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VY coming up on NFL Network

Missed it... he said the coaches he's talked to aren't concerned with the throwing motion. Didn't hear him field one question about Houston, it was all about Tennessee and Oakland actually. Said he came in at 6'5" 229. He is focusing on getting better and doing whatever it takes to win, but is going to keep playing like he always has. Said he did chalk talk with Oakland and St. Louis last night.
If McNair and Tennessee have a falling out, I don't see them taking VY. It's not that they'd take him to placate McNair, but they would have a continuity plan and the guy with the biggest upside in place. If that happens, I could see Young possibly slipping to Oakland. At #7 I see the Raiders taking BPA/ fixing a future need.
Not worth a new thread, but McClain has truly gone off his rocker with the VY man crush. He was just on 610 am saying VY looks as tall as 6' 9" McGrady. According to Gil Brandt, the tallest QB was Matt Leinart at 6' 4" 7/8ths. McClain also doesn't believe either VY or the NFL combine staff that VY weighs 227 lbs.
Dr. Toro said:
Evidently, McClain hasn't talked to a scout that has Leinart ranked ahead of Young.

Yeah, caught something like that--the people he is talking to have Young above Leinart and some with Cutler above Leinart as well. McClain has good contacts, but you have to wonder when they don't match anyone elses' contacts.
infantrycak said:
Yeah, caught something like that--the people he is talking to have Young above Leinart and some with Cutler above Leinart as well. McClain has good contacts, but you have to wonder when they don't match anyone elses' contacts.

Yeah... I imagine nobody has Leinart with a higher ceiling than Young, except for Leinart who compared himself to Tom Brady today. However, Leinart seems like more of a "can't miss prospect" (even though there isn't such a thing). Undoubtedly, the majority of NFL personnel people are more comfortable with Leinart. Absent some Ryan Leaf or Ricky Williams hidden psychological issues, Leinart is a very predictable player. Young is the enigma, so much talent and drive, but so many questions (valid or not) about his handlers, background, experience, NFL game, etc.
Dr. Toro said:
Yeah... I imagine nobody has Leinart with a higher ceiling than Young, except for Leinart who compared himself to Tom Brady today.

I have seen bunches of draft sites compare Leinart to Brady. Makes sense from the stand point of isn't going to blow any single physical attribute at all away, but makes good decisions and wins. Is his ceiling as high as Young's--seems like the question is for what, athleticism?--not a chance in Hades. On the other hand, Aikman and Brady never won any athleticism awards but both won 3 SB's in 4 years--if that is a lower ceiling, I'd say it is high enough.
infantrycak said:
Not worth a new thread, but McClain has truly gone off his rocker with the VY man crush. He was just on 610 am saying VY looks as tall as 6' 9" McGrady. According to Gil Brandt, the tallest QB was Matt Leinart at 6' 4" 7/8ths. McClain also doesn't believe either VY or the NFL combine staff that VY weighs 227 lbs.

He's going to have to get with Oliver Stone and make a movie about this national anti-Vince Young/anti-Longhorn conspiracy.
Some of the hating has been ridiculous, such as CBS Sportsline ranking Brett Basanez ahead of VY. The Cowherd diatribes, Merrill Hoge "insights", etc. As much love as he got and earned after the Rose Bowl he's gotten hate in the past month.

Young is tall and he plays tall, that's all I know about his height.
Dr. Toro said:
Young is tall and he plays tall, that's all I know about his height.

Absolutely. The only reason I made mention of his height was the absurdity of McClain comparing him to McGrady. I was also surprised Leinart was taller--looking at them, I thought Young was.
Dr. Toro said:
Some of the hating has been ridiculous, such as CBS Sportsline ranking Brett Basanez ahead of VY. The Cowherd diatribes, Merrill Hoge "insights", etc. As much love as he got and earned after the Rose Bowl he's gotten hate in the past month.

Young is tall and he plays tall, that's all I know about his height.

Dont worry- no serious football fan gives a toss as to what any1 at that site thinks
infantrycak said:
Not worth a new thread, but McClain has truly gone off his rocker with the VY man crush. He was just on 610 am saying VY looks as tall as 6' 9" McGrady. According to Gil Brandt, the tallest QB was Matt Leinart at 6' 4" 7/8ths. McClain also doesn't believe either VY or the NFL combine staff that VY weighs 227 lbs.

Well, considering that he is AT the NFL combine and talking with different people and you are at home surfing the web, I would like to think that he has alot more room to offer an opinion. I notice that any opinon on this situation not consistent with your own is deemed crazy, psycho, man-crushes, etc. He's entitled to his opinion, just like you, and everyone else for that matter. Besides you shouldn't get yourself worked up about this anyway. Bush is the pick, remember.
kbourda said:
Well, considering that he is AT the NFL combine and talking with different people and you are at home surfing the web, I would like to think that he has alot more room to offer an opinion. I notice that any opinon on this situation not consistent with your own is deemed crazy, psycho, man-crushes, etc. He's entitled to his opinion, just like you, and everyone else for that matter. Besides you shouldn't get yourself worked up about this anyway. Bush is the pick, remember.

Pull your knickers out. I don't have a problem with VY as the pick or anyone advocating VY as the pick for the Texans. On the other hand when McClain starts spuging stuff about VY being McGrady height and contradicting VY on his own weight, yeah, I'll comment about McClain having lost any semblance of objectivity. C'mon McGrady?--and does it really help McClain to be AT the NFL combine for that comment? Or does it help McClain to be AT the NFL combine when he asks VY his weight and doesn't believe him? By the way, neither of those comments involved surfing the web on my part or for that matter McClain talking to "different people" at the combine--as I stated originally they were from McClain on the radio.
So the scales are lying, Vince Young is lying, the measuring tape is lying, the NFL is lying, but John McClain is right? If Vince Young is as tall as TMac then Yao is only 7'2, Luther head is 5'10, and David Wesley is 5'9.

That must be the case.
infantrycak said:
Not worth a new thread, but McClain has truly gone off his rocker with the VY man crush. He was just on 610 am saying VY looks as tall as 6' 9" McGrady. According to Gil Brandt, the tallest QB was Matt Leinart at 6' 4" 7/8ths. McClain also doesn't believe either VY or the NFL combine staff that VY weighs 227 lbs.
I also caught McClain on 610 yesterday. Now he's denying that he ever said the Texans would draft VY, he says he's just saying it would be his own preferred choice.
He talked about hangin out with some Titans coaches, I gather at a local Indy watering hole, and how all of them are nuts about VY. Even said the
former Leinert tutor/USC offensive coach and current OC for the Titans bad
mouthed Leinert and now prefers VY.
Also some guy from Beumont called in and said that the local fans are distorting the national view of VY vs Reggie, and McClain wasn't hearing that.
I dunno....I felt like calling him up and betting that VY would still be on the Board after 5 teams picked, but knew I could never collect.
infantrycak said:
Not worth a new thread, but McClain has truly gone off his rocker with the VY man crush. He was just on 610 am saying VY looks as tall as 6' 9" McGrady. According to Gil Brandt, the tallest QB was Matt Leinart at 6' 4" 7/8ths. McClain also doesn't believe either VY or the NFL combine staff that VY weighs 227 lbs.

I think McClain said that it was probably a camera illusion that made them look comparable in height. Not the same height.