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THe Sweep is COMPLETE!

Fldvldog said:
It's a shame that not every poster is admitting their serving of crow. You all know who you are...

This was three days ago!Gotta eat some CROW. I said a couple of weeks ago that the Texans would not win another game this year! Really not fair though, Pendry didn't call the plays the first half!

You know, Crow really ain't that bad----

Bobby 119C
Fldvldog said:
Hmmm. The refs favoring the Jags in Houston? I doubt it.

We won, fair and square. :party:
Did you watch the game? There were some BAD calls against us.. see Fagins pickand the 3rd and goal at the 1 following our goal-line stand...

whatever, missing two very makeable fied goals cost us, thats the differance between winning a close won and losing it.:brickwall
jags98 said:
He went up with his hand and hit garrard in the head sweeetheart. The Refs didnt cost you the game... Sorry.
I was there, at no time did the ref say "blow to the head" like they do when its such a penalty, and on none of the replays I saw was there something hitting the QB is the head.... BS call
The Jags were flagged 6 times for 50 yards.
The Texans were flagged 7 times for 40 yards.

Seems pretty even to me.
woulda, shoulda, coulda....Hey, The Texans played hard and did great on the deep ball......Texan fan should be proud the texans made a game out of it. pentalies on both sides, always hurt. The lead changed 4 times in the game!! 4-4's to our rivalry. Eat you Cream of BEEF....
Fldvldog said:
Okay, well, hows this:


Um okay, whatever floats your boat. But the correct way to say a score is 38-20. Having to much egg nog?:tv:
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that with this loss I can now finally say that at least one of the things I predicted before the season started has come true.

No the Texans did not win as many games as I expected. No the guys I thought would go to the Pro Bowl didn't go to the Pro Bowl. Yes the Jaguars did (finally) sweep the Texans and even as I was saying that we were going to be over .500 and fighting for a playoff spot I was also saying that we were due a pair of losses to Jacksonville.

To the Jags fans I'd like to add that it's about time. Took you long enough.

Next year we will of course return the favor and sweep you (again).
Fldvldog said:
Just a few others that have a full plate of crow:

Gwallaia said “The Jags have too much riding on this one and will freeze up”

Texan almighty said “No way the Jags score 34 points…” **Jags scored 38**

Double Barrel said “Ticket to Christmas Eve game against division rival: $45.00
Tailgating pass to yellow lot: $10.00
3D Soda at halftime: $5.50
Beating the Jaguars to knock them out of the playoff hunt (again): Priceless”

Gone Texan said “In fact don’t even watch it because it is not going to be a game at all. You’re right that the TITANS will be the ones to knock you out (when you lose to us). So, why would Saturday game and next week game be a factor anyway?”

YellerLotYeller said “26 - Houston
18 – Jagoffs”

Carr Bomb said
“Dont worry chargers fan. Not only will we beat them I'm predicting we'll beat them by more than 10 points. I don't know why just got a feeling”

Vtech9 said: “Texans.....30

Yeah I'm here to eat my crow at this point in the season I'm getting used to the taste. Mmmm.....It goes down good with lots and lots and LOTS of beer, kinda kills the taste. I thought we were going to pull it out today and was upset when things started to get out of hand, but when I saw the 9ers score I felt a whole let better about the loss. Here's to not doing something stupid like winning next week, theres like 5 or 6 3-12 teams. We could drop pretty far if we win.
Carr Bomb said:
Yeah I'm here to eat my crow at this point in the season I'm getting used to the taste. Mmmm.....It goes down good with lots and lots and LOTS of beer, kinda kills the taste. I thought we were going to pull it out today and was upset when things started to get out of hand, but when I saw the 9ers score I felt a whole let better about the loss. Here's to not doing something stupid like winning next week, theres like 5 or 6 3-12 teams. We could drop pretty far if we win.

At least you admitted it. Many (who even I spared to call out) have yet to come clean.
Congrats to the Jags. Series is tied. We'll be back next year for revenge. Merry Christmas, good game, and good luck in the playoffs.
The gramer and ediquete on the Jags message board is horrible. The set up is also below average. No wonder the jags fans are on our board so often.

Merry Christmas to all.
Well, crow certainly tastes better than the crap we've been forced to eat this entire 2-13 season.

Good luck in the playoffs, Jags. You'll need all the luck you can get against the teams you'll be up against.

Let's keep this thread civil, folks. :)
Fldvldog said:
Yes, but the Jags have the latest sweep.

I'm assuming that Fldvldog means Florida Devil Dog?

If so, we can handle this in the pit with some good old MCMAP... :)

And just so you know, it was hard to actually hope the Texans would lose to the Jags. Its kind of like when you hope the poor fish that is floating at the top of the tank barely hanging on to life would just go ahead and die so you can flush him and go get a new fish. You can't quite bring yourself to flush him alive, so he just floats there, twitching once in a while to show some sign of life. But deep down inside, you just want the darn thing to die so you can get a new fish.
chdaty said:
I'm assuming that Fldvldog means Florida Devil Dog?

If so, we can handle this in the pit with some good old MCMAP... :)

And just so you know, it was hard to actually hope the Texans would lose to the Jags. Its kind of like when you hope the poor fish that is floating at the top of the tank barely hanging on to life would just go ahead and die so you can flush him and go get a new fish. You can't quite bring yourself to flush him alive, so he just floats there, twitching once in a while to show some sign of life. But deep down inside, you just want the darn thing to die so you can get a new fish.

Love the scenerio. :)

And yes, thats the name...:ok:
Man, I was in the mood for Turkey today not Crow. Any way, Jags congratulations on a good win. Good luck in the play-offs. Can't say that I'll be pulling for ya, but if you make it to the Superbowl I'll think about it.
Fldvldog said:
Love the scenerio. :)

And yes, thats the name...:ok:

Came up with that while watching my "floater" this morning. Stupid WalMart fish...

Are you in 3rd Tracks in J-Ville?
I am here on Christmas day, as promised to honor my obligation. You won and we lost, and there were several calls that were shady to your benefit, but don't think it would have swung the results to our favor anyway. NO excuses, we lost. My sig is now changed for a week. Congrats fldvldog and moo on the win. I am a bit busy right now but will take care of my sig at the litterbox by days end.

I am very disappointed in some Jag fans who seem to only come AFTER the fact and be stupid. Smack is all well and fun, but to reap the reward you have to be here in advance of the game. You late comers (not fldvldog or moo) can get bent. Only those who were here and could put up are to get anything. The rest of you need to slither back home and I will deal with you in the litterbox.
And you wonder why you get no respect. :ok:
touttail said:
Texans owned the Jags in 2004!:yahoo:

Bobby 119C:brickwall
Sorry man but last year don't mean squat. This is this year and we didn't perform to our expectations. We have next year to look forward to some apparent fresh starts and prospects. Let's let'um enjoy their victory for there will be another day!
Filo/84 and the rest of the Texans fans, thanks for a great week of smack. I know some Jags fans come on after the game to rub it in your face...all teams got them...Anyway, It was a great game for both teams. 4-4 even!!! and next year will be another exciting game. Burp!!! Oh sorry Filo,....Cream of BEEF coming up...ate tooooo much :)