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Thanks to the officials


All Pro
I just re-watched the Rams game on tape and wanted to point out that the officiating sucked ***. In the possession that the Rams scored the TD to make the score 27-17, the refs made four horrible calls against us in the span of eight plays that initially gave them the ball at the 7 yard line and eventually led to the TD. The game winning TD in overtime, the refs conferred for several minutes whether there was an illegal formation/shift on the play and eventually decided they'd rather head home than getting the call right. Upon review, there was clearly no one on the left side of the line that was up on the line of scrimmage and they should have had a 5 yards penalty that would have negated the TD. Should we have stopped Curtis on that play anyways? Definitely yes. Did we choke at the end of the game and allow the Rams to come back? Yes. Still, really irritates me that we are the only team in the league that routinely get shafted like that and every play that is close is always called against us and many plays that could be called in a way so we could review to make sure the refs got it right are called down by contact or some other nonsense so they can't be reviewed (see the fumble on the aforementioned TD drive of the Rams). I have yet to see a defensive holding penalty on a running play on any team in the league other than us, and we got it I think five games in a row, some of which were at key times (Jacksonville), and let's not even go to the "fumble" in the Bengals game. I guess when a team is bad everything goes against them and the refs don't have enough respect to give them the benefit of a few calls. Anyways, enough ranting about this, I had just watched our collosal choke again and was pissed off about that and wanted to vent before going to bed.
You actually re-watched the game? You couldn't get me to want to relive that kind of punishment. I'm not a fan of tortue.
Mork that is the way life is for a terrible team. Bottomline is that bad teams do not get the calls. The Colts usually get the calls, Patriots more than their fairshare, but the Texans suck so why make those calls. I doubt that is even the case. I think the officiating crews that are sent to games are sent based on performance of the team. In other words. Colts and every other playoff contender gets the best graded crews whereas Texans and every other top 10 draft selecting team gets the versa on that. Just a tough break. At least the offseason starts soon. Damn I am gonna miss football, it goes by so fast.
MorKnolle said:
I just re-watched the Rams game on tape and wanted to point out that the officiating sucked ***. In the possession that the Rams scored the TD to make the score 27-17, the refs made four horrible calls against us in the span of eight plays that initially gave them the ball at the 7 yard line and eventually led to the TD. The game winning TD in overtime, the refs conferred for several minutes whether there was an illegal formation/shift on the play and eventually decided they'd rather head home than getting the call right. Upon review, there was clearly no one on the left side of the line that was up on the line of scrimmage and they should have had a 5 yards penalty that would have negated the TD. Should we have stopped Curtis on that play anyways? Definitely yes. Did we choke at the end of the game and allow the Rams to come back? Yes. Still, really irritates me that we are the only team in the league that routinely get shafted like that and every play that is close is always called against us and many plays that could be called in a way so we could review to make sure the refs got it right are called down by contact or some other nonsense so they can't be reviewed (see the fumble on the aforementioned TD drive of the Rams). I have yet to see a defensive holding penalty on a running play on any team in the league other than us, and we got it I think five games in a row, some of which were at key times (Jacksonville), and let's not even go to the "fumble" in the Bengals game. I guess when a team is bad everything goes against them and the refs don't have enough respect to give them the benefit of a few calls. Anyways, enough ranting about this, I had just watched our collosal choke again and was pissed off about that and wanted to vent before going to bed.

I most certainly agree. The officiating was terrible, and while we should have put away the game ourselves, the refs calls were bad enough to question the outcome of the game. But when it rains it pours, and since we can't do much right ourselves we can expect to win with help from the officials. Their have been so MANY bad calls against us this year, but a great team would be able to overcome those. It is hard enough for us to beat the other team, but when we have to beat the officials too we don't have a chance.

All that being said, I think we can string together a little win streak at the end of this season, the draft pick thing is pretty crucial, but I want some W's.

Just like players, refs can officiate to the level of the game. A sorry game can equal sloppy play and sloppy officiating.
It really wasn't the refs calls that gave them the TD but the unneccessary roughness for Robaire Smith hitting the QB. Also, a missed FG and the inability to catch an onside.
I for one am glad they lost .... they still lead the lotto for the #1 pick next year .

I must express my thanks to the Rams and to the Officiating crew ...

Memo to Dom Capers ,

You have one good thing going for you .... DONT blow it by winning another game :tomato:
bigTEXan8 said:
That was single handedly, the best executed onside kick I have ever seen. Wilkins kicked it perfectly, excellent execution.

I agree it was a near perfect kick , You cant ask for a better hop than that , and so much of that hop is PURE LUCK . You try to do that 100 times and probably get that type of bounce Once. Then the Rams players were in good position to cause ... the Texans player to mishandle it . I cant recall who had BOTH hands on the ball before getting hit while coming down . Good play by the Rams , No Doubt about it .

bigTEXan8 said:
One other thing, no real fan would even hope that we lose the rest of our games, no matter who's available at the draft. I don't care if it's God...well OK, I would want to lose the rest of our games if we had a shot at getting God, he's a solid, well rounded player. Good head on his shoulders. Very committed. (That was just a joke, please don't freak out people)

I couldnt Disagree more . Im Sick to death of this Horrid Coaching staff ...
If it means getting rid of both Capers and Casserly along with Pendry and Fangio .... By All Means. If they were to turn it around now .... there is a possibility that Capers and Co. Would be back next season .
Only coaches on this staff I'd keep are Hoke (likely gone to A&M) and Marciano ... Special Teams are the ONLY place the Texans are competitive.

Ending up with the #1 pick in the next draft would just be a nice bonus to getting rid of this dead weight :brickwall

By the way ... the Texans are 1-10 .... the only fans left are the HARDCORE fans .... Not bandwagon jumpers or casual fans .
cadahnic said:
I think the officiating crews that are sent to games are sent based on performance of the team. In other words. Colts and every other playoff contender gets the best graded crews whereas Texans and every other top 10 draft selecting team gets the versa on that.

That's not true.


How does the NFL assign officiating crews to games? Specifically, is any consideration given to the importance of a specific game (i.e. playoff implications) when determining officials' assignments, and is any effort made to have the officiating crews that are grading out as the best during the season work the most important late-season games? -- Mark Early, Arlington, Va.

The officiating crews in The National Football League are all of equal strength. The assignments are made in a semi-regional area with no consideration given to the specific game. Each game in the league is of equal importance. It is the goal of the assignment process to see that an officiating crew sees a team no more than three times in a season. At the end of the season, the crews are graded and rated. The top eight crews, under the current system, work all of the 11 playoff games. Another all-star crew is assembled to officiate the Pro Bowl game at the end of the season.
I am on record as stating that I think that the refs have a mancrush on Peyton Manning. He gets so many calls.
Peyton Manning is perfect according to ESPN. So why would he get a penalty? :)

The players lost the game. They blew a 21 point lead, 10 points alone in the last 34 seconds of regulation. Officiating can have an impact, but very seldom does a game come down to blown calls. The Texans choked this one themselves.
I think it was more of the coaches that blew the game for us, we kept some pressure on Fitzpatrick in the second half but every third down, especially third-and-long, we'd drop into a soft cover 2 with 3-4 pass rushers and he'd find a wide open hole in the zone in the middle of the field, and their last TD in regulation we don't drop into a prevent we're in another 2 or 3 deep and allow Bruce to get behind our safeties for a TD. I heard either on the radio or TV that the announcers said something to the effect that it was a shame that the players played so hard/well all game and the coaches took a win away from them in the closing minutes. The offense continued to march the ball in the second half as well but we had a missed FG an INT that bounced off our wide-open RB's chest, and a FG that we had to kick after a bad call on Andre's catch on the sideline put us in 4th down.
Texans_Chick said:
I am on record as stating that I think that the refs have a mancrush on Peyton Manning. He gets so many calls.

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are!

bobby 119C
Texans_Chick said:
I am on record as stating that I think that the refs have a mancrush on Peyton Manning. He gets so many calls.

This is the truth. The refs left Tom Brady, he wasn't good enough for 'em anymore.

But anyway...we had no business losing that game...period, bad calls or not. What I don't get is on that 3rd down play when it was 27-17 HOU, they had single coverage on Bruce. Common sense should have sent the whole secondary in the area of the end zone.

GO TEXANS, beat the Ravens!:texflag:
bigTEXan8 said:
That was single handedly, the best executed onside kick I have ever seen. Wilkins kicked it perfectly, excellent execution. I'm just saying.

One other thing, no real fan would even hope that we lose the rest of our games, no matter who's available at the draft. I don't care if it's God...well OK, I would want to lose the rest of our games if we had a shot at getting God, he's a solid, well rounded player. Good head on his shoulders. Very committed. (That was just a joke, please don't freak out people)
:crying: How could you talk about God like that??? J/K. That was pretty funny. God does have a sense of humor too so don't worry. I mean after all he is playing a good joke on us with the Texans. He has to be. Hopefully we will all look back and laugh at this season.

But if God can walk on water, imagine what he can do to a defense. And if he can divide the Red Sea, imagine the gaping wholes he could open up for our offensive line. Man, even Tony Hollings would be able to run through the line.

Okay, sorry Lord. Just having fun.