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USC to return Bushs Heisman Trophy


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In Bush's case, the memo says the school intends to return his Heisman Trophy:

The Trojan family honors and respects the USC sporting careers of those persons whose actions did not compromise their athletic program or the opportunities of future USC student-athletes. Accordingly, I have instructed the senior vice president for administration to remove athletic jerseys and murals displayed in recognition of O.J. Mayo and Reggie Bush by mid-August -- before the incoming class of students moves on campus -- from Heritage Hall, the Galen Center and the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The university also will return Mr. Bush's 2005 Heisman Trophy to the Heisman Trophy Trust in August.
This is confusing and needs some clarification, but this clearly says that USC
is cutting all ties with Bush, but whether or not Bush himself is stripped of the award, dosen't sound like it but I'm unsure ?
USC is giving back Bush’s Heisman. The Downtown Athletic Club of New York hands out two trophies. The winner gets one. The winner’s school gets one. Bush, who won the 2005 Heisman but has been found guilty by the NCAA of taking benefits and money from agents, can with his Heisman whatever he wants.
But the Trojans are getting rid of their Bush Heisman. The Bush Heisman no longer will sit in USC’s Heritage Hall with those won by outgoing athletic director Mike Garrett, O.J. Simpson (gulp), Charles White, Marcus Allen, Carson Palmer and Matt Leinart.
OK that clears it up. The Heisman group hands out 2 trophies, one to the player and one to his school and USC is returning the one they received from
the Heisman group. So this means that Bush remains the Heisman winner for 2005, I guess ?
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LMAO dumbass...but what does he care now?! If they would have done this while he WAS IN college then it would've hurt 'em not much so now....
Independent of Bush's "physical" possession of the trophy, it will be interesting if and where the "award" ultimately goes. If the option would be offered to VY, would he accept it knowing that he would probably forever be labeled as a "tainted" winner?
Independent of Bush's "physical" possession of the trophy, it will be interesting if and where the "award" ultimately goes. If the option would be offered to VY, would he accept it knowing that he would probably forever be labeled as a "tainted" winner?

Bush will never give his trophy up. And the Downtown Athletic Club will never repeal it because of the taint it would put on the trophy for all time.
Bush will never give his trophy up. And the Downtown Athletic Club will never repeal it because of the taint it would put on the trophy for all time.

You seem to be right, though it looks like, rather holding onto a piece of "gold," he will have been left with a lump of coal.

USC penalty: Banning Bush no small punishment

It’s a trite argument that NCAA penalties punish the innocent, that the guilty often are gone and the innocent are left to pick up the pieces. Such as at Southern Cal, where Pete Carroll and Reggie Bush are off to NFL glory, with only assistant coach Todd McNair, whose contract was not renewed, facing serious repercussions.

Not that it isn’t true. It’s just trite. Don’t run a clean program, or sign on with an unclean program, and pay the price. It’s that way at USC or Oklahoma or anywhere.

But the announcement Tuesday by USC president-elect C.L. Max Nikias that Bush basically will be banished from campus is no small punishment. Bush’s ban isn’t physical, at least as far as I know. But his legacy has been crushed.

University of Southern California's Reggie Bush celebrates his third quarter touchdown against Fresno St. in Los Angeles in this Nov. 19, 2005 photo. (AP Photo/Kevork Djansezian)
USC is giving back Bush’s Heisman. The Downtown Athletic Club of New York hands out two trophies. The winner gets one. The winner’s school gets one. Bush, who won the 2005 Heisman but has been found guilty by the NCAA of taking benefits and money from agents, can with his Heisman whatever he wants.

But the Trojans are getting rid of their Bush Heisman. The Bush Heisman no longer will sit in USC’s Heritage Hall with those won by outgoing athletic director Mike Garrett, O.J. Simpson (gulp), Charles White, Marcus Allen, Carson Palmer and Matt Leinart.

That’s no small punishment. That’s tough love. That’s a statement.

There has been lots of talk about whether the Downtown Athletic Club should revoke Bush’s Heisman, and it’s a silly question. You can’t rewrite history. You can’t go taking back awards. Just as baseball shouldn’t lift those MVPs won by Barry Bonds or the Cy Youngs won by Roger Clemens, college football can’t go pulling Heismans.

But that doesn’t mean Bush’s alma mater has to honor it. No matter what he says, the Heisman banishment has got to be a bitter blow to Bush. As is the announcement by USC that murals depicting Bush and basketball star O.J. Mayo, who also ran afoul of NCAA rules, would be taken down in Heritage Hall, the LA Coliseum and SC’s new basketball arena, the Galen Center.

To be ostracized by your alma mater, to be told that your exploits would not be celebrated, is serious punishment. I don’t know if Bush realizes it yet or not. I don’t know if 20-year-old athletes can understand the ramifications. But being told that your accomplishments no longer carry weight on campus is a major blow to an athlete’s legacy.

If Bush acts like he doesn’t care, don’t worry. He’s bluffing or he will care, one of the two.

This was a solid, serious move by USC. Forget the Trojans, for a moment. Think of something closer to home. Think of the pride associated with OU’s football stars. Think if Billy Sims was told his Heisman was no longer wanted in the Switzer Center. Sims would be crushed, and rightfully so.

You can’t change history. You can’t go giving out new awards or changing the result of games. But you can make it clear that doing your school wrong will lead to your school wanting no remembrances of things past, even the good times. That’s a heavy price to pay, and Reggie Bush is paying it.
What a scumbag. He gets the perks, and the current student athletes get the shaft. Thanks Reggie.
Dumbass witch hunt

Every Heisman winner in history has done the same thing!

No idea why Reggie and USC got picked on in particular.
Dumbass witch hunt

Every Heisman winner in history has done the same thing!

No idea why Reggie and USC got picked on in particular.

That is what I call an assumption. Unless you can prove that EVERY Heisman winner has done the same thing I dont want to hear it.
That is what I call an assumption. Unless you can prove that EVERY Heisman winner has done the same thing I dont want to hear it.

Every college player that has a shot at the NFL gets money from agents. Even players not destined there get money out the ass from boosters.
Yeah, I'm sure Doc Blanchard (Army), Glenn Davis (Army), Pete Dawkins (Army), Joe Bellino (Navy), Roger Staubach (Navy), ALL had agents and recieved money from boosters! :rolleyes:

Absolutely ridiculous!
Reggie Bush Claims He Made $100,000 Through USC Work-Study

02.16.10 NEW ORLEANS-Saints running back and former Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush refuted charges Monday that he accepted gifts, money, and other benefits exceeding $100,000 in value while playing football for the University of Southern California, claiming he earned that money "fair and square through constant hard work" at various on-campus work-study jobs.
Enlarge Image"During my time at USC, I managed not only to carry a full 12-unit course load every semester while playing Division I football, but I also worked as many as 15 simultaneous work-study jobs that allowed me the opportunity to provide food, clothing, and shelter for my family with a little spending money left over," Bush said, reading from a prepared statement at the Saints training facility. Bush also added that, on average, the university's work-study jobs paid $6.50 an hour. "I did not, I repeat, did not earn a dime for my play on the field."

Bush added: "I used the same focus, intensity, and relentless effort to shelve over 450,000 books as a librarian's assistant at the East Asian Library, Gerontology Library, and Hoose Library Of Philosophy that I did to help lead the Trojans to the 2004 national championship."

According to Bush, the librarian's assistant jobs, along with transporting television sets, DVD players, and overhead projectors across the campus for the school's audio-visual department, allowed Bush to purchase new suits for his stepfather and brother, a makeover for his mother, and limousine service to and from the Downtown Athletic Club for his Heisman Trophy ceremony.
"Whenever I would show a clip and the sound wouldn't work, it was always Reggie who would sprint the 40 yards from the audio-visual center in 4.2 seconds flat," said history professor Niles Langford. "And since I'm a real dumbbell with these electronics, believe me, he earned his money."

Bush said that he was able to purchase a 45-inch high-definition flat-screen television, rent his posh downtown apartment, and buy his friends the newest pair of Air Jordans by "working [his] butt off at the Carl's Jr. in the student union, taking lecture notes for disabled students six times a week, and working the Sunday-morning shift as a security guard at Trojan Hall."
"Reggie paid strict attention to those who entered and exited the dorm, making sure the guest policy was upheld and honored," said dorm supervisor Alex Valinsky. "Under his watch, nearly 17,000 guest violations were recorded."

"Easily a school record," Valinsky added. "Better even than O.J.'s work guarding faculty parking."

In addition, Bush said he worked after football practice from midnight until 5 a.m. for USC's Campus Cruiser Program, in which students who were out late and fearful of their general safety could call Bush's brand-new Motorola Razr cellular phone and be driven back to their dormitories in Bush's 2005 Cadillac Escalade with headrest television monitors.

"He was always very kind, polite, and never asked any embarrassing questions about what we had been doing," said USC junior Rebecca Meuthing, adding that in each of the nearly 1,160 times he escorted her home, Bush waited outside the dormitory listening to the newest rap CDs until he was sure she got in safely. "Sometimes we talked about football, but he mostly talked about how, after he dropped me off, he had to get to his work-study job entering grades into the USC School of Architecture database."

The money from that particular job, Bush insists, went a long way in providing his relatives with round-trip airfare so they could watch him compete on game day.

The biggest charge against Bush-the question of his family's ability to move from their small San Diego apartment to a $757,000 home in Spring Valley during Bush's junior year-could, according to Bush, be explained by his "cushy" job in the Student Activities Office, which Bush admits was "pretty easy," saying he "literally did nothing for $11 an hour."
"When I find the shoebox with all of my time sheets and pay stubs, I will be vindicated of any wrongdoing," Bush's statement concluded. "Unfortunately, most of these hundreds of boxes seem to contain new pairs of shoes, but they have to turn up sooner or later."

Trojans head coach Pete Carroll, who took reporters' questions as an opportunity to praise his former running back's "impeccable work ethic," said he was unaware the running back was making so much money, adding that he assumed the Hummer limousine in which Bush arrived at practice every day was simply provided by his agent.
Yeah, I'm sure Doc Blanchard (Army), Glenn Davis (Army), Pete Dawkins (Army), Joe Bellino (Navy), Roger Staubach (Navy), ALL had agents and recieved money from boosters! :rolleyes:

Absolutely ridiculous!

Yeah, but they were in the Military, so they just joined for the perks. :specnatz:
Reggie Bush Claims He Made $100,000 Through USC Work-Study...

"During my time at USC, I managed not only to carry a full 12-unit course load every semester while playing Division I football, but I also worked as many as 15 simultaneous work-study jobs that allowed me the opportunity to provide food, clothing, and shelter for my family with a little spending money left over," Bush said, reading from a prepared statement at the Saints training facility. Bush also added that, on average, the university's work-study jobs paid $6.50 an hour. "I did not, I repeat, did not earn a dime for my play on the field."

Okay Reggie, you earned $100K + during your 3 years at USC from a $6.50 an hour job.

$100K / $6.50 = 15,385 total hours of work
15,385 / 3 = 5,128 hours per year
5,128 / 52 = 99 hours per week
99 / 7 = 14 hours per day

Pretty interest that Bush was able to work 14 hours per day, take a full course load of school AND practice/play football. Not to mention he had to work during spring break, summer break, thanksgiving break, christmas break and every single weekend/school holiday...
Okay Reggie, you earned $100K + during your 3 years at USC from a $6.50 an hour job.

$100K / $6.50 = 15,385 total hours of work
15,385 / 3 = 5,128 hours per year
5,128 / 52 = 99 hours per week
99 / 7 = 14 hours per day

Pretty interest that Bush was able to work 14 hours per day, take a full course load of school AND practice/play football. Not to mention he had to work during spring break, summer break, thanksgiving break, christmas break and every single weekend/school holiday...

Actually that average was made up of 1537 hrs @ $6.50 and 1 @90,000
As far as I'm concerned Reggie Bush is a first class PriKX who single-handedly brought down one of the most prominent football programs in the whole country. He's always saying he did nothing wrong, well I'm sure he's fully aware he did lots of things wrong and a lot of innocent people suffered and will suffer for what he did. Why else would he refuse to testify in his own defense vs agent Lloyd Lake who he (Bush) ripped off for several
hundred K $s and who sued him but ultimately Bush settled out of court
with rather than go on record, under oath with some very self incrimminating evidence against himself (Bush).
I'm not an USC alum, never even took a single class there and as a matter of fact always root agaist USCs football team so I can only imagine how upset USC alums/fans must be towards Bush. It took 'bout 5 years, but the little chicken-shXX Bush finally got exactly what's coming to him.
But erasing games and accomplishments from the record books doesn't erase the memories of those games and ceremonies. Taking the Heisman now would be meaningless, the trophy hollow.

Young should issue a statement and, without mentioning Bush by name, say he doesn't want the Heisman. It'd be a nice bit of PR for a guy whose made his share of bad off-the-field headlines -- especially in the past month.
I got a real chuckle out of these comments by ESPN about Bush and the Heisman and the player who finished second to him in the balloting.
First off remember that Reggie Bush has no bigger fan than ESPN, and the cable stattion was clearly the MVP in getting Bush the award with their
endless repeat of that Bush TD run against the JVs of San Jose State.
They suggest that Vince Young should make a public declaration that he isn't interested in the trophy. If I were making a suggestion, I might wonder aloud why the Heisman committe doesn't take advantage of this opportunity
to finally, to once and for all award the Heisman to the player who was the
best football player of the 2005 college season and who also incidently won the biggest game of the season (if not the biggest game of the young century) for his team ?
Okay Reggie, you earned $100K + during your 3 years at USC from a $6.50 an hour job.

$100K / $6.50 = 15,385 total hours of work
15,385 / 3 = 5,128 hours per year
5,128 / 52 = 99 hours per week
99 / 7 = 14 hours per day

Pretty interest that Bush was able to work 14 hours per day, take a full course load of school AND practice/play football. Not to mention he had to work during spring break, summer break, thanksgiving break, christmas break and every single weekend/school holiday...

Just a quick adjust on the Sarc meter Ole Miss...The article is from the Onion. :shades:
Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure that the issue has been brought up before and it has been said that if a Heisman winner is stripped then nobody gets the award. It doesn't just go to the runner up.
Legitimate AP article:

Heisman Trust: No decision yet on Bush's Heisman

NEW YORK - The president of the Heisman Trophy Trust says a decision hasn't been reached on whether to strip former Southern California running back Reggie Bush of the award he won in 2005 honoring college football's top player.

The Trust said in a statement Wednesday that it is "considering the issues raised in the USC/Reggie Bush matter" and will eventually publish its decision.

The statement came a day after USC said it is returning its copy of Bush's trophy, among several measures the school is taking to distance itself from Bush in the wake of severe NCAA sanctions.

Bush was part of the focus of an NCAA investigation that involved improper benefits.

The school hired Pat Haden to take over for Mike Garrett as athletic director.
In the future, it may be very much less appealing for college players to receive gifts from the invisible gods.

The NCAA recently has made it clear that it will no longer look the other way when evidence arises of college football players getting paid. The NFL Players Association, which regulates contract agents, apparently plans to take the situation seriously, too.

In a Wednesday appearance on ESPN Radio's Mike & Mike in the Morning, NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith said that the union plans to pursue aggressively any agents who have violated the rules regarding the payment of college players.

Smith said that the NFLPA currently is investigating the possibility that an agent hired a runner (a go-between who helps recruit college players) to pose as a union employee. Smith said that the NFLPA will pursue sanctions against those agents. He also didn't rule out the possibility of referring such cases to criminal authorities.

"God help those agents" who are deemed to be guilty of a violation, Smith said.

Currently, the NFLPA has jurisdiction over contract agents and financial advisors. Both groups generally have been tied to paying players. Another group -- marketing agents -- are not covered by the union, but they arguably should be.

Either way, the matter seems to be on the union's radar screen. The next question becomes whether the union will be willing to take thorough and consistent action against any and all agents and financial advisors who break the rules, even if it means punishing agents who are on the union's "most favored nations" list.
Recently hired Southern California athletic director Pat Haden told USA Today Reggie Bush was contrite in a 15-minute phone call last week.

But Haden told the Los Angeles Times Bush did not apologize for his actions, which played a role in the NCAA's sanctioning the school.

"Never did he say I'm sorry or I apologize," Haden told the L.A. Times. "Never did he say, 'I lied to the NCAA or I took stuff.'"
"He told me, 'If I could turn the clock back, I would. If I could give the Heisman Trophy back, I would,'" Haden told USA Today.

At the same time, Haden told the Times he did not consider that an apology.

"I would say it was conversation of him being contrite, but not an apology," Haden told the Times.
Bush brings a whole program down and he can't even offer a formal apology
to USC. Mealymouthed little weasel.
Of course maybe any admission of guilt even at this point would represent some kind of potential legal exposure ?
Recently hired Southern California athletic director Pat Haden told USA Today Reggie Bush was contrite in a 15-minute phone call last week.

But Haden told the Los Angeles Times Bush did not apologize for his actions, which played a role in the NCAA's sanctioning the school.

"Never did he say I'm sorry or I apologize," Haden told the L.A. Times. "Never did he say, 'I lied to the NCAA or I took stuff.'"
"He told me, 'If I could turn the clock back, I would. If I could give the Heisman Trophy back, I would,'" Haden told USA Today.

At the same time, Haden told the Times he did not consider that an apology.

"I would say it was conversation of him being contrite, but not an apology," Haden told the Times.

Bush brings a whole program down and he can't even offer a formal apology
to USC. Mealymouthed little weasel.
Of course maybe any admission of guilt even at this point would represent some kind of potential legal exposure ?

Why can he not give the trophy back? USC did.