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The Broncos' take on their upcoming Houston visit

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Hall of Fame
"You play against them so much you even know their mannerisms or their moves," Coyer said. "The key to this (week in Houston) is (that) you’re playing against guys with different colored suits. It’s a different team and you don’t know them. It’s a different group; a different deal. They’re very gifted, we know that. Their quarterback is very gifted, receivers are gifted, talented offense. It will be very competitive, I’m sure."
"I doubt it will be 'only' practice.," fullback Kyle Johnson said. "It's competition. We're going to be practicing. We're going to have a preseason game and I would imagine it would be extremely intense. I'm not going to sit here and prepare for a practice. I'm going to sit here and prepare for an intense battle."
As a Texans fan living deep in the heart of Bronco land, I am seriously hoping for a win. It has been tough living through two preseason losses and one regular season loss up here. It's time to come through and send the Broncos packing!!!! I've been telling folks up here its the Broncos' roster that resembles that of an expansion team more than Houstons'. Now it's time to prove it.
Broncos will be tough to deal with. Both their offense and defense were top 10 last year. This will be a good test for us. Wished they weren't a zone blocking team so the guys would get some good work against a team that isn't.
The Broncos always seem to get right to our weaknesses and exploit them . Its so frustrating to lose to a team like them when you know that we have better talent . The just seem to have our number . I have a feeling though that will all change this weekend . :jam: :cool:
broncos are gonna go 3rd or 4th in their division imo. Shanni will be gone at the end of this season. First preseason game means absolutely nothing so if our first team does well or poor, oh well. What will be important is individual play of Wand, Peek, Babin and Buchanan. And how can I forget Mathis.
ocd said:
broncos are gonna go 3rd or 4th in their division imo. Shanni will be gone at the end of this season. First preseason game means absolutely nothing so if our first team does well or poor, oh well. What will be important is individual play of Wand, Peek, Babin and Buchanan. And how can I forget Mathis.

Yeah, what he said. :highfive:

Player quotes

Capers (real player link)

QB David Carr

(on the intensity level being higher going up against a different team) “Oh yeah, definitely. Especially when you get the guys that either you’re going to play in the preseason or are going to play in the regular season. It always steps up a notch. Everyone’s competitive juices get going and you want to beat every body else. Even though its a little 7-on-7 drill or 1-on-1 or whatever it is, you want to win.”

(on being excited to finally go up against a different team ) “Yeah it’s nice. I’m tired of seeing Gary Walker and Kailee Wong and all those guys across (the line of scrimmage). Those guys are supposed to be my teammates. It’s nice to work against them but it’s also nice to take your skills and go work them against someone else.”

(on Kailee Wong’s contract extension) “Yeah Kailee’s taking me out to dinner tonight actually…and the next night, and the night after that.”

(on if practice sessions help going into the preseason) “Yeah, definitely. Again, I think anytime I think you can practice against other guys and see how your offense, your scheme and your personnel match up against those guys, and what adjustments you might have to make before the season starts. It can’t do anything but help you.”

(on if he got a better feel for the offense today) “Yeah actually we did. I thought we were pretty consistent even though it was just one practice. There weren’t any highs and lows we just kept moving the ball and kept completing passes so I’m excited. Hopefully it translates.”

(on Jerry Rice and Andre Johnson chatting after practice) “Jerry’s a good guy. I’ve gotten to play in a golf tournament the last couple years with him. Just for a guy who’s done all the things that he’s done to be so down to earth to come up and just say hi and ask how I’m doing. (He’s a) class guy.”

(on feeling an awe factor upon seeing certain players) “Oh still, when I see Jerry Rice. Just some of the things he’s done (in this league) in 21 years now. I was born when he was a freshman in college. So the guy has a little experience on me. So definitely.”

WR Andre Johnson

(on meeting with Jerry Rice after practice) “It was great. To get advice from the best receiver to ever play the game was something that I’ve been waiting for. I finally got a chance to do it.”

(on the advice Rice offered him) “He just told me to just be coachable, and that’s something that I am. When a coach is telling you that you need to do this when you’re running a route, don’t act like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or talk back to him or things like that. (Rice) said that he still feels like a little kid out there on the field. He still loves the game.”

(on the possibility of breaking Rice’s records) “That’s going to be hard. To play that long…that’s a lot of yards and a lot of touchdowns and a lot of receptions. You just have to work at it, but it’s going to be hard to break (those records).

(on speaking to Jerry Rice) “It means a lot. I didn’t realize he has been in the league 20-some years. That’s amazing. They say you can only be in the league four years, for a football player. He has been in it for 21. It was really great to finally get a chance to talk to him.”
(on if he’s going to train with Rice) “Yeah, I hope so. Like he said, he still loves the game and he’s like a little kid when he’s out on the field. He continues to work hard. He invited me to come up and train. I’m definitely going to go. I’m going to take him up on it. I think it would be a really good experience for me.”

RB Domanick Davis

(on whether anyone won or loss today) “You can’t really judge it. There was just good tempo going on, trying to stay off the ground and trying to get a good practice in.”

(on going against another team) “It was good going against somebody else. You get tired of going against the same team everyday. So it was good we had them in today to get some good work in.”

(on trash talk from the Broncos during practice) “What kind of talk? I didn’t hear too much on our side maybe on the defensive side. But it was pretty quiet and guys were trying to get some good work in.”

CB Phillip Buchanon

(on if he thought any team “won” today) “No, not really. This is only the first day so everybody is taking it kind of cool right now. We’re just relaxing; trying to get into a groove.”

(on what he said to the Bronco players out on the field) “I told them to just take it easy. Just don’t anybody get hurt out here today. Let’s just take it easy and have fun.”

WR Jerome Mathis

(on how his speed matched up against the Broncos DBs) “I really didn’t get a chance to show it. I ran a lot of intermediate routes so it was kind of hard to show the speed. But coming out of the break, I had like a three yard cushion on some of them. I did okay for the first day, but still there’s a lot more room for improvement.”
Is it me, or are we really fortunate to have a Great WR like Andre Johnson. I mean u won't get any stunts from him like Chad Johnson and Joe Horn. Won't get the Big Ego's like the TO's and Moss's.

After seeing the fiasco that is going on in Philly, i think we should sign this guy to a Houston-Texan Lifetime contract. He only comes around every 20 years.
We are very lucky to have a class organization. An extension
for AJ will be done in good time. Thank god this isn't the eagles
front office. Just ask Davis and Wong.
The foundation is laid, time to build the dynasty.
we are very very fortunate to have a man like andre johnson here in houston...i can always deal with the stunts like horn and chad johnson...i really can't stand the off-field issues that come with a guy like moss or to...the only person that really suffers from johnson's and horn's behavior is them...but andre is a class act and i hope he continues to play like a bigger version of jerry rice...he may never be as good as jerry but if he continues the path he's on he will be mentioned as one of the all-time greats at that position...atleast that's my opinion
SassyTexan said:
What's the status on Maurice Clarett? Is he ailing too much to come to Houston for preseason week?

Nope Clarett didnt make the trip, but we got to see Rice lineup and run some routes tonight.

Broncos looked pretty good - their defensive secondary was very sharp tonight - they picked off 7or 8 passes [2 from Carr] in 7 on 7's and full squad scrimmages.

The good guys were doing ok, but our D-line got little penetration on the first team Denver offense. Our offense struggled several times in 7 on 7's, 2 minutre O and full squad scrimmages. Pass protection was ok at best. Special teams were awesoem tonight with 3 blocked punts during ST drills and a few close calls. Didnt get to see the Defense work out much - I was sitting on the offensive side of the field for practice.

Should be an interesting game on saturday.
U4ikrob said:
Nope Clarett didnt make the trip, but we got to see Rice lineup and run some routes tonight.
Really not trying to give you a hard time U4, but how could you even mention those 2 names in the same sentence ?
TC was great last night..I didnt really get to see the defense,..I have to say I was most impressed by Mathis (td punt return) great moves and VERY fast! and WR Kevin Kasper...keep your eye on this kid, great hands, quick on his feet, awesome leaping ability, Kasper made a spectacular catch from Banks in the endzone which I believe was being thrown away, has Largent-like moves...and Ramon Walker with 2 blocked punts in a row! :highfive:
I thought it'd be neat to check out Denvers view on how the first practice went. I'll copy some of the article from their main site but the whole story's a good read for anyone who wants a different view on our Texans.

On the first of the practice-closing drives -- which saw Houston's No. 1 offense face Denver's first-team defense (which was still minus Champ Bailey nursing a hamstring injury) -- safety Nick Ferguson closed out matters by intercepting a David Carr pass that was intended for Andre Johnson.

--blah! It's only practice...

When the second-teamers took the field, Broncos cornerback Curome Cox picked off Tony Banks to close the Texans' five-play march.

--Second string... and... it's only practice!

Ferguson had a particularly active evening. One play before intercepting Carr, he sacked him for an 8-yard loss -- although a sack was merely a tag. The teams practiced in shorts and shells on Wednesday night, limiting contact

--Lets hope this isnt a sign for things to come...

Denver's punt-protection team yielded two blocks Wednesday night, something 2004 special-teams captain Ferguson attributed to two causes.

The first was inexperience.

"We've got a couple of young guys on some of our units, so they have to get familiar with seeing different things from other teams," Ferguson said. "It's the first time we've seen another team opposed to ourselves in practice, so we have to get accustomed to that. But I'm sure that they'll be ready for game time."

In Ferguson's eyes, the second was miscommunication.

"All it was (was) some guys mixing up the count," Ferguson said. "Maybe they saw something different that they didn't see in practice, and that just threw them off. On the third unit, (special teams coach) Ronnie (Bradford took someone out and put Tick (Keith Burns) back in, who's a veteran guy, and things were going better after that."

When the Broncos did get punts off, speedy rookie Jerome Mathis was ready. The fourth-round pick of the Texans blazed up the right sideline for two lengthy returns after two long-distance punts off the foot of Broncos rookie Paul Ernster.

--That's what I'm talkin 'bout! Take it to the house Jerome!!!!!

While Denver's defense shut down the Texans in "move-the-ball" work by forcing two interceptions, the offense found mixed success. The first-team offense drove into field-goal range as Jake Plummer completed passes to Rod Smith, Ashley Lelie and Jake Plummer to set up a 45-yard field goal by Jason Elam.

The No. 2 offense was not as successful against Houston's second defense; its drive petered out at the Texans 30-yard-line when a fourth-down pass from Bradlee Van Pelt for tight end Jeb Putzier went through the tight end's hands ...

--I'm hoping that this reads exactly oposite as it does now come tomorrow.
nunusguy said:
Really not trying to give you a hard time U4, but how could you even mention those 2 names in the same sentence ?

Because both were injured and Broncos. Nothing more than that Nunu. Rice playing was notable for the obvious reasons just like Clarrett sitting out was. :D

I'm not sure what there ST guy Ferguson was looking at - but there were more than 2 blocked punts in the ST drills last night. I counted 3 myself and 2 tips. After the 2 blocks in a row - the next series Sauerbraun [sp] tried to punt and stopped because he couldnt even get the ball off as one of our defenders was allready standing in the backfield next to him and they called the play. The very next series it was almost blocked again only this time the blocker tipped the punt and Saur came down on him and a flag was thrown. Funny because it was a penalty on the blocker who pushed our guy into the punter. Broncos punting unit looked bad for the most part until they subbed in the second teamers.

Hulk75 - Actually I didnt see their corners blitz that often at all. What I saw most of the time was them playing man to man robber coverage on the backside with the Safety playing QB spy over the top.

What I saw was their CB's key on the eyes of the QB several times and their rookie Darrent Williams pick off 2 passes in a row. Our receivers looked very lack-adaisical in their route running last night outside of Dre, Mathis and Kasper. I saw Bradford drop 4 balls. One he dropped right at the goal line in his hands as he tried to one hand catch it. He got the raspberry from the fans after that one. He did it again a few plays later in the back of the endzone and dropped the ball again. IMO Our Pass offense looked really out of sync last night - timing was off most of the night in the passing game. Carr looked rushed and flustered at times - never making his second read and threw 2 picks. Banks was overthrowing everything and everybody even in drills and threw 2 picks in the 7 on 7's and then a third in the 2 minute drills. Ragone was average out of the 4 QB's on the night only throwing 2 pics and one bad overthrow. All 3 QB's threw pics to the same route and same spot. I would have figured Palmer would have realized the play wasnt workign and would quit running it, but no they just kep on going. IMO Simmons will be cut after this TC - he showed little to no progress at all - He had No zip on his balls at all and looked very shaky - still very much lookign like a college QB. He got 4th team reps and yet didnt do anything with those reps when he got em. One series he rolled right out of the pocket because of pressure from the backside and threw the ball into the turf 5 yards in front of the receiver. Then turned around and walked back to the end of the Offense line and just kind of moped around not talkign to anyone. Overall the Houston receivers did not run crisp routes and the QB's did not make 3 and 5 step reads and passes. The offense looked sloppy and slow. The times they did have some success were when they got rid of the ball out of the backfield and into the hands of a receiver before the defense could react and read the play. The initial 5 seconds. Almost everytime a play went past 10 seconds or more the Denver Db's were knocking the passes down or picking them off.
Looks like more of the same and nothing has changed. We are going to get killed by the cover 2 this just like we have in the past. No QB protection=a very long season. I saw the highlights from the scrimmages, boy are we getting burned. Reverses, sacks, int's.....sound familiar? Oh the :homer: 's are going going to be squeeling when their expectations fall short. Remember, getting younger doesn't necessarily = better.
Sounds like right now that AJ, Mathis and Kasper are possibly our top 3 receivers long term. Gaffny's injury is not helping him and Corey is his usual self. He knows how to get open and get to the ball, but he can't catch it. Armstrong and Starling seem to be kind of lost in the mix. Sounds like Kasper is one of those special go to guys in the end zone. That could bode well for the Texans. Mathis is the speed merchant and AJ is AJ. We now have a real good mix of receivers who can bring pressure in different ways. This is a very encouraging development.
John McClain on Jerry Rice and AJ with comments on Mathis.

On the right hand side you will find a link to the McClain feature, but it reads Rice reacts to T.O. Controversey. That's the one you want to listen too. I think they have two links and I can't get the link to the one you will really like. The other one is sort of short nothing compared to this one. Its very interesting and many of you will like it. Apparently Jerry and AJ are becoming quite friendly towards each other. I think McClain sees a future in Mathis. Enjoy!!!!
SESupergenius said:
Looks like more of the same and nothing has changed. We are going to get killed by the cover 2 this just like we have in the past. No QB protection=a very long season. I saw the highlights from the scrimmages, boy are we getting burned. Reverses, sacks, int's.....sound familiar? Oh the :homer: 's are going going to be squeeling when their expectations fall short. Remember, getting younger doesn't necessarily = better.
Lighten up dude, it's only practice.
Ibar_Harry said:
Sounds like Kasper is one of those special go to guys in the end zone.
I was at the practice session last night, and was amoung the group at the
EZ where the Texans O was running 7-on-7 drills against the Denvers D and I was talking to a guy next to me who was a Broncos fan. He said Kasper was
with Denver 2 years ago, and I think he said Arizona last year. The Broncos fan said the guy has been in the league 5 or 6 yrs with almost a different team every year - in other words, he's a real NFL journeyman. But he made some catchs last night, including the best catch of the evening (described earlier). And I remember him from a practice last week and he was playing well on some punt coverage drills - Kippy made a big fuss over him on one play and gave him a big "atta-boy". He has mediorce speed at best, but he's a tough cookie whos determined and has really good hands. But I would not think he could be characterized as special. You sure can't miss him out on the practice field with the big group of Texans WRs - he's got a thatch of
platinum colored hair hanging out the back of his helment.
From the looks of it, Kasper and BJ Symons could start a boy band if things don't work out here.
U4ikrob said:
I'm not sure what there ST guy Ferguson was looking at - but there were more than 2 blocked punts in the ST drills last night. I counted 3 myself and 2 tips.

You are correct. Ramon Walker had both blocked punts, Shantee Orr had the tipped punt early in the evening. Jason Bell was the one thrown into the kicker.
nunusguy said:
I was at the practice session last night, and was amoung the group at the
EZ where the Texans O was running 7-on-7 drills against the Denvers D and I was talking to a guy next to me who was a Broncos fan. He said Kasper was
with Denver 2 years ago, and I think he said Arizona last year. The Broncos fan said the guy has been in the league 5 or 6 yrs with almost a different team every year - in other words, he's a real NFL journeyman. But he made some catchs last night, including the best catch of the evening (described earlier). And I remember him from a practice last week and he was playing well on some punt coverage drills - Kippy made a big fuss over him on one play and gave him a big "atta-boy". He has mediorce speed at best, but he's a tough cookie whos determined and has really good hands. But I would not think he could be characterized as special. You sure can't miss him out on the practice field with the big group of Texans WRs - he's got a thatch of
platinum colored hair hanging out the back of his helment.

Last time I saw Kasper he was extremely fast...he's got jets just gets injured a lot and falls down when he gets bumped,
Kasper has always been fast. He's a physical specimen.

WR: Kevin Kasper, Denver Broncos
I'm always on the lookout for physical specimens. Guys with freakish size/speed ratios or other unusual physical abilities and attributes. And Kasper fits the bill -- and then some.

Denver Post staffer Patrick Saunders wrote earlier this year, "Take away the bleached-blond hair, earrings and perpetual tan, then add 4 inches, 20 pounds and 10 years of NFL experience, and Denver Broncos rookie wide receiver Kevin Kasper would be Ed McCaffrey."

In addition to the fact he was drafted by Denver head coach Mike Shanahan, a guy with a pretty solid track record when it comes to divining talented young receivers, it's hard to ignore remarkable physical attributes the 6-3, 195-pound Kasper brings to the table.

During Kasper's pre-draft workout, he demonstrated remarkable speed and agility by posting 43 1/2-inch vertical leap, a 10-foot, 6-inch standing long jump and a 4.43-second time in the 40-yard dash.
"During Kasper's pre-draft workout, he demonstrated remarkable speed and agility by posting 43 1/2-inch vertical leap, a 10-foot, 6-inch standing long jump and a 4.43-second time in the 40-yard dash. "
OK Vincent, thanks for the link on Kasper. I was definitely wrong about his
natural abilities including his 40 time, 4.43 wasn't too shaby. Wonder why
he fell all the way to the 6th round, with his Big 10 resume seems like he
should have gone much, much sooner than that? Bigger question is why he
bounces around so much ? Who knows, maybe he doesn't want a permanent home with a single team but's kinda an NFL nomad. He's definitely an intersting player and an interesting character.
Well, you had a good eye by noticing him in the first place I see. I haven't kept up with him much but do know that he has always been a bit like Bradford in the fact that he has always been a better athlete than football player. Perhaps he is a late bloomer and will be able to help us.
Vinny said:
Well, you had a good eye by noticing him in the first place I see. I haven't kept up with him much but do know that he has always been a bit like Bradford in the fact that he has always been a better athlete than football player. Perhaps he is a late bloomer and will be able to help us.
I have yet to see Kasper, so I will have to take your word on how he looks. From what I have heard from you guys so far, Kasper has a chance to make the roster. My question now is this: If Kasper makes the 53 man roster, who's spot does he take? We all know that A. J. is a lock, and probably Gaffney as well. I also think that Mathis is a lock. Of the others, I thought that Armstrong and Starling were almost guarantees as well. I did question whether or not Bradford makes the roster, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. That is the top 6 WR's as I see it at the moment, so that leaves Swinton, Kasper, Thomas, and the others on the outside looking in. Do we keep 6 or 7 WR's this year? I said from the start that I didn't think Swinton would make the roster and I gave Kasper even less chance, but now it sounds as if Kasper may have passed up Swinton. If we only keep 6 WR's this year, for Kasper or one of the others to make the roster one of the top 6 that I stated above would have to be gone.

So of these 6 below, who does Kasper(or one of the other longshots) replace?

1. A. Johnson
2. J. Gaffney
3. C. Bradford
4. D. Armstrong
5. K. Starling
6. J. Mathis
vtech9 said:
So of these 6 below, who does Kasper(or one of the other longshots) replace?

1. A. Johnson
2. J. Gaffney
3. C. Bradford
4. D. Armstrong
5. K. Starling
6. J. Mathis

I think it will be Starling. Mathis handled most of the punt return durites so think he will be kept on for those duties to start with and the Z-receiver when need be because he has the speed. Honestly I thought he looked liek a #2 guy with his trying to make plays everywhere. He did much better than Bradford did on the night who dropped two gimmes trying to one hand catch them. Gaffney never played in contact drills. Kasper looked sharp though too and made several grabs including the back of the endzone highlight catch. He's got an attitude though and cheap shotted a Denver player after a hard late tackle on DD. Shoving and stuff comenced and David Carr actually stepped up and calmed things down as the leader of the team talking to the Broncos guy and the refs.

I think Kasper is one one of those kind of receivers you never know what to expect, but delivers on a good performance regualr enough you dont want to keep him off the field either because he makes plays when he gets the ball. He made several tough catches in traffic - What I call effort plays because he had to work for the ball.
SESupergenius said:
You play like you practice.
You're correct. You play like you practice..... but during a game one single play can change everything. A blocked punt here, interception, etc. Predicting how our season is going to be based only in one practice it’s not something that I would do. I can’t wait for the real games to begin.
I heard Capers say that the mistakes they made in practice would have been mistakes made in the game if they had not practiced. i wouldn't bet the season on a few practice sessions. alot of guys know how to step it up for real games.
Jwwillis said:
Guess we can look forward to blocking 3 punts a game this year! Awsome!
Is that what we are averaging in practice?

Ok I see your point, we should just dog it in practice so that we can stomp everyone on our way to 34 Straight SuperBowl victories
Damn! For the life of me, I can't find that smilie icon that shows the sky falling on Chicken Little's head. Where is that thing?
Capster67 -- I couldn't agree more. I'm stuck in the middle of the Mile-High city as well. I'd love for us to give Denver something to think about when the Texans share the field with the Broncos. Lots of teams in the NFL have felt the sting of the Texans (usually when we cut playoff hopes off -- right '03 Giants fans?) Anyway -- I will be watching and hoping for a W -- even if it is pre-season -- an L in the W/L column would still hurt the Denver ego.
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