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"All's forgiven, Dunta" ??????????????


Windmill cancer survivor
Contributor's Club

I flip open the morning paper, and get out the sports section, and the bold headline says . . .

All's forgiven, Dunta

. . . on top of a photo of Reeves laying on the field in pain from a broken leg.

So Mr. John McClain expects us all to forget the fact that he actually turned down an outrageous offer, way way more money than he's worth, and then threaten to sit out part of the season for being paid in the top 5 of the league . . . :gun:

. . . just because someone else playing in his position gets hurt? :brickwall:

There must be a fire sale somewhere on unmitigated gall these days.
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Whatever. Dunta is NOT forgiven in my mind, and I hope he doesn't show up at all this year. I'd just as soon see the rookies (whose job it's going to be someday anyways) and the emergency stop gap free agents we sign take up the slack, and of course our other guys when they get back from their injuries.

We are desperate right now for cornerbacks, and I'm sure Dunta will come back at some time and play for us. When he does the secondary will most likely be better for it, but it doesn't mean I still won't be pissed at him and rooting for someone to take his place.
Man, how about, "Damn, Jacques, sorry you're injured. Hope you get better soon. Thanks for working hard in training camp unlike some people."
I think everyone is reading too much into everything. Think about this. He has been franchised so hes playing this year for one years money. He has no future money coming to him. If he gets hurt during training camp he's just S - O - L. You might think that is selfish and this and that and he should have the common decency to be out there etc... but would you? I don't think I would put my self in a situation where I could get hurt before the season starts and have a possibility of getting hurt. We have to remember yeah this is a game and might be the greatest game but in the end NFL is a bussiness and players are in the bussiness of getting paid. My Opinion I'm not mad at him or do I think he needs forgiveness, I will be mad when we come into our game against the Jets and then he's not shown up. Untill then give the guy a break and let some of the rookies, back ups etc... get some reps and let him stay healthy
I think everyone is reading too much into everything. Think about this. He has been franchised so hes playing this year for one years money. He has no future money coming to him. If he gets hurt during training camp he's just S - O - L. You might think that is selfish and this and that and he should have the common decency to be out there etc... but would you? I don't think I would put my self in a situation where I could get hurt before the season starts and have a possibility of getting hurt. We have to remember yeah this is a game and might be the greatest game but in the end NFL is a bussiness and players are in the bussiness of getting paid. My Opinion I'm not mad at him or do I think he needs forgiveness, I will be mad when we come into our game against the Jets and then he's not shown up. Untill then give the guy a break and let some of the rookies, back ups etc... get some reps and let him stay healthy

I'm not really mad at Dunta, but I think it's crappy to act like Reeves hasn't been out there busting his butt and to not show him any love right now. To just be, another faceless player down, let's throw money at the faceless player that we've been hating and act like there are no hungry faceless players ready to help at this moment. Mainly, I'm just upset that Reeves is hurt, human, and getting no love in this news story. It's the obvious story, but c'mon, try another angle. Don't tap into the Dunta hype right now.
I'm not really mad at Dunta, but I think it's crappy to act like Reeves hasn't been out there busting his butt and to not show him any love right now. To just be, another faceless player down, let's throw money at the faceless player that we've been hating and act like there are no hungry faceless players ready to help at this moment. Mainly, I'm just upset that Reeves is hurt, human, and getting no love in this news story.

Rep your way.
I don't think John McClain writes his own headlines. Headlines are supposed to attract the eyes and I really don't see an article with JM being a hypocrite here.
I think everyone is reading too much into everything. Think about this. He has been franchised so hes playing this year for one years money. He has no future money coming to him. If he gets hurt during training camp he's just S - O - L. You might think that is selfish and this and that and he should have the common decency to be out there etc... but would you? I don't think I would put my self in a situation where I could get hurt before the season starts and have a possibility of getting hurt. We have to remember yeah this is a game and might be the greatest game but in the end NFL is a bussiness and players are in the bussiness of getting paid. My Opinion I'm not mad at him or do I think he needs forgiveness, I will be mad when we come into our game against the Jets and then he's not shown up. Untill then give the guy a break and let some of the rookies, back ups etc... get some reps and let him stay healthy

I thought when he signs the one-year tender...which is like almost $10 million...that it's guaranteed money. Injury or no injury.

If we worked a long-term deal with Dunta, I don't think he'd see a $10 million signing or roster bonus off of it.

Someone help me out if I'm wrong on this, but I think Dunta can sign and get the one-year $9.whatever million. And if he gets hurt, he still is going to collect it all season long. Correct?

I think Dunta has burned bridges, guys.
I don't think John McClain writes his own headlines. Headlines are supposed to attract the eyes and I really don't see an article with JM being a hypocrite here.

Correct. There's a separate staff person who writes headlines. Usually one of the editors or someone who places the copy for publication (the one who trims it for length and content, etc.).

Whoever wrote that headline didn't fully think through the connotations, or they are just a sensationalist writer trying to grab attention. Headlines are supposed to do that, but there's a fine line in terms of taste.
I don't think John McClain writes his own headlines. Headlines are supposed to attract the eyes and I really don't see an article with JM being a hypocrite here.

You're probably right, and I can't assign blame to anyone in particular. The story itself is pretty straightforward, but I sense something like here's the setup, Reeves, here's the big issue, Dunta, here's why it's important, rookies. what's the problem? Yeah Dunta's been acting like an ass & reeves has been out there but let's be honest, if dunta wanted to come back right now and played his ass off, i could care less. what's the problem? Yeah Dunta's been acting like an ass & reeves has been out there but let's be honest, if dunta wanted to come back right now and played his ass off, i could care less.

The problem is this: give Reeves an article about how hard he's been working, what this set back means to him, his plans for returning, etc., etc. Kind of like the article Dunta got under similar circumstances. They didn't do a by the way Dunta's hurt, here's some crap he said, but the real issue is we need a real, big time CB brought onto this team from free agency because what we have is crap. If I'm Jacques, I'm thinking, "Thanks a lot." I'm pretty sure when Jacques was giving those quotes he wasn't expecting it to be a Dunta story.
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I think everyone is reading too much into everything. Think about this. He has been franchised so hes playing this year for one years money. He has no future money coming to him. If he gets hurt during training camp he's just S - O - L. You might think that is selfish and this and that and he should have the common decency to be out there etc... but would you? I don't think I would put my self in a situation where I could get hurt before the season starts and have a possibility of getting hurt. We have to remember yeah this is a game and might be the greatest game but in the end NFL is a bussiness and players are in the bussiness of getting paid. My Opinion I'm not mad at him or do I think he needs forgiveness, I will be mad when we come into our game against the Jets and then he's not shown up. Untill then give the guy a break and let some of the rookies, back ups etc... get some reps and let him stay healthy

Good post, man. I feel the same way. It's just business, and certainly nothing to get emotional about until that first game that counts.

I think the headline is attempting to be cheeky.
He has no future money coming to him. If he gets hurt during training camp he's just S - O - L.

What the hell are you talking about? He signed the 1-year tender after he was franchised. His 10 million is guaranteed whether he gets hurt in training camp or not.

He's going to sit out TC and the preseason games, miss all the reps under a new defensive system, and even if he does come back for game 1 of the regular season, do any of you think he's going to be worth anything on the field, much less 10 million, which he's not worth to even begin with?

And as much as I detest these "Fire the head coach" threads, if he comes back after missing all of training camp and preseason, and if Kubiak is stupid enough to play him, and he gets lit up, I'll frick'n start a damn "Fire Kubiak" thread myself.

I want Rick Smith to get rid of this POS in the worst way. Hopefully he's trying to make it happen.
What the hell are you talking about? He signed the 1-year tender after he was franchised. His 10 million is guaranteed whether he gets hurt in training camp or not.

He's going to sit out TC and the preseason games, miss all the reps under a new defensive system, and even if he does come back for game 1 of the regular season, do any of you think he's going to be worth anything on the field, much less 10 million, which he's not worth to even begin with?

And as much as I detest these "Fire the head coach" threads, if he comes back after missing all of training camp and preseason, and if Kubiak is stupid enough to play him, and he gets lit up, I'll frick'n start a damn "Fire Kubiak" thread myself.

I want Rick Smith to get rid of this POS in the worst way. Hopefull he's trying to make it happen.

Sorry, but he has not signed his tender.
Okay, Dunta is a business man. I'm not mad at him, but I don't want to read stories about him. I don't read stories about business men. I read stories about football players. Business men are boring.
Sorry, but he has not signed his tender.

OKAY, but in order to come to camp, he has to sign his tender, right? So, if he blows out his knee the following day after he comes to camp, he's not S. O. L. He gets the 10 million.

I think everyone is reading too much into everything. Think about this. He has been franchised so hes playing this year for one years money. He has no future money coming to him. If he gets hurt during training camp he's just S - O - L. You might think that is selfish and this and that and he should have the common decency to be out there etc... but would you? I don't think I would put my self in a situation where I could get hurt before the season starts and have a possibility of getting hurt. We have to remember yeah this is a game and might be the greatest game but in the end NFL is a bussiness and players are in the bussiness of getting paid. My Opinion I'm not mad at him or do I think he needs forgiveness, I will be mad when we come into our game against the Jets and then he's not shown up. Untill then give the guy a break and let some of the rookies, back ups etc... get some reps and let him stay healthy
Great spin but not exactly what happened. He had future money offered to him with $23 million guaranteed. He refused it. He got his feelings hurt twice, once when he did not get what he wanted and then when Smith franchized him after saying he would not. I understand that. I think he should take the $10 mill, have a great season showing he is healthy and a better CB than he has been and hope the team wants him around for a longer contract after this season. I'd also hope (if I were DR) that these younger players are not as good as they just might be.
OKAY, but in order to come to camp, he has to sign his tender, right? So, if he blows out his knee the following day after he comes to camp, he's not S. O. L. He gets the 10 million.


That's exactly what I was talking about.

The only thing Dunta has to lose is $10 million. If he doesn't sign, he sits out all year and cannot negotiate with any team until the end of the season because of the franchise tag he's under.

If he signs and gets hurt, even for the whole year, he's getting his $10 million by the time the contract is up. At least that's what my limited grasp of this situation tells me. Maybe he doesn't. I just see how the Texans could refuse to pay him because of injury.
He is being an asshat he would get the ten million and is missing valuable TC time. I think he has already said he would sit out for some of season. I say get rid of his ass he should be there OD and Demeco are both there despite not being happy. Donte is a baby who is unproven after a big injury. Wait untill we see if he shows up for the first game? I'm sorry but I don't think he will be. If not, that will be the last draw for me with him and I'll say this he says he still wants to be a Texan then show it DONTE.
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I personally think the Texans were being awful generous to offer Dunta top 5 money. IMHO, he's never played at that level. I think Dunta did us a favor by turning it down, and making a big fracus about the franchise thing. He's turned public opinion against him, and I'm sure now, more than before, we can pull the rug from under him, and let him go, & the fans, and his teammates will think of it as nothing but business.

IMHO, there is no way in he77 I'll pay him anything to play this year. If he starts coming to the table, wanting to sign before the beginning of the season, I'd avoid him, then just remove the franchise tag when the season starts. That's just being mean, because every other team will have their 53 man roster, he'll have to wait for someone to get injured, and hope someone calls him.

If the Texans don't want to be mean, I'd let him go now. Delta Oneal is a much better cover corner than Dunta has been the last 3 years.

I don't think he played all that well in 2006, or 2007. I understand he was hurt for most of 2008, but when he came back, he was way off on his tackling, which was the only thing he had going for him.

We love him, because he hit like a LBer, he was our surest tackler, and probably the team leader in tackles for a loss. But if that's gone.... and we have no reason to believe it isn't... why over pay him?

We didn't like overpaying free agents to come here, and not play up to their contracts, why would we be okay with over paying for Dunta?

I'm not with it.... he's got to go, and we need to find CBs better than Dunta. The good ones are hard to find anyway, so to find one better than Dunta (who IMHO is avg) isn't going to be easy. But I'd rather pay Webster & O'neal avg money, sign Demeco & Owen, then look for a big time corner later.

Think about it. If we do draft a first round corner next year (which I think we should have done this year) We'd have a crap load of money in that position, if we keep Dunta Robinson..... who isn't worth the money.
I personally think the Texans were being awful generous to offer Dunta top 5 money. IMHO, he's never played at that level. I think Dunta did us a favor by turning it down, and making a big fracus about the franchise thing. He's turned public opinion against him, and I'm sure now, more than before, we can pull the rug from under him, and let him go, & the fans, and his teammates will think of it as nothing but business.

IMHO, there is no way in he77 I'll pay him anything to play this year. If he starts coming to the table, wanting to sign before the beginning of the season, I'd avoid him, then just remove the franchise tag when the season starts. That's just being mean, because every other team will have their 53 man roster, he'll have to wait for someone to get injured, and hope someone calls him.

If the Texans don't want to be mean, I'd let him go now. Delta Oneal is a much better cover corner than Dunta has been the last 3 years.

I don't think he played all that well in 2006, or 2007. I understand he was hurt for most of 2008, but when he came back, he was way off on his tackling, which was the only thing he had going for him.

We love him, because he hit like a LBer, he was our surest tackler, and probably the team leader in tackles for a loss. But if that's gone.... and we have no reason to believe it isn't... why over pay him?

We didn't like overpaying free agents to come here, and not play up to their contracts, why would we be okay with over paying for Dunta?

I'm not with it.... he's got to go, and we need to find CBs better than Dunta. The good ones are hard to find anyway, so to find one better than Dunta (who IMHO is avg) isn't going to be easy. But I'd rather pay Webster & O'neal avg money, sign Demeco & Owen, then look for a big time corner later.

Think about it. If we do draft a first round corner next year (which I think we should have done this year) We'd have a crap load of money in that position, if we keep Dunta Robinson..... who isn't worth the money.
The Texans were being more than nice so don't anyone give me any BS. This is not at you TK.
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He's going to sit out TC and the preseason games, miss all the reps under a new defensive system, and even if he does come back for game 1 of the regular season, do any of you think he's going to be worth anything on the field, much less 10 million, which he's not worth to even begin with?

He'd still be the best CB on the Texans. We need him out there. Love him or hate him, dude can play and be a big part of our D.

You're an interesting study, Marcus. Outsourcing our manufacturing base to China? Don't sweat it. Football player holds out? ANGER! SMASH THINGS! ;)
OKAY, but in order to come to camp, he has to sign his tender, right? So, if he blows out his knee the following day after he comes to camp, he's not S. O. L. He gets the 10 million.


For these guys the $10 million isn't enough. They need the $25 million guaranteed. Not sure what the extra jack can get you, though. Nicer rims?

He's worried that signing the tender now and getting hurt could hurt him financially? Imagine if he got injured working out without signing the tender. Wouldn't that hurt ya, Dunta?
I'm not on the forgiveness bandwagon with Dunta.

I think I'd rather have John McLain playing corner for us than DRob.

As for him being the best corner we'd have on the team, I'm not sold on him being a good corner before he got injured let alone post injury.

Good run support corner are nice and all, and that is what Dunta was, but I don't think you pay run support corners big money. You pay cover corners big money and that is definately not Dunta.
I personally think the Texans were being awful generous to offer Dunta top 5 money. IMHO, he's never played at that level. I think Dunta did us a favor by turning it down, and making a big fracus about the franchise thing. He's turned public opinion against him, and I'm sure now, more than before, we can pull the rug from under him, and let him go, & the fans, and his teammates will think of it as nothing but business.

IMHO, there is no way in he77 I'll pay him anything to play this year. If he starts coming to the table, wanting to sign before the beginning of the season, I'd avoid him, then just remove the franchise tag when the season starts. That's just being mean, because every other team will have their 53 man roster, he'll have to wait for someone to get injured, and hope someone calls him.

If the Texans don't want to be mean, I'd let him go now. Delta Oneal is a much better cover corner than Dunta has been the last 3 years.

I don't think he played all that well in 2006, or 2007. I understand he was hurt for most of 2008, but when he came back, he was way off on his tackling, which was the only thing he had going for him.

We love him, because he hit like a LBer, he was our surest tackler, and probably the team leader in tackles for a loss. But if that's gone.... and we have no reason to believe it isn't... why over pay him?

We didn't like overpaying free agents to come here, and not play up to their contracts, why would we be okay with over paying for Dunta?

I'm not with it.... he's got to go, and we need to find CBs better than Dunta. The good ones are hard to find anyway, so to find one better than Dunta (who IMHO is avg) isn't going to be easy. But I'd rather pay Webster & O'neal avg money, sign Demeco & Owen, then look for a big time corner later.

Think about it. If we do draft a first round corner next year (which I think we should have done this year) We'd have a crap load of money in that position, if we keep Dunta Robinson..... who isn't worth the money.

That would be one of my biggest questions to Smith right now. How long is he going to wait for Dunta to sign the franchise tender? The Texans can cut him at any time. If I'm the Texans GM I would give Dunta a deadline, if he doesn't sign it by that date I would drop the franchise tag. I would not pay him 10 million to skip the first four games or so (which is about how many games it would probably take him to get game ready). Dunta is not worth ten million a year, much less 10 million for 3/4 of a year.
What the hell are you talking about? He signed the 1-year tender after he was franchised. His 10 million is guaranteed whether he gets hurt in training camp or not.

He's going to sit out TC and the preseason games, miss all the reps under a new defensive system, and even if he does come back for game 1 of the regular season, do any of you think he's going to be worth anything on the field, much less 10 million, which he's not worth to even begin with?

And as much as I detest these "Fire the head coach" threads, if he comes back after missing all of training camp and preseason, and if Kubiak is stupid enough to play him, and he gets lit up, I'll frick'n start a damn "Fire Kubiak" thread myself.

I want Rick Smith to get rid of this POS in the worst way. Hopefully he's trying to make it happen.

Sounds like you need to calm down. Season hasn't even started. I'd rather one of our best CB stay uninjuried JMHO
Dunta has become the most overrated corner in the league. He plays the run and pass well but isn't a top 10 corner. He was just the best db we had. That doesn't say much. I'm off the dunta train, if he comes, great. If not, to hell with him. Hopefully our pass rush makes it easier on all our db's. Lets HOPE the front seven protects the back four. Nothing more to say about dunta from here on out.
Sounds like you need to calm down. Season hasn't even started. I'd rather one of our best CB stay uninjuried JMHO
What would you say if missed a few games? He stated before he would and being he is doing one on workouts he might not be as sharp come day one. You are still my main man I'm just saying.
That would be one of my biggest questions to Smith right now. How long is he going to wait for Dunta to sign the franchise tender? The Texans can cut him at any time. If I'm the Texans GM I would give Dunta a deadline, if he doesn't sign it by that date I would drop the franchise tag. I would not pay him 10 million to skip the first four games or so (which is about how many games it would probably take him to get game ready). Dunta is not worth ten million a year, much less 10 million for 3/4 of a year.

It would be interesting to see how this would play out. Another team could swoop in and sign him to a long term deal - but it wouldn't be for the kind of money that he is looking for.

Even before the last round of injuries, I don't think that it makes sense for the Texans to play this hand. I won't argue that he isn't one of the Top 5 - but he is the best we currently have on the roster and we need him to play well to get to the next level. Even if Dunta has an issue with the front office - he has all the incentive to have a good year to get paid next year.

I don't know if there is a way to sign him, but deactivate him and not have to pay the portion of his salary for games that he isn't active to play - that would be the best case scenario for the Texans...and the ultimate FU move by the Texans.

Ultimately, sitting out all of camp and slowly getting into form during the regular season hurts Dunta (and possibly his image with other teams). If he were to show up at camp this week, sign his tender (and make his money this season), publically criticize the front office but state that he showed up for his team and the fans, have a good season and sign with another team - that would be his best case scenario...and the utlimate FU move by Dunta.
For these guys the $10 million isn't enough. They need the $25 million guaranteed. Not sure what the extra jack can get you, though. Nicer rims?

He's worried that signing the tender now and getting hurt could hurt him financially? Imagine if he got injured working out without signing the tender. Wouldn't that hurt ya, Dunta?

You know, I've been thinking about why a player would turn down $10 million for one year.

Maybe he's afraid he'll get hurt and will be done once the $10 million is paid out. And maybe Dunta is in debt and needs more than $10 million. Fast.

Was his home invasion just a home invasion of the garden variety, or was there something more to it? A message being sent?

Go ahead and flame me. I know I'll get it.

But this is beginning to come off as being more than just trying to put one over on the evil Texans management. With the way pro players are getting exposed for a variety of problems (both big and small) we can't act like there's not more than meets the eye.

We always act so surprised when something crops up (like the Steve McNair's death) as if it was just so out of character. Not sayin', just sayin'...
It would be interesting to see how this would play out. Another team could swoop in and sign him to a long term deal - but it wouldn't be for the kind of money that he is looking for.

Even before the last round of injuries, I don't think that it makes sense for the Texans to play this hand. I won't argue that he isn't one of the Top 5 - but he is the best we currently have on the roster and we need him to play well to get to the next level. Even if Dunta has an issue with the front office - he has all the incentive to have a good year to get paid next year.

I don't know if there is a way to sign him, but deactivate him and not have to pay the portion of his salary for games that he isn't active to play - that would be the best case scenario for the Texans...and the ultimate FU move by the Texans.

Ultimately, sitting out all of camp and slowly getting into form during the regular season hurts Dunta (and possibly his image with other teams). If he were to show up at camp this week, sign his tender (and make his money this season), publically criticize the front office but state that he showed up for his team and the fans, have a good season and sign with another team - that would be his best case scenario...and the utlimate FU move by Dunta.

It's my understanding that he can sign the tender whenever he wants to and still get his 10 mil this year. If he shows up for game one ready to play I won't have any problem with it, but I'm just wondering where will the Texans draw the line? If Dunta doesn't want to sign until game 6, will the Texans FO pay him 10 mil a game? Have a deadline, if he doesn't sign by that deadline release him.
He is being an asshat he would get the ten million and is missing valeable TC time. I think he has already said he would sit out for some of season. I say get rid of his ass he should be there OD and Demeco are both there despite not being happy. Donte is a baby who is unproven after a big injury. Wait untill we see if he shows up for the first game? I'm sorry but I don't think he will be. If not, that will be the last draw for me with him and I'll say this he says he still wants to be a Texan then show it DONTE.

must spread rep......blah...I tried Gary.

And yes, he is being an asshat. Just not used to you saying stuff like that. LOL
He'd still be the best CB on the Texans. We need him out there. Love him or hate him, dude can play and be a big part of our D.

I disagree. He's burned enough bridges that it clearly shows that he doesn't want to play here anymore. He'll be a distraction from here on out, so cut bait.

You're an interesting study, Marcus. Outsourcing our manufacturing base to China? Don't sweat it. Football player holds out? ANGER! SMASH THINGS! ;)

OKAY, but in order to come to camp, he has to sign his tender, right? So, if he blows out his knee the following day after he comes to camp, he's not S. O. L. He gets the 10 million.

Right. But, he's only under contract for one season. No signing bonus. And explain to me why Robinson should come in prior to Week 1? He's not under contractual obligation to do so. He doesn't receive additional game checks for the preseason. There is absolutely no good reason, on his part, to join the team until the opening roster must be set.
Who thinks his attitude will be a positive in the locker room, on the field and with the coaches? I can EASILY see him being a problem in all areas as he is pissed and wants to strike back. He wont even be interested in holding it down for a contract next year. He just wants to strike back. He WAS at best an average cover CB (very good run stopper though) and now after a Horrible injury he is less than average and a long way from being worth 9.9 million dollars.
Who thinks his attitude will be a positive in the locker room, on the field and with the coaches?
Dunta has been a positive in the locker room and the field since he was drafted. Where contracts are concerned, he players, to a man, side with the players. This will not hurt Robinson's standing with the team a bit.
The most relevant question is: Would any other team in the league pay Dunta the money that he'd be receiving if he signed the Texans' franchise tender?

The answer is no. He doesn't have the stats.

But when he does come back, he'd better not blow coverage on the strong side, or Cushing will call him out. Guys who work like madmen aren't going to suffer someone else's learning curve because that person skipped a particularly valuable training camp.

That's something else that deflates Dunta's value. Cushing will be the new heart of this defense, not Dunta.
Right. But, he's only under contract for one season. No signing bonus. And explain to me why Robinson should come in prior to Week 1? He's not under contractual obligation to do so. He doesn't receive additional game checks for the preseason. There is absolutely no good reason, on his part, to join the team until the opening roster must be set.
Who is to say he'll be here for week one?
From a fans point of view, Dunta is being an asshat. From a coach or owners side, or from a players side, I don’t know that. Neither do any of yall. We are arguing in a vacuum here as fans.

All I’m saying, is from this particular fans point of view, Dunta can kiss my ass. :)
Dunta has been a positive in the locker room and the field since he was drafted. Where contracts are concerned, he players, to a man, side with the players. This will not hurt Robinson's standing with the team a bit.

Has in the PAST is the operative word. I doubt that still holds true. I think he is clearly showing what his attitude is and he WILL very likely carry it over to the season if we give him a chance by over paying for a rather poor CB. I don't want him given ANY sort of chance to screw up what is being built and I have a very strong hunch that is exactly what he would try to do.