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"Workout Warriors"-Home page article


Utopian Dreamer
On the homepage

Carr dropped back while the other players rotated running patterns and playing defensive back. The players have been meeting in the bubble for the past few weeks for around an hour at a time to build their fitness and gain some rhythm before the off-season gets into full swing.

“I started working out about a week before Kubiak got hired,” Carr said. “I’ve been in here ever since.”

Typically, Carr arrives at the stadium at 6:45 a.m. to lift with strength and conditioning coach Dan Riley before he gets a few reps in with some of the receivers. He follows that routine four days a week, and then rests on Wednesday.

With the new coaching staff in place, Carr has a lot to look forward to. His job now is to make sure he’s ready physically for whatever is asked of him.

“We’re all excited about getting back to work,” Carr said. “We’ve seen the success (the coaches) have had in Denver and the success coach (Gary) Kubiak, coach (Mike) Sherman and coach (Troy) Calhoun have had with quarterbacks. All the guys are excited for me. So I’m excited to go out and get going with it.”

Nice to see.

Might be a little bit of a puff piece, but given all the anonymous trashing of Carr's work ethic that got a little out of hand during the Draft VY discussions, it is nice to see a little love sent these guys' way.

I really hope it ends up working well for Carr (and also for us fans, of course). It would be a nice story to see him succeed.:redtowel:
saw the article on the homepage and found it intersting to say the least. Texans Chic has a good point about the reference to Carrs work far that doesnt seem to be a problem or an issue...getting to work at 0645 4 times a week for lifting, conditioning, and some practice in the bubble sure doesnt seem like a work ethic issue to me...good things could be ahead for us!
dat_boy_yec said:
I hope all our receivers are working out with him. They need the work for sure.
What do you mean all two of them, :) . He's going to need to practice with the practice squad and of course Mathis.
sprtsfanatic said:
saw the article on the homepage and found it intersting to say the least. Texans Chic has a good point about the reference to Carrs work far that doesnt seem to be a problem or an issue...getting to work at 0645 4 times a week for lifting, conditioning, and some practice in the bubble sure doesnt seem like a work ethic issue to me...good things could be ahead for us!

Its nice and all, and I believe Carr is our guy and always have, but that is not that big a deal. Most HS football teams follow this kind of dedication during the offseason and summer. Most HS football teams are there at the same time, doing the same stuff, and then go through 3-a-days. Thats not even getting into the college offseason.

Carr is dedicated I guess, but the entire team is not there. In HS and college, it is REQUIRED you be there. If you miss a practice or are late because of family, its only 200 grassers. (I know)
Good job. I'm glad that Wong is getting better. Carr is going to be alright despite what some may think. GO TEXANS!!!!!!!!
YoungTexanFan said:
Its nice and all, and I believe Carr is our guy and always have, but that is not that big a deal. Most HS football teams follow this kind of dedication during the offseason and summer. Most HS football teams are there at the same time, doing the same stuff, and then go through 3-a-days. Thats not even getting into the college offseason.

Carr is dedicated I guess, but the entire team is not there. In HS and college, it is REQUIRED you be there. If you miss a practice or are late because of family, its only 200 grassers. (I know)

It's a big deal when some around here have been bashing Carr for his work ethic. Maybe it's just me but reading that article towards the end I got kind of tingly being reminded we have Kubiak and Sherman here, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming...
Most important thing I saw was Joppru running and catching. (as long as he doesn't get hurt again.....)
Turp007 said:
This is P.R. at its best. H-Town is p-off at this loosing season, and Carr knows that VY just won the National Title with his teammates. Our city is hungry for a winning team. Last year was an embarrassment and Carr knows that he is in the heat of the fire! Let me see, Babin has more sacks in the last two games of this year then his whole career. Maybe he just finally became healthy or maybe he knew he too was in this fire. It should be a great year, because allot of the pre-madonna’s know then heat is on, and our city eats, breathes, and sleeps football. Loosing is not an option, and it we have to bring in a winner to take their spots I say go get em Charley C., but for crying out loud, commending a loosing QB for being in the bubble after a 2 win season is a joke.

So what, it is a puff piece.

There have been month and months of the guys in the newspapers obliquely suggesting that "some" believe that Carr has been babied and doesn't work hard enough. Anytime in the paper they make a non-referenced gossipy mention of "some think", it is a chickensheet way of trying to make a point with no real facts. And it got more gossipy after VY was talked about as a possible first pick.

I don't know if it is true or not, but I personally don't care for that sort of reporting. It puts the players in a bad spot because they can't really respond to it or prove it differently because it makes them sound whiney or defensive responding to unsourced, sideways sorts of insults tossed in their general direction.

So let the Texans puff away at will. I am a sucker for these sorts of articles--I know it is just PR but I like to hear the guys being excited about a new season. And dangit, if the Texans PR folk don't defend their players, who the heck will?

As a really random aside, the phrase "pre-madonna's" really cracks me up. Makes me think of next season and possible positive uplifting theme songs for different players (let's sing along shall we......):cool:

David Carr: "Like a virgin, untouched for the very time......."

Chester Pitts: "You can turn this world around
And bring back all of those happy days
Put your troubles down
It's time to celebrate"

Dominick Davis: "I've got the moves baby, you got the motion
If we got together we'd be causing a commotion"

Reggie Bush: "Just like a prayer, I'll take you there
It's like a dream to me"

Andre Johnson: "You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you make the darkness seem so far
And when I'm lost you'll be my guide
I just turn around and you're by my side"

Dunta Robinson: "Give me faith give me joy, my boy
I will always cherish you"

Jason Babin: "Gimme one more chance
Tell me that it's not too late
Let me win your love"

Phillip Buchanon: "Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it. Vogue, vogue"

Gary Kubiak: "It's all brand new, I'm crazy for you
And you know it's true
I'm crazy, crazy for you"

OK, I think I just injured myself with that.
My CARR works out everyday that I drive it but it still doesn't KNOW HOW TO STUDY FILM. That is what he needs to do and he doesn't according to some talk show Hosts I heard last year. No DOUBT CARR has the TALLENT and Can Play but if he doesn't watch FILM he will never be able to STAY OFF HIS BUTT. Of Course most of that I BLAME on the COACHING STAFF because they didn't MAKE HIM WATCH FILM. Instead they let him go home and Play with his KIDS.
Texans_Chick said:
On the homepage
Might be a little bit of a puff piece, but given all the anonymous trashing of Carr's work ethic that got a little out of hand during the Draft VY discussions, it is nice to see a little love sent these guys' way.

This is Carr. Good heavens.

“We’re all excited about getting back to work,” Carr said. “We’ve seen the success (the coaches) have had in Denver and the success coach (Gary) Kubiak, coach (Mike) Sherman and coach (Troy) Calhoun have had with quarterbacks. All the guys are excited for me."
Nighthawk said:
This is Carr. Good heavens.

“We’re all excited about getting back to work,” Carr said. “We’ve seen the success (the coaches) have had in Denver and the success coach (Gary) Kubiak, coach (Mike) Sherman and coach (Troy) Calhoun have had with quarterbacks. All the guys are excited for me."

Do you know that they aren't? Or are you just speculating because you don't like him?
Nighthawk said:
This is Carr. Good heavens.

“We’re all excited about getting back to work,” Carr said. “We’ve seen the success (the coaches) have had in Denver and the success coach (Gary) Kubiak, coach (Mike) Sherman and coach (Troy) Calhoun have had with quarterbacks. All the guys are excited for me."

Parse parse parse parse and parse. To get every word you say analyzed a million ways must be really weird.

You know what? I bet that is just an honest statement. I bet they are all excited that he will have some coaching from folks who have had a lot of QB success. Heck, I'm excited for him too.

Dude has an arm and was stuck throwing hitches all last season in an ultra-conservative training wheel offense that let folks tee off on him because they knew he wasn't throwing deep. Even if you aren't his biggest fan, you had to feel for him in that scheme.


It is much better to go through life looking for the best in people than searching for the worst.
“We’re all excited about getting back to work,” Carr said. “We’ve seen the success (the coaches) have had in Denver and the success coach (Gary) Kubiak, coach (Mike) Sherman and coach (Troy) Calhoun have had with quarterbacks. All the guys are excited for me."
I read that and take it to mean that "All the guys are excited for me".....TO FINALLY START LEARNING HOW TO PLAY IN THE NFL AND PERHAPS LOOK LIKE A NFL STARTING QB.

considering his abysmal flop of a career so far I can well understand his teammates excitement at the prospect of Carr improving.

and TexansChick, thanks for the laughs. your song lyrics were hilarious. :redtowel:
thegr8fan said:
I read that and take it to mean that "All the guys are excited for me".....TO FINALLY START LEARNING HOW TO PLAY IN THE NFL AND PERHAPS LOOK LIKE A NFL STARTING QB.

considering his abysmal flop of a career so far I can well understand his teammates excitement at the prospect of Carr improving.

and TexansChick, thanks for the laughs. your song lyrics were hilarious. :redtowel:

Flop of career? The last 2 seasons, Carr has completed more than 60% of his passes and thrown for more TD's than INT's. Considering the horrible coaching/playcalling, lack of offensive weapons, and a non existent offensive line, doesn't really seem that bad to me. Out of the QB's in the NFL last season who played in all 16 games, only 7 completed more than 60% of their passes and threw for more TD's than INT's, Carson Palmer, Peyton Manning, Matt Hasselbeck, Tom Brady, Trent Green, Jake Plummer, and David Carr.
Where's Joe Texan and his "sources close to the team" on this one. I guess they failed to let him know that Carr does all of this IN THE OFF SEASON.
texan279 said:
Flop of career? The last 2 seasons, Carr has completed more than 60% of his passes and thrown for more TD's than INT's. Considering the horrible coaching/playcalling, lack of offensive weapons, and a non existent offensive line, doesn't really seem that bad to me. Out of the QB's in the NFL last season who played in all 16 games, only 7 completed more than 60% of their passes and threw for more TD's than INT's, Carson Palmer, Peyton Manning, Matt Hasselbeck, Tom Brady, Trent Green, Jake Plummer, and David Carr.

Just when I think I'm about to gag hanging around this stale cauldron of negativity, along comes Texans_Chick with a breath of fresh air.

Texans_Chick said:
So what, it is a puff piece.

There have been month and months of the guys in the newspapers obliquely suggesting that "some" believe that Carr has been babied and doesn't work hard enough. Anytime in the paper they make a non-referenced gossipy mention of "some think", it is a chickensheet way of trying to make a point with no real facts. And it got more gossipy after VY was talked about as a possible first pick.

2/3 posts later...

2 CENTS said:
My CARR works out everyday that I drive it but it still doesn't KNOW HOW TO STUDY FILM. That is what he needs to do and he doesn't according to some talk show Hosts I heard last year. No DOUBT CARR has the TALLENT and Can Play but if he doesn't watch FILM he will never be able to STAY OFF HIS BUTT. Of Course most of that I BLAME on the COACHING STAFF because they didn't MAKE HIM WATCH FILM. Instead they let him go home and Play with his KIDS.

you couldn't make this stuff up:redtowel:
Maddict5 said:
2/3 posts later...

you couldn't make this stuff up:redtowel:
lol: (I wish I could take a pair of pliers, and yank that fricken all-caps key out of that dude's keyboard)

texan279 said:
Flop of career? The last 2 seasons, Carr has completed more than 60% of his passes and thrown for more TD's than INT's. Considering the horrible coaching/playcalling, lack of offensive weapons, and a non existent offensive line, doesn't really seem that bad to me. Out of the QB's in the NFL last season who played in all 16 games, only 7 completed more than 60% of their passes and threw for more TD's than INT's, Carson Palmer, Peyton Manning, Matt Hasselbeck, Tom Brady, Trent Green, Jake Plummer, and David Carr.
So are you saying that those are the only guys that are better than Carr....???
Typical piece that you see during the Spring. David Carr and work ethic are not an issue. The issue is that the guy has only won 16 games in his NFL career and we pay him like he is a QB for a team that averaged 10 wins a game per year or we pay him like he puts up good numbers on a bad team.

David Carr being a good QB in the last four years is an urban legend that Snopes would claim as false.
Oh you summoned me.

Davey jumped up and started to do something cause Gary was coming to town and he knew his future rode on doing exactly what Gary wanted.
Good for Carr to be doing that in the offseason but does he know how the corners react in Dallas this season, Nope I doubt it cause he is too good to study that. I will be happy to see progress on Davids part cause it has been a long time coming.

“We’re all excited about getting back to work,” Carr said. “We’ve seen the success (the coaches) have had in Denver and the success coach (Gary) Kubiak, coach (Mike) Sherman and coach (Troy) Calhoun have had with quarterbacks. All the guys are excited for me."

Now this just sounds like a freshman in high school, come on man, David, Your making millions and the leader of this team, reach down and grab some.
Hulk75 said:
Carr could give a flying freak what anyone says or does, trust me.

Believe it or not he has done nothing different in his work ethic he has always been there working.

Does anyone have the definition of insanity lying around?
TC-I can't sing-LOL

A problem I have with Carr is: I've heard of him being at home watching game film while the rest of the team is at the stadium looking at film. I understand he has a family-so does other players. This should be a team thing!!! Could make a difference of his "not being a leader"!

Don't feel that many has questioned his toughness of work ethic-just him zoning in on one WR.

Hopefully, AJ is there working with him. They need to be peanut butter and jelly-like Manning and Harrison!!!

Bobby 119C:twocents:
Kaiser Toro said:
David Carr being a good QB in the last four years is an urban legend that Snopes would claim as false.

Actually, I think the Snopes people would say that that is "undetermined" or "unverifiable."

Given the players around him and the scheme he was in, there is no telling if he was doing the best he could do in a bad situation or if he was just not a good QB.

Peyton Manning is considered by most people as a good QB. There has always been the message bored debate of whether even a Peyton Manning could survive being the starting QB of the Houston Texans since its inception.

So do we have a good QB or a lump of coal? I don't know. But the Texans staff are making the bet that we have a good QB, so I am gonna go with that for now.
As one who has dogged his work ethic in the past, I am glad to see this. He is there bright and early most mornings working out. Hey, how can that be a bad thing? Some people with an agenda are just looking to bash the guy regardless. Sure, it's a fluff piece, but how can you bash the guy for coming in on his own time, and working out? I don't get it. I don't have an agenda. My opinion is based on what I see and hear, and I let the facts lead me wherever they will. This is an encouraging day, and I wish for once folks would call a spade a spade. Quit bashing our players when they do something positive folks. :challenge
Porky said:
Quit bashing our players when they do something positive folks.

Agree. Enough negativity fellow Texan fans.:) Fluff piece? Sure. But this does show that the players are trying to turn things around by working out before it is required. The time has come for we fans to do the same thing - well, maybe not lifting weights - support these guys until we have a solid reason not to. That reason won't even begin to show itself until the regular season starts.

I, for one, am willing to begin anew by not only hoping for the best but expecting it. These next few months should be most exciting. Let's enjoy the show without bashing players. We've seen and heard enough Texan bashing to last a lifetime.:twocents:

BTW - thanks, Texans Chick - your optimism and humor brighten the day.
Go Texans!
chuckm said:
You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't ... Bart Simpson

Texans_Chick said:
So what, it is a puff piece.

There have been month and months of the guys in the newspapers obliquely suggesting that "some" believe that Carr has been babied and doesn't work hard enough. Anytime in the paper they make a non-referenced gossipy mention of "some think", it is a chickensheet way of trying to make a point with no real facts. And it got more gossipy after VY was talked about as a possible first pick.

I don't know if it is true or not, but I personally don't care for that sort of reporting. It puts the players in a bad spot because they can't really respond to it or prove it differently because it makes them sound whiney or defensive responding to unsourced, sideways sorts of insults tossed in their general direction.

So let the Texans puff away at will. I am a sucker for these sorts of articles--I know it is just PR but I like to hear the guys being excited about a new season. And dangit, if the Texans PR folk don't defend their players, who the heck will?

I don't too often agree with Texans Chick (though I always like the writing and read) but I wanted to make it a point to mention it here. Too many people on this board have sloppily gobbled down every last morsel of "Carr sucks," whick 99% of the time is some anonymous jackass quoting some anonymous source close to the team that some anonymous teammates are unhappy with Carr's lack of "work ethic." For the moment I will ignore the often strong correlation between "Carr sucks" and "Vince will father my child" and address the article for what it is.

Carr is one of the hardest working guys on the team, always has been and always will be. It's one thing to review his tape, watch his game, and question his skills: that alone is at least based on verifiable evidence, though we may choose to interpet it differently. It is another entirely to whine about how he is "soft" or a "baby" or my favorite "preacher man," when you have not the first clue about what his practice or off-field work ethic is really like.

Of course this particular piece is a little bit of a "PR manuever:" do you think the Texans are going to talk about what sucks on their website? (outside of AJ's VOF column) PR or no, though, of course the Vincers (and by that, I mean the "Vince or die" guys, not the steady few that call the guy for what he is) will pitch a fit about how the Texans are just trying to put an acceptable shine on the guy.

Which is it? The guy is working hard "now," and all of a sudden, it's just PR, but when no one reports on his practice habits, clearly, he's a slacker and a fraud.

Your real agenda is painfully apparent.
touttail said:
A problem I have with Carr is: I've heard of him being at home watching game film while the rest of the team is at the stadium looking at film.

At least get the rumor straight so you can judge whether to criticize him. The rumor was Carr didn't stay late to watch extra game film not that he missed any of the scheduled events for watching film determined by the coaches. In addition to the regularly scheduled sessions there was talk that Carr watched game film at home rather than at the stadium. Now if that is still a source of criticism, fine--it happens to be exactly what Ray Lewis has been lauded for on NFL Films.

By the way, this working out extra in the off-season is not a new thing. Carr was noted for exactly the same thing in between the 2002 and 2003 seasons when he came back much more cut and went from his drafted weight of 230 lbs to his current 220 lbs.
Porky said:
As one who has dogged his work ethic in the past, I am glad to see this. He is there bright and early most mornings working out. Hey, how can that be a bad thing? Some people with an agenda are just looking to bash the guy regardless. Sure, it's a fluff piece, but how can you bash the guy for coming in on his own time, and working out? I don't get it. I don't have an agenda. My opinion is based on what I see and hear, and I let the facts lead me wherever they will. This is an encouraging day, and I wish for once folks would call a spade a spade. Quit bashing our players when they do something positive folks. :challenge

I think we have been on the same side of this issue, but the negativity I believe that is felt on this board is between the posters who inflate the image of Carr and there are those of us who try to bring Carr's image back to the level that he actually he is and that is average.

Carr will have a changed team and a new coach and most importantly he is our QB next year. But to allow people to go unchecked in saying he is one of the top QBs in the game is undeserved at the moment.
Kaiser Toro said:
I think we have been on the same side of this issue, but the negativity I believe that is felt on this board is between the posters who inflate the image of Carr and there are those of us who try to bring Carr's image back to the level that he actually he is and that is average.

Really, the options are (a) people who inflate Carr and (b) people who try to bring back his image to average? I'd say that right there demonstrates a lack of objectivity. Seriously, there is no group (c) people who hack on Carr and make things up? Is "Carr is a whiny California boy concerned about his hair" an attempt to bring things back to reality? Is attributing a win to Banks when he left the game losing an attempt to bring things back to reality?
infantrycak said:
At least get the rumor straight so you can judge whether to criticize him. The rumor was Carr didn't stay late to watch extra game film not that he missed any of the scheduled events for watching film determined by the coaches. In addition to the regularly scheduled sessions there was talk that Carr watched game film at home rather than at the stadium. Now if that is still a source of criticism, fine--it happens to be exactly what Ray Lewis has been lauded for on NFL Films.
By the way, this working out extra in the off-season is not a new thing. Carr was noted for exactly the same thing in between the 2002 and 2003 seasons when he came back much more cut and went from his drafted weight of 230 lbs to his current 220 lbs.

Guess I stand corrected on the Carr "film" rumor.

At least Ray Lewis can "walk the walk"! Big difference in a mediocre QB and a ProBowl LB.

Bobby 119C
infantrycak said:
Really, the options are (a) people who inflate Carr and (b) people who try to bring back his image to average? I'd say that right there demonstrates a lack of objectivity. Seriously, there is no group (c) people who hack on Carr and make things up? Is "Carr is a whiny California boy concerned about his hair" an attempt to bring things back to reality? Is attributing a win to Banks when he left the game losing an attempt to bring things back to reality?

I'll take (C).

The hackers are about 90% of the critics on this board, and unfortunately, by far the most vocal/repetitive.

Guys like KT, Vinny, Arlington, and I am sure others I am leaving out - just the names that I have battled with the most - may be repetitive, but at least their arguments are credibly defended. They can rightfully call themselves B-ers.
Kaiser Toro said:
But to allow people to go unchecked in saying he is one of the top QBs in the game is undeserved at the moment.

I don't think that anyone was saying that he was one of the top QBs in the game. This was the quote about his ability in this thread:

Flop of career? The last 2 seasons, Carr has completed more than 60% of his passes and thrown for more TD's than INT's. Considering the horrible coaching/playcalling, lack of offensive weapons, and a non existent offensive line, doesn't really seem that bad to me. Out of the QB's in the NFL last season who played in all 16 games, only 7 completed more than 60% of their passes and threw for more TD's than INT's, Carson Palmer, Peyton Manning, Matt Hasselbeck, Tom Brady, Trent Green, Jake Plummer, and David Carr.

Basically, it is a factual statistic with an added comment that given the tools around him, a. he isn't a career flop, and b. "doesn't really seem that bad".

I kinda liked the info because I like reasons for optimism to counterbalance the 2-14 stuff.

But ultimately, this is just a little parsing. I think we are agreeing more than we are not. :cool:
touttail said:
Guess I stand corrected on the Carr "film" rumor.

At least Ray Lewis can "walk the walk"! Big difference in a mediocre QB and a ProBowl LB.

Bobby 119C

No there is zero difference for this issue. If it is a good work habit for a player then it is a good work habit. By your rule it is definitional--everything Carr does is wrong because he is mediocre. That doesn't work. You define what is good and apply it, not decide you want to criticize a person and say whatever they do is wrong.
jerek said:
I'll take (C).

The hackers are about 90% of the critics on this board, and unfortunately, by far the most vocal/repetitive.

Guys like KT, Vinny, Arlington, and I am sure others I am leaving out - just the names that I have battled with the most - may be repetitive, but at least their arguments are credibly defended. They can rightfully call themselves B-ers.

I would actually change the categories slightly to (a) people who inflate Carr, (b) people who attempt to objectively view Carr but can obviously reach different conclusions and (c) people who try to hack Carr. We have people in every one of those categories on the MB.
The thing I don't like about a piece like this is they tend to show the players we are used to seeing (Joppru excluded in that one!). However, there are just as many back-ups working their butts off here during the off-season as big name guys. Where's the love? Otherwise, it's a nice article.

Here is a question. We have many players who fly out after the last game of the season and don't return until they have to. Many of these work out just as hard or harder on their own. Miami players all seem to go back to the U and work out together, for instance.

What does everyone think of that? Especially if the player is in a skill position that requires precise timing and communication with others that are here working out with the team?
Texans_Chick said:
So do we have a good QB or a lump of coal? I don't know. But the Texans staff are making the bet that we have a good QB, so I am gonna go with that for now.

Are you kidding, Texans Chick? What would Mike Sherman and Kubiak know of great quarterbacks? It's not like they've worked with Steve Young, Brett Favre, or John Elway. Oh, wait...maybe they do know something about good quarterbacks...
infantrycak said:
No there is zero difference for this issue. If it is a good work habit for a player then it is a good work habit. By your rule it is definitional--everything Carr does is wrong because he is mediocre. That doesn't work. You define what is good and apply it, not decide you want to criticize a person and say whatever they do is wrong.

Zero difference???
When Carr makes the Pro Bowl, then I will call it "no difference" in who does or does not watch game film.

So you are critizing me for calling Carr mediocre. Guess he's now an all star?
Like Dr. Phil said, "just calling a spade a shovel". Guess to me he will always be mediocre until he proves otherwise.

I do think he will improve this year. Hopefully we will have a wide open offense, no turmoil with Offensive coaching, and no musical chairs with linemen! Hoping he won't be running for his life, having more time to look at more than one WR, or lying on the ground.

Bobby 119C
oso said:
Are you kidding, Texans Chick? What would Mike Sherman and Kubiak know of great quarterbacks? It's not like they've worked with Steve Young, Brett Favre, or John Elway. Oh, wait...maybe they do know something about good quarterbacks...

As it's been explained to me a couple of times, anyone who hasn't sat in section XXX of every Texan game has no possibility of knowing what the Texans need.
We can all agree that he is our QB next year, I think we can all agree that if Kubiak and Sherman can't get Carr on the right path then no one can, I think we can all agree that his contract has been the biggest cap hit on our team and may be slightly lower than AJ's this year.

We all want results. Some of us hypothesize on where this organization has gone wrong - Capers, Casserly, Boselli, Babin, PBuch, Joe Texan, Glenn and Sharper being released. Throw a rock in the bubble and you are going to hit a culpable person. Carr is the face of the franchise the first pick we have ever had. Some of our fans are more Carr fans than Texans fans or just like the guy whether it is the off the field or on the field persona. I look at Carr in one way, he makes to much money within the finite budget we have to put together the best team possible. That money is needed to invest into the weapons or resources to make him a more effective player. I have always said that if he was paid more for his output I would have no problem with us at the QB position.

I am not so much an anti Carr guy as I am a pro journeyman QB guy. QB's are a commodity more than ever within the salary cap era.
The best comparrison for the Texans is the Lions . We picked Carr 1st , they took Joey 3rd . The next year they took WR . Rogers 2nd and we took AJ 3rd .

The Lions have givin up on Joey , but will remain a bad team . They picked a WR in the first round three years in a row . Those picks might have been better used building a balanced team but Joeys is the scapegoat .

The Texans have givin Carr another chance . This is good because like the Lions the Texans Front Office and Coaches have been worse than any player on the roster .
touttail said:
Zero difference???
When Carr makes the Pro Bowl, then I will call it "no difference" in who does or does not watch game film.

So you are critizing me for calling Carr mediocre. Guess he's now an all star?
Like Dr. Phil said, "just calling a spade a shovel". Guess to me he will always be mediocre until he proves otherwise.

Seriously read back thru there and quote something where I am critical of you for calling Carr mediocre. Carr has been mediocre so far. My point was to pick a consistant standard for reviewing what he and other people do, i.e. something like either viewing film at home is good or bad, either way and then apply it.
Ray Ray is a superb leader, knows when to lie to cops and cover up murders...just the right sort of player we'd compare DC to Prisoner 4023567 is a disgrace.
Hey Chick, I agree. It is time for people to start jumping on the "Positive" Texans bandwagon than all the negative bullsheet. So....if our guys are working out getting ready for the season, lets look at it as a good thing not as a "Well, so what!". Nice work on the Madonna thing!