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What We Will Learn On Sunday


I have been thinking about how we can beat the Colts (Who hasn't, right?), and as I have mentioned in other threads, I hate the idea of keeping Peyton off the field to win. It's a bad strategy that can only backfire. I have decided that week 1 is going to tell us about the rest of the season, and here's why.

Even up to last year, we have been a young, up-and-coming team with a lack-of-experience. Frankly, even I have played into this. This year we have a tought schedule, and can't shoot ourselves in the foot. Which brings me to the only way we are going to beat the Colts:


The reason we have thrown away every game we've played to the Colts since the "Rosencopter" game was because we allowed the Colts to win. The Colts know that even if they're down by 21 against us, they've got a chance if they play hard. All they have to do is wait for Peyton to fire them up.

It's your turn, Matt. If we're down in the 4th, you have to throw a game winning TD instead of those ridiculous "WTF" pick 6's with the game on the line.

Somebody has to fire these guys up. Somebody has to make them believe. If they can't show leadership and heart now, in this game, I think our season is done. I don't care how young our players are or what pieces we're missing. Worse teams have done more.

It's our time. Who will step up? Matt? Andre? Mario? Bernard? DeMeco? Kubiak? I don't care...just get it done.
I think the Texans should re-watch the Super Bowl. The Saints came out and weren't going to let Peyton determine what happens. Their mindset was that they were going to do what they were going to do and it was up to Peyton to respond. He wasn't a god to them that has beat them 15 of 16 times, they weren't scared of him. He was just a good opponent that wore jersey #18. That's the mentality we have to have. We can't be scared of him or worried what he's thinking or going to do - it that's the case we'll lose. We've got to be thinking "this is OUR house, this is OUR season. What are YOU going to do about it Peyton?" The Saints were not thinking "what are WE going to do to beat THEM?" their mindset was "What are YOU going to do to beat US?"

To be honest, I'm not worried about our leadership, coaching decisions, mistakes... I'm more concerned with our mentality. Our team is at the point where I think that's all they need. If it's not there, we're not a playoff calibre team whether we happen to squeek in or not. If we've got this mentality, then all the other things that are already there will take care of themselves and we'll be a dangerous dangerous football team.
LOL @ our season being done after game 1. :shades:

The season is a marathon, not a sprint. Sure, it'll suck if we lose to the Colts on Sunday, but it's not like the season will be over as a result. Besides, losing to the Colts is not necessarily indicative of being a good or bad team, simply because most teams lose to the Colts over the past few years. They are one of the NFL's elite teams right now, so it's a bit premature and defeatist to put so much emphasis on one game at the start of the season.

And I have to disagree with the idea that keeping Manning off of the field is a bad strategy. His offense can't score if he's on the sideline, and that's just a black and white fact with no ambiguity.

I don't disagree with you about leadership, though. Schaub and AJ need to lead the charge, and our defense needs to play with determination and grit, bringing it to every play, especially with Cushing out. Hopefully Pollard, DeMeco, and/or Mario fill that leadership role for our D to rise to the occasion.
LOL @ our season being done after game 1. :shades:

The season is a marathon, not a sprint. Sure, it'll suck if we lose to the Colts on Sunday, but it's not like the season will be over as a result. Besides, losing to the Colts is not necessarily indicative of being a good or bad team, simply because most teams lose to the Colts over the past few years. They are one of the NFL's elite teams right now, so it's a bit premature and defeatist to put so much emphasis on one game at the start of the season.

My point isn't that the season is over if we lose. It's that we have to have a different mentality. I think that what this team has been lacking is true leadership. The ability to know that no matter what the scoreboard reads, we're still in the game.

It's this mentality that we have to develop if we're going to get over the hurdle of playing 4 consistent quarters.

And I have to disagree with the idea that keeping Manning off of the field is a bad strategy. His offense can't score if he's on the sideline, and that's just a black and white fact with no ambiguity.

This strategy led to one of the most horrifically embarassing losses in the history of the league when the Dolphins played the Colts.

I hate this strategy because it is playing scared. It is assuming that the only way to beat Peyton is if he's not playing. That's a scared team's way of thinking, and I want none of it. I want Peyton to come out, play 4 quarters of football, punch him in the mouth and ask him how it tastes when we've beaten him into submission.
My point isn't that the season is over if we lose. It's that we have to have a different mentality. I think that what this team has been lacking is true leadership. The ability to know that no matter what the scoreboard reads, we're still in the game.

It's this mentality that we have to develop if we're going to get over the hurdle of playing 4 consistent quarters.

This strategy led to one of the most horrifically embarassing losses in the history of the league when the Dolphins played the Colts.

I hate this strategy because it is playing scared. It is assuming that the only way to beat Peyton is if he's not playing. That's a scared team's way of thinking, and I want none of it. I want Peyton to come out, play 4 quarters of football, punch him in the mouth and ask him how it tastes when we've beaten him into submission.

Scared? Keeping Peyton off the field would mean we dominated the LOS and took control of the clock. That's got nothing to do with being scared and it's got everything to do with punching them in the mouth in the trenches. Win in the trenches and 9 times out of 10 you're going to win.
To be honest, I'm not worried about our leadership, coaching decisions, mistakes... I'm more concerned with our mentality. Our team is at the point where I think that's all they need. If it's not there, we're not a playoff calibre team whether we happen to squeek in or not. If we've got this mentality, then all the other things that are already there will take care of themselves and we'll be a dangerous dangerous football team.

I think we're on the same page here. I think that leadership is a mentality. And my point is that if we don't develop that mentality, starting with week one in a huge game that will give us a chance to get a jump-start on the division, we've lost.

This season has to be different than all the others if they want to get to the playoffs and beyond. I will not listen to the "aw shucks we'll get them next time" excuses." With our talent and goals that is loser talk. If they lose they have to be mad and whip the next 3 teams like dogs.

Sure, they're the Colts. But they're just the Colts. Bad defense, as always, and no discernable running game to speak of. They're the pinnacle of one-dimensional and we need to take advantage of that.
I think what we will learn on Sunday is how much this team has matured.

I expect them to come out with loads of intensity.
Scared? Keeping Peyton off the field would mean we dominated the LOS and took control of the clock. That's got nothing to do with being scared and it's got everything to do with punching them in the mouth in the trenches. Win in the trenches and 9 times out of 10 you're going to win.

I understand what you're saying. Winning TOP is key to winning the game.

What I'm saying is I hate the idea of using it as a strategy to beat Peyton. TOP is how you win almost any game. Most people (especially the media) say you have to keep Peyton off the field because he's going to beat you if he's on it.

I say let Peyton have his chance. Let your guys beat the guys in front of them. Don't play to keep Peyton off the field because he's not a god.
LOL @ our season being done after game 1. :shades:

The season is a marathon, not a sprint. Sure, it'll suck if we lose to the Colts on Sunday, but it's not like the season will be over as a result. Besides, losing to the Colts is not necessarily indicative of being a good or bad team, simply because most teams lose to the Colts over the past few years. They are one of the NFL's elite teams right now, so it's a bit premature and defeatist to put so much emphasis on one game at the start of the season.

And I have to disagree with the idea that keeping Manning off of the field is a bad strategy. His offense can't score if he's on the sideline, and that's just a black and white fact with no ambiguity.

I don't disagree with you about leadership, though. Schaub and AJ need to lead the charge, and our defense needs to play with determination and grit, bringing it to every play, especially with Cushing out. Hopefully Pollard, DeMeco, and/or Mario fill that leadership role for our D to rise to the occasion.

This is how I feel too. 15-1 would sure be a lousy season to have to hang our collective hats on wouldn't it?


It's one game in a series of 16 important contests. There's a very real danger in putting too much stock in a single game. You set yourself up for an enormous fall if you fail to win that game. You can also set yourself up for a beating the following week if you are emotionally spent from the previous game, win or lose.

NFL seasons are indeed marathons and to be truly successful you have to be consistent and focused. The Texans should approach the Colts game like it's the most important game they'll play this year but at the same time they should be going into every game this season with that kind of intensity.
This team has proven to me so far that there really is only one team they haven't been able to conquer, and that's themselves. They've beaten the Colts repeatedly for most of the game only to choke it away in the end. It's one thing when Payton Manning drives down the field in the final minutes and beats you. He does that to everyone. It's another when you have the Colts completely beaten and then you give Manning the ball a couple extra times so he can do that to you. Turnovers and lack of a running game have killed the Texans the last couple years.
Even up to last year, we have been a young, up-and-coming team with a lack-of-experience. Frankly, even I have played into this. This year we have a tought schedule, and can't shoot ourselves in the foot. Which brings me to the only way we are going to beat the Colts:


The reason we have thrown away every game we've played to the Colts since the "Rosencopter" game was because we allowed the Colts to win. The Colts know that even if they're down by 21 against us, they've got a chance if they play hard. All they have to do is wait for Peyton to fire them up.

It's your turn, Matt. If we're down in the 4th, you have to throw a game winning TD instead of those ridiculous "WTF" pick 6's with the game on the line.

Somebody has to fire these guys up.

It's our time. Who will step up? Matt? Andre? Mario? Bernard? DeMeco? Kubiak? I don't care...just get it done.

In 2008, we were one of the top teams in total yards, but were lacking in points scored. In 2009, we continued putting up yards, but added points to the board as well.

In 2009, our defense finally started to look like a Pro NFL team. We held our opponents to low yardages, pretty respectable. I expect that trend to continue, but to also improve on keeping points off the board.

& that's not just a function of the defense. The offense has to take care of the ball, & not give Manning extra opportunities. That's how we beat them in '06, we made the most of our opportunities, and severely limited theirs.
I really don't feel the same way as you guys. We took charge vs. The patriots and leaders rose up to the occassion. That game we turned the corner. Last season I mai wasn't so confident when we went up against the colts and marked it as a loss. Well not a loss but I just didn't expect a win. This year is different. I feel like we are going to wreck the colts and make peyton cry.
LOL @ our season being done after game 1. :shades:

The season is a marathon, not a sprint. Sure, it'll suck if we lose to the Colts on Sunday, but it's not like the season will be over as a result. Besides, losing to the Colts is not necessarily indicative of being a good or bad team, simply because most teams lose to the Colts over the past few years. They are one of the NFL's elite teams right now, so it's a bit premature and defeatist to put so much emphasis on one game at the start of the season.
I don't think it's just a matter of losing the game. I'm sure most people are thinking about the way we lose (if we lose). We have a habit of shooting ourselves in the foot, with one mistake leading to another, and another.

Last time we played Indy, we had three turnovers in the 4th Qtr. We were leading before that, 20-14.

3 turnovers in the 4th Qtr.

Then you add to that the way we "normally" look on opening day.

You put them both together..... BOOM
I don't disagree with you about leadership, though. Schaub and AJ need to lead the charge, and our defense needs to play with determination and grit, bringing it to every play, especially with Cushing out. Hopefully Pollard, DeMeco, and/or Mario fill that leadership role for our D to rise to the occasion.

The best thing I saw in our customary 4 game end of the season win streak, was the leadership from AJ, Matt starting to affect the other players, JJ, Dressen, Studdard.

I'm also pleased with the defensive leadership as a whole, only thing I don't like, is that Mario needs to STFU (S as in step). Demeco & Antonio shouldn't be trying to fire him up, he needs to be firing them up. Whether he likes it or not, this defense starts with him.
I just wanted to check out that game we beat them.... THAT game we beat them, that's just sad. lol

Check out what happened every time the Colts got the ball:

1st Quarter
1) RB fumbles, Houston recovers.
2) Manning TD pass to Harrison.

2nd Quarter
3) Manning TD pass to Moorehead.
4) Manning kneels to end half w/ 16 seconds left.

3rd Quarter
5) Punt
6) Vinatieri FG

4th Quarter
7) Manning TD pass to Harrison

So that's 7 offensive series for the Colts. 6 legit series, Peyton took them downfield to score on 4 of them. RB fumble can't do anything about, didn't convert a 3rd and 3 and was forced to punt.
1 RB fumble
1 Punt
1 FG
1 Kneel to end 1st half
3 TD passes

Manning was 21/27 for 205 yards 3 TD's and 0 Interceptions
Addai had 15 rushes for 100 yards.
Harrison had 8 receptions for 112 yards and 2 TDs.


Time of Possession: Houston 36 minutes to Indy's 24 minutes. The dagger was the 9 1/2 minute drive we had in 4th quarter and the 2:41 we had to close out the game with the game winning FG. Indy got the ball 1 time in the 4th and scored a TD.
I don't think it's just a matter of losing the game. I'm sure most people are thinking about the way we lose (if we lose). We have a habit of shooting ourselves in the foot, with one mistake leading to another, and another.

Last time we played Indy, we had three turnovers in the 4th Qtr. We were leading before that, 20-14.

3 turnovers in the 4th Qtr.

Then you add to that the way we "normally" look on opening day.

You put them both together..... BOOM

The best thing I saw in our customary 4 game end of the season win streak, was the leadership from AJ, Matt starting to affect the other players, JJ, Dressen, Studdard.

I'm also pleased with the defensive leadership as a whole, only thing I don't like, is that Mario needs to STFU (S as in step). Demeco & Antonio shouldn't be trying to fire him up, he needs to be firing them up. Whether he likes it or not, this defense starts with him.

Exactly. Perhaps I sent the wrong message with my OP. I'm not saying we have to win or the season is over. I'm also not saying that we're going to lose.

My point is that the talent is in place. I'm psyched. I know we can do big things (even if we lose). But we're not going anywhere without leadership.

What I'm saying is the only thing we're missing is that intangible piece of the puzzle that all winning teams have. Call it leadership. Call it a winning mentality. Call it the x-factor.

I don't care what you call it, but without it we're still going to be the same Texans. It's time we move forward and show this we're that we're not the Colts' little brother any more. :texflag:
My point isn't that the season is over if we lose. It's that we have to have a different mentality. I think that what this team has been lacking is true leadership. The ability to know that no matter what the scoreboard reads, we're still in the game.

It's this mentality that we have to develop if we're going to get over the hurdle of playing 4 consistent quarters.

I was watching Sons of Anarchy last night, and this reminded me of the conversation Clay had with Jax at Kip's casket.

"You've got to decide that your son is dead, and you want revenge, or that he's alive, and nothing's going to get in your way of getting him back!"

or something like that.

If something happens in that Colts game, this team has to decide if they are going to kick some ass because of it, or if they are going to kick some ass to get over it.

One way or the other, this team kicking ass has to be the end result.
Exactly. Perhaps I sent the wrong message with my OP. I'm not saying we have to win or the season is over. I'm also not saying that we're going to lose.

What I'm saying is the only thing we're missing is that intangible piece of the puzzle that all winning teams have. Call it leadership. Call it a winning mentality. Call it the x-factor.
I hear what you're saying. If we come out without that x-factor and lose, it's going to be a long season. as in we still don't have "it".

Even if we lose but we do have that x-factor, this could still be a great season.

Look at the Boise St. / Virginia Tech game the other night. Both teams looked GREAT and could have great seasons. Boise St. did demolish V. Tech. If we lose the game like that, I'll still have a good feeling about the season, the OTHER 15 games. If we lose like we did to the Jets, that's a terrible thing. I know you should never feel good about a loss, I'm just looking at the big picture. Even if we barely win the game and it's luck and we really didn't even look that good... I'll like the fact we're 1-0 but I won't have a good feeling and it would be more indicative of us losing more games this year than we win.

For the record, I think we look great and we'll beat the colts.
Keeping Manning off the field is bad strategy?


Are you joking? It's pretty much one of the only ways to beat him.

This is what I'm talking about. You're assuming Peyton can't be stopped. It's the mindset that Peyton is the GOAT that causes people to be scared of him and lose. He has been absolutely trashed by defenses that don't think he's worth anything. That is how you play Peyton Manning.

Time of Possession: Houston 36 minutes to Indy's 24 minutes. The dagger was the 9 1/2 minute drive we had in 4th quarter and the 2:41 we had to close out the game with the game winning FG. Indy got the ball 1 time in the 4th and scored a TD.

I am not arguing the fact that winning TOP is the key to winning a game. My point is simply that if you're afraid to let Peyton on the field, you're not going to win. It's stupid decisions out of fear that cause teams to lose to Peyton (e.g. the Patriots going for it on their own 26).

I will not deny that playing ball control at the end of the game will beat Peyton. No doubt. If we can run out the clock and keep him from having a drive to potentially win the game, that's great.

But we're not a ball-control offense. We are a passing team. Yes, we have potential in the running game, but we're not a running team. If we come out and try to cram the ball down their throat Peyton is going to giggle like a schoolgirl. We have to come out, be aggressive, and not be afraid to let Peyton on the field.
As long as they show up like they did vs. Dallas and play hard... win or lose I am ok with it..Now I am not going to get all pi**ed off either if they lay a turd, I don't play on the team, so come Sunday night I will be over it.. Just hoping they show up and play hard for each other, I could not care less if they don't play hard for me or the rest of the fans there... start playing for each other, things will take shape !!
What I expect to learn on Sunday...

I expect to learn if our very young secondary has any potential to be good or great in the future. I expect that they'll make mistakes and may even cost us the game but at least we'll see what they have to potential to be in the future. The same goes for our O-line, I expect to see if they can control the LOS, the clock, field position, and move the ball when necessary. What I really expect to learn is whether or not this is going to be a good season or a very long one full of disappointment.
As long as they show up like they did vs. Dallas and play hard... win or lose I am ok with it..Now I am not going to get all pi**ed off either if they lay a turd, I don't play on the team, so come Sunday night I will be over it.. Just hoping they show up and play hard for each other, I could not care less if they don't play hard for me or the rest of the fans there... start playing for each other, things will take shape !!

So it's not a "must win", but a "must play well"? :D
Texans will beat any team if they play all four quarters. Nationally we are known as the team that can't finish and gives up in the 4th. We have AJ, TEs and Foster to score in the red zone. The Dline shut down the run last season and should do it again. Wilson should be able to back up Kareem Jackson. Barring turnovers, we should beat Colts.
Scared? Keeping Peyton off the field would mean we dominated the LOS and took control of the clock. That's got nothing to do with being scared and it's got everything to do with punching them in the mouth in the trenches. Win in the trenches and 9 times out of 10 you're going to win.

I support a good punching of the mouth!! :runaway:
What I expect to learn on Sunday...

I expect to learn if our very young secondary has any potential to be good or great in the future. I expect that they'll make mistakes and may even cost us the game but at least we'll see what they have to potential to be in the future. The same goes for our O-line, I expect to see if they can control the LOS, the clock, field position, and move the ball when necessary. What I really expect to learn is whether or not this is going to be a good season or a very long one full of disappointment.


Win or lose, as long as the TEAM plays well and fights the whole game (that equals 4 Quarters) I'll feel good about the outcome.

Lots of teams lose to the Colts, it just the way they lose that defines the team.
All the talk about leadership, mental toughness, maturity, or whatever you want to call it is valid and IMO correct. However, these things lead to what I believe is the difference between a true contender in the NFL, and a team that may do enough to grab a playoff spot, but will never be able to do anything with it, and will be back to 8-8 next season, and that's consistency.

By definition, one game isn't going to answer the question about consistency (no - not even if it's a loss).

Pretty much all the things the OP wanted to see were demonstrated in the first Tennessee game last year. We made some horrific mistakes, CJ made the defense look historically bad on more than one occasion (heck, the defense made itself look historically bad on more than one occasion), but we refused to lose the game, and demonstrated toughness (both mental and physical) that far exceeded our skill and execution that day.

You would never have guessed we'd do that by watching the Jets game one week before, and you'd never have guessed we'd done it by watching the Jags game one week later.

Keep in mind that the Bronco's were 6-0 to start the season, and finished a game behind us in the overall standings at the end of the year.

Glean what you can, and hope that what you see is real (or phony depending on what it is that you see), but give the season at least a few weeks before throwing a parade, or yourself off of a bridge.
My point isn't that the season is over if we lose.

O.K., but that's not what you said:

If they can't show leadership and heart now, in this game, I think our season is done.

I can only respond to what you posted.

So you think the season is over if the Texans lose and don't show leadership in game one?

I understand - and agree - that you think leadership is important. That's a fundamental aspect of any team sport. But player leadership doesn't call plays and doesn't go conservative if the team is leading in the third quarter. You'd have to go higher up the chain-of-command for that leadership, and based upon what we know from seasons past, that particular leadership style isn't going to change anytime soon.

I hate this strategy because it is playing scared. It is assuming that the only way to beat Peyton is if he's not playing. That's a scared team's way of thinking, and I want none of it. I want Peyton to come out, play 4 quarters of football, punch him in the mouth and ask him how it tastes when we've beaten him into submission.

Ground and pound offense (i.e. ball control offense) has been around for many decades in pro football. This is not a strategy developed because of Peyton Manning. Keeping the other team's offense off of the field is smart strategy, not based upon "playing scared", but rather chewing up the clock in order to reduce the amount of offensive possessions by the opposing team. Championship teams have employed this strategy for a long time, and it proves it's worth time and time again.

And there is a difference between respecting a player and being scared of a player. I do not think the Texans are scared of Peyton Manning, but they certainly respect him.

But they're just the Colts.

"Just the Colts"....yeahhh :ok: RESPECT
This mindset of the only way the Texans can prove that they are the better team is by letting Manning get on the field and stopping him with defense is...

O.K., but that's not what you said:

I can only respond to what you posted.

So you think the season is over if the Texans lose and don't show leadership in game one?

I understand - and agree - that you think leadership is important. That's a fundamental aspect of any team sport. But player leadership doesn't call plays and doesn't go conservative if the team is leading in the third quarter. You'd have to go higher up the chain-of-command for that leadership, and based upon what we know from seasons past, that particular leadership style isn't going to change anytime soon.

Ground and pound offense (i.e. ball control offense) has been around for many decades in pro football. This is not a strategy developed because of Peyton Manning. Keeping the other team's offense off of the field is smart strategy, not based upon "playing scared", but rather chewing up the clock in order to reduce the amount of offensive possessions by the opposing team. Championship teams have employed this strategy for a long time, and it proves it's worth time and time again.

And there is a difference between respecting a player and being scared of a player. I do not think the Texans are scared of Peyton Manning, but they certainly respect him.

"Just the Colts"....yeahhh :ok: RESPECT

I don't think you quite get what I'm saying there. The point is that if this team can't show leadership, poise, and heart in this game...against the Colts, then they're not going to show it in any other game. The first two posts are not contradictory, because the first post doesn't say we have to win to show these things.

Leadership goes from the top-down, which is why I named Kubiak specifically in my OP. Kubiak can certainly lose this game the same way Matt can, and anyone else on this team.

If we don't see leadership out there, we're done for. There's no reason why this season will be any different from the last with essentially the same team and nothing new to build upon (intangibly). It is the x-factor we need to get over our proverbial hump.

Ground and pound is fine. But who is there to pound the rock? Again, we're not built for that, no matter how much we want to be. A great coach plays to his teams strengths and minimizes its weaknesses. We are a passing team, and we probably will be for as long as Matt and Andre are on the team. Why pretend we can dominate with the weakest aspect of our game? I'm simply saying let's come out, score points (like we do very well) and not be afraid to score quickly because the King might come onto the field and score as well.

The Giants came out and played the Patriots as though they were "Just the Patriots" in the Super Bowl when they were undefeated, even though they had lost to them before. They could have cared less about them being some mystical team of destiny. They came out and played the Patriots like they knew they were the better team...and won. That's what I want us to do.

This mindset of the only way the Texans can prove that they are the better team is by letting Manning get on the field and stopping him with defense is...


Manning is not unstoppable. The Saints dared him to win the Super Bowl and made him look like a fool. The Patriots have done it numerous times over the last decade. Is Manning great at what he does? Sure. Are we screwed if we don't dominate the TOP by an enormous majority and pound the rock? Hardly.
Can't somebody just get sick and go sneeze on him?

God, you people always overlook the obvious. :foottap:

Find his kids and sneeze on them, sneeze on his wife, blow your nose on his security blanket...
Our savior has arrived! :photos:

I reckon I can chip in too. I've got snot and sneezing a lot. I could spray him down with an open mouth and open nose sneeze.

But knowing our luck, Painter would come in and carve us up for a 300 burger
I don't think you quite get what I'm saying there. The point is that if this team can't show leadership, poise, and heart in this game...against the Colts, then they're not going to show it in any other game. The first two posts are not contradictory, because the first post doesn't say we have to win to show these things.

I understand your perspective, I just disagree. You simply cannot predict the future of 15 games based upon the team's performance in game 1 against an elite team.

And as far as using what the Saints did against the Colts as an example, there is just one problem: the Texans ain't the Saints.

I don't disagree with you about the importance of leadership, and you make some fine points in that regard. I just don't see game one as a be all/end all for the entire season. Let's get a few games played before we start the rush to judgment, because I'd had to see Texans fans jumping off of bridges after just the first game.
I'm looking at the first four weeks. This team has a habit of looking like
World Champs one week, and woefully inept the very next. Or, they'll
put together a two-game winning streak, followed by four losses.

I want to see consistent high effort every week. I'll know all I need
to about the Texans at about twelve weeks.
How'd that end up? :hides:

Somewhere along the way, Buddy Ryan threw a right hook at Kevin Gilbride, missing wildly. Ryan also lost his nutsack and got really conservative in his defensive calls against Joe Montana and the Chefs only to lose 28-20. So to answer your question, not so well.... But hey, they (Oilers) at least made a playoff appearance.

Seems like it's burned into my memory, no??

Somewhere along the way, Buddy Ryan threw a right hook at Kevin Gilbride, missing wildly. Ryan also lost his nutsack and got really conservative in his defensive calls against Joe Montana and the Chefs only to lose 28-20. So to answer your question, not so well.... But hey, they (Oilers) at least made a playoff appearance.

Seems like it's burned into my memory, no??


No doubt. I can't count how many times the Oilers took my heart and sack and tied them in a knot. The Comeback, Montana, Elway, Pittsburgh....:gun: