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Message boards at Texans website?

Well yea, I wonder how many other team fanbases didn't have a separate message board from the "official" message board

This was the original official board, the Texans let us have it when the NFL made them change it the last time. We've updated the software, look, etc since then. There are a lot of fan run boards around the NFL. I follow the Bucs too and they took down their official board years ago. I don't really follow any of their fan run boards but there are a few out there like

Boards take a lot of bandwidth and moderation. This place wouldn't be possible without our moderators. I provide the technology and bandwidth but have no time to mod the place. I think most NFL teams just don't want the hassle anymore.
This place has really settled down over the past few years. I give all of the credit to the active members who set the tone. I do wonder if there will be an influx of fans coming from deleted forum. I hope they read through the forum first and see what is expected.
This place has really settled down over the past few years. I give all of the credit to the active members who set the tone. I do wonder if there will be an influx of fans coming from deleted forum. I hope they read through the forum first and see what is expected.

We are getting a couple a day. If it weren't for social media we would be getting overrun right now. I think a lot of fans just want a place to be heard and vent. Most are doing that on FB and Twitter now.
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This place has really settled down over the past few years. I give all of the credit to the active members who set the tone. I do wonder if there will be an influx of fans coming from deleted forum. I hope they read through the forum first and see what is expected.

That place was mostly dead by the time it shut down. Maybe 4-5 active posters, maybe 20 total who would go and just read. It wasn't very many at all. They did a software update that was a wreck, didn't notify the mods before hand, and it ran most off of there. A lot have already been here for awhile because of that, you might get some new faces I doubt there will be a serious influx though
A big thank you to...

Hook’em Horns
Proper English Bear
Super Duper Admin

and lastly but most of all...

Test Account

THANK YOU MODERATORS AND ADMINS!!! Even Hervoyel when he was admin back then.
So InfantryCak is the founder/owner of this website, have I got that right ?
So InfantryCak is the founder/owner of this website, have I got that right ?

No. It’s Hookem Horns. InfantryCak is our “super moderator”.

Hey Hookem and everyone else... how about a little history as to how the admins/moderators got their jobs here? Let’s hear your story, y’all!!!
was on the original board until late April 2004 when Vinny direct messaged me - 'Boris, at 3pm today we're all moving to a new home @'

Never understood the need, but glad i switched.

Left behind: McMike? KilgoreTrout? ErraticAssassin?
No. It’s Hookem Horns. InfantryCak is our “super moderator”.

Hey Hookem and everyone else... how about a little history as to how the admins/moderators got their jobs here? Let’s hear your story, y’all!!!

I started in 2003 as a message board and platform to write opinion pieces. The community grew pretty fast however for the most part remained a close-knit community of tailgaters (mainly Blue and Orange Lots). It was cool because we got to know each other personally at the tailgates.

As for my opinion pieces (which would now be called a blog), I just occasionally wrote off the cuff articles and some other members contributed. I never thought anyone was really reading it until one day when I wrote an article blasting John McClain. I basically hammered him for still supporting Bud Adams and the Titans. To make a long story short I received an email from John (which I thought was fake at first) and that led to me meeting him, Bud Adams, Bum Phillips, representing the Texans organization at the Texas Sports HOF in Waco, etc.

We had many posters that participated in both this board and the official one. A few years later Vinny approached me about needing a place to host the official board since the Texans gave it to him due to the NFL making them change it to another one. After thinking it over I offered to just make that and replace our old one with this official one. That decision wasn't too popular with some of the older members, however I felt it was the thing to do. I basically inherited the mods from the official board, however a couple were already mods here also. That was many years ago.

I'm just glad that they are good enough to where I don't have to mess with modding. I just approve new members and keep the technology up to date. They do the rest.
So InfantryCak is the founder/owner of this website, have I got that right ?
No. It’s Hookem Horns. InfantryCak is our “super moderator”.

Hey Hookem and everyone else... how about a little history as to how the admins/moderators got their jobs here? Let’s hear your story, y’all!!!

No. Hookem started this place mainly for the Blue Crew. Vinny set up several official MBs. I know the Texans, 49ers & Saints. He called one day and asked if I'd mod. Actually he said "you're an even handed asshole." I took that as a compliment.

A couple years later the Texans weenies decided to change software. Vinny & Hookem worked out shifting. So we moved the official board here out of Hookem's graciousness.

I'm just along for the ride...since 2001.

Thanks again Kevin.
I started in 2003 as a message board and platform to write opinion pieces. The community grew pretty fast however for the most part remained a close-knit community of tailgaters (mainly Blue and Orange Lots). It was cool because we got to know each other personally at the tailgates.

As for my opinion pieces (which would now be called a blog), I just occasionally wrote off the cuff articles and some other members contributed. I never thought anyone was really reading it until one day when I wrote an article blasting John McClain. I basically hammered him for still supporting Bud Adams and the Titans. To make a long story short I received an email from John (which I thought was fake at first) and that led to me meeting him, Bud Adams, Bum Phillips, representing the Texans organization at the Texas Sports HOF in Waco, etc.

We had many posters that participated in both this board and the official one. A few years later Vinny approached me about needing a place to host the official board since the Texans gave it to him due to the NFL making them change it to another one. After thinking it over I offered to just make that and replace our old one with this official one. That decision wasn't too popular with some of the older members, however I felt it was the thing to do. I basically inherited the mods from the official board, however a couple were already mods here also. That was many years ago.

I'm just glad that they are good enough to where I don't have to mess with modding. I just approve new members and keep the technology up to date. They do the rest.
Thanks for approving me. I may not post much but I do enjoy all the informative posts by all the other posters.
Oh snap, I remembered my log in haha. Man I haven't been on message boards in a looong time. Facebook groups are easier to use now a days. Glad to see the old board gone though, that place was going down the drain anyways.
This place is great. I mean some of y’all suck but it could be worse hahaha JK JK. You can always find a place to talk football but here it’s become a family of sorts. I miss screwing around here during the day.
I went by CloakNNNDagger at the very 1st Texans MB, then was invited to change over to Texans Talk by Hookem, Vinny, and InfantryCak.............have developed lots of friendships as a result.............all sorts of personalities, but after all is said and done, that's what makes this Board so great. McNair brought football back to Houston............and Texans Talk brought the best venue to discuss it. Thanks to Hookem and all those that have put so much into keeping things going.:tiphat:
I went by CloakNNNDagger at the very 1st Texans MB, then was invited to change over to Texans Talk by Hookem, Vinny, and InfantryCak.............have developed lots of friendships as a result.............all sorts of personalities, but after all is said and done, that's what makes this Board so great. McNair brought football back to Houston............and Texans Talk brought the best venue to discuss it. Thanks to Hookem and all those that have put so much into keeping things going.:tiphat:

Wouldn't be the same without ya Doc Jean