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The value of Matt Schaub


After watching Bledsoe get sacked and hurried every possession, I thought the Cowboys were crazy for giving the reigns to new guy Tony Romo. But suddenly, the pressure seemed to lessen.

Fast forward to the offseason, and I was highly speculative about the Matt Schaub deal. Who is going to protect him? I knew he would probably make the OL a little better, but I was in no way sold.

Fast forward to training camp, and I start to hear some talk out of our players. They talked about leadership, they talked about field presence. I wasn't sold. I think I even started a thread with the implication being "don't get too excited yet, we're still building" One of my main points was that our OL will look better, but is still a huge issue.

And now fast forward to the end of week 2. The Texans are 2-0 for the first time in our history. We have won 4 straight. Our much maligned OL has given us a decent run game and given up 2 total sacks. Last week we saw 0 sacks and only 1 QB hurry from one of the best front 4 in the NFL.

Wow was I wrong.

Whats changed? Matt Schaub.

I see Matt Schaub get most of the credit for improving the OL, but I wanted to point out that many of the reason Im seeing probably aren't telling the whole story. To put it simply, Matt Schaub is more than a quick release.

So why is our Offensive Line playing like a group of pro bowlers? Heres my opinion:

1. Matt Schaub's quick release - I know I said this wasn't the only factor, but I do think its an important factor. He snaps the ball, he drops back, he makes his read, then he gets rid of the ball. End of story. No running around. No hesitation. Throw a TD? Good job. Throw an INT? Move on. He gets rid of the ball on time. Man the OL must be loving that.

2. Matt Schaub's pocket presence - This guy feels the rush 100x better than YKW. A speed rusher runs around our tackle behind Schaub? Whats he do? He steps UP in the pocket. I dont think I'd seen YKW do that in the last 2 years. He moves around like a QB should. I bet the OL loves that too.

3. Matt Schaub's play actions - He may not be fast. He may not be glitzy. But damn does this guy sell the play action. I have never seen so many Panthers running in 1 direction with Schaub going the other way. No wonder they call it the naked bootleg.

4. Matt Schaub throws it down the middle - Know why the defense can't blitz down our throats anymore? Because Schaub can actually throw to all parts of the field. YKW was limited to throws behind the LOS and along the sidelines. If the opposing team bumped the receivers they could blitz their safeties without worry. Schaub picks them apart, they back off, end of story.

5. And most importantly, Matt Schaub's leadership. I thought the offseason and preseason fluff articles were a bunch of mumbo jumbo. I thought, "Here is a meaningless story to elicit false hope and get us to buy jerseys/tickets/other expensive items" Boy was I wrong. I can not begin to describe the difference I have seen in our players "will" to play the game. Our offensive line wants to block the DL more than Ive ever seen it before. Its like over the past few years it was their job, but now its their passion. They want to keep #8 off the turf, and its showing.

So basically, while Schaubs quick thinking is definitely helping the OL look like a different group out there, lets not forget his incredible leadership ability. Our team is coming together and believing in themselves, and I think that can do wonders for the players abilities. Its an intangible that delivers on Sundays. And its something we finally have the luxury of in Houston.

All this said, I do want to give some credit to the OL themselves. A group of scrubs with a great leader is still a group of scrubs. And our OL is anything but. Sure they are going to get beat occassionally, but so far they've played as good as Ive ever seen them play. They have the talent, and with a few more pieces thrown into the mix, could be dominant for years to come. Our OL. Dominant. I can't believe I said it. And believe it. This is a different Texans team indeed.

Matt Schaub aside, have we ever had a Right Tackle play so well on this team??
Good post, gtexan02. It takes a man to admit he's wrong, and there's nothing bad about that!

Another thing that I like to hear is D.Rob talking about how Schaub apologized to the defense when we went down 14-0. He said the fumble was on the offense and so was the TD from it. But he instilled confidence and went out there and scored on the next drive. Robinson said nothing gets a team fired up like a leader that talks the talk and walks the walk.

I've been drinking the Schaub koolaide since we signed him. And not because I have some 'insight' that other don't, but because I believe in Kubiak and his staff and we saw some fundamental changes during last season. Players were being held accountable, and the team never quit during a game in spite of getting beat down. So when Kubiak said that Schaub was his QB, I had no reason to doubt him.
After watching Bledsoe get sacked and hurried every possession, I thought the Cowboys were crazy for giving the reigns to new guy Tony Romo. But suddenly, the pressure seemed to lessen.

Great post man, much kudos (rep) to you for your thoughts on the Texans and Schaub.

It's amazing what a new QB will do to a "poor" offensive line. Now all the talking heads are pulling a 180 and telling us that it was in fact, YKW's fault for most of the sacks. Funny how those "experts" suddenly are waking up. All I have to say is it's a great time to be a Texans fan!

On another note, after watching the MNF game yesterday, we can all thank our blessings for Schaub. Both Campbell and McNabb were terrible, and both at one point couldn't hit the ocean. After watching Schaub complete 70% of his passes, it's truly difficult to stomach other QB's attempts. At one point, Campbell had a receiver wide open (and by wide open I mean no one within 10 yards of him) running a go route down the field and he missed him by a good 10 yards. McNabb was anything but spectacular, usually overthrowing his receivers.

It's funny how spoiled we are with Schaub, but I don't think anyone on this board isn't thankful for what he has done for our team. He's bringing consistency to the offense and making the defense better inadvertently by giving them some much needed rest.
I've really been trying to hold myself back and not be all "told ya so" to some people. I know there were lots of people on here who were calling for a new QB long before I was. I was defending Carr this time last year.

But by the end of last year, I totally expected this. All we had to do was get an average QB in here and I felt like we were going to be a very good team. I said so in thread after thread and in argument after argument and I'm pretty sure a lot of people were pretty sick of hearing about it. I was proudly and loudly in the Anybody But Carr group.

When we made the trade for Schaub, I was ecstatic. I don't care about the 2 2nd round picks we lost. We went from having a negative behind the center to at least having a non-negative. And I was pretty sure we had a big positive.

But... what could I say? Schaub was unproven. Hell, he's still mostly unproven. We've only seen 2 games. A lot of things could still go wrong.

But I think we've laid to rest the myth that our offensive line was the problem, that even Brady or Peyton couldn't be successful behind our line, and that all that Carr needed was more talent around him to be successful.

That's all behind us. I don't really care about any of that. It's time to kick some butt!

I always believe it as a team thing, that individuals, the more each of them contributes, the better the whole team will look.

So far Schaub has been doing his part.

But let's not forget:

The special team is doing well.
Kris Brown hasn't missed a FG and he's been good on kickoff.
Turk is doing his job better than Stanley did.
The coverage is better than last year, did we even force one fumble last year, I don't remember?
The return game has been solid, I remember we have guys dropping off like flies until Dexter Wynn came in.
Now just the thought of having Jacoby and Mathis in full health, while Wynn and other guys are ready any time, can instill a lot of confidence as well.
We have had quite good field positions as compared to last year.

The defense has risen up to the occasion, players were flying everywhere.
There were much fewer mistackles, and yes we create turnovers that was a rare phenomenon last year.
They contribute to the battle of field position also.
And when the D plays inspired football like that, the guys on offense can't help but get pumped up.

Now come the offense:
McKinney was not 100% for the first half of last year.
Weary is improving with each game, and keeps on doing so this year.
Ditto for Winston.
Pitts is always that All-Joe lineman.
Salaam was banged up half of the times he played last year.

In the absence of Moulds, Jacoby and Mathis pose enough of deep threats that do not allow the other team to double up on AJ much.
Owens is improving his blocking skill and also as a receiver.
Leach was "learning" to catch last year.
And it helps that hardly any of them is dropping passes.
(You know we had passes that the receivers just dropped when the pass was hit on the numbers.)

And yes, we have the running game this time around.
We are able to avoid more 3rd and long situations where the QB is usually more at risk.
I've really been trying to hold myself back and not be all "told ya so" to some people. I know there were lots of people on here who were calling for a new QB long before I was. I was defending Carr this time last year.

But by the end of last year, I totally expected this. All we had to do was get an average QB in here and I felt like we were going to be a very good team. I said so in thread after thread and in argument after argument and I'm pretty sure a lot of people were pretty sick of hearing about it. I was proudly and loudly in the Anybody But Carr group.

When we made the trade for Schaub, I was ecstatic. I don't care about the 2 2nd round picks we lost. We went from having a negative behind the center to at least having a non-negative. And I was pretty sure we had a big positive.

But... what could I say? Schaub was unproven. Hell, he's still mostly unproven. We've only seen 2 games. A lot of things could still go wrong.

But I think we've laid to rest the myth that our offensive line was the problem, that even Brady or Peyton couldn't be successful behind our line, and that all that Carr needed was more talent around him to be successful.

That's all behind us. I don't really care about any of that. It's time to kick some butt!


Well as long as the crow festival is underway. I might as well come for another helping.

Pencil Neck you may remembering debating this with subject with me before the draft.

I was not part of the ABC crowd. However, I did know something needed to be done. The discussion at the time centered around trying to get Jake "The Snake" Plummer. I was dead set against it. My argument was he wasn't a significant enough upgrade over Carr. I was probably wrong then.

However, I wouldn't exactly call Schaub an average QB either. He has exceed all expectations that I had of him so far.

Can I have some ketchup and hot sauce with my crow though?
I really don't think we have even seen just how 'valuable' Schaub really is.

Andre Johnson has been hiding that value somewhat, since he has been the focus of the majority of Schaub's passes so far. But this week against the Colts . . .

. . . I think we are ALL going to see just how good a quarterback that Matt Schaub is going to be.
Well as long as the crow festival is underway. I might as well come for another helping.

Pencil Neck you may remembering debating this with subject with me before the draft.

I was not part of the ABC crowd. However, I did know something needed to be done. The discussion at the time centered around trying to get Jake "The Snake" Plummer. I was dead set against it. My argument was he wasn't a significant enough upgrade over Carr. I was probably wrong then.

However, I wouldn't exactly call Schaub an average QB either. He has exceed all expectations that I had of him so far.

Can I have some ketchup and hot sauce with my crow though?

Like I said, that's all water under the bridge and it's time to move on. All that's important now is that we stay healthy and keep working hard. There's still a lot of things that can go wrong and it's only been 2 games.

With all the hype on Schaub for the past couple of years, I figured he'd either be the real deal or Rob Johnson. At the moment, he's not looking like Rob Johnson. :splits:

* And on the Plummer subject, I was never really sold on him. I thought he'd be an upgrade but with Plummer, you get a whole different set of problems. If Kubiak thought he could make it work, I was willing to go along with it (not that I had a choice.)
Good post, gtexan02. It takes a man to admit he's wrong, and there's nothing bad about that!

Another thing that I like to hear is D.Rob talking about how Schaub apologized to the defense when we went down 14-0. He said the fumble was on the offense and so was the TD from it. But he instilled confidence and went out there and scored on the next drive. Robinson said nothing gets a team fired up like a leader that talks the talk and walks the walk.

I've been drinking the Schaub koolaide since we signed him. And not because I have some 'insight' that other don't, but because I believe in Kubiak and his staff and we saw some fundamental changes during last season. Players were being held accountable, and the team never quit during a game in spite of getting beat down. So when Kubiak said that Schaub was his QB, I had no reason to doubt him.

After 5 years of loyal support and pumping some hard earned dollars for season tickets, I was very critical and skeptical of every decision by the Texans regardless of who made the decision.

But, the Dallas preseason game really showed me (in other words, Kubiak/Smith showed me they know what they are doing) that things are heading in the right direction and it's time to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I really don't think we have even seen just how 'valuable' Schaub really is.

Andre Johnson has been hiding that value somewhat, since he has been the focus of the majority of Schaub's passes so far. But this week against the Colts . . .

. . . I think we are ALL going to see just how good a quarterback that Matt Schaub is going to be.

So true. I mean, if AJ is even kinda open, how do you not throw it to him?
This year, Andre has been catching balls in places on the field where he's rarely caught balls before, i.e., the mid zones between the hashes.

The value is apparent.

This week tells me how deep (or not) or WR corps really is.

That said, I expect a lot of FB, RB and TE pass targets this week.
This year, Andre has been catching balls in places on the field where he's rarely caught balls before, i.e., the mid zones between the hashes.

The value is apparent.

This week tells me how deep (or not) or WR corps really is.

That said, I expect a lot of FB, RB and TE pass targets this week.

Its really a shame that Andre is hurt, because he was on pace for a monster season. I only hope he can come back soon and continue his pace. You don't think he's the type of player to get nervous about routes after an injury right?

With regards to Matt Schaub, I think the other important thing to note is that his leadership is going to really improve the other WRs this weekend. Even without AJ< I tihnk Schaub willb e able to push the other guys to really step up and hopefully help fill his void
I really don't think we have even seen just how 'valuable' Schaub really is.

Andre Johnson has been hiding that value somewhat, since he has been the focus of the majority of Schaub's passes so far. But this week against the Colts . . .

. . . I think we are ALL going to see just how good a quarterback that Matt Schaub is going to be.

I couldn't agree more Marcus. But like PN said...if he's open how can you not throw it to him? This week i think it'll bea dogfight even without AJ.
I've been drinking the Schaub koolaide since we signed him. And not because I have some 'insight' that other don't, but because I believe in Kubiak and his staff and we saw some fundamental changes during last season.

I were an instant supporter of Schaub when we signed him too. Not only for the reason that you mention (I completely trust this coachngstaff), but bostly because I had the opportunity to watch a few Falcons games a couple of years ago(A team shown WAY too much here in Denmark). In this particular game (exactly what game it was escapes me) Schaub came in, or started and wow, I kept asking my girlfriend 'why the hell do they ever put Vick on the field, this Schaub guy can PLAY!
I also remember that the commentators mentioned that the playbook was not changed for Schaub, and that's what really sold me. If he could show such confidence and effectiveness with Vicks playbook, and actually make the recievers look good, he would have to be for real.

The second we signed him, I hoped, half-way expected us to see what I saw from him wearing that Falcons uniform. So far, he has not dissapointed me :)
I was excited when they traded for Matt. I also have seen some of the Falcon games where he came it and all af a sudden there was a different feeling on the field. The fans knew it and the players knew it.

There are just certain people that have that "IT" quality. A bunch of different things that you can't just put your finger on and say what exactly it is.

But you don't have to have the best arm, the best mobility, the best of anything, but you are one of the best to get what needs to be done - done.

Joe Montana, drafted in the 3rd round. You knew when you needed a score in the last 2 minutes of the game that he was going to get the 49ers down to where they needed to be to score the winning points.

Tom Brady, drafted in the 6th round. Without what a lot of people seem to think are the best WR, RB, TE, linemen, etc just wins.

Teddy Bruski, not the fastest, most talented, most athletic, etc, but he plays his heart out and makes plays, always near the ball. (Sort of like what they were saying about DeMeco Ryans before he played last year.)

I am sure there are a lot more at various positions, but you just don't have to have the #1 or 2 or 3rd pick in the draft to get an excellent QB.The price of 2 second rounders may have seemed very steep at the time to a lot of people, but when we are winning, it is very very small.
After watching Bledsoe get sacked and hurried every possession, I thought the Cowboys were crazy for giving the reigns to new guy Tony Romo. But suddenly, the pressure seemed to lessen.

Nice post......

Things that make you go Hhmmmmmmm?????????

Wasn't Chris Palmer the OC/QB coach last year for the Cowboys and Romo????? :confused:
I really don't think we have even seen just how 'valuable' Schaub really is.

Andre Johnson has been hiding that value somewhat, since he has been the focus of the majority of Schaub's passes so far. But this week against the Colts . . .

. . . I think we are ALL going to see just how good a quarterback that Matt Schaub is going to be.

Yup. People seem to be forgetting Matt Schaub flashed enough in Atlanta with a reviled WR corps that was bringing down Mike Vick. In the NE game he was throwing to superstars such as Dez White and Brian Finneran.
I have been a Carr supporter from the start, and I didn't lessen my support when he left, I believed it couldn't all be him. I also didn't like cutting the starter for a backup without any form of competition. While it is still early in the season, I have to admit that the leadership and poise Schaub has is making all the difference. I am seeing a different team on the field, a team fighting for yards, fighting for the ball, fighting for wins. While I don't hold any hatred for Carr (like most), I admit I was wrong about him, he didn't inspire the team to win. The Texans have gained a heart in his abscense, and that alone makes it worth getting rid of him. I'll take a team with the heart to fight over any other.
This year, Andre has been catching balls in places on the field where he's rarely caught balls before, i.e., the mid zones between the hashes.

The value is apparent.

This week tells me how deep (or not) or WR corps really is.

That said, I expect a lot of FB, RB and TE pass targets this week.

yep. I think Schaub will deliver the ball where it needs to be, so it will definitely be interesting to see if our WRs can step up to the challenge.
i've been calling Schaub a franchise QB since his draft, and i'm really glad he's been given the reigns of a team that will embrace him and his abilities.
Hold the phone. Matt Schaub is doing very well, but let's give credit where it's due, and he's not the only one. The line looks well because of a. Mike Sherman. Now that Mike Sherman is completely in control, he has adjusted the schemes (especially the run schemes). This brings me to the second contribution: b. Ahman Green. The line has improved, but he has shown real tenacity on the field and added yards to runs that previous Texans backs probably would have given up on. All this leads to a stellar run game, which makes the passing game all that much better. Neither the Chiefs nor the Panthers were able to work on a blitz-first agenda because the Texans finally have a run game. This allows for a better pass game.

The defense, of all people, also needs to be credited. Years and years of drafting rookie defensive players (especially d-linemen) has finally paid off. The Texans have an incredible turn-over ratio. They are also really limiting the time that the opposing team's offense is on the field. This means the offense is being given more time than they probably ever have had in the history of the Texans.

The o-line still has major flaws. The talent was not upgraded (except for replacing Flanagan with McKinney). It's still porous and linemen are getting through. I wish they would get a center or a left tackle who isn't a journeyman player, but at this point I don't think the Texans will ever have anything more than band-aids on the line and will be making their bread and butter off finding ways to circumnavigate any and all problems on the line.
i've been calling Schaub a franchise QB since his draft, and i'm really glad he's been given the reigns of a team that will embrace him and his abilities.

I'm sure you have due to your self-promoted expertise on draft day.:cool:

Just ribbing with ya.

Truthfully, I'd never heard of Schaub until a couple years ago when he began his pre-season dominance.

i've been calling Schaub a franchise QB since his draft, and i'm really glad he's been given the reigns of a team that will embrace him and his abilities.

Shameless self promotion is the mating call of the mute button!
Now, on the subject of shameless self promotion...
Hold the phone. Matt Schaub is doing very well, but let's give credit where it's due, and he's not the only one.

Good post, but I don't think anyone disputes what you're saying.

This thread is titled "The value of Matt Schaub", so it has tended to be focused on....Matt Schaub. :shades:
The defense, of all people, also needs to be credited. Years and years of drafting rookie defensive players (especially d-linemen) has finally paid off. The Texans have an incredible turn-over ratio. They are also really limiting the time that the opposing team's offense is on the field. This means the offense is being given more time than they probably ever have had in the history of the Texans.

While our defenses has been good at giving us turnovers, I think everyone can agree that the reason our TOP has been so high is because of the crazy 10+ minute drives we have sustained multiple games in a row.
While our defenses has been good at giving us turnovers, I think everyone can agree that the reason our TOP has been so high is because of the crazy 10+ minute drives we have sustained multiple games in a row.

Exactly. The defense plays a part in that by getting us the ball back fast, but the Offense is out there eating up yards and clock. The offense could easily suck and give the ball back just as fast as they had gotten it.
Exactly. The defense plays a part in that by getting us the ball back fast, but the Offense is out there eating up yards and clock. The offense could easily suck and give the ball back just as fast as they had gotten it.

Which we did in years past.
Good post, but I don't think anyone disputes what you're saying.

This thread is titled "The value of Matt Schaub", so it has tended to be focused on....Matt Schaub. :shades:

But it's in relation to the o-line. I just think that while Schaub's helped, there are other, bigger reasons why the line looks so good.
While our defenses has been good at giving us turnovers, I think everyone can agree that the reason our TOP has been so high is because of the crazy 10+ minute drives we have sustained multiple games in a row.

...ten-minute drives sustained by Ahman Green/Ron Dayne and Mike Sherman. Green Bay has given the Texans a lot. The cheeseheads should be jealous.
But it's in relation to the o-line. I just think that while Schaub's helped, there are other, bigger reasons why the line looks so good.

You must've been a Carr supporter...

Can't see any bigger reason for the lines "improvement" than the guy taking snaps. JMO.
Shameless self promotion is the mating call of the mute button!
Now, on the subject of shameless self promotion...
what self-promotion? all i'm saying is that i've believed in his abilities for a long time and am ecstatic that he's getting a chance to start.
But it's in relation to the o-line. I just think that while Schaub's helped, there are other, bigger reasons why the line looks so good.

I don't know, bro'...I'm not sure how much 'bigger' of a reason there is when you see such a significant improvement at QB. Schaub's quick release alone is improving their blocking skills, simply because of the time involved. No longer does our line have to hold blocks for 5, 6, 7 seconds before the QB decides what to do (if he decided at all).

Then factor in the fact that Schaub can read defenses pre-snap and make adjustments, pick up blitzes and call audibles to react accordingly, and he's not scared to throw down the middle of the field, I'm kind of amazed that you think other factors could be bigger than the upgrade to QB.

He also has those 'intangible' qualities, like leadership and poise, pocket presence and remaining calm in the face of adversity, that permeates the huddle. The linemen key on this positive vibe just like the skill positions do, and when they can trust their QB to make good decisions, that improves their play tremendously.

We had a 1,000+ yard rusher in DD for three years in a row (alright, last year he missed by a dozen yards). So we have had a running game in the past.

At the end of the day, we will just have to respectfully agree to disagree. If you put YKW on this exact same team, I seriously doubt you'd see the same results.
Methinks thou dost protesteth too much.

Or at least over and over...

i have no idea what you're talking about. i stated my opinion, and that's that. it's not so hard to understand, really. you misinterpreted what i said, so i have no idea what you're talking about. i stated my opinion, and that's that. it's not so hard to understand, really. you misinterpreted what i said, so i have no idea what you're talking about. i stated my opinion, and that's that. it's not so hard to understand, really.
You must've been a Carr supporter...

Can't see any bigger reason for the lines "improvement" than the guy taking snaps. JMO.

Carr had great comedic impacts for the viewer, but otherwise, I prefer the new guy.

But when it comes to the o-line, the differences are all coaching and the way the line is being used. Because the quarterback has a fast release may make him good, but at the end of the day those front five are still no better.
I don't know, bro'...I'm not sure how much 'bigger' of a reason there is when you see such a significant improvement at QB. Schaub's quick release alone is improving their blocking skills, simply because of the time involved. No longer does our line have to hold blocks for 5, 6, 7 seconds before the QB decides what to do (if he decided at all).

Then factor in the fact that Schaub can read defenses pre-snap and make adjustments, pick up blitzes and call audibles to react accordingly, and he's not scared to throw down the middle of the field, I'm kind of amazed that you think other factors could be bigger than the upgrade to QB.

He also has those 'intangible' qualities, like leadership and poise, pocket presence and remaining calm in the face of adversity, that permeates the huddle. The linemen key on this positive vibe just like the skill positions do, and when they can trust their QB to make good decisions, that improves their play tremendously.

We had a 1,000+ yard rusher in DD for three years in a row (alright, last year he missed by a dozen yards). So we have had a running game in the past.

At the end of the day, we will just have to respectfully agree to disagree. If you put YKW on this exact same team, I seriously doubt you'd see the same results.

No disrespect to DD, but you are seriously not comparing Ahman Green to Dominick Davis. DD got yards because teams knew they just had to concentrate on getting to Carr and double-covering AJ.

You're right. We're going to have to agree to disagree. I think Matt's doing a great job, but it doesn't excuse bad o-line play, which has happened, and it doesn't mean our guys are great linemen. It just means the Texans have found a way to cover-up a major flaw. For now.

Here's an intersting article on the difference between two Big XII quarterbacks this year. The writer argues that it is the line that is making the difference. If this were the Texans, though, the argument would be for the quarterbacks.
You Know Who.

Thanks. Did anyone notice YKW on the Carolina sideline? The image of him with his ducktail hairdoo, Michael Jackson gloves and an earpiece, which I think was his IPod, still cracks me up. All he needed was to start doing the moonwalk to complete his ensemble......
One of the best post I have read all year. Thanks for your views, I agree with all.
Here's an intersting article on the difference between two Big XII quarterbacks this year. The writer argues that it is the line that is making the difference. If this were the Texans, though, the argument would be for the quarterbacks.

No QB can perform behind an absolutely terrible line....

Matt Schaub can perform behind our line because our line isn't terrible...

Though our line may not be great, David made them look worse...

David couldn't perform behind our line because he was a bad QB...

Matt can perform behind our line because he's pretty good...

A good QB + a solid/decent line = desireable results

If you're trying to let us know that our line isn't full of pro-bowlers I don't think you'd find many who'd dispute that...If you are trying to say our line is absolutely terrible or well below average, then I'd have to disagree...I believe David made them look that way in the past....If our line was truly as bad as you are making them sound Matt Schaub wouldn't have been as successful as he's been these last two game...period....Especially not going up against Peppers and Rucker and holding them to 0 sacks & 0 big plays. No amount of scheming in the world is going to mask a lines shortcomings THAT well.

Looks like he has the making of a star- Jim Rome

a stones play by management (making the move for Schaub)- Jim Rome
No QB can perform behind an absolutely terrible line....

Matt Schaub can perform behind our line because our line isn't terrible...

Though our line may not be great, David made them look worse...

David couldn't perform behind our line because he was a bad QB...

Matt can perform behind our line because he's pretty good...

A good QB + a solid/decent line = desireable results

If you're trying to let us know that our line isn't full of pro-bowlers I don't think you'd find many who'd dispute that...If you are trying to say our line is absolutely terrible or well below average, then I'd have to disagree...I believe David made them look that way in the past....If our line was truly as bad as you are making them sound Matt Schaub wouldn't have been as successful as he's been these last two game...period....Especially not going up against Peppers and Rucker and holding them to 0 sacks & 0 big plays. No amount of scheming in the world is going to mask a lines shortcomings THAT well.


Hmmmm...this all sounds like something I've heard before...

I don't think there's much truth in what you're saying, or is it the Spanish "Real," meaning regal or royalty?
I don't think there's much truth in what you're saying,

Then dispute what he is saying.

No disrespect to the NCAA, but you are seriously not comparing college ball to the NFL. That article is nice and all, but it doesn't necessarily translate to the pro game.

So, are you saying that Carr would be doing the same as Schaub behind this exact same team?

Are you disagreeing that Carr was making the line look bad?

You say the line is a "major flaw" that the Texans have "covered up". hmmmm, just add a RB and you get protection, poise in the pocket, and good QB decisions? Your math is not adding up. Maybe your perception of "major flaw" is the problem, because nobody - including the talking heads who used to say the same thing - agrees with your take. You do realize that this is the same line we had last year, yeah?