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Time for the Carr lovers to defend their boy

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After watching this game, who still thinks Carr is the quarterback of the future for this team? He is terrible. Worst starting quarterback in the NFL. No question. The team has so much confidence in him they let him throw the ball 9 times. 9 times! This isn't Ferris Bueller's absences in one school year; this is the number of passes Daniella Carr threw today. I know there were more pass plays called, but he only threw 9 passes!

P-Lease don't bring the O-Line talk. Did you see Carr throw? Or try to. He can't. How did he miss Jabar on that 3rd down out route? Wide Open. Wiiiiiiiide Open.

Also, Domanick Davis is one of the best RBs in the league. It just sucks he is on a crappy team and the rest of the nation doesn't get to see him often. Poor man's LT. Him and Reggie Bush on the same team would be scary. Especially when one lines up as a receiver and the quaterback is a scrambler like...............................I don't know......Vince Young.
There were actually 18 pass plays, but the oline broke down so carr had to scramble 7 times, and he got sacked twice.
yaboycm said:
After watching this game, who still thinks Carr is the quarterback of the future for this team? He is terrible. Worst starting quarterback in the NFL. No question. The team has so much confidence in him they let him throw the ball 9 times. 9 times! This isn't Ferris Bueller's absences in one school year; this is the number of passes Daniella Carr threw today. I know there were more pass plays called, but he only threw 9 passes!

P-Lease don't bring the O-Line talk. Did you see Carr throw? Or try to. He can't. How did he miss Jabar on that 3rd down out route? Wide Open. Wiiiiiiiide Open.

Also, Domanick Davis is one of the best RBs in the league. It just sucks he is on a crappy team and the rest of the nation doesn't get to see him often. Poor man's LT. Him and Reggie Bush on the same team would be scary. Especially when one lines up as a receiver and the quaterback is a scrambler like...............................I don't know......Vince Young.

Vince Young would be a disaster. He still doesn't know how to pass the ball. Even a cursory look at how Texas Tech picked him off twice early in yesterday's game show's how weak he is in that regard. And TT has one of the weakest defenses around. If he throws INTs against weak Ds like TT, then think how bad it will be for him in the pros. Young is a great college QB and that's about it. In the NFL, he will be a poor man's Mike Vick. As for Carr, even the best QBs miss wide open targets. I was there today and the best in the biz -- Manning -- didn't look good when he threw an INT and fumbled when he got sacked. He also missed a wide open receiver or two. The fact of the matter is this: Whenever Carr gets decent protection, you get decent production from him. Unfortunately, I think even the coaches have thrown in the towel regarding pass protection and run the ball to the team's own detriment.
Bobo said:
Vince Young would be a disaster. He still doesn't know how to pass the ball. Even a cursory look at how Texas Tech picked him off twice early in yesterday's game show's how weak he is in that regard. And TT has one of the weakest defenses around. If he throws INTs against weak Ds like TT, then think how bad it will be for him in the pros. Young is a great college QB and that's about it. In the NFL, he will be a poor man's Mike Vick. As for Carr, even the best QBs miss wide open targets. I was there today and the best in the biz -- Manning -- didn't look good when he threw an INT and fumbled when he got sacked. He also missed a wide open receiver or two. The fact of the matter is this: Whenever Carr gets decent protection, you get decent production from him. Unfortunately, I think even the coaches have thrown in the towel regarding pass protection and run the ball to the team's own detriment.

A lot of what you say is true, but let's stop and think for a minute or two and see if there might not be a different conclusion. To begin with Carr was considered an accurate passer in college with laser like throws. Todays game was one emphasizing the run and trying to control the ball that way. They really didn't intend to throw the ball until they got behind. That would be a common strategy against a team like the Colts. You want to keep the ball out of Manning's hands as much as possible. That's why I also said you go for it on 4th and short when in your own territory and that's because your defense also can not hold anyone. That makes it a priority to control the ball at all costs. Passing in this situation just doesn't make much sense, because if the pass is complete not much time is run off the clock and if the pass is incomplete it kills the clock. They were trying to kill the clock and Carr I'm pretty certain was told not to pass unless he was 120% certain of completing the pass.

When you don't throw that often you are out of rythm and its hard to readjust for the distances. You need to throw the ball to maintain accuracy. You can't throw a ball here or there and continue to be sharp. Some of you will want to overlook this, but even Manning has to throw to stay sharp. Look at the number of passes Manning threw and he still threw an early interception. Remember, we are suppose to be throwing timing routes and the receiver can make the QB look bad if he doesn't run the route precisely and on time. If your rythm is off timing patterns are deadly.

However, I think there is another issue and I think Carr is playing injured and we don't know it. If you recall he's had shoulder problems from SACKS over the last couple of years. I think there is an element of that and he's not 100%, but he's still better than anyone else we have. Its just a gut feel based on watching him play. You can look physically fit, but you may not be 100%.

I will reiterate that all players on this ball club are at the mercy of this coaching staff and their game planning. I don't think you can judge anybody offensively or defensively based on the incompetence of this staff. The only judgements you can make is if one pulls off a good play despite everything. DROB and Mathis had some pretty good moments today. AGAIN I WOULD NOT JUDGE ANY PERSONNEL AS A RESULT OF WHAT THIS COACHING STAFF IS DOING. Just as players can make coaches look bad, coaches can make players look very bad. Washington was the pitts and now starting the 2nd year under Gibbs they are looking tremendous. Dallas is beginning to look very good under Parcells. Coaching makes a big time difference and to say otherwise is fullish. Don't blame Carr, don't blame the players, don't blame the fans, well blame Casserly and McNair some, but most all of the blame falls on the coaching staff.
yaboycm said:
After watching this game, who still thinks Carr is the quarterback of the future for this team? He is terrible. Worst starting quarterback in the NFL. No question. The team has so much confidence in him they let him throw the ball 9 times. 9 times! This isn't Ferris Bueller's absences in one school year; this is the number of passes Daniella Carr threw today. I know there were more pass plays called, but he only threw 9 passes!

P-Lease don't bring the O-Line talk. Did you see Carr throw? Or try to. He can't. How did he miss Jabar on that 3rd down out route? Wide Open. Wiiiiiiiide Open.

Also, Domanick Davis is one of the best RBs in the league. It just sucks he is on a crappy team and the rest of the nation doesn't get to see him often. Poor man's LT. Him and Reggie Bush on the same team would be scary. Especially when one lines up as a receiver and the quaterback is a scrambler like...............................I don't know......Vince Young.

you say dd is one of the best running backs in the league yet you want us to draft reggie bush. carr played bad today as did a lot of other people. but if we get us another rb all will be better.

if you put another qb back there that isnt used to having to get rid of the ball in 2 sec he will get sacked 15 times a game. if you go back to the year banks played he got sacked at almost a 3 to 1 ratio compared to carr that year. its basically imposible to teach a qb to get rid of the ball in 2 sec. i dont know if carr is the answer but i do know he hasnt had a fair chance. and 1 underthrown ball to gaffney doesnt prove anything.
Ibar_Harry said:
Don't blame Carr, don't blame the players, don't blame the fans, well blame Casserly and McNair some, but most all of the blame falls on the coaching staff.

Throwing the ball away on a 2 point conversion try, Ibar? He threw the fricken ball away on a 2 point conversion try. That tells me right there that the boy ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

If you didn't live in Fresno Ibar, you'd see Carr a lot more objectively.
yaboycm said:
Also, Domanick Davis is one of the best RBs in the league. It just sucks he is on a crappy team and the rest of the nation doesn't get to see him often. Poor man's LT. Him and Reggie Bush on the same team would be scary. Especially when one lines up as a receiver and the quaterback is a scrambler like...............................I don't know......Vince Young.
Oh please spare me old wise one. DD is a 3rd stringer on most teams, Vince Young will not be a QB in the NFL. Sorry, I am not a fan of DD at all. He is slow at best. Carr takes more hits than DD does. So please spare me with your pity cries, DD is the greastest and the best and the blah blah blah...
I thought we were supposed to reserve judgment on Carr until he gets a consistent 3 seconds in the pocket. Without max protect. And his receivers actually get open.
Carr had his struggles today, no doubt. We converted points off of turnovers however and the o-line was up to its shinanigans again. I'd would have loved to see Banks or Ragone in for all these games too so that you could see the light into what the real problems are on this team. Our #1 problem today was the defense.

I make no apology for David Carr today, just like I havn't for the last 6 times we've played them. The cover 2 is his or our coaches gameplans' achilles heal. We just can not find a way to beat it unless it's the happless Bears. Once again however he's seeing constant pressure and the box is collapsing. It's easy to fault the QB when the play goes wrong because he's got the ball, but look at it closer and you can just tell the players are not into it. They have no heart, much less a heartbeat. Carr threw a pass right to Mathis, drop right through his hands. Carr passed to Bradford on that INT, Bradford didn't even make a good cut to go after that ball. This team has quit labeled all over it.
I dont care what yall say, until we get an O Line, NOBODY will be able to throw the ball in Houston's offense.
gg no re said:
I thought we were supposed to reserve judgment on Carr until he gets a consistent 3 seconds in the pocket. Without max protect. And his receivers actually get open.

I used to give Carr every benefit of the doubt in previous seasons. But today's game brought out faults of David Carr that I don't think any amount of coaching, any type of strategy, or any improvement in the offensive line can correct.

There were plenty of times that he did have time to throw, if he would have just dropped back, got set, and thrown. Why can't he learn to do that? He knows that he doesn't have time to go through the progressions. He knows that he's supposed to drop back, set, and fire, and he won't do it.

And it drives . . . me . . . nuts!
I think if (and I'm not sure this would ever even happen) David were offered to other teams in the NFL there would be MANY teams interested.....with the right line, the right coaches he can be successful. Perhaps it won't be with the Texans. I'm not sure what their plans would be if the team continues to lose.
Marcus said:
I used to give Carr every benefit of the doubt in previous seasons. But today's game brought out faults of David Carr that I don't think any amount of coaching, any type of strategy, or any improvement in the offensive line can correct.

There were plenty of times that he did have time to throw, if he would have just dropped back, got set, and thrown. Why can't he learn to do that? He knows that he doesn't have time to go through the progressions. He knows that he's supposed to drop back, set, and fire, and he won't do it.

And it drives . . . me . . . nuts!

fire to whom. it takes time for these guys to get open. im not sure anyone is open. you just want him to throw it to no one.
yaboycm said:
After watching this game, who still thinks Carr is the quarterback of the future for this team? He is terrible. Worst starting quarterback in the NFL. No question. The team has so much confidence in him they let him throw the ball 9 times. 9 times! This isn't Ferris Bueller's absences in one school year; this is the number of passes Daniella Carr threw today. I know there were more pass plays called, but he only threw 9 passes!

P-Lease don't bring the O-Line talk. Did you see Carr throw? Or try to. He can't. How did he miss Jabar on that 3rd down out route? Wide Open. Wiiiiiiiide Open.

Also, Domanick Davis is one of the best RBs in the league. It just sucks he is on a crappy team and the rest of the nation doesn't get to see him often. Poor man's LT. Him and Reggie Bush on the same team would be scary. Especially when one lines up as a receiver and the quaterback is a scrambler like...............................I don't know......Vince Young.

Seriously, have you ever played football, how long have you watched it. If you think that DC is the worst QB in the leauge you are sadly mistaken. I can name quite a few more than that. Like Frerotte, Boller, Harrington, Dilfer, Greise, Rattay, Brooks, McKown, Grossman. Thats just 10 to start it off. I bet you really believe that VY or even Leinart would do such a hell of a job behind this petiful o-line. Carr was sacked 4 times today and the sad thind id thats a good game for our o-line. How many QB's do you know that have gotten sacked over 30 times this season and have played great. Oh and I guess you just forgot that AJ, Carrs #1 option has been injured the pass 3 weeks. Maybe we should put you out there and let you get murdered for 4 years and see how much confidence you have in your offensive line coach being your OC. Tell me one game that Carr has had good protection and has stunk it up, every time he gets time, he at least plays decently.

Look at weeks 2 through 7 of last year when the o-line seemed to be pass protecting pretty well, and teams werent doubling AJ.He had a passer rating of over 100 4 times and went 90 once, so dont tell me he cant produce. 2004 Stats I bet you were all over him then.
The Great One said:
We need an offensive line. Why do you want to draft Reggie Bush????

Because they dont understand football well enough to see that Bush cant produce any better than anyone else behind a porouse o-line.
:texflag: I think Carr plays into the other teams hands . They know he's shellshocked and is looking to bail . David will have a 3rd and 10 and audible into a run .

I think its only fair to Ragone that he get a shot . I would hate to root for Carr to pull a hamstring so this could happen .
It seems like I see this thread every single week. Carr made some really stupid decisions today and that's just plain true. Carr also tried very hard to move the team and played hard. I can respect that without thinking that it's enough to get it done.

Carr haters sound just as ignorant as Carr apologists. I'm tired of reading both sides of the same old argument. Next up I guess is going to be the "Davis is 3rd string at best" crowd versus the "Davis is better than Edge, he's just on a lousy team!" crowd.

The truth is somewhere in between guys.
markbeth said:
fire to whom. it takes time for these guys to get open. im not sure anyone is open. you just want him to throw it to no one.

He can do like all the QBs in the league can do, throw it to an area where either the receiver gets it, or nobody does. He seems to think it would kill him to throw an incomplete pass.

Naa . . . he'd rather hold onto it and get sacked.
Napa Auto Parts said:
All you Carr haters cant any of you see david is the greatest Qb of all time he proved it playing for the power house of fresno state he was so good he led them to and undefeated season:lol:. so David Carr is the man in houston lets get him a line than we can complain and why were at it lets get him a brain oh and why were at it lets get him some Cajones so he'll quit running to the sideline like a sissy lets get him a new shoulder so he can throw the ball correctly.

Okay, so you dont want him to run, so you want him to stand there and get killed by 300 pound d-linemen, so you want him to be stupid. I see you have experience at this.
Marcus said:
He can do like all the QBs in the league can do, throw it to an area where either the receiver gets it, or nobody does. He seems to think it would kill him to throw an incomplete pass.

Naa . . . he'd rather hold onto it and get sacked.

You cant do that every play. So you want him to throw it up for an incompletion every play. If Gaff is covered and Badford is covered, and we have a TE and RB in to block, just throw it away. And in zone coverage just throw it away when no one gets open. Thats a punk route to me, I would rather a QB who make mistakes trying to make a play rather than punking out and throwing it away every other play.
The Great One said:
Fact of the matter Herv is I am not an apologist. You just can't judge the guy until he has an offensive line. If it were even "AVERAGE", I could make some decision. But I just can't do that when he doesn't have ANY time to throw on over 75% of his passes.

I know he has the tools to be an above average NFL QB. Has he gotten there yet? No. He did show some of what he could be in the first half of 2004. The line fell apart the latter half of the year and here we are.

All I am saying is we need to focus on the true problem: the offensive line.

I don't consider that being a Carr apologist TGO, I think that it's perfectly reasonable to say he's not in a position where he has a chance to succeed. I don't know how you can say that you know he has the tools to be an above average NFL QB because even if he has every single one of the physical gifts necessary he still has yet to show the mental component needed to do that.

All I want for Christmas is an NFL quality offensive line. Once that's in place then all questions will be answered.
I say put in one of our other QB's in and see if it's Carr or the line. Sure you say Carr doesn't have this or that but the bottom line is we're 0 - 6. It sure can't hurt to throw in Banks or Ragone and see what happens, what't the worst 0 - 7.

Yes, Carr has been hit lot and is giddish, so get him out of there.

I'll put it in writing in in caps.




Total passing yards in the game 6 yards!!!!


Total yards in the second half, - 4 yards

The problems IMO, start on the sidelines. They continue with the fact that neither the coaches nor the QB have ANY faith in the O line being able to provide enough protection for Carr to be able to complete a pass downfield. Add all that with AJ not playing, and it's a recipe for disaster.

Carr has been in this league long enough, and practiced every play in the playbook long enough to just audible at the line, or plain override the play that is called. They run the same plays over and over again, and the fans are tired of it...opposing defenses are feasting on it, and the players are just not playing with any emotion. Carr is supposed to be the leader of this team, and the only time he shows any emotion is when things are going well. He really gave the "what-fer" to the Colts DB who got burned for the 2nd touchdown today...even went out of his way to talk smack.

OT - The GD White Sox just hit a solo HR to win the game. Posednik, who hit 0 HR's in the regular season, just hit one to win game 2.

Here's to some texas home cooking for the 'stros.
i've got a shocker for you guys...

carr didnt have a bad game today.

i've watched the game twice now devoid of all emotion. and my tongue is not in cheek. carr was ok today. tag me as an appologist if you want...i'll have the play notes in a post probably tuesday.
geez, I thought he was awful. He killed early drives missing badly on easy passes and he is just awful on anything that isn't a hitch, slant, or pass to the flat and ended up with a net of 6 passing yards for the game. I especially like how he threw it away trying to get the 2 point conversion. Nice decision
BuffSoldier said:
Okay, so you dont want him to run, so you want him to stand there and get killed by 300 pound d-linemen

I've been looking at some of David's sacks, and I think we need to remember that most of the time a sack is not some horrible crushing hit of a kind worse than any other tackle. OK, sometimes a full speed blindside hit, or straight up the middle hit is pretty bad, but I'd venture to say that 80% maybe of sacks are just weanie little arm tackles, not somebody "getting killed by a 300 pound lineman." We tend to glamorize the position and the sack, and make it sound like a sack is a cruel and catastrophic hit on a defenseless QB, when in fact that is the exception rather than the rule. I bring it up here to say something about overstating the psychological trauma David has endured as a result of his many sacks. Also, shouldn't we subtract out all the sacks that he caused himself? Cause that's just him getting tackled in his natural territory (behind the line).
Vinny said:
geez, I thought he was awful. He killed early drives missing badly on easy passes and he is just awful on anything that isn't a hitch, slant, or pass to the flat and ended up with a net of 6 passing yards for the game. I especially like how he threw it away trying to get the 2 point conversion. Nice decision
yeah...but watching it, they don't even call plays downfield. Why is that? I think it's a lack of faith in the O-line to protect him long enough for him to make the throw.

I'm not blaming the entire problem on the O-line, but it's a glaring issue that the Texans must address, and soon. One thing about Manning is that his O-line, from the starters to the practice squad all are prepared for the game. They rarely make mistakes, and part of that is they are playing for Manning. Part of it is talent...part of it is Carr getting them to protect him like he needs to be protected...and heck, I'll even put part of it on Steve McKinney...he knows what it's like to work that Colts O-line, and should be passing that knowledge on to Carr.
txhoosier said:
yeah...but watching it, they don't even call plays downfield. Why is that?
Just because Carr doesn't pull the trigger doesn't mean plays aren't called. I also think they truncate the calls to what he does well...which is very limited. Every game he struggles to complete routine passes if they aren't hitches, slants, or passes to the flat. He will complete a couple a game...but miss wildly out of bounds on the sideline passes and really hardly ever take a shot in the deep middle of the field....a big reason he can't beat a cover2 defense (the middle of the field is where you have to beat that d).
Vinny said:
Just because Carr doesn't pull the trigger doesn't mean plays aren't called. I also think they truncate the calls to what he does well...which is very limited. Every game he struggles to complete routine passes if they aren't hitches, slants, or passes to the flat. He will complete a couple a game...but miss wildly out of bounds on the sideline passes and really hardly ever take a shot in the deep middle of the field....a big reason he can't beat a cover2 defense (the middle of the field is where you have to beat that d).

On NFL notebook, Butch Davis (I know) said prior to Sunday 18 of 30 sacks by Carr came on passes designed to go downfield.
:texflag: I think Carr's not good at anticipating . If its a route where he can plant and throw a BB ... then he's pretty good . He could not replace Fouts in the Air Coryell (70's Chargers )offense because it was timing and throwing to a spot with touch ..
In his column this morning he gives his opinion on Carr.
This guy has watched a lot of football and probably has his finger on the pulse of the Texans more than any of us.
He more or less blames Cass and Capers for Carrs progress or lack of.

cac: :coffee:

ps admins.... link feature does not allow for naming of link, just adds link address to message. not the same as before.
ArlingtonTexan said:
On NFL notebook, Butch Davis (I know) said prior to Sunday 18 of 30 sacks by Carr came on passes designed to go downfield.
Well, that's where most any QB's sacks come from isn't it? Hitches, passes to the flat, 3 step drop slants, and waggle/bootlegs are plays that factor out the pass rush. I know our line is bad but I also think we have a bad QB that compounds this mess.
cuppacoffee said:
ps admins.... link feature does not allow for naming of link, just adds link address to message. not the same as before.
I'll check into this today sometime. thanks.
:brickwall What McClain's comments add up to is... bad coaching + bad GM = terrible team .

It seems the Astro's took some attention from the Texans but thats temporary . After the series this is going to get ugly .
cuppacoffee said:
In his column this morning he gives his opinion on Carr.
This guy has watched a lot of football and probably has his finger on the pulse of the Texans more than any of us.
He more or less blames Cass and Capers for Carrs progress or lack of.

cac: :coffee:

ps admins.... link feature does not allow for naming of link, just adds link address to message. not the same as before.
hence my comment a yesterday that I think the problem starts on the sidelines.

Once Carr realizes that his coaches are terrible, he might just be able to turn it around.
Vinny said:
Well, that's where most any QB's sacks come from isn't it? Hitches, passes to the flat, 3 step drop slants, and waggle/bootlegs are plays that factor out the pass rush. I know our line is bad but I also think we have a bad QB that compounds this mess.

Yeah, I was shaky that it mattered. I don't remember if he defined down field as more than 15 or 20 yards. Davis does not come off as too bright or insightful.

Shame on you for wanting the "face of franchise" to be a part of the solution.
ArlingtonTexan said:
Shame on you for wanting the "face of franchise" to be a part of the solution.
We wouldn't want our Corporate sponsors to have their golden boy on the bench now would we? We would lose too much of a PR effect or Corporate cash showcasing a back up QB on all that off field "face of the franchise" stuff.
:texflag: Big tex If you watch the Texans games ... Carr will audible into a run on a passing situation alot . Why is it thats all the Coaches give him have you thought of that ?

I think right now we should put DD at a HB , Morency at a HB , Norris at FB and run the wishbone . Carr is the QB .

Carr can take a hit yeppeee ... all QBs that hang in the pocket get smashed even if they don't get sacked ... thats why they have bad knees guys diving into them . Tough for a QB is leading and making something happen when you know getting creamed ... bailing and running is being able to take a hit tough .
Yep, I'm hearin' ya. That 3rd down pass was a crusher. Our section actually started chanting, "Tony, Tony, Tony!!" Heck, later on, we were chanting, "Put in Dave, put in Dave!!" - I'm not kidding either, we had about 15 people being very loud.
I keep seeing those comercials you know the ones where Carr says WE LIVE FOR SUNDAY and i have to ask myself HUH? anyone agree?
From the article linked above:

The truth is that it's absolutely preposterous for the top pick in the draft, a franchise quarterback, to be sacked more than any quarterback in the league in three of his first four seasons. It's inexcusable for Casserly and Capers to allow that to happen.

Though Carr isn't playing nearly as well as he did last season when he took his biggest steps forward, longtime scouts, personnel experts and defensive coaches say this about him: Until he gets the kind of protection he should have been provided when the Texans selected him, we'll never know how good or bad he can be.

They say it's grossly unfair to give up on Carr because he hasn't been given a legitimate chance to succeed.

I fall in the I don't think we have seen the best of Carr, but he hasn't shown us any signs of greatness, no man's land of the Carr debate. IMO the above is a very even handed look at what is going on and on the bold portion above alone I would say Casserly and Capers should both be run out of town for wasting all the money on Carr's contract. As badly as anyone thinks Carr plays, I cannot fathom how you can argue Carr's development has been anything but botched. Casserly and Capers jointly deserve to burn for that and frankly by not ever questioning Carr or benching him have essentially stated it isn't Carr's fault--i.e. it is their fault.
Honoring Earl 34 said:
:texflag: I think Carr plays into the other teams hands . They know he's shellshocked and is looking to bail . David will have a 3rd and 10 and audible into a run .

I believe in another thread on this message board, there was a discussion about an interview Carr had after the Seahawk game where he was asked about audibles. In that interview, Carr said that he is only allowed to audible a run call switching sides to which the run was intended. To me, that sounds pretty ridiculous and it's even worse to publicly state but that's what the thread said. It also appears to be the truth.:brickwall
Hulk75 said:
Dont bring up the O-Line why not has something changed? Are they better now that we can't bring it up?

Jabbar ran to far, he should have stopped. Corey Bradford has to also cut his route short if he sees the safetey sitting and waiting for the ball.

What does David Carr have to work with lets see-

Carr- Domanick Davis, a line that gives up sacks left and right. Andre the "hurt" one. No TE. A coach you guys want fired along with the coaching staff. A sorry Defense.
Harrington- Kevin Jones, Charles Rogers(hurt mentaly) Mike williams, Roy Williams, Marcus Pollard a good Oline, a good D that cause preasure for Turnovers.
Big Ben- Hines Ward, Jerome Bettis (Hall of Famer), Great O-Line pass and run, Heath Miller, A great D.
Peyton- Edge, Marvin, Reggie, Stokley, Dallas Clark, Freeney and their D, Tony Dungy.

Nothing has or is going to change this year so do not be shocked and surprised every week. David Carr has nothing even compared to the other QBs so you can not judge him untill he does.

It makes no sense to me that some of you dont understand this.

1 freaking pass, how about the 5 other times were he used his feet to get a 1st down, taking shots and diving head first for his team. Anybody see that.

He also through the ball 9 times, 9.

The Detroit Line is almost as bad as ours. Though Harrington is FAR worse than Carr(and Kyle Orton...), some people just dont want to swallow it.
The Great One said:
This is the perfect example of how you can make stats say anything you want them to. If you just say the Rams allowed more sacks than the Texans and you think: Well there, Vinny has a credible point. UNTIL wags chimes in with the "rest of the story" communicating the fact the Rams attempted 112 more pass attempts than the Texans.

Well and for the rest of the rest of the story, Atlanta also gave up 50 sacks last year, one more than the Texans, and they did so on 76 less attempts than the Texans.

The attempts alone do not truly tell the picture though either and Carr, Vick and Bulger are good examples. Vick had 120 rushing attempts--probably 75% of those were called passing plays that broke down. Carr had 73 rushing attempts--probably 90% of those were called passing plays that broke down. Bulger had 19 rushing attempts--probably 50% were called rushing plays for 1st downs or TD's (he had 3 TD's). Putting those numbers together gives a better indication of how often the QB feels pressure (notice I did not say is pressured, but feels pressured and acts on it--would have to look at the tape to see if the pressure was real).

Vick felt pressure on about 26% of passing plays.
Carr 19.5%
Bulger 9.4%

Maybe the pressure really isn't there on Bulger, maybe he doesn't feel it as much--maybe like so many things it is both.
What's a Carr hating post without a Carr defending post by Texanred?

This team is terrible. Period. Its not all David, its not all the o-line, or defense, the tightends who cant block, the running backs who cant block, recievers who drop passes and cant get open.

David is a good QB, he does have the physical attributes. He is (was) putting up John Elway type numbers and Elway won two superbowls and is a hall of famer. But he had a good team around him.

He is compared to Farve and is a Farve style QB. Throws hard, throws the ball up for grabs, and throws lots of INT'S. Diffrence is he had a good team around him to win a superbowl. He is going to the hall of fame.

Plummer is a good QB but looked bad in Arizona. Now he is with Denver and go's to the playoffs.

Lets see what happens when new managment rolls into town.
Carr was doing fine last year the first half of the season, he made his throws, he was one of the least concerns on this team. Then for "some reason" he's the worst thing since Tony Banks. Carr still makes his throws, he nailed a comeback on the left side across his body, which if anyone has every played QB is a tough throw to make. He didn't have a great day, but when you throw the ball like 9 times, no QB is going to get into any kind of rythm with that. His audibles are atrocious, he isn't allows to audible out of a run. That's a killer for the scheme. If I was a MLB and I see Carr audible, I automatically know its a run because he isn't allowed to do otherwise. Nice.

As the Colt fans pointed out, our offense is just plain vanilla, we've lost any element of surprise and can not adjust to any adverse circumstances. Carr is the least of our problems, he is only 1 individual on this team that dictates what he can and can not do. His abilities are being wasted.
SESupergenius said:
Carr was doing fine last year the first half of the season, he made his throws, he was one of the least concerns on this team. Then for "some reason" he's the worst thing since Tony Banks. Carr still makes his throws, he nailed a comeback on the left side across his body, which if anyone has every played QB is a tough throw to make. He didn't have a great day, but when you throw the ball like 9 times, no QB is going to get into any kind of rythm with that. His audibles are atrocious, he isn't allows to audible out of a run. That's a killer for the scheme. If I was a MLB and I see Carr audible, I automatically know its a run because he isn't allowed to do otherwise. Nice.

As the Colt fans pointed out, our offense is just plain vanilla, we've lost any element of surprise and can not adjust to any adverse circumstances. Carr is the least of our problems, he is only 1 individual on this team that dictates what he can and can not do. His abilities are being wasted.

Vinny has never liked Carr and he would say people like us our in love with Carr and I disagree with that, because like you I still say its the whole coaching staff that is a problem and nothing else. Replace the coaching staff with people who are competent and fix the O-line problems and then you can judge the QB. The same goes for the defense. I have been very consistant in saying you can not evaluate any players on this ball club, because of the ineptness of the coaching staff. A lot of people are looking bad, because of how they are instructed to play. That might even be true of a player like PBUC. Its a mess and its all about coaching and nothing else. A passer has to throw the ball to get in rythm. Just like a pitcher has to warm up before he starts. There is no difference. I might add that timing patterns, which we are suppose to be using, require very precise coordination between the receiver and the QB. Often the QB is releasing the ball before the receiver makes his cut. If they are not on the same page its a disaster. Receivers also need to know how to run patterns and get separation from the defenders, and if they don't, they simply don't get open. COACHING IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE TEXANS AND NOTHING ELSE. Quite blaming everyone else other than those who are responsible for the coaches and that includes McNair.
Carr without a doubt has a few glitches in his game, But still nowhere near what people want to put on him. He at least is trying to make plays, he lays it all out, just look at the run where he got popped in the head when was sliding. (how is it he never gets these helmet to helmet calls?). Sure he's missfired a couple of throws, but people put too much imphasis into those misses. You add back the plays where he has to run to pick up the first down and that should negate a couple of errand throws. Our schemes are terrible right now and way too predictable. With only 4 guys rushing the passer and 6-7 of our guys blocking, we won't win any games with this sort of passing attack. There is a reason we don't go 4 wide outs anymore, we need more to stay in and block. That's not on David Carr.
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