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who do you replace on the oline?


you cant replace them all this off season so who goes first?

the right side is fair to good when healthy plus we got to much money invested in them so they stay. although we do need a backup rg. i think they should concentrate on center, lg and a backup rg. maybe give wand one more year. they also have to get a dlineman or 2. so that would be about the most they could do(to improve the oline) this off season.
As far as the O-Line goes I would have a look at the LG and C positions. Like you said i would give Wand another year and the right side is pretty much set as far as contracts and all go. But i like the idea of a beasts at C to take charge and be a leader on the O-Line. I would also look into replacing the Pitts, but he would be good for depth.
Mckinney seems to be "light" on the Center side.. and if he could slide to guard that would be great.

I am still looking for stats on how wand did his rookie year compared to Pitts at LT on his rookie year.
AndreJ said:
As far as the O-Line goes I would have a look at the LG and C positions. Like you said i would give Wand another year and the right side is pretty much set as far as contracts and all go. But i like the idea of a beasts at C to take charge and be a leader on the O-Line. I would also look into replacing the Pitts, but he would be good for depth.

he could back up the lg and lt. that would be a plus.
Wolf said:
Mckinney seems to be "light" on the Center side.. and if he could slide to guard that would be great.

I am still looking for stats on how wand did his rookie year compared to Pitts at LT on his rookie year.

someone posted it. they said wand gave up less sacks and had less penalties.
Running to the right--2.8 ypc
Running to the left--4.2 ypc
Running up the middle--4.5 ypc

Somebody else posted this, but ya the right side was sooooooooooo much better then the left this year. Pitts, switched positions this year and has to play next to McKinney.

And I must I say Wiegert was only the 4th best linemen this year, to me atleast. (McKinney being the worst)

From infantrycak:

Chester Pitts
2002 15.5 sacks allowed, 9 penalties including 3 false starts and 5 holds
2003 5.75 sacks allowed, 17 penalties including 8 false starts and 7 holds

2004 4 sacks allowed, 12 penalties including 7 false starts and 3 holds

Seth Wand
2004 11.50 sacks allowed, 3 penalties--1 false start and 2 holds
the wonger need food said:
Wade and Weigert are the only ones worth salvaging.

Agreed...Based solely on the contracts we gave them, we kinda have to have them starting...
suprised me. the left side did better than the right side and the right side has the big bucks attachedto them
Find a center, move McKinney to guard where he used to play, to fight for a starting position or go to backup. If backup - that would be dual for a guard and center.
Wolf said:
suprised me. the left side did better than the right side and the right side has the big bucks attachedto them
Probably because most people don't appreciate Pitts due to his being a relative juvenile at his position. Pitts is a heck of a blocker....he is just prone to mistakes. Sometimes a bunch of them. Otherwise he is a heck of a drive blocker.
A4toZ said:
Find a center, move McKinney to guard where he used to play, to fight for a starting position or go to backup. If backup - that would be dual for a guard and center.
yes you got it
I think that Wand has done a great job pass blocking this year, holding his own against some good pass rushin DEs but to me his run blocking is suspect, maybe he isnt quick enough for the zone blocking scheme. I would give him another year unless someone like Alex Barron fell to us in the draft(not going to happen) Weiger has been OK and is a better run blocker. Pitts and McKinney have been the worst IMO. We could improve at either position. It doesnt matter if we draft an O lineman or pick up one in free agency but we have to get better at pass protection.
The problem with our OL is that they are all originally mid-round selections. Pitts and Wand were both 3rd round selections. To improve, we need to invest first and second round picks.

This year, Jammal Brown-OT, Alex Barron-OT, Elton Brown-OG are the only three worth the 12th or 13th pick. I like David Baas, but he would be a reach.

I also like Ben Wilkerson-C as a third or forth round project. If not for his Oct injury, he would have been a first round selection.
A4toZ said:
Find a center, move McKinney to guard where he used to play, to fight for a starting position or go to backup. If backup - that would be dual for a guard and center.

McKinney is a bti small/crappy for a center, what makes you thing he would do better at guard; especially seeing that he got moved from guard to center by the Colts? Steve is probally past his prime and need to be relegated to back-up center only or just released and we take the cap hit whatever it may be.
Vinny said:
Probably because most people don't appreciate Pitts due to his being a relative juvenile at his position. Pitts is a heck of a blocker....he is just prone to mistakes. Sometimes a bunch of them. Otherwise he is a heck of a drive blocker.

i dont look at pitts a lot during the games but i hear his number called a lot he has got to do something about those penalties. wand is playing his first year and i didnt see a lot off penalties from him.
Any draft pick is going to have growing pains. Maybe if we trade down to the mid to later first round to get Baas. but other than that i dont see anyone else providing results in 2005.

our best bet to fix the O-line in 2005 is free agency. Good chance Walter Jones might hit the market, I'd sign a top flight tackle. as good as Wand has been, he isn't Orlando Pace or Walter Jones. Put them on the side, and Wand backing them up and we have a pretty solid line.

Otherwise someone like Baron, even if he falls to us, will have growning pains and will not help the line.

Free agent interior lineman are too costly, if you can get a good deal its worth it, but deals like the ones Miami games Jeno James last year are just a recipe for disaster, i believe interior lineman are drafted, not signed as free agents cause they cause cap dilema.
The only lineman I make a point of trying to replace in the offseason is McKinney. I look for Milford Brown to push Weigert in camp this year and possibly take that spot but I don't look at that as a "we've got to do something ASAP" kind of thing. That's a "may the best man win" situation.

The rest of them I give more time to. Wand and Pitts are going to be anchors on the left and Wade is going to be very solid on the right. I say build on what we've done for the most part and then go out and find that nasty center who gets the job done.

McKinney must go IMO. He's a liability in the middle and, in an interview postgame I just listened to him claim that the offensive line didn't have a bad day. His lips were moving and I could hear him say it but the only thing I could really focus on was the whipped look in his eyes. This statement maybe ticked me off more than anything I saw on the field today. McKinney's deluding himself if he thinks you can't lay the majority of the teams problems at the lines feet.
Bob McNair has spoken. On Channel 13’s Inside the Texans season wrap up show, McNair was asked what was the Texans #1 offseason priority. In no uncertain terms, he said to find a way to protect David Carr. Asked whether there would be changes in the coaching staff, McNair stated, “That’s up to Coach (Capers). He works closest to the coaches and he knows best what he needs”. OK then.
Lucky said:
Bob McNair has spoken. On Channel 13’s Inside the Texans season wrap up show, McNair was asked what was the Texans #1 offseason priority. In no uncertain terms, he said to find a way to protect David Carr.



Sounds like a fine idea.
Bottle-O-Bud said:
Well Jeezeehhh, Pitts has been prone to mistakes for like 3 years? When is he gonna start holding his water? Next season? I dunno, after this ****, everything has become a question mark for this team.

Here is my hit list....anyways

1) McKinney

Well, as a rookie I should think that being prone to mistakes gets a pass. I mean honestly, in 2002 who wasn't prone to mistakes on this team? In 2003 he made far fewer mistakes which is a good thing right? I mean, here's a guy who's not projected to play LT in the NFL doing it for the second year in a row and overall he had a pretty good season in 2003 didn't he? So this year he finally moves to the position he's built physically to play (but that he's never really played before) and so he has some more mistakes.

I think he's doing fine so far. Next season he'll be improved. I don't have a doubt in my mind.

LT... Keep Wand unless you can get one of the top 2 LTs in the draft or Walter Jones in free agency.

LG... keep pitts

C... draft David Baas!!!!!!

RG & RT Weigart and Wade are ok
Hervoyel said:
McKinney must go IMO. He's a liability in the middle and, in an interview postgame I just listened to him claim that the offensive line didn't have a bad day.



jacquescas said:
C... draft David Baas!!!!!!

I thought Baas was projected to be a guard in the NFL...oh well he'd still be an upgrade over McKinney...
I could be wrong but I thought there was a huge drop off from Weigert to Brown the last couple of games.
Milford Brown needs to be cut, plain and simple. he isnt even worth keeping for depth.. when he is on the field he loses games.
Hervoyel said:
The only lineman I make a point of trying to replace in the offseason is McKinney. I look for Milford Brown to push Weigert in camp this year and possibly take that spot but I don't look at that as a "we've got to do something ASAP" kind of thing. That's a "may the best man win" situation.

The rest of them I give more time to. Wand and Pitts are going to be anchors on the left and Wade is going to be very solid on the right. I say build on what we've done for the most part and then go out and find that nasty center who gets the job done.

McKinney must go IMO. He's a liability in the middle and, in an interview postgame I just listened to him claim that the offensive line didn't have a bad day. His lips were moving and I could hear him say it but the only thing I could really focus on was the whipped look in his eyes. This statement maybe ticked me off more than anything I saw on the field today. McKinney's deluding himself if he thinks you can't lay the majority of the teams problems at the lines feet.

I agree Hervoyel. seems he is the domino that falls first and with that we have to slide a guard to help him.. worse part to crumble on the line is the center..and maybe that is why David won't step up in the pocket at times.. because the pocket collapses center first (no pun intended)
Grid said:
Milford Brown needs to be cut, plain and simple. he isnt even worth keeping for depth.. when he is on the field he loses games.

Milford Brown has it in him to be a beast of a guard for this team. Like every single player in the history of the NFL (with a handful of exceptions) he needs playing time to get better.
Answer to THAT question is very easy!

STEVE McKINNEY!!!!!!! Either move him, or get rid of him! Don't care, but he stinks as a center!
Pitts maybe a good drive blocker but he has mental lapses. We need smarter guys on the o-line. If we could get Jones then go for it but we still need a quality LG in my opinion. Pitts would be a good GL set blocker and a backup, but not a starter.