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What this offense needs to really succeed


Mr. Big
In the game last week, both of our TD drives were perfect. Each drive was 8 runs and 2 passes. Even an armchair QB like myself could see the beauty in it. We not only need to pound the ball every chance we get, this team needs to be known for it. I want to hear all these crappy tv announcers gush like little schoolgirls about how dominant our running game is. It starts with the OL. We all know this offseason we need to find either through the draft or FA some real studs. Not only that, we need quality depth at all those positions. At running back, I'm not sold on Dayne as the feature back. He really looks like a relief guy, third down/short yardage kinda guy. I could be wrong. Either way, find that featured back, line him up behind that stud OL and run the ball until the opponents defense is so tired, they forget where to line up. Wow, I'm a genius. Anyone got Kub's phone number? I need to call him and discuss this with him.......

Well, we should have a good O-line in about 20 more yrs. worth of drafts, so then we can get a good RB and totally do it man!
Actually our run blocking has been pretty good. Lundy and Gado simply leave a lot of yards on the field and Dayne just isn't fast enough, so it is fortunate he can drag the pile a few every time. I was disappointed that we didn't get to see Chris Taylor take a carry or two.
In the game last week, both of our TD drives were perfect. Each drive was 8 runs and 2 passes. Even an armchair QB like myself could see the beauty in it. We not only need to pound the ball every chance we get, this team needs to be known for it. I want to hear all these crappy tv announcers gush like little schoolgirls about how dominant our running game is. It starts with the OL. We all know this offseason we need to find either through the draft or FA some real studs. Not only that, we need quality depth at all those positions. At running back, I'm not sold on Dayne as the feature back. He really looks like a relief guy, third down/short yardage kinda guy. I could be wrong. Either way, find that featured back, line him up behind that stud OL and run the ball until the opponents defense is so tired, they forget where to line up. Wow, I'm a genius. Anyone got Kub's phone number? I need to call him and discuss this with him.......


What this offense needs to really succeed

AP and a Tackle, move Spencer to R Tackle,

Lenord Davis Chester Pitts Mike Flanagan Zack Wiegert Leonard Davis

Adrian Peterson
(Now lets run the rock)

Zone blocking? Yes this guy is good enough to do it, drop some wieght and lets roll.
I don't see any reason why we couldn't run the ball (like my vision) next year with the right personnel. If Spencer comes back healthy and Winston progresses then we're not that far away. The two keys would be finding that feature back (like we had with Davis) and having good depth behind the starting OL. Hey, I can dream can't I........

I actually think the offence is pretty close. We just need better pass protection and a franchise back for next year. I know easier said then done.
I also think that like it or not Carr is probobly still Kubiak's guy next year.
I actually think the offence is pretty close. We just need better pass protection and a franchise back for next year. I know easier said then done.
I also think that like it or not Carr is probobly still Kubiak's guy next year.

If you can run the ball successfully, and I mean more than 50% of the time, then even Carr couldn't screw that up...

we need to do something that we havent done since the expansion draft, pick an o-line man in the first round

boselli was a first rounder in the expansion draft right?
we need to do something that we havent done since the expansion draft, pick an o-line man in the first round

boselli was a first rounder in the expansion draft right?

Yeah. I heard that we had to take him if we wanted Gary Walker.
I think the 4+ years of beatings has speed up his QB clock , we need to give him time consistently to slow it back down.

I don't disagree. With all the discussion about whether the offensive problems are Carr's or the OL, I think it's both. He's almost "damaged goods" from all the poundings he's taken. But without a good OL and a solid running game, we'll never know for sure.
I don't disagree. With all the discussion about whether the offensive problems are Carr's or the OL, I think it's both. He's almost "damaged goods" from all the poundings he's taken. But without a good OL and a solid running game, we'll never know for sure.

Exactly :yahoo: :yahoo: someone else who get's it
"I think the 4+ years of beatings has speed up his QB clock , we need to give him time consistently to slow it back down."

You would think that Kubiak would have david get rushed at practice and learn to stay in the pocket and get used to being rushed and step up instead of stepping out with happy feet. David may see the film but probably feels like he isn't doing anything wrong but "making plays"
I agree, We actually had a decent offensive line for a few weeks (no one touched CARR for several games, and Carr actually looked good), then lost 3 starting linemen. since then it has been pretty crappy. Next year if spenser gets back in, and we pick up 2 more good O-Linemen through the draft or otherwise. We could solidify the line. at that point Carr would suddenly become a good quarterback (how did that happen?) Then add a decent back and keep Dane (he does seem to wear down defenses).

Then pick up 2 good DB's hmmm. and a punter, and kicker....and...
OK 2009 is looking like a good year...
I agree, We actually had a decent offensive line for a few weeks (no one touched CARR for several games, and Carr actually looked good), then lost 3 starting linemen. since then it has been pretty crappy. Next year if spenser gets back in, and we pick up 2 more good O-Linemen through the draft or otherwise. We could solidify the line. at that point Carr would suddenly become a good quarterback (how did that happen?) Then add a decent back and keep Dane (he does seem to wear down defenses).

Then pick up 2 good DB's hmmm. and a punter, and kicker....and...
OK 2009 is looking like a good year...

You have to wonder if our starting OL had stayed intact and Dom Davis had been healthy, or Dayne or Lundy had stepped up what our run game would have accomplished. Hopefully Kub will read my post and contact me for my input................Man, I crack myself up!

In the game last week, both of our TD drives were perfect. Each drive was 8 runs and 2 passes. Even an armchair QB like myself could see the beauty in it. We not only need to pound the ball every chance we get, this team needs to be known for it. I want to hear all these crappy tv announcers gush like little schoolgirls about how dominant our running game is. It starts with the OL. We all know this offseason we need to find either through the draft or FA some real studs. Not only that, we need quality depth at all those positions. At running back, I'm not sold on Dayne as the feature back. He really looks like a relief guy, third down/short yardage kinda guy. I could be wrong. Either way, find that featured back, line him up behind that stud OL and run the ball until the opponents defense is so tired, they forget where to line up. Wow, I'm a genius. Anyone got Kub's phone number? I need to call him and discuss this with him.......


Your owner doesn't know how to draft and what FA would want to come block for Carr?