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Would you Let Casey Throw One This Week?


All Pro
Ok, I know it’s way out of Kubiak’s character, but that’s exactly why Baltimore would never see it coming. I kinda think we’re going to need some kind of out of the ordinary play to pull out this win. (Kick return, defensive TD, etc.)

Last week Kubiak ran a play that started with an empty backfield and Casey out in the slot. Casey motioned into the backfield and the play was a toss sweep to him. Now that the play is on film, what if we ran the same thing and let him take the pitch out to Andre’s side. Andre will momentarily run block, then release up field hopefully wide open for a TD. If it’s not there, then Casey simply gets what he can on the ground.
Ok, I know it’s way out of Kubiak’s character, but that’s exactly why Baltimore would never see it coming. I kinda think we’re going to need some kind of out of the ordinary play to pull out this win. (Kick return, defensive TD, etc.)

Last week Kubiak ran a play that started with an empty backfield and Casey out in the slot. Casey motioned into the backfield and the play was a toss sweep to him. Now that the play is on film, what if we ran the same thing and let him take the pitch out to Andre’s side. Andre will momentarily run block, then release up field hopefully wide open for a TD. If it’s not there, then Casey simply gets what he can on the ground.

I like it! However, I don't think he is fully recovered from his torn pec. Don't think he can throw.
Ok, I know it’s way out of Kubiak’s character, but that’s exactly why Baltimore would never see it coming. I kinda think we’re going to need some kind of out of the ordinary play to pull out this win. (Kick return, defensive TD, etc.)

Last week Kubiak ran a play that started with an empty backfield and Casey out in the slot. Casey motioned into the backfield and the play was a toss sweep to him. Now that the play is on film, what if we ran the same thing and let him take the pitch out to Andre’s side. Andre will momentarily run block, then release up field hopefully wide open for a TD. If it’s not there, then Casey simply gets what he can on the ground.

I swear to Tebow, I though we were doing exactly this when the play began lol, I would LOVE for this to happen, and honestly I bet it does. Weren't we up 2 tds at this point? I bet we did it to set the Ravens up next week.....JMHO
I want Casey involved this week I think Casey is a big mismatch against Pollard & R.Lewis.

Now as for a trick play I would like to see a fake punt just because I think it could work do to the suprise factor with Kubiak being so conservative, but it would have to be timed perfectly. Man it would be a long offseason if we lost due to Kubiak trying something so out of character we would all just kill him on the boards. LOL so second thought no just win.
I would do it in the same way that Oakland did it to us. Same game circumstance, same quarter, same time of quarter, same # of posession....everything. That was such a good call and in most cases the reason they won the game.
Why stop here, lets pick Chris Brown back up from wherever he is and let him run the play for us.
No, but I'm waiting for Kubiak to pull a fake punt or fake field goal. IIRC, he hasn't done either of those since becoming HC, so he's been setting Baltimore up for a fake for 6 years. They'd never expect it, because he just doesn't do it.
Hmmm... At first i thought, "Here we go... Every time a team has a back/receiver with past qb experience, their fans always wanna see some type of trick play with that player throwing deep etc..." Then i remembered: it's the playoffs... It's on the road against Baltimore with a 3rd string rookie qb... Hell yah i do it!
At least the OP is thinking outside the box, I hope Kubiak is too. And then enter the negative nancys into the thread to piss in people's cornflakes.....
And then enter the negative nancys into the thread to piss in people's cornflakes.....


Let's just have Yates put his left leg in.

His left leg out.

His left leg in.

And throw a touchdown all about.

C'mon man... do we really need to get this out of hand?
Sounds a lil' too tricky for Kubiak. I do expect Casey to play a big part though. Decoying out wide to get a LBer to follow him or just plain beating the older, slower LBers they have on passing routes. Especially with OD's hand being beat up, I think it would be a wise decision to involve Casey in the offense this week.
I like the idea of the thread, I won't knock the OP for suggesting the possibility of such an idea.

I wonder if Kubiak would be hesitant to call the play, though, when it failed miserably for him a couple seasons ago. Plus, it's the playoffs and I don't think he wants to answer the questions after a loss (if we lost).

HOWEVER....the OP has introduced an element that I think makes it plausible that Kubiak could utilize a HB pass with Casey. Why? What purpose could there have been to have Casey on a sweep/toss that late in the game. It very well could have been to put it on film for opponents and then hit them with a HB pass out of that same formation in the future.

Good thread.
This sort of play is so uncharacteristic of the Texans that I completely believe it would work! Getting turnovers against the Ravens will be really difficult so taking a risk like this could just possibly get us the momentum we need to take control of the game.

I like the idea.
it's the playoffs... It's on the road against Baltimore with a 3rd string rookie qb... Hell yah i do it!

This sort of play is so uncharacteristic of the Texans that I completely believe it would work!

These are some of the exact same thoughts I had. I don't think it's that far fetched really. Pittsburgh did it with a ton of success when they had Randle El.

Why stop here, lets pick Chris Brown back up from wherever he is and let him run the play for us.

well in that case why dont we have Dre throw it to foster or cushing throw it to JJ

Obviously, the big difference being that Casey actually has some QB/passing experience as opposed to CB or AJ.

Let's just have Yates put his left leg in.

His left leg out.

His left leg in.

And throw a touchdown all about.

C'mon man... do we really need to get this out of hand?

This makes zero sense to me, not sure wth you're talking about.

well in that case why dont we have Dre throw it to foster or cushing throw it to JJ


Now that would be ridiculous. At least Casey was a college QB. I am not even a proponent for running the suggested play. Was just complimenting the creativity, instead of pissing on someone's idea. I hope Kubiak is finding ways to catch the Ravens off guard too. I didn't necessarily disagree with your idea either, everyone knows triple coverage ain't stopping AJ. ;)
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You could sort of do the same thing with Daniels, we all know he can atleast throw the ball.

Our if Jacoby can throw, which i dont know if he can, do the reverse that we occasionally run with him, going to AJs side, like you said have AJ block and then release and see what happens.
If you're going to run a HB pass play, do it with someone like Casey, NOT Chris Brown. What the hell ever possessed Kubiak to call that play .....

I like the idea of pulling a fast one at some point in the game, but the lead-up is more important than the play. I'm not too sure about a halfback pass, though.
I think makes it plausible that Kubiak could utilize a HB pass with Casey. Why? What purpose could there have been to have Casey on a sweep/toss that late in the game. It very well could have been to put it on film for opponents and then hit them with a HB pass out of that same formation in the future.

Good thread.

Good point...

Now another question...when?

Right off the bat? Later in the game when they can't get anything going?

I don't see why you wouldn't do something like that down 14-Zip early in the 4th...

Or early on, maybe get some momentum going early in the game?
No, but I'm waiting for Kubiak to pull a fake punt or fake field goal. IIRC, he hasn't done either of those since becoming HC, so he's been setting Baltimore up for a fake for 6 years. They'd never expect it, because he just doesn't do it.

Too soon. Don't pull the trigger on that until the time is right. Wait a few more seasons just to be on the safe side....
I want to see a fake punt personally. That always seems to work

Remember the unplanned fake punt a couple of seasons ago? Turk got like 18 yards or something like that and a first down. I think he went to punt and a defender was closing too fast, so he tucked it and took off. He had an oh sh*! expression on his face the whole time.
Good point...

Now another question...when?

Right off the bat? Later in the game when they can't get anything going?

I don't see why you wouldn't do something like that down 14-Zip early in the 4th...

Or early on, maybe get some momentum going early in the game?

Personally, do it in like the 2nd quarter. Get the game going hopefully you are getting PA or good runs prior to that, and midway through the 2nd quarter you hit them while they least expect it. Run the motion, put Casey in backfield, run the sweep left, slide the oline, hit AJ deep on the right side of the field, streaking at an angle back across the middle, so it is slightly shorter of a pass.....
Personally, do it in like the 2nd quarter. Get the game going hopefully you are getting PA or good runs prior to that, and midway through the 2nd quarter you hit them while they least expect it. Run the motion, put Casey in backfield, run the sweep left, slide the oline, hit AJ deep on the right side of the field, streaking at an angle back across the middle, so it is slightly shorter of a pass.....

I think it has to be one of those gut feeling type things. If they go over it, have it ready just in case. I would only be okay with it in a very few limited situations. I'd rather not see it, because that mean things are not going well.

Personally, I think lean on the run game and defense, same formula that has worked. Get AJ involved, take a couple shots downfield if they start stacking the box. AJ will do wonders for our run game this time around.
How about sending Rackers out for a FG and then letting him or the place holder either run or throw the football?
Ok, I know it’s way out of Kubiak’s character, but that’s exactly why Baltimore would never see it coming. I kinda think we’re going to need some kind of out of the ordinary play to pull out this win. (Kick return, defensive TD, etc.)

Last week Kubiak ran a play that started with an empty backfield and Casey out in the slot. Casey motioned into the backfield and the play was a toss sweep to him. Now that the play is on film, what if we ran the same thing and let him take the pitch out to Andre’s side. Andre will momentarily run block, then release up field hopefully wide open for a TD. If it’s not there, then Casey simply gets what he can on the ground.


Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Come on. Come here. Come here. Come on. Come on, everybody.

All right, this is it. This is the play. kay. This is the play. This is the play. kay?

The quarterback. Two receivers lined up to the left, one to the right. There's a flanker lined up to the left behind the quarterback.

okay. He gives the ball... No, he doesn't get the ball. The receiver goes all the way over there to the left.

Once the quarterback has the ball, he fakes to the left, No. He fakes to the right. He doesn't fake. He thinks about faking. He pretends to fake.

I don't know where I am....
I like it but didnt Kubes say after the Jacksonville game that he didn't have Casey warming up cuz he couldn't throw yet due to his pectoral injury?
Ok, I know it’s way out of Kubiak’s character, but that’s exactly why Baltimore would never see it coming. I kinda think we’re going to need some kind of out of the ordinary play to pull out this win. (Kick return, defensive TD, etc.)

Last week Kubiak ran a play that started with an empty backfield and Casey out in the slot. Casey motioned into the backfield and the play was a toss sweep to him. Now that the play is on film, what if we ran the same thing and let him take the pitch out to Andre’s side. Andre will momentarily run block, then release up field hopefully wide open for a TD. If it’s not there, then Casey simply gets what he can on the ground.

I was there really early nd Casey was practicing throws while running. Like a toss pass. When he got the sweep, I thought it was coming.
Hell yeah, I'd let him throw one....

Right after he scored a TD by rushing or receiving. Then he can launch that sucker right into the upper deck if he wants.
Misdirection and fakes, sure. Gimmick plays? No way. Let your players do what they do best at their positions.

No, you do what you have to do so you can play next week... If what our players do best still has them down 14/7 and it isn't looking good, you throw stubborness and straight-up football out the window for a play and try to take a chunk doubt...
carolina did it to us

IMO to beat elite teams u musht have some luck and tricky

NEw orleans did it to indy in the SB for god shakes
I despise gimmick plays. Waste of a down, has the potential to blow up in your face, and then your team loses heart and the opponent gets a surge of momentum.

The risk outweighs the reward, IMO.

The only way I think this play would work is if you had a bunched formation, almost a goal line'd have to draw in the LBs and the DBs close to the line at pre-snap. Toss the ball to James Casey and hope your WRs and TEs can get separation enough, due to the defense being crowded up at the LOS, that your receivers can get into space and catch a pass.

To me, the play would be designed to hit either AJ with all other receivers running routes to open space for AJ to find a mismatch out there, or you find a way to get Foster to be ACROSS THE FIELD and out in space. Or even Yates, who can run pretty well for a QB.

Frankly though, I would rather us just use normal plays and forget the trick plays altogether. I hate the idea of us using a trick play and it backfiring on us badly. We've come to far to let a failed trick play be our demise in some form or fashion. Trick plays are fun when you're a kid on the playground.
I despise gimmick plays. Waste of a down, has the potential to blow up in your face, and then your team loses heart and the opponent gets a surge of momentum.

The risk outweighs the reward, IMO.

The only way I think this play would work is if you had a bunched formation, almost a goal line'd have to draw in the LBs and the DBs close to the line at pre-snap. Toss the ball to James Casey and hope your WRs and TEs can get separation enough, due to the defense being crowded up at the LOS, that your receivers can get into space and catch a pass.

To me, the play would be designed to hit either AJ with all other receivers running routes to open space for AJ to find a mismatch out there, or you find a way to get Foster to be ACROSS THE FIELD and out in space. Or even Yates, who can run pretty well for a QB.

Frankly though, I would rather us just use normal plays and forget the trick plays altogether. I hate the idea of us using a trick play and it backfiring on us badly. We've come to far to let a failed trick play be our demise in some form or fashion. Trick plays are fun when you're a kid on the playground.

I could see the Statue of Liberty being effective with Arian Foster back there.

I could see the Statue of Liberty being effective with Arian Foster back there.


OK, now you reminded me of when the Boise State team (Zabransky at QB and Ian Johnson at RB, IIRC) used the Statue of Liberty play against the Sooners a few season ago in a bowl game down in Arizona.

THAT was a beautiful trick play. Carried out 100% perfectly.

I wouldn't mind seeing us try the play Carolina used against us, actually.

See what you've gone and done to me?!?! Now I'm liking the idea of using a trick play. :(

I've been tricked into liking trick plays. LOL.
link to the play?

Statue of Liberty play is HERE at this link. The first play of the clip is a hook-and-lateral play the Broncos used against the Sooners to score the TD. Boise State then used the Statue of Liberty play to get the 2-point conversion. My friends who are Sooner grads were sooooo embarrassed that they lost like this. LOL.