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The Problem is this team is too Soft.

The Dream

All Pro
I swear how do you let someone knock your qbs head off and no one even gets in dudes face or puts someone on the chargers on their ass............this nice clean cut image that this team has needs to go, because schaub gettng blasted on that block describes exactly what we are.........and that is SOFT.....mentally, physically, emotionally, etc...........
that's just ****ing inexcusable to let your QB get hit like that....if I was Kubes I'd be in my players faces to tell them to take someon on the chargers out..............
I think maybe Carr spoiled us on tough QBs. The man may be a bust, but Schaub is a pansy compared to him.

wow...I really want to disagree with that considering how much I bashed David, but you're right............................. :gun:
I swear how do you let someone knock your qbs head off and no one even gets in dudes face or puts someone on the chargers on their ass............this nice clean cut image that this team has needs to go, because schaub gettng blasted on that block describes exactly what we are.........and that is SOFT.....mentally, physically, emotionally, etc...........

That made me so mad. Nobody stood up for him. NO REACTION AT ALL. Just watched it and walked to the sidelines. That's pathetic.
this entire team just lacks "attitude" much as I love Demeco, Andre, Dunta, Schaub, Okoye etc. none of them just have that mean streak in them.........Travis Johnson is our meanest player.......
I don't think any of us needs to be calling Schaub a pansy. The guy is getting blasted constantly every single game and is playing with 4 gets blindsided and has to sit out..and we're calling him soft!? I know yall are frustrated but yall are pathetic.

Schaub, even though has avoided a lot of sacks...he's thrown the ball away and still gotten killed. Just b/c our sacks are down doesn't mean he's not getting lit up.

We need to fix our offensive line. We've got an expensive QB that we must protect...not to mention we're barely opening holes up for the RB's...I'm tired of seeing our Rb's get hit behind the line of scrimmage and seein Schaub getting killed.

We will not be a good team until we fix our OL.
I swear how do you let someone knock your qbs head off and no one even gets in dudes face or puts someone on the chargers on their ass............this nice clean cut image that this team has needs to go, because schaub gettng blasted on that block describes exactly what we are.........and that is SOFT.....mentally, physically, emotionally, etc...........

Well, prior to this year, there was all kinds of speculation and conjecture that the rest of the team hated Carr, and therefore never stuck up for him. Now, I don't know.
I don't think any of us needs to be calling Schaub a pansy. The guy is getting blasted constantly every single game and is playing with 4 gets blindsided and has to sit out..and we're calling him soft!? I know yall are frustrated but yall are pathetic.

Schaub, even though has avoided a lot of sacks...he's thrown the ball away and still gotten killed. Just b/c our sacks are down doesn't mean he's not getting lit up.

We need to fix our offensive line. We've got an expensive QB that we must protect...not to mention we're barely opening holes up for the RB's...I'm tired of seeing our Rb's get hit behind the line of scrimmage and seein Schaub getting killed.

We will not be a good team until we fix our OL.

QFE x several years. There are more than a few of us who have been saying that very thing for a while now.
QFE x several years. There are more than a few of us who have been saying that very thing for a while now.

Yes, but I was generally considered a pessimist this off-season - I couldn't see all the good things in store this year.

This team is about what they were last year. Sloppy and non-competitive for long stretches.
I swear how do you let someone knock your qbs head off and no one even gets in dudes face or puts someone on the chargers on their ass............this nice clean cut image that this team has needs to go, because schaub gettng blasted on that block describes exactly what we are.........and that is SOFT.....mentally, physically, emotionally, etc...........

I should have checked first...i started another thread saying the same thing u just said. Someone should remind Mr Mcnair this is football.
There are more than a few of us who have been saying that very thing for a while now.

I am one that has now turned y'alls way...starting with the Mario pick. I'm ready for us to continue on the other side of the ball and build up both lines strong. If we can dominate w/ both our lines and 'win through the trenches', we'll win a lot more games. Considering we still have a ways to go untill we're a consistent playoff team....why not build the OL and DL that we can then select the skill positions that will excel from the start.

on a side note, I love your signature. haha
I noticed that as well . It kinda made me a bit mad .

I don't care if it is DeMeco coming off the bench and starting some ****. Something needed to be done there. I think that play means more than people think. How do you think Schaub feels about it? That's like getting into a fight at a party and your friends stand and watch guys take cheap shots on you.
Well, prior to this year, there was all kinds of speculation and conjecture that the rest of the team hated Carr, and therefore never stuck up for him. Now, I don't know.

That was always an idiotic position to take. Players get paid on how they look on game film...they won't devalue themselves due to some dumb grudge.
I don't care if it is DeMeco coming off the bench and starting some ****. Something needed to be done there. I think that play means more than people think. How do you think Schaub feels about it? That's like getting into a fight at a party and your friends stand and watch guys take cheap shots on you.

In the old days they would have planted their QB .

Ben Davidson plants Len Dawson . Buck Buchanon plants Daryl Lomanica . George Blanda kicks a field goal to win it .

You guys calling our players soft ... they show you right after their naps .
The hit on Schaubie and the fact that ON ONE went and laid #29 ON HIS arse SAYS IT ALL ABOUT THIS TEAM.
They just don't have the fire in their heart.
And I'm disapointed in them for not knocking that #29 on his butt.
Take the flag, take the fine, but stand up for your team

I have never been more disgusted in 6 years of being a fan of this team.
I swear how do you let someone knock your qbs head off and no one even gets in dudes face or puts someone on the chargers on their ass............this nice clean cut image that this team has needs to go, because schaub gettng blasted on that block describes exactly what we are.........and that is SOFT.....mentally, physically, emotionally, etc...........

I know this isn't the PC thing to post , but I'm with you. old school. And I realize it was a clean hit....technically, someone should of had the guy in the dirt tring to rip the guys larnyx out. And further tried to kill anyone who was tring to pull him off the guy while he was tring to rip it out. MS's fault. first thing you learn playing football got a change of possession, either get in the middle of it or get away from it. You wanna watch, buy a ticket. He should of known better. A clear brain fart on MS's part. But agreed would of like to see that guy on the ground with his larnyx hanging out. Old school. They do it because we let them rough up J.J. durring the clots game.
Hunter Smith should be a marked man in our locker room. They'll keep doing it untill someone on our side decides the fine is worth it. Just from my tree we have no Carl Maucks on this squad. And these player are not playing for the team but for their own individual rice bowls.
Ryan Young on Fox Sports had an interesting take on the Schaub cheap shot. First he pointed out that it happened right in front of two Texan lineman (replays show it was Pitts and Salaam) and they did nothing, although in his opinion there should have been retaliation.

Young went on to say that when he blocked for Testeverde, they had a scheme for interceptions. The backside tackle would protect Vinny, and the other would go after the ball carrier.
I think maybe Carr spoiled us on tough QBs. The man may be a bust, but Schaub is a pansy compared to him.

I wouldn't call Schaub a pansy, but I will agree with you on Carr. For all of his faults (and there were a lot of them, to many for him to be our starter) he was tough as nails.
If I were on that team and they did that to my QB, I would have gone after the guy on the next play he was on the field and let him know why I was doing it. That would do more to bring the team together than any rah-rah meeting or anything else. You need to go into battle with guys you know are going to protect each other. Doing nothing bothers me more than losing by the lopsided score.
I know this is the most unsportsman-like thread I've ever posted, and normally I'm totally against this sort of thing, but I'm truly embarrassed that our O-linemen (and tailbacks/fullbacks) we're standing on the field when a Chargers player (two of them) made that illegal helmet to helmet on Schaub purposely, and did NOTHING. Their job is to protect the QB. When someone punks him out like that (hard enough to give him a concussion), you get in there, and make him regret it.

I'm not a violent guy typically, but you tough my wife, or kid (if I had one), and I'll take a baseball bat to your forehead without thinking twice. That's basically what he did too. He knows you're there to protect the QB. Knocking him out of the game also causes you to lose a game or two, which hurts your paycheck, which hurts your family. I know it's a stretch, but I would like to see some anger out of our guys when that happens. I want to see them take that as a personal insult, and get furious......God forbid, maybe play with some passion. (Other than the beginning of the Titans game, when they punked us, I've never seen us fight back). Is it too much to ask for some unity?
I wouldn't call Schaub a pansy, but I will agree with you on Carr. For all of his faults (and there were a lot of them, to many for him to be our starter) he was tough as nails.

I agree in part but in reality, at least the last 2-3 years, I wasn't sure if Carr was tough, or it was just the fact that he never stood in there and took big shots. Emmitt Smith used to be great and turning so that no one got a clean shot at him. Many times Dave would be in his protective shell before guys even got to him. But he had a good injury record.
I agree in part but in reality, at least the last 2-3 years, I wasn't sure if Carr was tough, or it was just the fact that he never stood in there and took big shots. Emmitt Smith used to be great and turning so that no one got a clean shot at him. Many times Dave would be in his protective shell before guys even got to him. But he had a good injury record.

The only scary injury I remembe Emmitt ever having was a hit on his noggin he took in Chicago and I'm not even sure I remember anybody hitting him...he jumped over a pack of players at the goal line and ended up landing on his head/neck. He had that "no feeling" sensation for a few seconds I think but I do believe he played the next week.

He did play the one game with a separated shoulder during a playoff game with the Giants. Emmitt just had a ton of heart.
The team seems to value 'high character' guys with nice smiles and niiiiiiiiice personalities. It is part of marketing a "family friendly" atmosphere, and I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that if the market continues to support habitually losing teams, then why should the Texans FO change the formula?
The team seems to value 'high character' guys with nice smiles and niiiiiiiiice personalities. It is part of marketing a "family friendly" atmosphere, and I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that if the market continues to support habitually losing teams, then why should the Texans FO change the formula?

You summed up how I have felt for awhile. Its like watching a team resign guys that haven't done a thing but the team thinks, "this is the year" or "he offers us X, even though he doesn't give us Y or Z." (say Astros with Lane or Everett, etc) You never break that mold so no one knows what could happen. I just get tired of hearing "he works hard, give him/them time." After Year 5, fans don't have time. They want results. Its almost like they look at it as if we are in a never ending expansion mode and that people should have patience. I have none and am tired of watching the same results.
That made me so mad. Nobody stood up for him. NO REACTION AT ALL. Just watched it and walked to the sidelines. That's pathetic.

if you WATCHED the game he was hit AFTER an interception, so most players were moving towards ball not looking back. I guess you would have preferred us getting offsetting penalties costing us yardage:gun:
if you WATCHED the game he was hit AFTER an interception, so most players were moving towards ball not looking back. I guess you would have preferred us getting offsetting penalties costing us yardage:gun:

If you want an honest that point in the game and how it was going...I'd much rather have seen someone go knock the guys block off. It would have been the one highlight. Remember George Teague when TO ran to the star at Texas Stadium?Mad respect for that hit. Show some heart and take up for the QB.
like charmin...

(i was going to say kleenex cottonelle with ripples due to it's glowing reviews at (people call it the softest best toilet paper ever) but the name's just too damn long)

I totally agree with the majority.

Hunter Smith gets away with an unneccesary shove. Our team doesn't respond.

Jax runs over us physically on both sides of the ball. Our team lays down.

Haynesworth pile drives our QB into the ground. Our team does nothing.

Florence blindsides our QB with a dirty hit. Our team lays down.

Soft? That doesn't even cover it.

Mario is the posterboy of SOFT
The whole offensive line - SOFT. Spencer had a mean streak, and he would have cracked Florence's skull. The rest of these guys should appear in a charmin commercial. :devilpig:
Haynesworth pile drives our QB into the ground. Our team does nothing.

I guess people have short memories when making a point. Earlier in that same game Winston had to be restrained from fighting with Bullock and from confronting the official the first time Schaub was hit.
I guess people have short memories when making a point. Earlier in that same game Winston had to be restrained from fighting with Bullock and from confronting the official the first time Schaub was hit.

I would like a mean streak on every down not just when the QB gets popped .

What does this mean ... it means that you drive your man until the whistle blows .

It means that on a sweep , I got DBs scared because they know I'm looking to squish them .

I want guys who don't make dumb penalties at the absolute worst times . Why are they making dumb penalties ... cause they're afraid of getting beat .
It means the guy across from me knows I'm a 110% guy all day long .

I won't my OL to take it personally when there's a sack and not let it happen again .
I want guys who don't make dumb penalties at the absolute worst times . Why are they making dumb penalties ... cause they're afraid of getting beat .

So now we are back to being seers who know the hearts of all men? Couldn't be that Pitts or whomever is over anxious to hit his guy or that a dumb penalty is just that, being dumb. Naah, it has to be fear.
The problem with our team is not that they are soft its due to the fact they cant stop anyone on third down. Thats not soft that is inept.
I totally agree with the majority.

Hunter Smith gets away with an unneccesary shove. Our team doesn't respond.

Jax runs over us physically on both sides of the ball. Our team lays down.

Haynesworth pile drives our QB into the ground. Our team does nothing.

Florence blindsides our QB with a dirty hit. Our team lays down.

Soft? That doesn't even cover it.

Mario is the posterboy of SOFT
The whole offensive line - SOFT. Spencer had a mean streak, and he would have cracked Florence's skull. The rest of these guys should appear in a charmin commercial. :devilpig:

More fuel

Shawne Merriman was enraged. He was yelling before and after plays.

“I'm gonna hit the next (bleeper) in the mouth that I see,” he screamed more than a few times.

( do you think our players could hear what he was yelling?)

He could hardly believe the Houston Texans were running the ball, down by 32points this past Sunday.

“They just didn't want the game to get ugly,” Merriman said. “I was (ticked) off. I want to hit the quarterback. . . . Hell, yeah, I was frustrated. I was ready to start a fight at any point in that game.”

Someone needs to tell Merriman that our guys won't fight.

Actually he was mostly upset because he wasn't able to add to his sack total because we were still attempting to run the ball.
