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Trade Carr to N.O. for #2?


Any reason to think that Carr would be worth the 2nd pick in the first round? No, I didn't think so. Some way we could sweeten the deal? A RB perhaps? Another pick?
swtbound07 said:
lets make them a package

tony hollings
bennie joppru
david carr
phillip buchanon for the #2 pick

tony hollings has still not been given a fair chance to play with the first team after he was completely healed. He is still a better RB than Morency IMO.

Joppru was unpredictable. He still has that potential that made us draft him.

David Carr is our franchise face, so get over it already. He has made it through adversity, namely coaches. It is his turn to benifit from a new coach and proven system.

Buchanon is our most physically gifted CB, even more than Robinson. *blast away* He is versitle and still a threat with the ball in his hands. He is not a zone corner, which surprised me when we traded for him. His early ineptitude to tackle has been resolved, and he showed that he was willing to tackle head on when given the chance to play again. Robinson even struggled this year, and I attribute that mostly to our porus safty play. No CB can stay with his man for the time we asked them to. Buchanon was picked on early, but had no help from over the top. However, once he started tackling properly and showed his marked improvement, teams immediatly started picking on our weakest link in faggins. That is the CB to cut. Buchanon has tons of potential and ability. A proper coach will show us fans that. Faggins has nothing, and that has been obvious.
Are we supposed to sign Carr to a 2 year extension just to trade him and take a cap hit and then pay a #1 and #2 pick #1 and #2 pick money?
Napa Auto Parts said:
hahahaha that would be a sweet deal if we could give NO All of our bust:yahoo:

all of those players have gone through advirsity of some sort, they are all very young and physically gifted. I can garentue that if we were to make that trade, in two years NO would be in the playoffs with our rejects at their core. With a new staff, you will see their potential translate how it should.

That trade would go down as the worst in history and you think young to the titans would bite us in the ***? :ok:
texan279 said:
Are we supposed to sign Carr to a 2 year extension just to trade him and take a cap hit and then pay a #1 and #2 pick #1 and #2 pick money?

I guess so. That makes SOOOOOO much sense now that you put it in perspective. Why couldnt we have Young, Bush, DD, and AJ? :brickwall

get real people, if you want that kind of proposed stupidity, join another board...or start a piggy-bank for the team. :rolleyes:

*I'm sick, so don't blast me too much right now*
YoungTexanFan said:
all of those players have gone through advirsity of some sort, they are all very young and physically gifted. I can garentue that if we were to make that trade, in two years NO would be in the playoffs with our rejects at their core. With a new staff, you will see their potential translate how it should.

That trade would go down as the worst in history and you think young to the titans would bite us in the ***? :ok:

Really that trade would bite us NO would be a playoff team not if they start any of the players we trade them

D.Carr Cant Play in this league reason 1
B.Jopru He is worse than fragile fred when it comes to being injured reason 2
T.Hollings wouldnt even make the teams Behind D mcallister A smith Astecker Reason 3
Phillip Buchanon went to the Deion Sanders School Of Tackling. reason 4 how would that make them a playoff team honestly homerism aside.
Nighthawk said:
Any reason to think that Carr would be worth the 2nd pick in the first round? No, I didn't think so. Some way we could sweeten the deal? A RB perhaps? Another pick?

I think Carr & one of our 3rd round picks could get it done. But, I'm starting to think that we'll be trading with Tennesse for the #3 pick, a player (Daniel Loper?), & a 3rd round pick. Or, something like that. I can't believe that Young would come out & take a chance that New Orleans would draft him at #2.
Napa Auto Parts said:
Really that trade would bite us NO would be a playoff team not if they start any of the players we trade them

D.Carr Cant Play in this league reason 1
B.Jopru He is worse than fragile fred when it comes to being injured reason 2
T.Hollings wouldnt even make the teams Behind D mcallister A smith Astecker Reason 3
Phillip Buchanon went to the Deion Sanders School Of Tackling. reason 4 how would that make them a playoff team honestly homerism aside.

man, you seriously do not like some of our guys. Give them a chance.

D. Carr has had one half of a game to show he can play in the NFL...he set a record for points in a half for our team when he was allowed to call the plays. Pendry and Capers hindered his performance. Palmer was a plus for him I believe.

Jopru had no previous injury history, and displayed a great work ethic and ability. He has been working out post-injury and is in the best shape of his life.

Hollings has only gotten to show glimpses. He was still recovering when he got his most playing time. He is healthy, and I promise he is 10x the back that Morency is. He would also make the saints team. He would be the qucik, cutting back. He would contribute, and then you think...what if he was in Denver...then you think...what if we brought Dever's sucess to Houston??

Buchanon had a very rough start to the season, and he did not show the willingness to tackle head on. If you would put your "homerism" aside, you would see how well he actually played after his benching. He also saved the win for us against the Browns. Buchanon would not only make the team, but would start for sure.

In perspective:
Carr would start
Hollings would make the team, likely as the #2 RB and contribute on ST.
Jorpu would become that "dual" threat at TE everyone is looking for.
Buchanon would be in a position to utilize his ability and would more than sucede.

I did not say they alone would put the saints in the playoffs, but I did say that what you are calling our cast offs and rejects would be at their core.
hollings is a 2 or 3 back. David carr HASNT DONE IT for 4 years. Joppru has never played a down in the nfl, so how can you call him a dual threat. Buchanon is made into my favorite breakfast food on a regular basis.
If Carr is a better option than Young (according to many) at QB than he should be worth a top 3 pick considering Young will probably go in the top 3.
swtbound07 said:
hollings is a 2 or 3 back. David carr HASNT DONE IT for 4 years. Joppru has never played a down in the nfl, so how can you call him a dual threat. Buchanon is made into my favorite breakfast food on a regular basis.

I'm not making hollings out to be anything but a 2 or 3 back.

David Carr HAS DONE IT WHEN GIVEN THE CHANCE. He has willed our team to victories we didnt deserve, and has gotten up from hits seasoned practice dummies have still yet to take.

Joppru is still considered to have the ability to be that TE we lack. I still support us drafting one this year, but he has the ability. He is also in the best physical condition of his career as of this point.

Buchanon is our 2nd best DB, and much better than most teams #2. He has the ability, in the right system of course, to be many teams #1 CB. He is physically more gifted than Daunta, but Daunta is still a better player.
Nighthawk said:
Any reason to think that Carr would be worth the 2nd pick in the first round? No, I didn't think so. Some way we could sweeten the deal? A RB perhaps? Another pick?
Carr not worth a #2 would definately have to add some players for this to happen.
Hookem Horns said:
If Carr is a better option than Young (according to many) at QB than he should be worth a top 3 pick considering Young will probably go in the top 3.

If Carr is better than Young, it's probably only because of experience. I defend Carr all the time, because I really believe that he has taken the blame for bad coaching, a bad receiver group, and horrible pass blocking and because I believe he really is a good, descent QB, but I don't think his upside is as high as Young's (IF Young ever manages to get there). Carr's not worth a top 3 pick, no, but I still want to Trade Down because QB is one of the few non-needs on this team, and so is RB. I've said before, I can live with taking Young, but taking Bush scares me and I'm afraid he's going to wind up playing WR primarily.
Napa Auto Parts said:
Really that trade would bite us NO would be a playoff team not if they start any of the players we trade them

D.Carr Cant Play in this league


Napa Auto Parts said:
B.Jopru He is worse than fragile fred when it comes to being injured

Gotta agree with that one. I don't think it's likely that Joppru's ever going to make it through 5 games in this league without suffering a season ending injury.

Napa Auto Parts said:
T.Hollings wouldnt even make the teams Behind D mcallister A smith Astecker

I don't think Hollings will ever make it either.

Napa Auto Parts said:
Phillip Buchanon went to the Deion Sanders School Of Tackling.

Buchannon's fake attempts at tackling really pissed me off early this year, but , it's true, he would do much better in man coverage, as long as the coaches stay on his butt about the tackling.

Napa Auto Parts said:
how would that make them a playoff team honestly homerism aside.

You're right, for once. It wouldn't.

Napa Auto Parts said:
I'm always wrong and HJam is always right.

True, and thank you for admitting it. :)
HJam72 said:
If Carr is better than Young, it's probably only because of experience. I defend Carr all the time, because I really believe that he has taken the blame for bad coaching, a bad receiver group, and horrible pass blocking and because I believe he really is a good, descent QB, but I don't think his upside is as high as Young's (IF Young ever manages to get there). Carr's not worth a top 3 pick, no, but I still want to Trade Down because QB is one of the few non-needs on this team, and so is RB. I've said before, I can live with taking Young, but taking Bush scares me and I'm afraid he's going to wind up playing WR primarily.

Passing on Bush to take VY is one thing and vice versa, but if they trade the pick and dont get either it will get ugly in H-Town. Bob knows he cant afford to do that to the fan base and get away with it.
BigBull17 said:
Passing on Bush to take VY is one thing and vice versa, but if they trade the pick and dont get either it will get ugly in H-Town. Bob knows he cant afford to do that to the fan base and get away with it.

I think the fan base is overestimating their willpower. In the end, the only thing that will matter is wins and losses. Granted, trading down and then never having things work out would be disastrous and taking Young might be a safe way to sort of say, "Well, at least we gave you what you wanted, even if it didn't work out."

Napa Auto Parts said:
HJam is a god.

OK, that's just butt kissing. :)
When it was clear that Young was declaring, it became very clear to me that we were NOT trading down and that Bush or Young would be our pick. I will say my desire to get Ferguson (trading down) has been lessoned by the fact we are going to hire Kubiak. That Denver style of O-line can be had in later rounds.
I guess I should just give up because I'm sure you're right and the Trade Down isn't going to happen, whether I like it or not. That's puts me in the biggest bandwagon camp, lol. Take Young, ra ra ra... I'm not quite into it yet. :cool:
You know what's going to happen though. We'll take Bush. He'll bust as an RB and end up as a #2 or 3 WR. Meanwhile, the Titans will take Young and, although he won't do anything at first, we will regret it for a decade. :hairpull:
I still think VY has the biggest chance of being a bust - but could also be one of the best.

Anyway, here is my trade suggestion for #2:

Carr - without the qb there is no deal
our #2 pick (I hate to part with this because I think it should be spent on a stud OG)
Gary Walker - We take the cap hit this year instead of riding him out to pasture.
Wade - Again, we take a cap hit, but they can cut him without a penalty if he doesn't pan out for them.
Joppru+Hollings - why not? they haven't shown anything
I would also include Buchy, Coleman and Weigert if they wanted them.

It still wouldn't be enough.
Apparently the Jets offered a #2 pick for Joey Harrington...(according to the NFL channel on Sirius). Wow!...Makes me wonder if we could get a first for Carr. If so, I might be a bit tempted.
Xman said:
I still think VY has the biggest chance of being a bust - but could also be one of the best.

Anyway, here is my trade suggestion for #2:

Carr - without the qb there is no deal
our #2 pick (I hate to part with this because I think it should be spent on a stud OG)
Gary Walker - We take the cap hit this year instead of riding him out to pasture.
Wade - Again, we take a cap hit, but they can cut him without a penalty if he doesn't pan out for them.
Joppru+Hollings - why not? they haven't shown anything
I would also include Buchy, Coleman and Weigert if they wanted them.

It still wouldn't be enough.

I doubt the Saints would take this deal, plus it would bankrupt the Texans and ruin the team. Trading Carr would cost us an $8 million cap hit, trading Walker will cost us a $7.4 million cap hit, trading Todd Wade will cost us a $6.7 million cap hit, Joppru and Hollings will cost $600k, Coleman will cost $2.5 million, and Wiegert will cost $1.4 million. That is $26.6 million in cap hits (total cap next year will be $92-95 million, so this is over one quarter of our cap room gone) just to make this trade. Then, Reggie Bush and Vince Young will each be signed to six year contracts that will be worth a combined $100 million, so that will be another $18 million against the cap next year, bringing the total from this trade up to $44.6 million just to acquire two people (rookies no less) to "lead" this team. That leaves under $50 million for the other 51 players on the active roster, so we're going to have to have an entire roster full of practice-squad caliber players, and it will ruin our team even more than it already is (yes, that is hard to believe, but this is one way to get it done).