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Houston Texans @ San Diego Chargers. 9:20. 9/9. ESPN. **Official MNF Thread**

The really frustrating part of this game has been that we don't seem to catch any of the breaks. Yeah, I'm upset with how players have done in some cases, but I expect that to happen sometimes. It's just really grating on me how:
- All the official reviews come out against us (San Diego TD, AJ catch, am I forgetting another?)
- We can't stop 4th and inches
- Or make 4th and inches ourselves
- Lestar Jean's penalties, while legit were pretty borderline as holding goes - he could have made very small changes and it wouldn't have been a penalty (and wouldn't have chagned the play)
- Meanwhile they keep showing replays of more than one play in which Watt is obviously held, but we don't get any of those calls
- I only saw the interception on a replay, but it looked more like bad luck than bad play to me

Not that we don't deserve all of those (except maybe we should have gotten some calls for holding Watt), and we had some plain bad plays, but it's all those things that make me really frustrated. Despite how we've played, it feels like we should be tied at this point, not down by 14. If we're going to get beat down, I wish they'd just get outright slammed, not lose via a bunch of tiny issues.

Oh, and to me, Schaub's been playing great - actually one of the high points on the team (I didn't see the interception, though - maybe that was all on him)... He's not the one that can't make a 4th and inches, gets holding calls, etc.
Whining about officiating is weak. The Texans are getting their asses handed to them. Big time. Overconfident and undercoached is the story here. Maybe there really is a reason players need the preseason.
What's that Wade Phillips trend again? The first year he does wonders with a defense, then goes downhill after that?
he didnt have control of the ball.

by the time he had control of the ball his left foot was off the ground.

a better sideline throw would have made that play happen.

Schaub is sucking real bad once again in a prime time game.

past prime philip rivers with half the weapons that schaub has is putting on a better show.

this is a disgusting performance by matt schaub.

He didn't have control? Does he need to eat the ball to have control? This was a play that should have not been overturned. But it's hardly a reason why we lost.
Kubiak and Wade are getting completely out coached. Beautiful offense by the Chargers. I was hoping we'd see the Texans implement some of this hurry up stuff but no dice. Anyway, this defense is toast. I don't see how things are going to change even if Ed Reed plays.
Maybe the offense will open and start gunning it all over the field just like when we had a crappy D.
Don't pretend to lecture me on forums. I have written
and modified both BBS and forum software. (using a variety of
compiled and scripting languages)

Just because people do it here, doesn't mean it's the norm
or "the only way"..


I sure it is the norm as I have been posting for most of my life and haven't run into anyone who consistently uses the quote function as you do. It's not just here but every forum that people typed under the quote.
Well, at least basketball season starts soon.

When the Rockets talk championship I can believe them... they won two and been to the nba finals 4 times. There is a reason a houston nfl team has never been to the super bowl. Good ol boy systems always fail.
This team was not ready to play tonight. What a giant letdown Texans.

It's not about being outcoached, it's about not knowing what to prepare for. The Redskins just got beat by the 4-12 Eagles because they didn't know what to expect. The Eagles came out with an up tempo offense with a lot of talent.

We're looking at the same thing. Phillip Rivers isn't as bad as we were led to believe. Edie Royal was drafted in the first round for a reason. So was Ronnie Brown, So was Ryan Matthews, & Antonio Gates will definitely go up on the Charger's ring of honor.

This game isn't over, but it is a test for our coaches & our team.
it's very simple guys, chargers are taking the offensive playbook from elite level QB's. our blitz' have no effect on just exposes our man coverage.
The thing I am most upset about is that this is the game that
we had the entire offseason to prepare for.

The issues we are having are identical to the ones we had at
the end of the season last year.

To me, that means nothing we've done in the offseason, draft,
or camp, actually addressed what derailed us in 2012

TJ Not what I was anticipating. I know I've been quite on the board, but I have to just say that I'm very disappointed. Still...lots of season left. I hope this is an anomaly.
Had it. Been with them since day one but this is getting typical. I am sick and tired of us getting our private parts kicked in on prime time.
been saying this for years.. schaub can fill up a stat sheet. on paper he can even hang with the big boys and slightly less big super bowl qbs..

Just hope Kubrick opens his eyes. His brother banks at the bank I previously worked at. He says the same...
Just when I'm ready to cuss out Schaub for not throwing the ball away properly, he hits AJ.

There is something about AJ and Schaub that just works - they've got a fantastic understanding now.
Boo the fk yah... big throw Schaub, bigger catch Andre

support your team guys. .
So, serious question, how much of an impact do we think
Ed Reed can have on our secondary?

It seems to be regressing as time goes on. Is Ed going to be
enough of an impact player to make any substantial difference?
