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Yes VY again, cause what I'm hearing is insane!


Practice Squad
1st year 2006: Young holds the NFL record for rushing yards by a rookie quarterback with 552, breaking the old record of 408 yards set by Bobby Douglass in 1969. He won the Associated Press NFL Offensive Rookie of The Year honors at the conclusion of the 2006 NFL campaign, becoming only the third quarterback to win the award, along with Dennis Shaw and Ben Roethlisberger. At 0-3 VY takes over an comes a few plays away from leading them to the playoffs something no team as ever done when losing there first 3 games. He caps off the year by being a Pro bowl alternate and eventually making the Pro bowl. So after a 5-11 2004 season, 4-12 2005 season Vy helps them to 8-8 in his first season in 2006.

2nd Year 2007: The NFL now knows the type of player Vince can be and begins to game-plan accordingly. Yes Vince does struggles with this. Vince doesn't run as well, reads defenses wrong and throws way more interceptions than touchdowns and only shows glimpses of the big plays he accomplished his rookie year. At the end of the regular season, Young finished with 2,459 passing yards with 9 touchdowns and 17 interceptions. Additionally, Young would finish with 395 rushing yards and 3 rushing touchdowns. The good and bad established Vince and a much better defense than his rookie year helped the titans to its first playoff since 2003.

3rd Year 2008: New offense and coodinator, 4 struggling preseason games and 1 struggling season game Vince is being booed like he was the other teams quarterback. This is where I have to say this is insane. Yes Vince handled the troubles he is having wrong but at 24 and playing the most important position in the league how perfect are we asking him to be. Are we asking him to be perfect because he seems to be a star? I don't know. Do we want him to be perfect because of his nationality? I don't know. Should he be perfect because he is a running QB and not a pocket passer? I dont know. I do know the influence for him to be perfect in his 3rd season his enormously insane! Eli Manning was talked about repeatlely and has now taken his team to the SuperBowl in his 4th season. Phillip Rivers, Drew Brees, and many others have been bashed for not playing up to the level of a great QB in their early years. Yet with Vince we want to say he shouldn't be in the league anymore, should be traded, and is a bust.

Vince will be a successful QB in this league. Vince will most likely win his position back by the end of the year and be the Titans QB for the playoffs. Someone on here had a thread that said trade for VY. And others have said we would be worse. That also doesn't make any since given his game play. Titans rushing game was only better than ours only because of VY 500 plus yards rushing. Check the stats Titans total rushing yards 2214, Texans had 1687. Lets just take 400 of those yards and give them to the Texans and we not only have a better team but maybe a few more wins. Lets consider the fact that Tennessee has no big time recievers and then take in the decision of stopping our running game with Vince which would have over 2000 yards and stopping Andre Johnson from going deep. Many times all Carr did was throw it up to Andre. Vince couldn't do that? Vince threw 12 td passes his rookie year so lets just take half of those and give them to Andre and that would be one more than he caught with Carr. Dare we say that could have been the force for another Texans win. At 0-3 Vince takes over and goes 8-5 as the starter. If we get 3 of those wins from Vince's play we are 9-7 and we are in the playoffs. To say Vince will be a great QB is exaggerating but to say he should be out of the league is just stupid!

If you really think about it you would agree. And Merrile Hoge is just an *****!
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I'm not sure that you've looked around these boards that much and realized what the majority of this board thinks of VY. I think you came to the wrong place if you expected a lot of people in agreement with you.

:fortune: Let's see......

Several pages of sausage jokes at VY's expense coming soon.
Yea but thats what I'm asking. What are these comments based on? Not his stats and play. Because if you take his play as a Titan and ask the What if? question of him as a Texan the only conclusion is that out of one of these 2 years he has completed we are probably in the playoffs. Thats a huge difference from us talking about how we are still rebuilding and asking for the head of our head coach.
Yea but thats what I'm asking. What are these comments based on? Not his stats and play. Because if you take his play as a Titan and ask the What if? question of him as a Texan the only conclusion is that out of one of these 2 years he has completed we are probably in the playoffs. Thats a huge difference from us talking about how we are still rebuilding and asking for the head of our head coach.

Vince Young has played poorly in the majority of the games he has played in.

Vince Young didn't go 8-5, the Titans did.

There are a whole lot of players on the Titans responsible for those wins, and many of them play on the defense.
Yea but thats what I'm asking. What are these comments based on? Not his stats and play. Because if you take his play as a Titan and ask the What if? question of him as a Texan the only conclusion is that out of one of these 2 years he has completed we are probably in the playoffs. Thats a huge difference from us talking about how we are still rebuilding and asking for the head of our head coach.

I take it you didn't read what the crystal ball predicted.

I can guarantee you that what it said is coming.
Your right I should say he helped them to an 8-5 record in the 13 games he started as a rookie. Of course your going to say it was the defense.
Lets just look at one game down 21-0 vs New York giants. The defense did its part by picking Eli off twice and playing good defense. On the offensive side of the ball Vince threw 2 touchdowns and ran in a touchdown and lead the 4th quarter drive to win the game 24-21. Yea the team won the game and Vince didnt do anything.
Your right I should say he helped them to an 8-5 record in the 13 games he started as a rookie. Of course your going to say it was the defense.
Lets just look at one game down 21-0 vs New York giants. The defense did its part by picking Eli off twice and playing good defense. On the offensive side of the ball Vince threw 2 touchdowns and ran in a touchdown and lead the 4th quarter drive to win the game 24-21. Yea the team won the game and Vince didnt do anything.

I didn't say he didn't do anything.

I said he played poorly in the majority of his games.

Every game is a team victory or loss.

Sometimes he helped his team win and other times the team won in spite of him.
I like vince and as far as his personal life, I hope he gets help and gets thing squared away .. It is tough to battle depression ..

It is great that you are a big fan.. but NFL and the media pimped out VY.. which I am not complaining but IMO hurt Vince.. Things always came easy for him due to is talent, but in the NFL.. everyone is talented.. Vince made questionable decisions in the offseason.. I applaud Vince for going back to school, but at the time some questioned the timing esp with a new offensive coordinator coming in.. NFL is too good of a league to let Vince just be Vince like he was at Texas (exception is Ronnie brown last week against the Pats) .. Rookie of the year , you can't take that away from him, but take off the VY glasses and look at the stats.. media generated , those stats were horrible .... Colston was hands down statwise rookie of the year baring that injury.

I can't speak for Vince (none of us can) but I wonder if he bought into the hype .. when all you hear is InVinceable , In Vince we trust, Vince has IT ... fame came early and it came fast .. and don't think defenses around the NFL noticed it... For Vince to become the player he needs to be.. he needs to get his head on right through counseling .. next watch a rocky movie or two and get fired up to get dedicated to getting better

with that said.. besides about two or three people, you will not find any sympathy over on this board after 2 years of being told we were wrong and sam Bowie was drafted by us ..

"I faced a Just a little controversy"

Mario Williams

Texan chick has a good post for you
probowl is a fan driven game...

I'll take mario and his 14 sacks and a no probowl though

there was an article post about it is funny about perception
Alex smith considered a bust, VY the next coming of

yet their stats about the same..

I just need to find the link to that
I agree with you. Taking in the good and the bad from Vince. I'm not praising Vince or bashing him. I'm trying to figure out the hate for him. Don't just take in the passing stats. if you include the 500 plus yards rushing then he was considerably the best rookie of the year and most people thought so. That record hadn't been broken since 1969 and not even Michael Vick who runs like a 4.2 forty didnt break it.
VY is a bit spoiled and in 2 years has had some good games and a bunch of bad ones. Michael didnt do anything but score and dunk for almost 5 years before he became the Jordan we know.
In no way am i saying he is Jordan or will even come close to that. I'm saying after 2 years one of him showing promise and the other being questionably horrible to say he is a bust is just crazy. Yea he needs to quickly suck up being booed or he will be a bust. But until he continues to show that bad play he is just another strugggling young quarterback.
I posted this on another thread and I liked carr as a qb but now my thinking has swung the other way.. Both can't read defenses very well. Can Vince learn? he is still young and yes..

I love the spin on everything .. I have been on both ends of the debate. I like Vince.(for the record)

but I seen it all

I think the names Carr and Vince can be interchanged

I was going to post stats of the two QBs.. and in 2007 stats of vince's and 2005 stats of Carr .(based on Carr's best rushing year) ..I will just say try looking it up and if a QB was the focal point.... wow... you would never know that one QB 's team was 10-6 and the other was 2-14 ..

rushing wise vince out did Carr by about 90 yards(about .7 yards per rush).. vince threw for about 200 yard more(percentagewise was like 65 percent to 61 percent) . Carr had about 3 int less and threw for about 6 or 7 more tds(in a nutshell)
I don't think its fair to say Alex Smith is a bust as well thats insane.

Did you forget to add the sarcasm smiley? Or did you forget to leave bizzaro world. VY is not a good QB. The Titans were good, not because of VY, but inspite of VY. And Alex Smith? Seriously did you forget teh smiley. I'm really trying hard to give you the benefit of the doubt. :sarcasm::sarcasm::sarcasm: Just cut and paste this behind you post. DO IT,
We are talking about 2 quarterbacks that haven't even started 2 complete years. Are you serious? David Carr had almost 5 years before they decided he was not the guy. Check the stats it was not 90 yards. David Carr ran for some where like 197 yards in 2006 and Vince broke the record for a QB with like 522. Thats not 90 yards.
Sweet. We definitely need more VY talk.

BTW, if Vince was a really good QB right now, he wouldn't have lost his starting job to Vodka Collins.
We are talking about 2 quarterbacks that haven't even started 2 complete years. Are you serious? David Carr had almost 5 years before they decided he was not the guy. Check the stats it was not 90 yards. David Carr ran for some where like 197 yards in 2006 and Vince broke the record for a QB with like 522. Thats not 90 yards.
not 2006 but

2005 david carr (his best rushing year) is what I had compared to Vince's 2007 year

reason being was that is the closest I could get statwise between the two
I'll say the same thing to you that I say to every VY lover - you can believe in VY all you want. You can hope he gets better, you can defend his play all you want, but at the end of the day, you can't honestly believe that you wouldn't be better off with a QB that scored more TDs than he turned the ball over.

VY scored 20 TDs his rookie season,and turned the ball over 16 times. Since then, he's scored 13 TDs and turned the ball over 22 times. If you actually think that makes you a better football team, and that "all VY does is win" (by turning the ball over, no less), then you're truly delusional and need medication. None of this has any bearing on whether VY is going to get better, or what his future may hold, but as of RIGHT NOW the Titans are a better team without VY turning the ball over.

And that sucks for the Texans.
"What I am hearing is insane."

VY quit on his team.....twice. He quit on them when he should have been rallying them up. That is insane.

Jeff Fisher didn't even want him on the field in the last game. When did you ever hear of a QB being regulated to booth duty? Fisher did not want him pouting on the sidelines and getting the rest of the team affected by his poor attitude. For a stating QB, that is insane.

Vy was in control of his future and flushed it down quicker than any player I have seen. The fans didn't do it, VY did. And don't get me started on the Sausage party and the numerous bad decisions he made there.

As for playing football, QB's are not running backs. Although his running ability is a plus, you have to throw them out as in most cases, he had to run because he either could not find a receiver or didn't read the defense well enough. His interception rate was out of control.

He is just NOT a good QB and he is not in a very stable mental state. The Titans are MUCH better without him.
"What I am hearing is insane."

VY quit on his team.....twice. He quit on them when he should have been rallying them up. That is insane.

Jeff Fisher didn't even want him on the field in the last game. When did you ever hear of a QB being regulated to booth duty? Fisher did not want him pouting on the sidelines and getting the rest of the team affected by his poor attitude. For a stating QB, that is insane.

Vy was in control of his future and flushed it down quicker than any player I have seen. The fans didn't do it, VY did. And don't get me started on the Sausage party and the numerous bad decisions he made there.

As for playing football, QB's are not running backs. Although his running ability is a plus, you have to throw them out as in most cases, he had to run because he either could not find a receiver or didn't read the defense well enough. His interception rate was out of control.

He is just NOT a good QB and he is not in a very stable mental state. The Titans are MUCH better without him.

Debate over - TedC is declared the winner!
I like vince and as far as his personal life, I hope he gets help and gets thing squared away .. It is tough to battle depression ..

It is great that you are a big fan.. but NFL and the media pimped out VY.. which I am not complaining but IMO hurt Vince.. Things always came easy for him due to is talent, but in the NFL.. everyone is talented.. Vince made questionable decisions in the offseason.. I applaud Vince for going back to school, but at the time some questioned the timing esp with a new offensive coordinator coming in.. NFL is too good of a league to let Vince just be Vince like he was at Texas (exception is Ronnie brown last week against the Pats) .. Rookie of the year , you can't take that away from him, but take off the VY glasses and look at the stats.. media generated , those stats were horrible .... Colston was hands down statwise rookie of the year baring that injury.

I can't speak for Vince (none of us can) but I wonder if he bought into the hype .. when all you hear is InVinceable , In Vince we trust, Vince has IT ... fame came early and it came fast .. and don't think defenses around the NFL noticed it... For Vince to become the player he needs to be.. he needs to get his head on right through counseling .. next watch a rocky movie or two and get fired up to get dedicated to getting better

with that said.. besides about two or three people, you will not find any sympathy over on this board after 2 years of being told we were wrong and sam Bowie was drafted by us ..

"I faced a Just a little controversy"

Mario Williams

Texan chick has a good post for you

of course he bought into the hype, especially after his rookie year when he basically did what he was doing in college.
I'm seriously beginning to think that VY doesn't have "supporters", he has DISCIPLES.

VY's MOM is saying "my poor boy, my poor boy", VY himself is quitting on his team, refusing to go back in because his widdle Ego got bruised when he was loudly BOOOED by his home crowd.

His own coach is worried about him hurting himself and is starting Collins over him.

VY needs a pshrink BADLY...maybe Ricky Williams can help him out w/ something that will make him forget all about football??

All this stuff is BEFORE the facts of his under-mediocre gameplay as an NFL QB. The Titans tried to DESIGN an Offense he could run, and it cost the OC his job. Barring a dramatic turnaround, VY could be finished forever by the end of this season.
We are talking about 2 quarterbacks that haven't even started 2 complete years. Are you serious? David Carr had almost 5 years before they decided he was not the guy. Check the stats it was not 90 yards. David Carr ran for some where like 197 yards in 2006 and Vince broke the record for a QB with like 522. Thats not 90 yards.

But can you say that while Dream is drinking water. :cowboy1:
Did we have to start another VY thread? Couldn't this have gone into 1 of the 2 already active?
Did we have to start another VY thread? Couldn't this have gone into 1 of the 2 already active?

We have a new member who got lost on his way to the Titans message board or maybe hornsfans and ended up here instead.

Maybe a mod can help out and merge the threads.
We have a new member who got lost on his way to the Titans message board or maybe hornsfans and ended up here instead.

Maybe a mod can help out and merge the threads.

He must be looking for hornsfans because he is way too optomistic about Vince to be a Titans fan.

The Titans have just announced how they are going to fix vy's INT problem. Today, he had absolutely no INTs and the Titans still won. I guess all those vy supporters are right. "he just wins games" "he is a winner" "just look at the record"

vy is so good that he leads his team to wins even without taking a single snap. I don't think that anyone has any reason to ever doubt "vy the almighty" ever again.

You must have been one of the guys in the sausage factory picture.

Fqr the first time in VY's life he is not the most talented athelete on the field. He's having to try to learn to read defenses & is struggling with that. Instead of spending more in the film room he said he wanted to quit-suicide. This shows he lacks leadership skills & is why he lost his teammates.

I feel sorry for VY because all of the hanger ons will have him bankrupt in O/U 5.5 years IMO & VY he of the 6 wunderlich score doesn't have the intelligence to realize this. It's sad really.
vy was dynamic on saturday but doesn't have what it takes to win on sundays

THE BEST ive seen on a saturday, but he is done for the season if Collins keeps this up. His future is a ? to me.

I did say, and still believe that the Titans would have beaten the Chargers in the playoffs last year if Kerry had played instead of vince.