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Training Camp Day 2

Coach C.

So what did you guys think of Day 2. It was a bit hard for you guys that were in the stands because wow you did not get much to see till 11on11 drills and they let you come down. It was another hot day today, and the players were feeling it. Many guys started to cramp, DRob rolled an ankle, dont worry it is not bad at all, and Moulds did not practice this morning at all. Other than that it was a better practice, not nearly as sloppy as yesterday. AJ was on his game today and did not miss many passes, the DLine was killing the Oline, pretty much everything on par.
OH KT my bad. Morency was running much better and got downhill a bit faster today. Taylor looked good again. On one play during 11on11 Estelle did not keep outside contain and he took one cut and broke outside and had alot of running room. He also juked greenwood pretty good. All in all they both had pretty good days. Carr and Andre were really insync today and hooked up alot of times the most notable on a playaction rollout right that he hit Andre downfield for the touchdown.
Carr and Andre were really insync today and hooked up alot of times the most notable on a playaction rollout right that he hit Andre downfield for the touchdown.

Nice. Hope this is a sign of things to come!

Appreciate the update, Coach C. :thumbup
Coach C. said:
OH KT my bad. Morency was running much better and got downhill a bit faster today. Taylor looked good again. On one play during 11on11 Estelle did not keep outside contain and he took one cut and broke outside and had alot of running room. He also juked greenwood pretty good. All in all they both had pretty good days. Carr and Andre were really insync today and hooked up alot of times the most notable on a playaction rollout right that he hit Andre downfield for the touchdown.

You could not have relayed three better things. :texflag:

Really appreciate you, AJ, TC and the rest of the members for bringing back your takes so soon to us that can't get there or do not have the access.
Texans_Chick said:
Please more gruel, sir.


I dont get it, what is it you would like to know. I am sure other writers(much better than myself) will be able to illustrate what was going on better. Jerek was out there today, and I know he should be on soon enough to really write the good stuff I just figured I would start it off.

This makes me want to go out there Sunday to meet some of yall guys and to really see our new team.

Unfortunatly, I have no tickets and no idea what time the first practice starts. If anyone can help with these two proplems, I will be at your service for a while (mostly for the first one!!).
Coach C. said:
I dont get it, what is it you would like to know. I am sure other writers(much better than myself) will be able to illustrate what was going on better. Jerek was out there today, and I know he should be on soon enough to really write the good stuff I just figured I would start it off.

I want to know everything about everything as fast as possible. What looked good. What looked bad. What looked in the middle.

You don't have to write fancy. Just write as much as you can.

My ability to go to camps and access is very limited. So I want as much table scraps as I can get.

You know how it is. :redtowel:
I am not sure what time it starts likely same as always 8:30 and I have no clue about the tickets, sorry. One thing that I did not mention that just popped into my mind was the Dline today. One thing that is noticeable is how aggressive they are and were very prone to be out of position on misdirection and some playaction plays, but when they pinned their ears back the Oline had nothing for them. Sage Rosenfels also caught a nice shot from Peek which was funny and had Kubiak and Rick Smith telling everyone to be careful.
To my knowledge the tickets are free, i just dont know were you get them from. Also the second practice is not accessible by fans Only media and staff. Ok someone just told me check Wachovia Bank Locations.
YoungTexanFan said:
Any of them? All of them? What time for which ones? Links of info for me to read? ANYONE?!?!?!?

Thanks guys!!

All of the free tickets are gone.

Lots of people have extras. Post a request in the Tailgate forum and someone may be able to set you up.

Also, you can try the nice folks at too. Lots of overlap, but not necessarily.

Good luck. :texflag:
Very nice post Coach C. Anyone else ?

I've already promised my spares for tomorrow to someone. Friday, there were spares and people left them up with the ticket takers. My thought is you better get there very early and prey if you want the morning sestion.
Okay, I thought I would post my two cents before I take a looong nap. I never actually played football beyond the collegiate intramural variety, so it's a little difficult for me to really gauge in on their practice sessions and understand how that will translate to a real game. I'll just point out the sessions I watched and what I saw.

WR 1 on 1 w/ CB. Andre Johnson was positively killing everyone, including D-Rob. He and Carr look very sharp, very in sync right now. Mind you this was just route running with no pass rush, but Johnson was using anyone and everyone and not really breaking a sweat. He looks very upbeat and I noticed a lot of the players with a, forgive me the corniness, but a spring in their step, despite the pretty stifling heat. AJ caught every ball thrown to him that I noticed. As Coach C pointed out, Moulds did not practice -- disappointing since I really wanted to see him in action -- but Walther looks pretty good. Buchanon was still getting beat a lot but he looks a lot better, a lot more physical, and Hoke seemed to like his progress. McKinzie is fast but really just too small; he easily kept up with people but would get outjumped for the ball. I think Hoke is trying to get into them about physical hits and it seems like they were catching on. Walther and Armstrong look good and as expected; they are big, run pretty good routes and have great hands, but don't get much separation, which may be an issue against DBs that are taller than 5'9".

My only real concern right now is that our DBs are small and somewhat inexperienced. All of them. Hopefully pressure up front will force bad throws and generate INTs, but our DBs are easily the weakest aspect of our D right now. But ... now that we're no longer going to be asking them to cover WRs for 4+ seconds per play ... I think that is going to make them look much better. Buchanon seems encouraged by the new rush and is playing up a lot more than he used to.

11 on 11. Carr was finding open receivers and throwing a lot of great passes. There were however a very few times he was pressured and threw a hurried pass or took off running where I might have liked to see him wait it out and let the play develop a little more. He was typically able to get rid of the ball pretty quickly. There were a lot of PA bootlegs and rollouts and these were executed beautifully and successfully. On the play Coach C mentioned, Carr PA'd and rolled right and hit AJ in stride for a good 40+ yards ... was poetry to watch. Carr for the most part looked pretty sharp and very upbeat today. I love our offensive playcalling; we are using a lot of 3 WR and sending more people out on routes in any formation. Carr to AJ on the quick slant sent shivers down my spine, and it looks like they are practicing that as a go-to play; saw it a good few times in the short 11 session. Wiegert was starting at RT most of the time IIRC on first team.

D-line vs O-line 1 on 1. Peek is a beast. He looks fast and very strong. He probably still plays a little emotionally and is prone to overpursue, but now that he is on the D-line, that's put to better use. I still don't know about his move repertoire (I'm not expert enough to really analyze him technique-wise) but for the most part he was getting by people with one quick move and charging through. Spencer is large; very large, but looked a little lost at times. He looked okay and I suspect he has a future with this team. I didn't notice Wand very much; not to say he didn't get their reps, just didn't happen to notice them very much. Mario looked good but he still looks like he's thinking too much; but hey, plenty of time to work on that, and it's just the nature of being a rookie any way. He is a physical specimen and absolutely steamrolled his blocker several times. Winston seems to have good footwork but he's not hitting the block quick enough and got beat inside several times.

D-line. I don't know if our D-line is just that good or if our O-line is just not that good, but our D-line was just dominating a lot of the time. Again I'm not expert enough to analyze them on fine points of technique, but the O-line was getting used by our first team D-line. I'm overjoyed that we have a real defensive line and a real pass rush this year. Peek looked like he was getting a lot of the firstteam reps at weakside DE.

D-Rob rolled an ankle, but he looks like he'll be able to walk it off. He sat out the rest of practice but looked like he was okay, just a tweak that'll take a day or two.

Chris Taylor is going to be good, I think. He is fast and he's a hard worker, and he makes good decisions. I like Antowain Smith too, as a short yardage power back. He's huge and he doesn't dance like friggin Jonathon Wells did; he takes the hole and goes. I think he is going to be hard to bring down. Domanick Davis looks good but just a half step shy of his full speed, but he didn't take a lot of reps. I hope we can avoid overusing him this year and let him bang out his 1,200 yards.

I didn't really watch DeMeco Ryans, but he played mostly on the second team today. I'ma watch him tomorrow and check him out in more detail.

I am really excited, after today's practice. It was hot as sin outside and for the most part, the players genuinely looked good, focused, and upbeat. There is a lot of rookie and offseason rust to be cleaned up and the team is going to need time to really gel and learn to play well together, but there is a lot to look forward to. The offensive and defensive playcalling looks incredible. I'm not exaggerating when I say I don't remember one off tackle right play all day. I was going back and forth between the different teams a lot, but we are looking good right now and good for only the second day of camp.

I'm tired and I reallly need to sleep.
See told you Jerek would be able to better convey what was going on. I dont write well, but I do know the technique part. It is all about complimenting.
That was a nice article for those not down in Houston. I am in Amarillo so can't watch the practices but this message board rocks to keep us up to date. I am glad to hear that AJ and Carr were hooking up because AJ is still our best WR and still very explosive. I hope our OL starts to gel or something because the last thing we need is Carr getting beat around again like the past few years. I think it was the best thing for Peak to move to DE again instead of LB. He played to much like a DE when he was a LB. Hopefully he can contain his emotion though this year. Sounds like it could be an exciting year. Can't wait till we can at least get a preseason game in against KC. :yahoo:
Wow, good stuff. Thanks Coach C and Jerek for your assessments.

I got to say what worries me most and seems to keep coming up is the O-Line is getting beat. I am thrilled the D-Line is looking this good, but I hope they are just that much better and it is not the case of a bad O-Line making the D look better than they are. I know it's in the early going but I hope beyond hope we put a decent O-Line on the field this year.
I watched today's practice with Keith from hpf. Near the end of practice - and after watching AJ destroy every defender in sight - I made the comment to Keith that the defense is ahead of the offense by a score of 10-1.

I think Dunta's feelings were hurt as much as his ankle after AJ took him to school a couple times on Field 1.
Hardcore Texan said:
Wow, good stuff. Thanks Coach C and Jerek for your assessments.

I got to say what worries me most and seems to keep coming up is the O-Line is getting beat. I am thrilled the D-Line is looking this good, but I hope they are just that much better and it is not the case of a bad O-Line making the D look better than they are. I know it's in the early going but I hope beyond hope we put a decent O-Line on the field this year.

This is my concern as well, as I am sure it is the concern of many others. I think we still have a ways to go before we have a quality oline, but I believe we are going in the right direction.

On a side note. I've been watching all the videos and reading the interviews with Carr, and to me, he sounds like he's saying everything he's always said in past interviews. I'm not sure if he is just a political guy and wants to say all the right things, or if he truly believes what he is saying about this regime. Regardless of which it is, I just feel as if I've heard all of his interviews before.....with Capers and Kubiak, they all sound the same.

Anyone else feel this way about Carr?
I think the O line is much better than what we are use to seeing. The situation is they are gelling and our Dline is better and more athletic than they are. My thing is that the constant battles with our Dline is going to make our Oline that much better. They are getting stronger each practice and by the end of Pre-season I think we are going to have a solid unit, we wont be challenging for a top 16 unit in the league, but we could break into the 20s.
:rant: For those that weren't there...

Unlike Day 1, the Texans decided to "elope" over to field two today, leaving hundreds of fans stuck in the stands with nothing to watch without a really good set of field-grade binoculars or a huge telephoto lens. Yep, it's a good thing that events like this are FREE, otherwise there would have been a full-blown riot. No explanation, just BAM! and the whole team took off nearly beyond visual range. I hope no one in the Texans FO thought this was somehow endearing to those who came out to see a TC session and experienced the (as "our" AJ so eloquently put it) "Goat Rope" that was showcased today. Fan Fiesta was so wonderful that hundreds watched all of 30-40 min. of some drills on field one, and then left in frustration as the players 'migrated' over to the other field where they didn't let anyone over till the last 20 min. of 11-on-11.:rant:

For what we did see...

Mario definitely looks "disruptive" and truly apprears that he can impose his will on the OT assigned to him. Dunta (prior to turning the ankle) looked good, and despite AJ making some brilliant catches over the top, was with him step for step. Kendrick Starling (my personal ST fav.) looked sharp on his routes and speedy as usual, but dropped several passes that hit him in the hands...this did NOT escape Kubiak's notice. Armstrong caught everything pretty much thrown in his area code and looked to be cruising (Like AJ) w/o too much huffing & puffing. Spencer was worth watching today, he seemed to match up well 'in space' against nearly everyone thrown his Mario, he just looks HUGE.

Autograph seekers were pretty well stiffed by all the cart-ferrying going on. The best hopes were with the defenders and Moulds (who despite not seeing action today, stopped and signed a few items the 1st time through the "gauntlet".
With a little bit of coaching and technique work, Spencer is going to become a very good NFL tackle. He's massive, strong, uses his hands well, and has decent feet for such a big man. I'm excited about the guy.

Petey's broken foot really pisses me off.
no they are not wearing full pads and they are not going to really cut there own men that much. Also, disaaks sorry that you guys had to sit in the stands Roger Carr said that must have sucked because it looked hot and they told us early that they were going to be on field 2. They are just trying to keep the fields in the best condition possible. Was nice of them to let you guys down during 11on11 at least eventhough you had to stay on one part of the track.
Hardcore Texan said:
Is there any cut-blocking going on during run plays?


The OLs are practicing their man and zone attacks, putting their bodies where they are supposed to be, but everything is above the waist.
aj. said:
With a little bit of coaching and technique work, Spencer is going to become a very good NFL tackle. He's massive, strong, uses his hands well, and has decent feet for such a big man. I'm excited about the guy.

Petey's broken foot really pisses me off.

This is the first I have heard of Faggins breaking his foot. This is horrible news? Anyone know how bad it is and how long they think he will be out? So I guess Buchanon will be starting opposite DROB. Do we have a solid nickel back? I guess that would be Mckenzie, no?
Hardcore Texan said:
This is the first I have heard of Faggins breaking his foot. This is horrible news? Anyone know how bad it is and how long they think he will be out? So I guess Buchanon will be starting opposite DROB. Do we have a solid nickel back? I guess that would be Mckenzie, no?

6-10 weeks, per McClain. A bad blow to an already thin secondary.
Coach C. said:
Was nice of them to let you guys down during 11on11 at least eventhough you had to stay on one part of the track.
AS far as I'm concerned, Kubes can lock 'em all in the bubble till opening day if it'll help the team! I've got no problem w/ limiting public access...but don't invite people and then say "Oops , sorry" we're going over here. There were a LOT of seriously PO'd people over that action. It would have defused the situtation greatly had anyone bothered to explain the situation to the fans who were there. :challenge

I still enjoyed the part I could watch, but for the more 'casual' fan (like my wife) the group drills are far more entertaining.

....I was wondering why P-Buc was playing opposite Dunta so much...heal up soon Petey!
Coach C. said:
I think the O line is much better than what we are use to seeing. The situation is they are gelling and our Dline is better and more athletic than they are. My thing is that the constant battles with our Dline is going to make our Oline that much better. They are getting stronger each practice and by the end of Pre-season I think we are going to have a solid unit, we wont be challenging for a top 16 unit in the league, but we could break into the 20s.

I hope you're right, Coach. Either our d-line is that much more improved than we've ever seen and will make our o-linemen better through practice, or we have another weak line that will make even an average defensive player look good. It's speculation, of course, as it's very early in TC to really judge.

I was hoping to hear that our offensive line was winning most of the battles, even though I want a dominant D and Williams to be a powerhouse. But our most pressing need has to be addressed or we're in for another potentially long, long season.

I figure two weeks from now should give us a small glimpse of things to come, though.
We definitely need another corner now. Faggins is said to be out 6-10 weeks. It is on the practice report for Sat. morning.
dtran04 said:
We definitely need another corner now. Faggins is said to be out 6-10 weeks. It is on the practice report for Sat. morning.

....and don't worry we've already signed one (Dexter McCleon). Wow are we really on it or what. :redtowel: He's supposed to be here tomorrow so we'll get to see what he's got.
After the guys were on field 2 for about 30 min some guy from the Texans came by and told us they would be practicing there for another 30 min or more. I really didn't care. If Kubiak had gotten his way there would be NO open practices at all. I just figured we had a few more open sessions anyway, so I went home. It's just tough luck for those who could only go to a practice on the weekend. I felt reallly bad for some of the kids too. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day and I just hope they don't decide to practice on field 3. You would need a telescope!:redtowel:
I'm not the grass guru, but my guess is they were resting feild one. Saw a few chunks of truff scattered about after friday mornings practice.

Nice observations all. Anyone else ? don't be shy. Dosen't have to be Stephen King...just your thoughts an observastions of what you saw.

Though break on Faggins.
I'm glad Dre is running slants again. I know that the absence of that simple route - which should be his bread and butter - caused a lot of angst in the Johnson household last year.

aj. said:
With a little bit of coaching and technique work, Spencer is going to become a very good NFL tackle. He's massive, strong, uses his hands well, and has decent feet for such a big man. I'm excited about the guy.

This is good. I expected him to have a bit of a learning curve to climb - one of the weaknesses listed in his scouting report was that he was raw, and he hasn't played much o-line. I'm glad he has the physical skills that we thought he had. I have no doubt he'll come along very quickly if he puts in the hard work, because he's getting the coaching. He's a great addition to our o-line roster.
Coach C. said:
I think the O line is much better than what we are use to seeing. The situation is they are gelling and our Dline is better and more athletic than they are. My thing is that the constant battles with our Dline is going to make our Oline that much better. They are getting stronger each practice and by the end of Pre-season I think we are going to have a solid unit, we wont be challenging for a top 16 unit in the league, but we could break into the 20s.
I think the D-line dominating the O-line at this point is as it should be. If it was the other way around, I would be worried. It almost always takes the Offense longer to LOOK good when learning a new system. The reason for this is that even if the defense isn't really straight on the scheme yet, it may look better to an untrained eye simply because the Defense is able to pin their ears back and use their athleticism to make up for their lack of knowledge. The Offense will get better and so will the Defense as they learn the system. As they learn the system, they can't help but improve, and in so doing, help each other to improve by going against each other. The better one side gets, it stands to reason that they will help the other side get better.
I agree with that.. last season bit me in the @ss... we heard how the defense was tearing it up and how Carr is looking better and even with the new coaches I am cautious
Wolf said:
I agree with that.. last season bit me in the @ss... we heard how the defense was tearing it up and how Carr is looking better and even with the new coaches I am cautious
that is very understandable, and the reason it took me so long to even say what I did. I am still worried that we might see the same thing this year, but I have to have faith. I have to have faith that we have better coaches this year. I have to have faith that we have a better system this year. But most of all, I have to have faith that the players won't allow themselves to play as bad as they did last year.
you right..
I am like you

one hand I like hearing that our DL is tearing up and I hope that it is the cup is half full thing(meaning the DLine is good) I just hope it isn't the cup is half empty (meaning the OL isn't fixed) (which I think will be)
tacoman_j said:
You guys mention the aggressiveness of Peek, but what about the Babinator??
Is he any good at the weakside?:shoot:

I didn't really notice Babin today, but (a) I was on Mario's side of the field, so he was harder to see, and (b) that doesn't mean he sucked or wasn't doing well; just to say that he never stood out to me. I don't remember any one play where I thought, damn, there you go Babin. As I wasn't making it a point to watch him though, take that FWIW. I'll try to check him out in more detail tomorrow.

I echo AJ's concerns about TJ, but the difference might be that I've never expected much of anything out of him. I hated the pick last year and thought we were reaching for a guy who, given his college resume and measurables, just wasn't supposed to be a serious factor in the NFL. I always thought he was relatively lazy and unmotivated and not particularly dedicated to being in shape. I'm not sure how his level of fitness differs from last year's (it was bad last year), but IMO Kubiak and Co. are probably, in part, simply setting the bar differently than Capers did. I hope he comes around as he has the potential, but he has a lot of work to do and it's got to start with a mental renovation.
tacoman_j said:
You guys mention the aggressiveness of Peek, but what about the Babinator??
Is he any good at the weakside?:shoot:

So far I've been impressed with Babs.

There's no hesitation in him this year. Chalk it up to not having to think as much.
aj. said:
So far I've been impressed with Babs.

There's no hesitation in him this year. Chalk it up to not having to think as much.

Haven't seen anything on the other rookie running back, Wallie Lundy, did he do anything as well? How has he looked?
Lundy and Chris Taylor have both looked good so far. But so did Jason Anderson a few years ago....

Don't expect either to jump over DD, Morency or Antowain ... not just yet ... but I like both of those kids.
aj. said:
Lundy and Chris Taylor have both looked good so far. But so did Jason Anderson a few years ago....

Don't expect either to jump over DD, Morency or Antowain ... not just yet ... but I like both of those kids.

Think so? ... I think Taylor may well be in line for taking Morency's spot. Only seen one practice so far, so that may be a rash proclamation on my part, but I think he looked really good today ...
jerek said:
Think so? ... I think Taylor may well be in line for taking Morency's spot. Only seen one practice so far, so that may be a rash proclamation on my part, but I think he looked really good today ...

What are there numbers? Lundy and Taylor? Didn't Lundy have the same Zone Blocking Scheme at Virginia?
I saw this little Blurb on DD on the practice report here on the the Texans site.

Davis back in action: Domanick Davis, who sat out during mini-camp returned to the practice field Friday. Davis, who had been nursing a sore knee, split time with a bevy of other Texans’ running backs, but the fourth-year player out of LSU said he felt fine following Friday morning’s practice.

“I’m feeling pretty good,” Davis said. “I did a little more than they wanted me to do so it’s feeling pretty good. Whenever I start feeling like it’s back to normal then that’s when I’ll do more. I’m kind of pushing it a little more to see how far it’ll let me go without swelling up and it’s not so that’s pretty good.”

Originally Davis was slated for just individual periods Friday morning. Knowing that he’s only going to practice once a day, Davis decided to do more than just position drills.

“I did way more than that because I’m pushing myself a little hard too. It’s not normal but it feels good enough to do it. I’m just going to take it one day at a time and just take it slow.”

I think that DD will be fine.