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The Rise of Hannah

This post? You're being kind. Any hint of self-awareness would make someone realize it's silly to call twenty-year-old players dumb when they have been posting on this forum for almost as many years as these kids have been alive and don't or can't post a link. LMAO.

I nominate this for the TT Awards Post Of The Year category.
Lol, this is the classic "tail wagging the dog" by the local media here. If Janice McNair is "still" calling shots as referenced in the above article, that implies that she's always been calling the shots..which means that all of this franchise's misdeeds over the last 4-5 years are on her too...not just what's happening now that the franchise is trending in the right direction. But if you just listened to the local sports media here, this franchise's dumpster fire status has been mostly attributed to either Easterby, BoB; no denigration of her like they've all been too happy to do with Cal. So lets pump the brakes on her/their "good work" b/c 1 of the main gripes regarding Easterby in the FO from fans was that he didn't really have any FO football experience & that gripe shouldn't really be any different with Janice making Culley and Lovie Smith hires...b/c those wreak of a non-football person's hire.

That's kinda why this thread is somewhat overblown nonsense. Janice and Hannah have likely always been major factors in the decisions this franchise has made, Janice b/c she's the "official" majority owner and Hannah b/c she's always been a major player within the foundation. I would likely contend that they probably had a little too much say in the front office ops...b/c what we've seen over the last several months (good football moves) don't line up with what had largely been happening since daddy McNair died and Janice became the majority owner.

I think what has happened is the McNair family finally sat down and carved out roles for everyone that they're best at. Cal and by extension NC have effectively worked with these 2 prominent women in the franchise to give them roles within it that better work for them and the franchise...probably convinced mama McNair to take less of a football ops decision making role and more of a professor-emeritus ambassador-type role...& Hannah's role was probably expanded a little from her role in the foundation where she's proven to be very good at daling with the media, smoozing and crafting an image to help Cal keep his pulse on what's going on with the fans....which means she has to be more involved with the media on the football ops side.
Exactly, Hannah has now somewhat taken over for Janice. Probably to the detriment of winning championships.
Neither Janice is 86

The other is my opinion based on not only what I've seen going on in the Texans org, but trust me I know a gold digger when I see one.

Mr. Tex post above says everything I've been saying since Bob died better than I could've ever said myself. I'm just glad I'm not wasting anymore money on their product.
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Neither Janice is 86

The other is my opinion based on not only what I've seen going on in the Texans org, but trust me I know a gold digger when I see one.

.r. Yex post above says everything I've been saying since Bob died better than I could've ever said myself. I'm just glad I'm not wasting anymore money on their product.
Time is more important than money, yet you spend alot of time talking about management and such on this board. I mean c'mon man, to call that woman a gold digger, I don't get it.
Time is more important than money, yet you spend alot of time talking about management and such on this board. I mean c'mon man, to call that woman a gold digger, I don't get it.
I don't understand the logic in Hannah being a gold digger either. She already married into money, if she was a gold digger, then it is mission accomplished. She wouldn't be trying to run the organization. Gold diggers don't work, they let their spouse do the work. What appears to be the Hannah/Cal dynamic, is she has taken up for his deficiencies, which to me is signs of a loving marriage.

Now, if Hannah is more Power Hungry than gold digger, maybe there is something to be investigated there. However I find it highly unlikely that Janice would allow a woman not of the core family to swoop right in and take her late husband pride and joy.
Time is more important than money, yet you spend alot of time talking about management and such on this board. I mean c'mon man, to call that woman a gold digger, I don't get it.
To you and me time is more important than money.

To Hannah it is what it is and it's more about power than money.
I don't understand the logic in Hannah being a gold digger either. She already married into money, if she was a gold digger, then it is mission accomplished. She wouldn't be trying to run the organization. Gold diggers don't work, they let their spouse do the work. What appears to be the Hannah/Cal dynamic, is she has taken up for his deficiencies, which to me is signs of a loving marriage.
I see you don't know much about gold diggers. Hint: It's not always about money.
You say you quit giving them all your money, but you're still giving them all your time.
Nope I just enjoy visiting with posters like you This MB really has nothing to do with the way the McNair's operate in my world. I've been fortunate enough to meet some great people by associating with posters on this MB, which I'm very greatful for. I'm not going to let the McNair's incompetence steal my fun with my friends.
Are you saying that even with all their money, the McNairs are living rent free?
If I actually cared this post would be true.

Like I've said before, even trainwrecks are entertaining.

You probably will never understand the way I think or the things I enjoy. If you met me you would understand me better.
Exactly, Hannah has now somewhat taken over for Janice. Probably to the detriment of winning championships.

not exactly what i was hinting at..i was more pointing out that both Janice and Hannah have likely always been deeply involved with FO decisions, just not out front and center like Bob and then later Cal… so in regards to the thread title, there’s been no “rise” of Hannah b/c she’s always been there in a prominent but behind the scenes role in the org. There’s only a “percieved” rise of her in the decision making process…which is largely being framed by the local media here b/c she’s no longer viewed by them just as that woman sitting next to Cal in the owner’s box who never says anything publicly about the team she’s been working for for a decade plus.

Now that she’s talking, themedia here is like “she actually knows and can talk…..about houston Texans football?…


now contrast that with Easterby..who also hardly ever said anything and tried hard to stay out of the light….but the local media here STILL painted that guy as the antichrist of Texans football b/c Bob used the guy as his human shield once to defend 1 of his shitty moves.

like i said, its all relative. Had tge Texans been winning & making good football moves while Easterby was here, he’d probably be percieved the same as Hannah right now.
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now contrast that with Easterby..who also hardly ever said anything and tried hard to stay out of the light….but the local media here STILL painted that guy as the antichrist of Texans football b/c Bob used the guy as his human shield once to defend 1 of his shitty moves.

like i said, its all relative. Had tge Texans been winning & making good football moves while Easterby was here, he’d probably be percieved the same as Hannah right now.

not sure thats accurate
The Eagles wrote:
You can spend all your time making money,
and you can spend all your money making time.
not sure thats accurate

dude was here for like 4-5 years and thats about all you’d find on him. noone would even know that this vid existed were it not for local houston the video clearly highlights them reacting to.
Here are the chronological events leading up to the past Draft, as confirmed by 2 of my inside sources and consistent with @Corrosion findings.>

If Young were to drop to the Texans, Cal was still had some reservations, but he would have picked him up. Cal chose Demeco as the new head coach, promising him the OKay to pick his most desired defensive player (much like he did with Lovie with Stingley pick). This was Anderson from the beginning.......for both Demeco and Caserio. Once Young was off the table, things got complicated in that Cal did NOT want Stroud. Furthermore, during Stroud's visit, Slowik got into it with Stroud, and Slowik wanted no part of Stroud. Then enters Hannah and her Fan Committee, who went to Janice McNair who wanted a QB from the beginning, and told Janice they wanted Stroud but that Cal was against it. Janice then essentially confronted Cal telling him in no uncertain terms that he was the CEO and NOT the owner, and that her decision was final........."Stroud will be our Q." From there, it was up to Caserio to find a way to make the original promise to Demeco happen............and it did, with the Anderson pick at #3.

What is done is done. And now we wait for what we all hope will ultimately conclude in a long-term favorable outcome. :texflag:
Here are the chronological events leading up to the past Draft, as confirmed by 2 of my inside sources and consistent with @Corrosion findings.>

If Young were to drop to the Texans, Cal was still had some reservations, but he would have picked him up. Cal chose Demeco as the new head coach, promising him the OKay to pick his most desired defensive player (much like he did with Lovie with Stingley pick). This was Anderson from the beginning.......for both Demeco and Caserio. Once Young was off the table, things got complicated in that Cal did NOT want Stroud. Furthermore, during Stroud's visit, Slowik got into it with Stroud, and Slowik wanted no part of Stroud. Then enters Hannah and her Fan Committee, who went to Janice McNair who wanted a QB from the beginning, and told Janice they wanted Stroud but that Cal was against it. Janice then essentially confronted Cal telling him in no uncertain terms that he was the CEO and NOT the owner, and that her decision was final........."Stroud will be our Q." From there, it was up to Caserio to find a way to make the original promise to Demeco happen............and it did, with the Anderson pick at #3.

What is done is done. And now we wait for what we all hope will ultimately conclude in a long-term favorable outcome. :texflag:

All you steelb doubters might want to re-think things..

Here are the chronological events leading up to the past Draft, as confirmed by 2 of my inside sources and consistent with @Corrosion findings.>

If Young were to drop to the Texans, Cal was still had some reservations, but he would have picked him up. Cal chose Demeco as the new head coach, promising him the OKay to pick his most desired defensive player (much like he did with Lovie with Stingley pick). This was Anderson from the beginning.......for both Demeco and Caserio. Once Young was off the table, things got complicated in that Cal did NOT want Stroud. Furthermore, during Stroud's visit, Slowik got into it with Stroud, and Slowik wanted no part of Stroud. Then enters Hannah and her Fan Committee, who went to Janice McNair who wanted a QB from the beginning, and told Janice they wanted Stroud but that Cal was against it. Janice then essentially confronted Cal telling him in no uncertain terms that he was the CEO and NOT the owner, and that her decision was final........."Stroud will be our Q." From there, it was up to Caserio to find a way to make the original promise to Demeco happen............and it did, with the Anderson pick at #3.

What is done is done. And now we wait for what we all hope will ultimately conclude in a long-term favorable outcome. :texflag:
What is your take on Stroud? The Texans "needed" a QB. Do you think Stroud can be successful in this league?
Here are the chronological events leading up to the past Draft, as confirmed by 2 of my inside sources and consistent with @Corrosion findings.>

If Young were to drop to the Texans, Cal was still had some reservations, but he would have picked him up. Cal chose Demeco as the new head coach, promising him the OKay to pick his most desired defensive player (much like he did with Lovie with Stingley pick). This was Anderson from the beginning.......for both Demeco and Caserio. Once Young was off the table, things got complicated in that Cal did NOT want Stroud. Furthermore, during Stroud's visit, Slowik got into it with Stroud, and Slowik wanted no part of Stroud. Then enters Hannah and her Fan Committee, who went to Janice McNair who wanted a QB from the beginning, and told Janice they wanted Stroud but that Cal was against it. Janice then essentially confronted Cal telling him in no uncertain terms that he was the CEO and NOT the owner, and that her decision was final........."Stroud will be our Q." From there, it was up to Caserio to find a way to make the original promise to Demeco happen............and it did, with the Anderson pick at #3.

What is done is done. And now we wait for what we all hope will ultimately conclude in a long-term favorable outcome. :texflag:
For this soap opera to be believable, Hannah has to go behind her husband's back to her mother-in-law. And the elderly owner has to know enough about the draft prospects to demand a certain QB. All while Cal and Hannah are in lockstep when being interviewed by Houston media throughout the offseason. And Nick and DeMeco just let this circus happen and not say a word.

And what about the near trade for the #1 pick where Caserio ghosted the Bears GM? If the pick was always Anderson, why was that even being discussed? Or that the Texans were telling all of the other head coaching candidates that they would be taking a QB? What was the timeline of the Hannah intervention? Before bringing in Stroud for a visit? And was Slowik/Stroud argument staged to get Janice and Hannah off Stroud?

The main part that seems unbelievable is Caserio and Ryans not stepping up to take control of this. It makes them seem weak, rather than decisive and cunning. Which they had to be to pull the Stroud/Anderson exacta off. The only thing that makes sense in the story was Cal having agent related issues with Stroud. And Nick nipped that in the bud with a radio interview early in the offseason.

Again I don't have "sources". But Nick and DeMeco pulling off a bold (and top secret) move makes more sense than this episode of "All My Texans Children".
What is your take on Stroud? The Texans "needed" a QB. Do you think Stroud can be successful in this league?
No reason for me to revisit my previous posts. I believe that we indeed needed significant upgrade of play at the position. But I was far from convinced that we needed to pick Stroud at #2. We needed to virtually rebuild a QB's support cast, a cast which last year would have been catastrophic for any QB. With this year's upgrade in cast, any QB would greatly benefit, including Mills (or Keenum). The offensive rebuild is far from complete. Yes, we needed a QB. But did we need Stroud at #2 this year? I don't believe so. For Stroud to succeed in the NFL, I believe that he will face more challenges than just having to have a great support cast. There is no doubt that this franchise with its unfavorable history, has become increasingly desparate to find THE answer. But it is always a poor choice to let desperate situations make you do desperate things.

Me watching the Texans through the lens of the message board.
For this soap opera to be believable, Hannah has to go behind her husband's back to her mother-in-law. And the elderly owner has to know enough about the draft prospects to demand a certain QB. All while Cal and Hannah are in lockstep when being interviewed by Houston media throughout the offseason. And Nick and DeMeco just let this circus happen and not say a word.

And what about the near trade for the #1 pick where Caserio ghosted the Bears GM? If the pick was always Anderson, why was that even being discussed? Or that the Texans were telling all of the other head coaching candidates that they would be taking a QB? What was the timeline of the Hannah intervention? Before bringing in Stroud for a visit? And was Slowik/Stroud argument staged to get Janice and Hannah off Stroud?

The main part that seems unbelievable is Caserio and Ryans not stepping up to take control of this. It makes them seem weak, rather than decisive and cunning. Which they had to be to pull the Stroud/Anderson exacta off. The only thing that makes sense in the story was Cal having agent related issues with Stroud. And Nick nipped that in the bud with a radio interview early in the offseason.

Again I don't have "sources". But Nick and DeMeco pulling off a bold (and top secret) move makes more sense than this episode of "All My Texans Children".
And this is exactly why I and others with legitimate inside Texans sources hesitate to post. The making of the sausage is for good reason hidden from plain sight, as it can be disgusting. No different than what has now been labeled a "soap opera." Again, it's time for me to bow out of this discussion before I write something I will regret. Best to leave some to a fantasy feel-good world.
pre-draft "getting into it" w/an important member of the team w/pick #2?
not good at all
It could have been as simple of college attended. Slowik attended Michigan Tech U and may have been digging Stroud about OSU. We simply don't have enough info at this point to make any judgements... unless you've already closed your mind about Stroud.
And this is exactly why I and others with legitimate inside Texans sources hesitate to post. The making of the sausage is for good reason hidden from plain sight, as it can be disgusting. No different than what has now been labeled a "soap opera." Again, it's time for me to bow out of this discussion before I write something I will regret. Best to leave some to a fantasy feel-good world.

Anytime you share information like this you are going to have to expect there will be people that will doubt this stuff happening. And - let’s be honest - the way this stuff went down is out of a soap opera. A fan doesn’t expect the billion dollar football franchise to be run this way. But, it’s the Texans so even the doubting Thomas’s will admit - this is believable. Just look at the last 5 years…

And it’s the internet. No one is going to fully trust what they read, and there will always be a loud voice doubting the truth.

Keep bringing us these golden nuggets of information on the inside. It is appreciated and valued.

Even if we don’t want to believe it.
For this soap opera to be believable, Hannah has to go behind her husband's back to her mother-in-law. And the elderly owner has to know enough about the draft prospects to demand a certain QB. All while Cal and Hannah are in lockstep when being interviewed by Houston media throughout the offseason. And Nick and DeMeco just let this circus happen and not say a word.

And what about the near trade for the #1 pick where Caserio ghosted the Bears GM? If the pick was always Anderson, why was that even being discussed? Or that the Texans were telling all of the other head coaching candidates that they would be taking a QB? What was the timeline of the Hannah intervention? Before bringing in Stroud for a visit? And was Slowik/Stroud argument staged to get Janice and Hannah off Stroud?

The main part that seems unbelievable is Caserio and Ryans not stepping up to take control of this. It makes them seem weak, rather than decisive and cunning. Which they had to be to pull the Stroud/Anderson exacta off. The only thing that makes sense in the story was Cal having agent related issues with Stroud. And Nick nipped that in the bud with a radio interview early in the offseason.

Again I don't have "sources". But Nick and DeMeco pulling off a bold (and top secret) move makes more sense than this episode of "All My Texans Children".
Bottom line is Stroud was a Hannah pick, look at post #112 for your guide. But you're going to believe what you want to believe, so this is a waste of time. I've never in all these years I've never seen you change mind in all of these years on this MB and I don't expect this to change anytime soon.
The main part that seems unbelievable is Caserio and Ryans not stepping up to take control of this. It makes them seem weak, rather than decisive and cunning.
This is the basis of all my criticism of Nick. & as you say it logically follow DeMeco is in the same boat.

I don't know what is happening behind the scenes. I can only see what Nick does. Right now it is too early to put Nick in the HOF, or to kick him to the curb.

But if we are to believe these opinions & "sources" & they make Nick look like a cuck, then it's time to move on.

I don't believe it's time to move on. All my criticism has been in reply to someone saying this ridiculous stuff.
No reason for me to revisit my previous posts. I believe that we indeed needed significant upgrade of play at the position. But I was far from convinced that we needed to pick Stroud at #2. We needed to virtually rebuild a QB's support cast, a cast which last year would have been catastrophic for any QB. With this year's upgrade in cast, any QB would greatly benefit, including Mills (or Keenum). The offensive rebuild is far from complete. Yes, we needed a QB. But did we need Stroud at #2 this year? I don't believe so. For Stroud to succeed in the NFL, I believe that he will face more challenges than just having to have a great support cast. There is no doubt that this franchise with its unfavorable history, has become increasingly desparate to find THE answer. But it is always a poor choice to let desperate situations make you do desperate things.

View attachment 12273
Agree, 100%
Anytime you share information like this you are going to have to expect there will be people that will doubt this stuff happening. And - let’s be honest - the way this stuff went down is out of a soap opera. A fan doesn’t expect the billion dollar football franchise to be run this way. But, it’s the Texans so even the doubting Thomas’s will admit - this is believable. Just look at the last 5 years…

And it’s the internet. No one is going to fully trust what they read, and there will always be a loud voice doubting the truth.

Keep bringing us these golden nuggets of information on the inside. It is appreciated and valued.

Even if we don’t want to believe it.
I agree, this should be expected. You, your sources, or anyone can tell me what happened. Few people can tell us why people do what they do. Hannah may have went to Janice, "who wanted a QB from the beginning" because of a "fan comittee"?

Sorry Doc, I'm going to need more information to substantiate that, also, if Janice wanted a QB from the get go, why does Cal promise the 1st pick?

I do not expect @CloakNNNdagger to answer these questions. I'm thrilled he shared info with me. I respect him enough not to ask him to prove anything to me.

I'm just saying, when you add more info you're adding more questions.
For this soap opera to be believable, Hannah has to go behind her husband's back to her mother-in-law. And the elderly owner has to know enough about the draft prospects to demand a certain QB. All while Cal and Hannah are in lockstep when being interviewed by Houston media throughout the offseason. And Nick and DeMeco just let this circus happen and not say a word.

And what about the near trade for the #1 pick where Caserio ghosted the Bears GM? If the pick was always Anderson, why was that even being discussed? Or that the Texans were telling all of the other head coaching candidates that they would be taking a QB? What was the timeline of the Hannah intervention? Before bringing in Stroud for a visit? And was Slowik/Stroud argument staged to get Janice and Hannah off Stroud?

The main part that seems unbelievable is Caserio and Ryans not stepping up to take control of this. It makes them seem weak, rather than decisive and cunning. Which they had to be to pull the Stroud/Anderson exacta off. The only thing that makes sense in the story was Cal having agent related issues with Stroud. And Nick nipped that in the bud with a radio interview early in the offseason.

Again I don't have "sources". But Nick and DeMeco pulling off a bold (and top secret) move makes more sense than this episode of "All My Texans Children".

i sort of cosign this. Janice would have to have been plugged into the draft prospects for her to have defiantly overruled Cal like that specifially for Stroud PURELY off the strength of Hannah’s call as you note “behind her husband’s back”…& i just don’t see that happening. What i probably think happened is there was internal debate about which player to use the #2 pick on; Anderson or Stroud. A., they need both, B. they've already made Demeco this promise that they would use 1 of those picks on Demeco's chosen defensive guy...which was apparently Anderson who by all accounts was a top 5 guy. At most Janice may have demanded they use 1 of the 2 1sts picks on a qb. For Cal's part, he may have been thinking more about fulfilling his promise to Demeco 1st & wanted to get Anderson with #2.......... if Young wasn't there.......probably figuing that Anderson was the more rarer prospect who in this draft at least had no other peer close to him. Meanwhile, if we missed/passed on Stroud, Richardson and even Levis were still potentially there to be had with 12 or a move up into the top 10. Enter NC, who probaby convinced Cal & Demeco to get Stroud 1st & probably told both he had something potentially in the works to move up & get Anderson & it worked out perfectly.

The other thing is I can’t see this dysfunction happening given what has been publicly put out there from the organization about “getting it right”. Demeco was THE step they made to show that they were moving in that direction & For all that to have been going AFTER they landed him & him not be involved in any of it…i find hard to believe. 1 It would've been a bad look in front of him, & 2 something woulda leaked about it well before now..."Same ol' Texans"...or something like that.
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I agree, this should be expected. You, your sources, or anyone can tell me what happened. Few people can tell us why people do what they do. Hannah may have went to Janice, "who wanted a QB from the beginning" because of a "fan comittee"?

Sorry Doc, I'm going to need more information to substantiate that, also, if Janice wanted a QB from the get go, why does Cal promise the 1st pick?

I do not expect @CloakNNNdagger to answer these questions. I'm thrilled he shared info with me. I respect him enough not to ask him to prove anything to me.

I'm just saying, when you add more info you're adding more questions.
Yep, like the all black staff and Watson was going to force Cal to sell the team too? Miss me with that.
i sort of cosign this. Janice would have to have been plugged into the draft prospects for her to have defiantly overruled Cal like that specifially for Stroud PURELY off the strength of Hannah’s call as you note “behind her husband’s back”…& i just don’t see that happening. What i probably think happened is there was internal debate about which player to use the #3 pick on; Anderson or Stroud. A., they need both, B. they've already made Demeco this promise that they would use 1 of those picks on Demeco's chosen defensive guy...which was apparently Anderson who by all accounts was a top 5 guy. At most Janice may have demanded they use 1 of the 2 1sts picks on a qb. For Cal's part, he may have been thinking more about fulfilling his promise to Demeco 1st & wanted to get Anderson with #3.......... if Young wasn't there.......probably figuing that Anderson was the more rarer prospect who in this draft at least had no other peer close to him. Meanwhile, if we missed/passed on Stroud, Richardson and even Levis were still potentially there to be had with 12 or a move up into the top 10. Enter NC, who probaby convinced Cal & Demeco to get Stroud 1st & probably told both he had something potentially in the works to move up & get Anderson & it worked out perfectly.

The other thing is I can’t see this dysfunction happening given what has been publicly put out there from the organization about “getting it right”. Demeco was THE step they made to show that they were moving in that direction & For all that to have been going AFTER they landed him & him not be involved in any of it…i find hard to believe. 1 It would've been a bad look in front of him, & 2 something woulda leaked about it well before now..."Same ol' Texans"...or something like that.
Same here