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This kinda sucks


All people are going to talk about regarding the Texans for a week is The Rule and Suh's toe-to-nut-poke. Our 10th win is tainted.

Sure our team didn't play as well as we would have liked but that was expected after that dragged out game against Jax Sunday

Silver lining, we have now won 10 games and the Texans have an extended rest of 10 days before having to play their next game
All people are going to talk about regarding the Texans for a week is The Rule and Suh's toe-to-nut-poke. Our 10th win is tainted.

Sure our team didn't play as well as we would have liked but that was expected after that dragged out game against Jax Sunday

Silver lining, we have now won 10 games and the Texans have an extended rest of 10 days before having to play their next game

all espn will talk about is how shaubs balls made of steel
All people are going to talk about regarding the Texans for a week is The Rule and Suh's toe-to-nut-poke. Our 10th win is tainted.

Sure our team didn't play as well as we would have liked but that was expected after that dragged out game against Jax Sunday

Silver lining, we have now won 10 games and the Texans have an extended rest of 10 days before having to play their next game

Don't care. 10-1 is 10-1!!!!
All people are going to talk about regarding the Texans for a week is The Rule and Suh's toe-to-nut-poke. Our 10th win is tainted.

Sure our team didn't play as well as we would have liked but that was expected after that dragged out game against Jax Sunday

Silver lining, we have now won 10 games and the Texans have an extended rest of 10 days before having to play their next game

F' em.

All I've been telling people who have called me about that play is, "It's not our bad that we played til the whistle and they did not. It's also not our bad that their coach didn't realize the rule."
All people are going to talk about regarding the Texans for a week is The Rule and Suh's toe-to-nut-poke. Our 10th win is tainted.

Sure our team didn't play as well as we would have liked but that was expected after that dragged out game against Jax Sunday

Silver lining, we have now won 10 games and the Texans have an extended rest of 10 days before having to play their next game

Take advantage of those 3 numbers in your username and chillax!! :kitten:
All I've been telling people who have called me about that play is, "It's not our bad that we played til the whistle and they did not. It's also not our bad that their coach didn't realize the rule."

Exactly. That TD was on Schwartz, not the refs and not us. Forsett played till the whistle and had their coach not being a dumbazz it would have been called back. I'd be pissed to if I were a lions fan,but at the coach,not the other team.
All I've been telling people who have called me about that play is, "It's not our bad that we played til the whistle and they did not. It's also not our bad that their coach didn't realize the rule."

That's admirable for you to take the time to educate the ignorant. Me,

I just tell them to


Suck It!!!!
By any objective standard that turn of events on the Forsett TD was extremely fortuitous for Texans fans, but the claim that it cost the Lions the game is B.S. hyperbole.

That occurred in the middle of the third quarter with a lot of football yet to be played. The Lions defense could not stop the Texans when it counted, VandenBag dropped an easy game-ending pick six, and their kicker failed to convert the game-winning 47 yd FG. Again, that 81 yd "TD" was a very lucky play on the HOU side of the boxscore, but it was not determinative of the outcome of the game.

There will be much yammering about the NFL rule, Suh's dirty play, and Jim Schwartz's boneheaded coaching, but (to use a terrible sports broadcasting cliche) at the end of the day the Texans continue to win in every way imaginable. Say what you may about the defense stumbling lately, the plain truth is this team BELIEVES. They have a swagger and a confidence about them they lacked in years past, the knowledge that they can play their C game but still emerge winners. This is a familiar script to us all, except the roles have changed and we Texans fans aren't reading the lines written for the moral victors. Good teams can lose games they should have won; championship caliber teams win games they should have lost.
The less the Texans get talked about, the more we are overlooked, it increases the possibility that one day Kubiak can pull the old "nobody believes in you, nobody respects you" motivational crap in a big game.

Not a bad tool to have.
What I'm pissed about is that because of that stupid rule, people will always forget that we did everything we needed to do after that point to win a game against a decent team, on the road, on a short week, after on overtime game.

Forsett's score didn't give us the lead.

There were at least half a dozen plays that we had to make to win that game, and we did.

Some teams can handle adversity; some can't. I'm just glad our team is in the former group.
I haven't worried about it. I said the Texans didn't cheat, nfl rules have a flaw.the whistle didn't blow and it was a bang bang play and while I agree replay would have turned it around,it isn't the Texans fault,Forsett kept going is all

Now would it have sucked to be on the other end. HELL YES and Kubiak would be the first person to tell to what Schwartz said . He knew the rules and messed up.

He many times has a replay been looked at and the right decision couldnt be made because they say the play was blown dead (early whistle )

Whith that said I hope the NFL tweak their rule on what happened on Thursday with the challenge flag
What I'm pissed about is that because of that stupid rule, people will always forget that we did everything we needed to do after that point to win a game against a decent team, on the road, on a short week, after on overtime game

I think you are wrong there....with the only exception being Lions fans. Just like the so-called FAILMary that enraged all NFL fans in the SEA-GB game. That was so long ago that the only people that (annoyingly) keep harping about it are Packers fans.

A pair of victories over TEN and NE and all will be forgotten. Just pray for our secondary.:pirate:
I think you are wrong there....with the only exception being Lions fans. Just like the so-called FAILMary that enraged all NFL fans in the SEA-GB game. That was so long ago that the only people that (annoyingly) keep harping about it are Packers fans.

A pair of victories over TEN and NE and all will be forgotten. Just pray for our secondary.:pirate:
I pray for the whole defense.
Chris Johnson - who looks like he's getting back to CJ2K form - is next on our schedule. It is NOT good that our LB corps is banged up.

...see, we can always find something to fret about