OB the respect a new head coach deserves.


This is where the "it's a business" thing comes in. Not reporting to OTAs has nothing to do with the new coach. That's how players speak to GMs. Even if Kubiak was still the coach, Andre wouldn't have done anything differently.

That's the game, that's the way the game is played.

When he got here, he did everything the coach asked him to do & yes, showed OB the respect he deserved.

This would be akin to you asking for a raise at the same time you happen to get a new boss. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

After busting your butt doing the best job you know how, when you are on the clock & not just expected to attend voluntary company picnics... if your new boss were to say, "Yeah, you did a good job, still... you're not what we're looking for. I don't have anyone to replace you, yet... but rest assured, I'll make sure you won't be able to earn the compensation the company already agreed to pay you for 2015."
This is where the "it's a business" thing comes in. Not reporting to OTAs has nothing to do with the new coach. That's how players speak to GMs. Even if Kubiak was still the coach, Andre wouldn't have done anything differently.

How can you possible say that? Especially when this story was out there in MAY 2014??

Texans WR Andre Johnson not sure Houston is the place for him

Texans wide receiver Andre Johnson is heading into the twilight of his NFL career. The 11-year veteran has been to the playoffs just twice, and on Tuesday he hinted that he doesn't want to spend the final years of his career playing for a team in rebuilding mode.

"Nobody's been here as long as I have," Johnson said, via the Houston Chronicle. "You just kind of look at things. I've been thinking about things this offseason. And I just kind of wonder sometimes, 'Is this still the place for me?'"

The writing was on the wall. You just have to take the time to read it and understand it.
How can you possible say that? Especially when this story was out there in MAY 2014??

The writing was on the wall. You just have to take the time to read it and understand it.

If AJ was married to the Texans , he was looking around for some new action last year but decided to try to make it work . After a year he decided you know what , I'm not living by her rules anymore , I'm gone to greener pastures .
This is where the "it's a business" thing comes in. Not reporting to OTAs has nothing to do with the new coach. That's how players speak to GMs. Even if Kubiak was still the coach, Andre wouldn't have done anything differently.

That's the game, that's the way the game is played.

When he got here, he did everything the coach asked him to do & yes, showed OB the respect he deserved.

This would be akin to you asking for a raise at the same time you happen to get a new boss. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

After busting your butt doing the best job you know how, when you are on the clock & not just expected to attend voluntary company picnics... if your new boss were to say, "Yeah, you did a good job, still... you're not what we're looking for. I don't have anyone to replace you, yet... but rest assured, I'll make sure you won't be able to earn the compensation the company already agreed to pay you for 2015."

It has everything to do with the new coach. His foremost job at the outset is to establish control and gain the trust and confidence of the players that are currently on the roster. That's made a little more complicated when your offensive leader, the guy whom commands perhaps the most respect of all players in the locker room, is absent. It prevents the offense from getting off to the best possible start chemistry wise, it creates a distraction and most of all, it undermines BoB.

Then when he does show up, he's got a list of demands...If i'm BoB, i'm like "umm...what?"
What part of this quote tells thunderkyss that A.J. wanted to retire here?

I'm not seeing anything mutually exclusive. Many a person has both wanted to retire at a company and felt forced out or that the company was moving away from them.

This is where the "it's a business" thing comes in. Not reporting to OTAs has nothing to do with the new coach. That's how players speak to GMs.

AJ said exactly that last offseason - that the only card a player had was non-attendence.

How can you possible say that? Especially when this story was out there in MAY 2014??

Exactly because it was May. The whole picture is complete. AJ saw them pass on QBs and took it as a rebuilding statement. You and others have mocked McNair for saying it was not. AJ agreed. Once that became clear he asked for assurances he was part of the rebuild. He got it in non-binding statements from McNair.
I'm not seeing anything mutually exclusive. Many a person has both wanted to retire at a company and felt forced out or that the company was moving away from them.

thunderkyss was rambling on about a bunch of stuff that A.J. allegedly wanted, but none of it is really supported by last year's news stories. How he can come to the conclusions in his post is beyond me. He's acting like 2010 was last year, but in reality, A.J. was asking for a trade all last off-season and was very clear that he did not want to be here for another rebuild.

Exactly because it was May. The whole picture is complete. AJ saw them pass on QBs and took it as a rebuilding statement. You and others have mocked McNair for saying it was not. AJ agreed. Once that became clear he asked for assurances he was part of the rebuild. He got it in non-binding statements from McNair.

You can find stories in May, June, and July 0r 2014 that confirm the same thing. A.J. wanted out last year. He no longer wanted to be a Texan, but I guess some of us didn't want to accept it or thought that maybe he was buying into O'Brien's system after spending a season in it.

I could not find any media report about assurances, but I do recall that being commonly accepted. Was that confirmed or just a Pancakes speculation?

You have to look at the post I was responding to where thunderkyss was making claims that have no support in reality. How does he know what A.J. would have done if Kubiak was still the head coach? That's just speculation extracted from the gluteus maximus area of the body.

My head is spinning from reading news stories from last year, especially this one:
Andre Johnson’s prolonged offseason absence from the Houston Texans was well documented. Things got to the point where Johnson reportedly asked for a trade, but when Johnson returned the day before training camp, he indicated his plan was to retire a Texan.

Source: Andre Johnson Happy He Returned To Texans; Wishes He’d Done It Earlier

No wonder fans are so confused. He goes from pouting and refusing work out with the team, to asking for a trade, to wishing he'd never held out and wanting to retire a Texan (again), then this story happens the past week.

Ben Tate thinks he's been wishy washy.
tHe's acting like 2010 was last year, but in reality, A.J. was asking for a trade all last off-season and was very clear that he did not want to be here for another rebuild....

No wonder fans are so confused. He goes from pouting and refusing work out with the team, to asking for a trade, to wishing he'd never held out and wanting to retire a Texan (again), then this story happens the past week.

Ben Tate thinks he's been wishy washy.

Not too far apart and I think the seperation comes from differing perspectives. I'm used to people posturing and bluffing all the time on the way to their real end goals. That and I'll throw in AJ is not the most eloquent chap around bless his mumbling cleats.

I think what we saw at the end of 2013 from the sideline incident right thru the offseason was frustration from AJ having thought Houston had finally built something and we're going to make a real run at things and then it imploded. He desparately wanted to believe retool rather than rebuild and that key among that was a QB. In the only time I remember he commented on the draft backing Bortles and iirc said something lesser but nice about Bridgewater. Then nada on draft day so Fitz who all of us were underwhelmed with was going to start the season. He knows he only got a few years left. So yeah he went and talked about retool v. rebuild and whether he was going to be here long enough to be competitive again. He pushed for a financial reassurance, played the only cards a player has, hold-out and trade me now if you are planning on dumping me later. That's pretty much the repertoire. McNair smooth talked him, AJ felt backed by the owner and returned to the fold. OB/Smith didn't like it through whatever combo of thoughts of interfering owner, players should know their place, scheme, etc. Knowing McNair wouldn't sanction a boot, they stagged the meeting to get AJ to jump and he was gullible enough to fall for it. Once he laughed at the idea of a non-starter role McNair was X'd out of the equation - he had to back his HC. Done deal. Released he went for the best shot offered at a SB run which coincidentally was a division rival, and I am sure has some satisfaction at that but I don't think if San Diego had the better shot he would have gone to Indy just to spite the Texans. Them's my tea leaves. Lots of opportunities for different results, nobody really a bad actor.

As an aside, I am mind blown by the hypocrisy of fans who say they are loyal to the team not the players and then castigate a player for not being loyal to the team once departed.
It has everything to do with the new coach. His foremost job at the outset is to establish control and gain the trust and confidence of the players that are currently on the roster. That's made a little more complicated when your offensive leader, the guy whom commands perhaps the most respect of all players in the locker room, is absent.

Not exactly. Not all the players go to OTAs it's voluntary. The rookies aren't all there, the injured players aren't there or not participating. Heck, a lot of the players who were there didn't make the team... guys like Pickett wasn't even signed... our "starting" QB wasn't even acquired.

& even though he missed the whole thing, he still winds up with more targets than anyone else.
How can you possible say that? Especially when this story was out there in MAY 2014??

The writing was on the wall. You just have to take the time to read it and understand it.

You're only seeing what you want to see. Picking pieces here & there out of context.

Step back, look at the whole thing, the big picture. His age, his cap hit, his contract. This started the day of Andre's last contract extension. He knew, & the Texans knew this day was coming, that there would be a day when the numbers would not be in Andre's favor. Andre had hoped the Texans would have addressed the situation before it got to the point that it did, but they didn't. He played the card he had & everything you're quoting is after he decided to play it.

We've been having the "Should we trade Andre" debate for years. ever since he turned 30. This didn't start May of 2014.
Not too far apart and I think the seperation comes from differing perspectives. I'm used to people posturing and bluffing all the time on the way to their real end goals. That and I'll throw in AJ is not the most eloquent chap around bless his mumbling cleats.

I think what we saw at the end of 2013 from the sideline incident right thru the offseason was frustration from AJ having thought Houston had finally built something and we're going to make a real run at things and then it imploded. He desparately wanted to believe retool rather than rebuild and that key among that was a QB. In the only time I remember he commented on the draft backing Bortles and iirc said something lesser but nice about Bridgewater. Then nada on draft day so Fitz who all of us were underwhelmed with was going to start the season. He knows he only got a few years left. So yeah he went and talked about retool v. rebuild and whether he was going to be here long enough to be competitive again. He pushed for a financial reassurance, played the only cards a player has, hold-out and trade me now if you are planning on dumping me later. That's pretty much the repertoire. McNair smooth talked him, AJ felt backed by the owner and returned to the fold. OB/Smith didn't like it through whatever combo of thoughts of interfering owner, players should know their place, scheme, etc. Knowing McNair wouldn't sanction a boot, they stagged the meeting to get AJ to jump and he was gullible enough to fall for it. Once he laughed at the idea of a non-starter role McNair was X'd out of the equation - he had to back his HC. Done deal. Released he went for the best shot offered at a SB run which coincidentally was a division rival, and I am sure has some satisfaction at that but I don't think if San Diego had the better shot he would have gone to Indy just to spite the Texans. Them's my tea leaves. Lots of opportunities for different results, nobody really a bad actor.

Well said, man. That's probably the most realistic scenario of how things went down in A.J.'s head and with the Texans.

As an aside, I am mind blown by the hypocrisy of fans who say they are loyal to the team not the players and then castigate a player for not being loyal to the team once departed.

Yeah, I don't think many fans mean the hypocrisy but rather it's knee-jerk reactionary stuff born from emotional attachment and disappointment. The rub of it is him ending up with a division rival, even though it might have been the only contender offering him the gig, or maybe there is a little bit of vindictiveness toward the Texans FO, who knows? But, for fans, it's been a tough pill to swallow. The guy was a folk hero in this town that loves its football team.

I honestly thought that A.J. would be our offensive Ray Lewis. A HoF talent dedicated to this franchise and perhaps would inspire the team at the end of his career to 'win one for Andre' sort of thing. I should have read the tea leaves last off-season that he was gone in his mind and just needed his body to follow. I was at least hoping for that sort of storybook ending, but obvious reality in today's NFL is more like now and rarely like Ray Lewis and John Elway retiring after winning a championship with the team that drafted them.
You have to look at the post I was responding to where thunderkyss was making claims that have no support in reality. How does he know what A.J. would have done if Kubiak was still the head coach? That's just speculation extracted from the gluteus maximus area of the body.

& you have to look at the post I was responding to. His holdout last year had nothing to do with the head coach. It was about security, about his contract.

& another thing... did Andre go to OTAs Kubiak's first year here? I don't remember him being here for OTAs when Capers was here.
You're only seeing what you want to see. Picking pieces here & there out of context.

Funny, I could say the exact same thing about you, too. (And not saying that it doesn't still apply to me....many of us are having a hard time with objectivity at the moment ;)).

Step back, look at the whole thing, the big picture. His age, his cap hit, his contract. This started the day of Andre's last contract extension. He knew, & the Texans knew this day was coming, that there would be a day when the numbers would not be in Andre's favor. Andre had hoped the Texans would have addressed the situation before it got to the point that it did, but they didn't. He played the card he had & everything you're quoting is after he decided to play it.

Well, you're probably right about that. Story even said his restructure to accommodate the Cushing contract would most likely result in a future release, so I should have been reading the writing on the wall (and admitting it), as well.

We've been having the "Should we trade Andre" debate for years. ever since he turned 30. This didn't start May of 2014.

I was never big on those discussions. I was in the delusional camp thinking that A.J. and Bob McNair actually meant what they had been saying for many, many years.

Like I said previously, I naively thought A.J. would be our offensive Ray Lewis based on the oft-stated words of the player and owner. Even to the point of not being objective about what we were seeing/hearing last year.

Heck, it was just December 2013 when A.J. said "I would love to be back. I always said I wanted to finish my career as a Texan. That is my plan."

A couple of months later and he's holding out for a trade. Go figure.

So yeah, at this point I probably just need to step away from football news and let it all settle in. Andre is a Colt and that is that. No turning back or waking up from that nightmare scenario. Eff him and the Colts. GO TEXANS.
He was game planned out. It's as clear as can be in the game logs.

I don't think OB ever gave him the respect he deserves & I think he went over the line with how this was handled.

Not exactly.
& even though he missed the whole thing, he still winds up with more targets than anyone else.

OK Lets get together and sort this out. What happened to who and who did what to who? Who disrespected who first and why?

I know, lets start a poll.

Sic'em Swag.
When the Texans win the Super Bowl this upcoming season I hope the organization "DOES NOT" reach out to Andre Johnson and offer him a well deserved ring like the Boston Red Sox did with Nomar Garciaparra back in 2004.

As far as I'm concerned Andre Johnson showed no class signing with the Colts and I could care less about hearing his name now. He is no longer going to receive my support as a fan. I won't boo him when he returns to NRG Stadium but I won't cheer for him either. When he makes the Hall of Fame one day I'm not even going to care all that much.

I know the NFL is a cutthroat business but I can't wait until we kick the Colts' overrated ass twice in 2015. Maybe even three times. I hope we play them again in the playoffs.

I hope all Texan fans take this approach. No need to boo AJ. He spent his best years here and gave fans a lot to cheer about.

One OH CHIT shouldn't erase hundreds of attaboys.

Andre Johnson said he signed with the Colts because he felt like Indianapolis gave him the best chance to win a Super Bowl and at least one Nevada sportsbook agrees with him that Indy has the best chance.

At the MGM Sportsbook in Las Vegas, the Colts have been pegged as the favorites to win Super Bowl 50. MGM must have been listening in on the phone call Johnson had with Frank Gore this week.

"After I got released by the Texans, Frank called me," Johnson said, via "He called me right after it happened and was just like, 'What are you gonna do?' I'm like, 'Frank, I don't know. I just got released. I don't know.' I asked, him 'Who do you think has the best chance to win a Super Bowl?' And he was like, 'Indy.' And I was like, 'That's my same choice too so let's do it, let's go for it.' And they were able to get both of us here."
I remember when the Eagles signed a bunch of people and were considered a dream team. Good times...

I think only Vince Young used the term "dream team" - or he was the one to coin it for the Eagles - and well, let's just say he didn't do well on the Wunderlich
Ex-Texans great Andre Johnson’s open letter to Houston fans

Andre Johnson is gone from the Texans, and now with the rival Indianapolis Colts after signing with them earlier this week.

But Johnson, who starred for the Texans for 12 seasons, won’t be forgotten in Houston anytime soon, and he made it clear he won’t be forgetting Houston in a full-page thank-you letter that will be in Sunday’s Houston Chronicle.



'Class act' and certainly a Houston icon for many years to come.

That said, I'll never root for anyone in a Colts uniform... :BananaWav
'Class act' and certainly a Houston icon for many years to come.

That said, I'll never root for anyone in a Colts uniform... :BananaWav

Yup. I would have understood 31 other teams, even the Cowboys. But the Colts? Not a chance.

I hope Andre Johnson continues his streak of losing in Indianapolis.
'Class act'

I would have agreed with you before last off-seasons cry baby display, and they way he handled leaving the last several days, but not anymore. He did some good things on the field for the Texans and I will remember some classic moments, but now feel the AJ inside is much different than the shell he portrayed himself to be.

As far as Houston being his home ... Miami is and has always been his real home.

Not sad at all to see him go. Excited about the future without him.
I would have agreed with you before last off-seasons cry baby display, and they way he handled leaving the last several days, but not anymore. He did some good things on the field for the Texans and I will remember some classic moments, but now feel the AJ inside is much different than the shell he portrayed himself to be.

As far as Houston being his home ... Miami is and has always been his real home.

Not sad at all to see him go. Excited about the future without him.

So it is true...
One "oh sh*t" can really wipe out years of Attaboys

I thought that was only true with certain females I know.
It's just a business they all say. Well, I'm in the business of rooting for the Texans, not the fricking Colts or anybody that plays for them.
"I love America so much that I'm going to play for the Soviet Union! But America will always be my home!" - Andre Johnson, basically.
"I love America so much that I'm going to play for the Soviet Union! But America will always be my home!" - Andre Johnson, basically.

The Soviets are our allies now. Besides, the president and the secretary of state executed a plan to revoke Andre's citizenship.
"I love America so much that I'm going to play for the Soviet Union! But America will always be my home!" - Andre Johnson, basically.

If you really think about it... the ruskies aren't the enemy. The idjits who continue to put us in one stupid situation after another are the true enemy. & you're basically asking for more of the same.

Not that our "outrage" has any effect on what the Texans do or don't do... so basically your saying you either agree with those stupid "moves" or you don't recognize them for what they are.
"I love America so much that I'm going to play for the Soviet Union! But America will always be my home!" - Andre Johnson, basically.

Moron. Basically.

Every swinging dick in here would give their left nut for a run at a SB ring. He's doing it and getting paid 7 mil to do so. Take your green spotted envy condom off.
If someone had asked me yesterday if it was possible to find the dumbest football related post on the board, I would have said, "No, it would be impossible to identify".

This morning I would answer, "I don't know about dumbest, but I can point to the most idiotic".
If the frigging Colts win the superbowl in our stadium with AJ I'm going to be pissed. **** the Colts and everyone on that team.
I cant lie. I very much dislike O'brien, I'll be an Andre Johnson fan for life and it eats at me every day that we fired Kubiak and Wade. There's an evil little part of me that keeps whispering - 'it'd be justice to see the Colts or Broncos win the Superbowl'. I've only missed 2 Texans games since their inception and am a fan through and through so I do my best to suppress that voice, but it's there in the back of my mind.
I cant lie. I very much dislike O'brien, I'll be an Andre Johnson fan for life and it eats at me every day that we fired Kubiak and Wade. There's an evil little part of me that keeps whispering - 'it'd be justice to see the Colts or Broncos win the Superbowl'. I've only missed 2 Texans games since their inception and am a fan through and through so I do my best to suppress that voice, but it's there in the back of my mind.

Yeah, this is a hard one for a lot of folks. AJ is now the enemy, but he helped us win so many game and was a class act. I totally understand how you feel.

But for me, it's just football and I want the Texans to win. And I honestly don't give a rats ass about players on other teams, including ex-Texans.
I cant lie. I very much dislike O'brien, I'll be an Andre Johnson fan for life and it eats at me every day that we fired Kubiak and Wade. There's an evil little part of me that keeps whispering - 'it'd be justice to see the Colts or Broncos win the Superbowl'. I've only missed 2 Texans games since their inception and am a fan through and through so I do my best to suppress that voice, but it's there in the back of my mind.

I've noticed that, which is why I wish that you'd get the hell out of here and get over to Denver. The bandwagon is waiting for you. This post of yours was just confirmation of the fact that you're a Kubiak/Johnson fan, and not a Texans fan. I for one might not like OB in the long haul, but I sure am glad that stinking loser of a HC is out of here, and I wish his fans would go with him and stop trying to curse this new era of this franchise all because you can't handle change from a losing era of Houston football.
This bickering is pointless. Darth O'Brien will obtain a suitable AJ replacement (and a QB) by the time the draft is over. We will then crush the Colts with one swift stroke.


or at least, that's the plan

I agree buddy, but good god this guy constantly bashes every move OB has done since he got here and can't stop bringing up Kubiak. Dude wanted to pay AJ over 20 Mill a season, and by his own admission he wants Denver and Indy to have some success as some sort of victory against the team he is supposed to be a fan of. And this is all because we fired a HC that made us an embarrassment for the majority of his time here and went 61-64??? :strangle:

That guy in the gif is exactly how I feel when I read such a ridiculous post like that against this team. Go on, and be a fan boy for Kubiak and Manning then in Denver. I could see if we fired a HC like Harbaugh and that situation in San Fran. Those fans should be pissed! But Kubiak?? That is like saying you aren't a fan of anything in this city because of how we got rid of Glanville. Lol!
I cant lie. I very much dislike O'brien, I'll be an Andre Johnson fan for life and it eats at me every day that we fired Kubiak and Wade. There's an evil little part of me that keeps whispering - 'it'd be justice to see the Colts or Broncos win the Superbowl'. I've only missed 2 Texans games since their inception and am a fan through and through so I do my best to suppress that voice, but it's there in the back of my mind.

unmitigated disaster of a post right here.....I mean how in the hell can you dislike a coach who had the likes of Ryan Fitzpatrick & Case Keenum start for over 80% of the season and still not only have a winning season but damn near have us in the playoffs? BoB coached his ass off last year. More importantly how can you still believe in Kubiak after a tenure mostly of fail and under achievement? Dude had 5 years to get it done & only had the success he did b/c McNair pulled his card and forced him to hire a guy that he otherwise may not have even hired.
I agree buddy, but good god this guy constantly bashes every move OB has done since he got here and can't stop bringing up Kubiak. Dude wanted to pay AJ over 20 Mill a season, and by his own admission he wants Denver and Indy to have some success as some sort of victory against the team he is supposed to be a fan of. And this is all because we fired a HC that made us an embarrassment for the majority of his time here and went 61-64??? :strangle:

That guy in the gif is exactly how I feel when I read such a ridiculous post like that against this team. Go on, and be a fan boy for Kubiak and Manning then in Denver. I could see if we fired a HC like Harbaugh and that situation in San Fran. Those fans should be pissed! But Kubiak?? That is like saying you aren't a fan of anything in this city because of how we got rid of Glanville. Lol!

In the interest of full disclosure, that post wasn't directed at anyone in particular. What's done is done. If AJ helps the Colts get to the post season and we don't, I won't blame him. I blame O'Brien for not being smart enough to see AJ could still help us win
for not being ballsy enough to go all-in on Mallett last spring, pre-draft, when he could have been had for a 3rd or 4th.

This QB question should have been answered last year. Yet here we are, a year later, still wondering who the hell our starter is going to be. As DB said, year two in O'Brien's tenure and we still have a roster full of back-ups.

As I said, what's done is done. And I'm done with this topic.