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VY on the doted line !

Geez, the #3 pick can make more than the #1 pick overall. Williams makes more guaranteed money though.
Man...Thats like a slap to reggies face...think hes gonna ask for more than VY now ???
IMO the inexperienced Adams would be a liability for VY, but no way. He was
the deal closer for Vince while the bumbling West Coast agent Segal (I think that's his name), screwed up the first round pick for Bush and is eating Vince's dust again as the UT grad heads to the bank with his big payday.
Kudos to VY and his agent Major Adams. And so much for the Wonderlic score - no big deal, which I was dead wrong about to.
Vince's deal is worth up to $58 million if he reaches all his incentives, who knows the likelihood of getting all of those. According to PFT Mario can earn up to $62 million with all his incentives. I wonder if they'll ever report what Vince got for his base contract value without incentives. Good luck to Reggie getting Benson to pony up that kind of dough, he could be in for a long hold out.
The Dude Abides said:
It's good to see McClain is putting more interest in VY than the Texans. Bravo :brickwall
Yea, but gotta give "Hollywood" some credit, he finally scooped a story.
Congrats to VY and his family. There was some doubt as to how his agent Major Adams would do and looks like this is a good deal for both sides.
So much does Reggie ask for now? And how much more likely is a lenghty hold out?

Good for Vince on the deal, I hope (as I do for all kids who sigh these insane contracts) that he is smart with his money. Just look at the modern lives of MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice, if you need an example.
Sucks for the Saints... Reggie is gunna want the whole cookie AND some milk to wash it down. Makes our pick look and feel even better, no matter how many :homer: 's crawl out of the woodworks.

Hoth-Boy said:
I hope (as I do for all kids who sigh these insane contracts) that he is smart with his money

No parties with Mike Vick for VY if thats the case.
Vinny said:
when you put your stuff out there we are bound to be wrong here and there since none of us are psychic. No shame in that. Young is a decent kid who comes from Houston so I've always grimaced when the locals were grilling him. I've never quite understood this but it is what it is. Personally I thought people were acting in a virtual mob mentality when it came to the anti-Vince beat-down as the mob predicted him dropping like a rock and being so dumb he hired some ghetto trained pimp dog Uncle to represent him. So far he has taken to the offense well and he set his family up financially for the rest of their lives. Good for Vince. I'm glad we have one of our own locals doing good things. We just need to find a way to beat him when we face him.
Fair enough.
I've been critical of VY, both the player's potential in the NFL and the wisdom of the Texans taking him. And I'm still glad we didn't draft him, but I may yet need to admit to being wrong about that also.
But I wish Vince nothing but the best in the NFL now that he's got a done deal with the Titans. Except of course when he's playing you know who.
I think the Texans would've had Reggie Bush signed, sealed, and delivered if we drafted him. The Texans are good at getting their players in and on time.
This will make watching the Reggie situation even more fun. It can go either of two ways. 1) The slot is now set (in terms of guaranteed money) so they can slide him right in; or 2) Benson could play the "Bud overpaid Vince" card - which he did relative to the #1 overall pick - and that could lead to a protracted holdout by Bush. I'm sure Benson is not happy with Bud.

Someone was asking about the value of Vince's base without incentives. If you check in a few weeks, the yearly breakdown of base salary will be posted there under Active Players.
nunusguy said:
Fair enough.
I've been critical of VY, both the player's potential in the NFL and the wisdom of the Texans taking him. And I'm still glad we didn't draft him, but I may yet need to admit to being wrong about that also.
But I wish Vince nothing but the best in the NFL now that he's got a done deal with the Titans. Except of course when he's playing you know who.

It's like a double edge sword for me. I didn't want the Texans to draft him and I also didn't want to see him go to the titans. Being a Texas fan and loving the fact that he helped get them the Championship I can only wish him the best as well. Hopefully he carries himself well in the NFL(unlike the Vick way).:redtowel:
PowerfulDragon said:
bud adams probably only signed off on it to make houston look bad. deluded old toupee-wearing turncoat.
how ? it make Texans deal with #1 look good.
i though Texans over paid Mario, I guess I wrong now
Bud might do things to spite Houston but I highly doubt he was scheming on this one. They wanted him in camp and he wanted to be in camp. And Bud overpaid a bit to get it done.
Hmmm so they really wanted to get him in camp uh?

For a guy that is supposedly going to ride the bench 'learning' and getting 'adjusted' that sure does sound strange.

It sure looks like they are going to roll him out sooner then I originally thought they would ( or what Fisher said he would do ).
I have a feeling he'll be starting by mid-season*, whether he's ready or not. And he won't be ready, based on history.

*That is unless Volek does the impossible and leads them to a 5-3 or better start or something...
aj. said:
I have a feeling he'll be starting by mid-season*, whether he's ready or not. And he won't be ready, based on history.

*That is unless Volek does the impossible and leads them to a 5-3 or better start or something...

Stupid, but I agree.

BTW, aj, if this helps any, I found something that I jotted down some time ago about Mario's contract:

1st year-275000
2nd year-975000
3rd year-1500000
4th year-2300000
5th year-3025000
6th year-option??
Nawzer said:
I think the Texans would've had Reggie Bush signed, sealed, and delivered if we drafted him. The Texans are good at getting their players in and on time.

It helps that the Texans try to avoid drafting potential holdouts.
for some reason, i bet Bud Adams shelled out all this money because he thinks he's going 1 up on Houston. Way to show us up Bud . . .
My memory may be failing me, but weren't the Oilers always pretty good at signing their draft picks? Seems like the problems usually came when players wanted to re-negotiate.
aj. said:
Bud might do things to spite Houston but I highly doubt he was scheming on this one. They wanted him in camp and he wanted to be in camp. And Bud overpaid a bit to get it done.
I was joking. A lot of people like to blame Bud Adams for lots of things.
aj. said:
I have a feeling he'll be starting by mid-season*, whether he's ready or not. And he won't be ready, based on history.

*That is unless Volek does the impossible and leads them to a 5-3 or better start or something...
I am looking forward to Dec. 10, 2006
According to Yahoo! Sports, Young ultimately could earn more than Williams if both get the max out of their contracts.

Does anyone still think Bush is greedy for not being happy with $22 Million guaranteed? Or do they think he's a "jerk" and "character-plagued" guy for not just taking that?

Its all part of the contract-game, like I said.
Ironist said:
According to Yahoo! Sports, Young ultimately could earn more than Williams if both get the max out of their contracts.

Does anyone still think Bush is greedy for not being happy with $22 Million guaranteed? Or do they think he's a "jerk" and "character-plagued" guy for not just taking that?

Its all part of the contract-game, like I said.
You're making an assumption that these #'s would still be this high if the Texans hadn't paid Mario what they did. Remember, the Texans "set the bar" for the "salary slotting" game.

I'm still betting Mario's deal is better on the 'likely to earn' portion of the contract incentives.

I'm happy for VY, and happy that his agent finally did something right for a change. :stirpot:
nunusguy said:
IMO the inexperienced Adams would be a liability for VY, but no way. He was
the deal closer for Vince while the bumbling West Coast agent Segal (I think that's his name), screwed up the first round pick for Bush and is eating Vince's dust again as the UT grad heads to the bank with his big payday.
Kudos to VY and his agent Major Adams. And so much for the Wonderlic score - no big deal, which I was dead wrong about to.

So much for the Wonderlic? Not to drive this thread off topic, but what does that have to do with anything? Vince can score a 2 and still know how to sign his name ...

I still don't think it means VY will suck at football. I still think it means he is a lazy thinker who thought he was too cool to put forth an effort on a standardized test, and will take some serious time getting acclimated to the pro game. It definitely means I'm not inviting him to any charity spelling bee any time soon.
Dan Marino had one of the lowest Wunderlic scores of all time for QBs. There have been flops that have aced it. Wunderlic shmunderlic..
AJ , would your avatar like the mango salsa with its duck?

Reggie has his contract negotiated for him now , he just needs to sign . I will say this ... it would be hard to give a RB twenty six million guarateed .
According to

Mario - Signed a six-year, $54 million contract on 5/26/2006. The deal includes $26.5 million in guarantees, when the Texans pay Williams $12 million to exercise their option for a sixth season on the contract. By exercising the option, the Texans reduce the salaries in Years 2-5 of the contract -- to $975,000 (2007), $1.575 million (2008), $2.3 million (2009) and $3.025 million (2010) -- and add the 2011 season at a base salary of $3.725 million.

Young - Signed a six-year contract on 7/27/2006. The deal can be worth up to $58 million if all incentives are reached. $25.74 million of the package is guaranteed, including a $12.3 million option bonus due in March 2007, a $2.665 million roster bonus due in 2006, and a one-time bonus of $4.1 million should Young take 35 percent of the snaps as a rookie, or 45 percent of the snaps in any subsequent year.
Hold your horses--Vince Young might not have gotten so great a deal. What happens if he doesn't reach those incentives, what are the base salaries? If he is a bust like I hope and he's cut after two years, like I hope, his deal won't be as good as Mario's under the same circumstances.
Vinny said:
the guaranteed money is the key to all contracts and his is just short of Mario's.

The key is also what is really guaranteed (from above):

The deal includes $26.5 million in guarantees, when the Texans pay Williams $12 million to exercise their option for a sixth season on the contract.

An option bonus is not guaranteed. This would be the same as Carr's $8 mil bonus being called guaranteed (I have seen a different report saying $8 mil bonus to exercise the last two years of Mario's contract, but in any event)--it is only guaranteed once the option is exercised, i.e. not guaranteed at all. Terms are being played with fast and loose here.
Vinny said:
understood...but it's due March 2007. He would have to be a bust of colossal proportions not to get this since he will probably not even play a half of year this season.

Which contract are you talking about? I was just making a general comment that folks in general need to look at what really makes up the guaranteed money. Carr's option bonus (where similar bonuses are being described as guaranteed for Mario and VY) was not due to be exercised until after his 4th year. He had a prior one to reduce salaries which was also exercised. Just pointing out the accounting isn't quite as simple as the news reports make it seem.
Options, buybacks, roster bonuses, workout bonuses, voidable years and inflated bases in the out-years all factor into the bloated contract value numbers that are published.

Focus on the guaranteed money, i.e., signing bonus and guaranteed base (which is becoming more common on the high end contracts) when comparing these deals.
jerek said:
So much for the Wonderlic? Not to drive this thread off topic, but what does that have to do with anything? Vince can score a 2 and still know how to sign his name ...
That's exactly my point, it's not relavant. It is meaningless. VY almost surely scored in the single digits on his first attempt while Leinert reportedly scored very high. Maybe in the 30s as I recall ? However VY goes #3 and Leinert almost falls out of the top 10. And these guys are of course QBs, the one position where Wonderlic scores were thought to have a positive correlation to a players potential to succeed at the next level.
I really don't see any point in continuing to administer these tests since the
market, which is all the matters ultimately, says it doesn't give a squat about a guys score.
Well I must say that I was one of amny that thought getting this agent was a bad idea. So much for that notion. This guy came through for Young way better than Team Bush has so far.
nunusguy said:
That's exactly my point, it's not relavant. It is meaningless. VY almost surely scored in the single digits on his first attempt while Leinert reportedly scored very high. Maybe in the 30s as I recall ? However VY goes #3 and Leinert almost falls out of the top 10. And these guys are of course QBs, the one position where Wonderlic scores were thought to have a positive correlation to a players potential to succeed at the next level.
I really don't see any point in continuing to administer these tests since the
market, which is all the matters ultimately, says it doesn't give a squat about a guys score.

There is a lot of testing that goes on at the Combine past published measurables, and it factors into the decision to draft a player to varying degrees. The Wonderlic is simply one of those tests (others include the obvious background checks, basic psychiatric evaluations, as well as very detailed, prolonged physical exams, etc.) In the scheme of things and especially in regards to a celebrated, obviously talented and historically successful player like Vince Young, will his low Wonderlic crucify his draft status? --obviously not -- but it is nevertheless a viable factor, one of many that is considered, and is more probable to play a larger role in later round decisions.

To me, VY's low Wonderlic didn't indicate lack of intelligence (since I scored 10/10 in a practice test in 50 seconds; "a caveman could do it") but rather a lack of effort, or possibly the feeling that he thinks he is too good or too cool to bother. That to me is indicative of a potential attitude problem moreso than a basic, can-he-read-a-defense question. I think VY is a lazy thinker and that he will struggle in the pro game (or rather, not achieve all that he is capable of) so long as he relies only on his athleticism to get it done for him. But I don't say this to start another bash-VY post; I think he will be good and possibly great, I just think he will struggle at points along the way.

People made a big deal about VY and the Wonderlic because it really is sub-moronic that VY got a 6 on it ... I don't think any serious analysts were subsequently genuinely questioning his ability to play football. It was overblown sure, but I don't think that score alone really shuffled Vince on any team's draft boards. Teams typically conduct prolonged and very detailed interviews (and incorporate the results of those many other tests I mentioned) with potential draft choices and it's simply not possible for one bad intelligence test score to significantly alter their opinion of the guy. And people would talk the same talk if it were revealed in tomorrow's paper that Brad Pitt scored a 40 on an IQ test ... IMO it was mostly just celebrity gossip, at a time where VY was one of the nation's and especially the sports world's hottest celebrities.

Your suggestion that "the market" is all that matters is offbase IMO, considering that "the market" here in Houston were screaming for Bush or Young and got neither.

As far as VY going ahead of Leinart, I've heard from multiple sources that Bud was hellbent on drafting VY and I've heard conflicting reports that Tennessee's coaching staff wanted Leinart but were vetoed. So I wouldn't make too much out of VY going ahead of Leinart, as if that is indicative of either skill or potential in this league.
Chicagotexan1 said:
Well I must say that I was one of amny that thought getting this agent was a bad idea. So much for that notion. This guy came through for Young way better than Team Bush has so far.

Different owners, different situations. As MorKnolle has pointed out, "Team Bush" consists of Joel Segal who (a) typically waits until the last possible minute to sign his players, and (b) was certain to wait and see what VY got before he seriously negotiated Bush's contract any way. Not to mention (c) Benson is a notoriously tight owner, while (d) there is strong rumor that Bud Adams loves VY and thus it seems, would be willing to shell out top dollar for him.
"Your suggestion that "the market" is all that matters is offbase IMO, considering that "the market" here in Houston were screaming for Bush or Young and got neither."
"The market" I'm referring to Jerek is the NFL college Draft. It is the final talent evaluator of college football players entering the NFL as defined by the collective capital, both financial and intellectual, of the NFL.