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What do you like most about David Carr?

What do you like most about David Carr?

  • David is a good Christian with strong family values

    Votes: 33 63.5%
  • David is a good QB with solid leadership abilities

    Votes: 19 36.5%

  • Total voters
The results are interesting so far -- would like to read some posts on the subject as well.

Thanks for the input.

The Fresno Principle is in effect. We have a good man on the roster, not a good QB for this team.

Why? Cause we cant get the ball down field because our running game is terrible, you guys make me laugh, Kubiak said it and Carr said, and Moulds said, "They are taking away our deep balls and longer passes".

You know how you stop Defenses from doing that, Run the football. It makes me laugh, that Phillip Rivers can throw for 130 yards a pick and win the game, cause all he has to do is hand the ball off, and when he does play fake everything is open cause of LT and their running game.
The Fresno Principle is a theory originated by Dr. Kaiser J. Toro which states that Quarterbacks within the National Collegiate Athletic Association advance to their highest level of competence, are then promoted to a level where they are incompetent, and then stay in that position.
Though I like his work ethic and off-field character, I am starting to not like his ability as a quarterback.

What seems to be missing is his toughness to get a win. He seems to bring it well when we play Jacksonville, but after that he seems to back down. I just wish he would get fired up with every team he plays against as much as he does when he plays Jacksonville.

IMHO I wish he had the playmaking abilities like what I have seen so far in Tony Romo, Tom Brady, Matt Leinart, Vince Young. These guys seem to risk their throws more often, but come back and make big plays.

Until Carr learns that it is okay to take more risks and trust in his recievers more often, he is going to be just a stat-man and an average quaterback.
Though I like his work ethic and off-field character, I am starting to not like his ability as a quarterback.

What seems to be missing is his toughness to get a win. He seems to bring it well when we play Jacksonville, but after that he seems to back down. I just wish he would get fired up with every team he plays against as much as he does when he plays Jacksonville.

IMHO I wish he had the playmaking abilities like what I have seen so far in Tony Romo, Tom Brady, Matt Leinart, Vince Young. These guys seem to risk their throws more often, but come back and make big plays.

Until Carr learns that it is okay to take more risks and trust in his recievers more often, he is going to be just a stat-man and an average quaterback.

I will tell you now, after all those drops and all the ones in the past, how can Carr trust Dre. Remeber when Carr "Trusted" Dre to come down with the ball against the Bills on the 3rd play, remember when he "Trusted" Dre on the slant and the Dig in the Jets game.
I will tell you now, after all those drops and all the ones in the past, how can Carr trust Dre. Remeber when Carr "Trusted" Dre to come down with the ball against the Bills on the 3rd play, remember when he "Trusted" Dre on the slant and the Dig in the Jets game.

I know what you are saying, but I feel that something is missing.

And I am starting to realize that it's not really the receivers nor the offensive line, eventhough I agree they have messed up during critical situations, but I feel that Carr is missing that fire that he brings so well when we play Jacksonville.

I want to see that quarterback show up at every game, not twice a year.
What I like about Carr is all the jokes people make because his name is Mechanic, junkyard, Pinto, whatever.
At this point I am for trading David Carr if it means I don't have to read through an entire garbage truck's worth of useless threads and kindergartner quality analysis of the game and the position ... week after week after week.
There is nothing to like about David Carr as Texans QB. He would make a great husband for your daughter but he makes for a horrible QB for your football team.

doug ftw
Carr is a horrible QB. Carr is a horrible QB. Carr is a horrible QB. Carr is a horrible QB.

Jerek!! OMG, it came true. David Carr IS a horrible QB. Ok, that worked so well let me try something else.

Doug is a millionaire. Doug is a millionaire. Doug is a millionaire. Doug is a millionaire.

Jerek!! DANGIT, it didn't come true. Maybe Carr was a horrible QB all along and you were just messing with me.

*raises fist in anger*




Doug ftw
Carr is a great person no doubt, but sucks as a QB.

I feel he isn't mature, and acts like a kid on the football field. He seems not to take anything very serious.

Bobby 119C
Since we all know that David Carr calls all the plays and causes our receivers to drop passes, I would have to say that he is definitely a horrible QB.


You guys kill me.
Promoting someone to the level of their incompetence is the "Peter" principle, as far as keepinh them tere that is poor managment.
As for the lack of fire, I would say Cook dropping two passes in three games, no running game, and a coaching staff with no imagination, would bring anyone down. Carr is now in a " Do as I say " system with no imput what so ever, no audibles, no play calling, no changing the play at the line, maybe Kubiak's approach is so far behind Carr's skills he is tired, and tired of watching the same plays that failed last week, fail this week, knowing they will fail again next week.
There is exactly 1 quarterback in the league that can take the team on his shoulders and win a game. his name is peyton. The Houston Texans have about zero talent in the place where it matters most...the "trenches"

the o-line is pitiful. the sacks are down, but that's mainly due to the fact that playcalling has been a legitimate band-aid to a massive gash. Despite popular belief the D line isnt' necessarily all that talented with Payne out. Mario Williams is a work in project playing on one foot.

In every game they play the Texans start with a disadvantage at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. the skill players on offense can't play with the relaxed confidence necessary to succeed in the NFL and the Defensive backs need all the help they can get from the group up front, but instead they get hung out to dry.

It's pretty pathetic to look at the front page of the board and see it absolutely covered in QB bashing when there isnt' a QB on earth that could change the fortunes of this team. it's flawed at the line of scrimmage, and until that changes the number in the win column will always be lower than the one in the loss column.
Since we all know that David Carr calls all the plays and causes our receivers to drop passes, I would have to say that he is definitely a horrible QB.


You guys kill me.

LOL, You forgot, that he can't rush the ball for more than 25 yards, that he can't cover man 2 man and he is a lousy punter and place kicker...
LOL, You forgot, that he can't rush the ball for more than 25 yards, that he can't cover man 2 man and he is a lousy punter and place kicker...

David's salary cap hit is more than our entire starting secondary and punter/kicker salary combined. That could be a little piece of the Texans' issue of talent being distributed appropriately.
Arm strength - Carr has shown many times he has great arm strength. When he fires a dart into a tight spot (like this week to OD between defenders), you realize he has the gun. He can make any throw on the field. Throws like this also highlight his accuracy. At times, he can be very accurate.

Toughness - Being sacked more in a four-year span and getting back up everytime is one thing. Consider all the hits he's taken that haven't counted as sacks. Consider the times that he's taken off and gotten a gutsy first-down with his legs or a gutsy TD, knowing he's going to get hit. You can think back to the Atlanta game a couple years ago where he came in injured and ran for a key first down while leading a scoring drive. Or you can think back to a gutsy first down a few weeks ago where he gave the defender a nice forearm shiver going for the first down. Or the TD against NYG where he went airborne. Etc., etc., etc .....

Determination - we've all seen Carr go for the gusto on many occasions when the chips were down, often despite the conservative playcalling. We've lamented bad decisions he's made, but many were done in an attempt to do too much - often because those around him weren't. Think back to the Minnesota game when he kept slinging the ball. Think back to the Jags game where he dived over the top. Think back to a couple games this year where he's talked Kubiak into going for it on critical 4th downs. When he broke his 22 consecutive completion streak, people complained that he was going for too much. Some even said he was doing it to extend his streak, as if that made any sense. The man keeps going out there and keeps on playing to win, even though this team doesn't know how to win.

Playcalling - in the limited amount of time he's been allowed to call plays, the team responded well and put points on the board. That tells me the team rallied around him (leadership) and he had a head for the game. As long as he is executing someone else's playcalls, he is only as good as those calls and the team around him. Consider also that the two coaches of this team have not had a history of letting QBs call their plays (even Young and Elway). An emphasis has been put on Carr from the beginning to limit interceptions. Less risk, less excitement. It's a basic principle in life.

There are things I don't like about Carr as well. He's been inconsistent, has not improved his pocket awareness for various reasons, and at the end of the day, has been part of the losing atmosphere around here. In a different situation, he might have been great. In almost any other situation, he probably would have been a lot better than he's shown. I am capable of pointing out the positives I see in him without being a Carr homer. If he doesn't get the job done, the team needs to jettison him. However, before that happens, I want to see a solid foundation put in place for the next QB to succeed, so we never have to endure this BS again.
Most teams QB cap hits do.. Unfortunately it (as a general rule), comes with that position.

The lack of talent comes from previous drafting, and trades for the likes of P Burnt, and just the fact of being an expnsion team, you already start in the whole as it relates to depth. The problem that the C & C factory left us, is that here in the fifth season, we should have already started to develop that depth...
What does religion have to do about being a QB in the NFL? Is that why some of you are fans of his? Gawd that is pathetic if it is.

Go ahead and flame me for this, but it is silly!

Quite a few people on this BBS feel that his religious values are important.
I like david's strong morals heappears to be a good religious person so in that sense i like him. as QB i rather not say since he does seem like a really nice person that tries really hard but its just not good enough and it hasnt going on 5 years.
If you are going to make a poll, at least make it fair. That one is all one side or the other. It's just not quite that cut and dry. Please, show some respect.
I did not mean that last post to you talegator, but to Superstar. My computer locked up and went crazy......

Well, I give up. I got deleted before I started.