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What is wrong with you Anti-VY people?

jjcorvallis said:
I have lost respect for many on these boards.

I'm a VY guy, but I have my reasons which have been stated too many times in the past 4 months. But I recognize that Bush is an incredible talent as well. Thats is where my problem lies. IMO the anti-VY crowd has been immature and nasty in nature overall.

Why call the guy names? Why insult him? One of the greatest college players of all time is from our city, and this is how you treat him?

I wonder how many of the people on this board bashing VY are native Houstonians like myself. To me its pretty freaking sad. Some people have no class.

The part I put in bold is the answer to your question.

You say he's an incredible talent...but you're acting like we're drafting at No. 5 or lower. We are drafting NUMBER ONE in this year's draft. We took a heckuva' beating this past season, and maybe the payoff is that we get THE BEST RATED PLAYER AVAILABLE.

We're not after the hometown hero...but YOU are. And it's at the expense of what you know is the right thing to do this year. The scales have been tipped (for you and for others) by practically the only thing that doesn't really matter: He's from Houston.

And I don;t even want to hear for one second that the VY crowd has been so angelic and pure during all this, while the Bush crowd has been nasty about it. If anything, we've been tolerant of a homer'ish VY fan base.
jjcorvallis said:
I have lost respect for many on these boards.

I'm a VY guy, but I have my reasons which have been stated too many times in the past 4 months. But I recognize that Bush is an incredible talent as well. Thats is where my problem lies. IMO the anti-VY crowd has been immature and nasty in nature overall.

Why call the guy names? Why insult him? One of the greatest college players of all time is from our city, and this is how you treat him?

I wonder how many of the people on this board bashing VY are native Houstonians like myself. To me its pretty freaking sad. Some people have no class.

First of all, I decided to respond to this directly without jumping through the other 50 posts, so if I'm repeating something someone else has said I must apologize.

1) Who are you talking about here? There are a lot of people that think we should take VY, Bush, Williams, DBrick, or trade down generally. I haven't seen too many people out and out bash VY. All I've seen is people raise questions about certain issues. Then again, I don't live on the VY vs. Bush debate either.

2) When you say people have no class you should focus it on who is doing the bashing or what exactly bashing entails to you. It is foolish to say that someone that thinks that VY won't make a good pro is classless. It's an opinion. It might not be an opinion I agree with, but that's what these boards are for.

3) Who knows, maybe I've just missed the name-calling. One of the things I hate is group accountability for individual transgressions. If you think someone has stepped over the line, handle it with them privately. Making a generalized statement only leads me to wonder who you're talking about.
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Porky said:
The arrogance of the Horns has really been a total turnoff. I don't know how to describe it. The Tsips have managed to turn my love of VY into spite. I almost can't help but root for him because I really like VY, and admire his talents, but if he does somehow fall on his face, I will know there truly is a God.

I am a Horn alumni and have had season tickets a few seasons of late (but not last year). The one thing that I have found irritating about my fellow Horn fans is that mob mentality. If one person thinks something it suddenly becomes the opinion of the masses. I saw it with the entire Applewhite/Simms situation, and it led me to root for Simms to do well in the pros just to spite everyone (for the record, I think Applewhite's and Simm's collegeate accomplishments were actually about the same). I see it again this year with the draft and the VY/Bush and VY/Leinart debates.

It almost makes me ashamed to call myself a Horn's fan. Get off the bandwagon and get a friggin' independent thought won't you?
barzilla said:
...One of the things I hate is group accountability for individual transgressions. If you think someone has stepped over the line, handle it with them privately. Making a generalized statement only leads me to wonder who you're talking about.
Here is wisdom.
This thread actually started out on another thread. 2 guys called VY stupid
and this was the response.

This thread was started with somebody plagiarizing a post from another thread....prolonging the discussion. :brickwall

BTW, if somebody can't pump their guy without bashing another, then they're trolls. It's happened on both sides.

People just don't remember it so well when the troll takes their side.
bad said:
What are you, 13?

How can you justify such an all-inclusive generalization of a large demographic that you know little about? Who the hell are you to judge me? That's just pathetic. The profanity is the cherry on top.

Welcome to my ignore list, you ignorant bigot.

I'm a bigot? I didn't know bandwagon non football front runners were a race, religion, or sex. Interesting. The reason many "Texan Fans" exist is because they are Bush fans, period. If the Titans were picking him at 1, they would all be over there. PERIOD. As for Socal pro football people, I'm thankful they are so indifferent. If they didn't, we wouldn't have a franchise.
Long-Spurs-Texan said:
I'm a bigot? I didn't know bandwagon non football front runners were a race, religion, or sex. Interesting. The reason many "Texan Fans" exist is because they are Bush fans, period. If the Titans were picking him at 1, they would all be over there. PERIOD. As for Socal pro football people, I'm thankful they are so indifferent. If they didn't, we wouldn't have a franchise.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater... indifference to our own NFL team is also why the Texans have a lot of fans in Cali.
"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ"

definition of a bigot. So i think his comment was valid.
TheOgre said:
I am a Horn alumni and have had season tickets a few seasons of late (but not last year). The one thing that I have found irritating about my fellow Horn fans is that mob mentality. If one person thinks something it suddenly becomes the opinion of the masses. I saw it with the entire Applewhite/Simms situation, and it led me to root for Simms to do well in the pros just to spite everyone (for the record, I think Applewhite's and Simm's collegeate accomplishments were actually about the same). I see it again this year with the draft and the VY/Bush and VY/Leinart debates.

It almost makes me ashamed to call myself a Horn's fan. Get off the bandwagon and get a friggin' independent thought won't you?

I know this is off thread topic, but Mack was wrong for taking the team out of Major's hands and putting it in Simms'. Why? Because of his last name. Every Texas fan saw how the team rallied around Applewhite in the Big 12 championship, they were a 15 yard roughing the punter call away from a NC bid...
kcwilson said:
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater... indifference to our own NFL team is also why the Texans have a lot of fans in Cali.
I appreciate the words but I gotta tell ya, it's frustrating to put someone on ignore (so I don't have to read their posts anymore) and they end up being quoted.

Mods? Admins? Is there a workaround for this?

To set the record straight, I became a Texans fan the day I found out the NFL had a new team. I was without a team to call my own after both the Rams and myself left L.A. and went our separate ways. I felt a sort of kinship with Houston pro football fans when Bud took his team and left town. I was happy for Houston fans and happy for myself. We had a brand new, shiny NFL team that had not even the slightest parking lot ding in it.

It had that new-car smell to it and it felt right. This was before Carr was signed or drafted. Now the smell is less pungent and there are some dings, but they're my team and I'll stand by them. They pissed me off with the Babin and Travis(ty) trades yet here I stand, ready to defend the Texans no matter what stupid things they do next.

My story will likely be different than that of any other California-based Texans fan, and each of their stories will likely be far different than any other's. Some may have come aboard on the Carr bandwagon, I don't know.

What I do know is that it is a mistake to generalize, categorize or pigeonhole any group of people. Everyone is different; that's the way God intended it to be and personally I wouldn't want it any other way.

The United States is known as a Melting Pot. Texas may have more melting and California may have more pot but we're both blessed with diversity, not cursed by it. I know a little something about bigotry, growing up in tha Hood. It's not about race, color, religion or politics. It's about intolerance and it's a plague on mankind.

It has to stop.
Battle Red Bull said:
This thread actually started out on another thread.

This thread was started with somebody plagiarizing a post from another thread....prolonging the discussion. :brickwall

This thread was started by jjcorvallis taking my response in this thread:

...and pasting as his own. It looks like he is a newbie and only 16 years old, so I guess cut him some slack. My original comment makes more sense when it comes after 3 people calling VY names.

Again, IMO the majority of VY supporters give reasons why they like VY, while the majority of Bush supporters call VY names.

Maybe the numbers aren't actually that way, but that is the way it seems to me. And I was marvelling at the irony since VY is the hometown kid and a national hero.

Definantely do not want to get into the VY vs. Bush thing again!
TexansLucky13 said:
I have already broken down the VY fans. Here are the 5 possible reasons that anyone would have wanted VY to be a Texan next year:

1) Carr hater
2) UT homer
3) USC basher
4) Mike Vick enthusiast
5) The "I just don't like Bush" group

If there are any others please make me aware of it.

You forgot one. 6) Because Vince Young will instantly make the team he plays for better. My question is... can Reggie Bush or any other runningback dominate the game without a legitimate passing game in place. I don't care how good a team is at running the football, at some point they have to throw it or teams will line up 8 players in the box and stuff you. Look at how many championships Barry Sanders won. Barry, as far as I'm concerned, is the best back to ever play the game. How many Super Bowls does Tom Brady have? Troy Aikman? John Elway? Joe Montana? Terry Bradshaw? How many Super Bowls does Emmitt Smith have with David Carr at QB? Hmm... How many does Jerry Rice have without Montana or S. Young? How many with DC at the helm? Ahh... I'm wasting my breath.
I'm pretty sure Steve Bono coulda won a Super Bowl or two with those Niners teams

And yes I'm being serious