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Texans $8.5 million over the cap


As of Tuesday, seven teams were over the cap
Posted by Mike Florio on August 3, 2011, 2:26 PM EDT
We shared with you on Tuesday a list of the teams with more than $20 million in cap space. And we mentioned within the past hour or so that the Eagles still have some breathing room.

Now, it’s time to look at the teams that had some work to do, as of Tuesday, to get under the spending limit.

Per a source with knowledge of the cap numbers, here are the seven teams that were in the red: Raiders ($17.3 million), Steelers ($11.5 million), Texans ($8.5 million), Vikings ($5.6 million), Lions ($5 million), Cowboys ($3.7 million), and Panthers ($939,000).

The highest-paid 51 players on each team must be under the cap by the start of the 2011 League Year. It was expected to start Thursday with the ratification of the new CBA. As Steelers safety Ryan Clark tells it, that may not happen.
Hopefully there will more contract reconstruction going on rather than cutting players.
I was hoping they would be under a little and use what is left over for a bonus for Foster, the most underpaid in the NFL. Remember the whole AJ underpaid contract that was redone a few years ago, Ha, Foster brings the term underpaid to a whole new level. If he has another huge year it looks like we will not have the money for him next year.
Looks like the Texans are $8.5 million over the cap. Surely no one can accuse the Texans of being unwilling to open their checkbook this year.

Apparently Rick Smith intends to address this problem by trying to renegotiate some contracts. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Texans are $8.5 million over salary cap

General manager Rick Smith said today the Texans will have to restructure some contracts to help them get under the $120.4 million salary cap by Thursday's 4 p.m. deadline.

The Texans are $8.5 million over the cap. Under league rules, the top 51 highest-paid players must be under the cap.

The Texans entered free agency with a salary cap of $118.4 million. They used their $3 million exemption that was part of the new collective bargaining agreement.

The Texans signed two free agents, cornerback Johnathan Joseph (five years, $48.75 million, 23.5 million and safety Daniel Manning (four years, $20 million, 9 guaranteed).

They also re-signed receiver Jacoby Jones (three years, $10.5 million, $3.5 million guaranteed), quarterback Matt Leinart (two years, $5.5 million, $3.75 million guaranteed) and offensive tackle Rashad Butler (two years, $3.8 million).

Smith and vice president of football operations Chris Olsen will be working overtime again to redo contracts.
We could be fined, lose draft picks and have contracts voided, I believe. This makes me want to dive in and see who our FA's are next year and what our contractual obligations are, but that stuff drives me crazy. Too much legalese in it.
But but but Bob is sooo cheap and does not want to win and will never spend the money to put a good team on the field!



I fought the whole "Bob is cheap" stuff for years. But I don't think this is the time to start pulling it out. Let's have a few winning seasons and some SB appearances before we start arguing over his cheapness again. Let's just put the whole thing behind us and move on.
Oh and yall that attend the games: get ready for Uncle Bob to raise the price on beer, dogs, and souvenirs!

Gotta pay for those contracts somehow!
We shouldn't have a problem. Schaub already said he'd be willing to restructure his contract to bring in FAs. I am sure others will as well.
He will be looking for a HUGE payday if his stats the next 3 yrs look like they did the past 3 yrs. Restructuring and extending him would probably be a good thing. LINK
We could be fined, lose draft picks and have contracts voided, I believe. This makes me want to dive in and see who our FA's are next year and what our contractual obligations are, but that stuff drives me crazy. Too much legalese in it.

Cut Mario. Problem solved!
I wore my delete button out trying to respond to this. %&&%$## family friendly MB's!!!

Mario counts $16 million against the cap this year. Based on his 5 years in the NFL, we have a 40% chance that he will perform on par with the second tier of NFL outside pass rushers (Ray Edwards, Charles Johnson, Robert Mathis, Trent Cole). We have a 60% chance that he will have three or four really good games and we will wonder why he looks so disinterested the rest of the season. Entering his sixth season, he has yet to be an elite DE for more than an occasional game. So, I don't like the odds of him doing it this year. Perhaps, though, he is an Albert Haynesworth type player and he'll turn on the effort now that he's playing for another contract.
Mario counts $16 million against the cap this year. Based on his 5 years in the NFL, we have a 40% chance that he will perform on par with the second tier of NFL outside pass rushers (Ray Edwards, Charles Johnson, Robert Mathis, Trent Cole). We have a 60% chance that he will have three or four really good games and we will wonder why he looks so disinterested the rest of the season. Entering his sixth season, he has yet to be an elite DE for more than an occasional game. So, I don't like the odds of him doing it this year. Perhaps, though, he is an Albert Haynesworth type player and he'll turn on the effort now that he's playing for another contract.
Sigh... you should become a Titans fan. Unless the Saints are willing to go all Ricky Williams over him, a normal person would say hell no. He's top 7 in sacks, top 2-3 at DE in sacks and very good against the run since he's been in the league. You don;t go traging that away for cap reasons unless MW has made it plain as day that he won;t restructure. For crying out loud, you make it seem like we have Bilichek and Parcells coaching and running the FO instead of Laurel and Hardy. From past experience, we'll announce MW can seek a trade then release him 3 days later. Woohoo. There's some cap savings in that. For whoever picks him up.
Mario counts $16 million against the cap this year. Based on his 5 years in the NFL, we have a 40% chance that he will perform on par with the second tier of NFL outside pass rushers (Ray Edwards, Charles Johnson, Robert Mathis, Trent Cole). We have a 60% chance that he will have three or four really good games and we will wonder why he looks so disinterested the rest of the season. Entering his sixth season, he has yet to be an elite DE for more than an occasional game. So, I don't like the odds of him doing it this year. Perhaps, though, he is an Albert Haynesworth type player and he'll turn on the effort now that he's playing for another contract.

Quit trying to parlay this angle into something that could feasibly happen because it won't.

There is absolutely no way that Mario Williams will be cut during contract restructures and I will gladly take pictures of me eating a hat if it does happen. You either cannot possibly believe this or you have a dealer with better stuff than I do (And I don't think that is the case at all).

EDIT: Also, trying to put percentages behind your wild ass predictions does not give them any credence whatsoever.
Mario counts $16 million against the cap this year. Based on his 5 years in the NFL, we have a 40% chance that he will perform on par with the second tier of NFL outside pass rushers (Ray Edwards, Charles Johnson, Robert Mathis, Trent Cole). We have a 60% chance that he will have three or four really good games and we will wonder why he looks so disinterested the rest of the season. Entering his sixth season, he has yet to be an elite DE for more than an occasional game. So, I don't like the odds of him doing it this year. Perhaps, though, he is an Albert Haynesworth type player and he'll turn on the effort now that he's playing for another contract.

Glover was on the radio earlier today.

He said that the way they used to play in the secondary made it hard on the d line. He said qb's didn't have to hold onto the ball for long and often times had a good idea of where they wanted to go with the ball pre snap.

He blamed it on the way they were taught in the secondary. They used to consistently roll their coverage the same way.

In the new defense they will use the split safety look a lot more often and qb's will not know who is free and who is strong on any given play. He said that should make them hold onto the ball a bit longer and cause more confusion with their reads.

Mario may not make big plays every game, but no de does. Not exactly sure what you're saying with that.
Quit trying to parlay this angle into something that could feasibly happen because it won't.

There is absolutely no way that Mario Williams will be cut during contract restructures and I will gladly take pictures of me eating a hat if it does happen. You either cannot possibly believe this or you have a dealer with better stuff than I do (And I don't think that is the case at all).

EDIT: Also, trying to put percentages behind your wild ass predictions does not give them any credence whatsoever.
You mean percentages like there's a 99% chance he's talking out his ..... LOL
According to Peter King - even though the CBA should be ratified tomorrow, and the new league year will begin at 3:00 P.M. C.S.T. (meaning everyone will be able to practice after that), there will be another 24 hours for teams to get under the cap.

Peter King of Sports Illustrated adds that all teams received an email that the 2011 league year will begin no later than 4pm ET on Thursday. King adds that teams must be under the $120.4 million salary cap by 4pm ET on
Quit trying to parlay this angle into something that could feasibly happen because it won't.

There is absolutely no way that Mario Williams will be cut during contract restructures and I will gladly take pictures of me eating a hat if it does happen. You either cannot possibly believe this or you have a dealer with better stuff than I do (And I don't think that is the case at all).

EDIT: Also, trying to put percentages behind your wild ass predictions does not give them any credence whatsoever.

40% = 2/5 very good seasons he had ('07, '08)
60% = 3/5 seasons where he had average to solid seasons but often seemed disinterested ('06, '09, '10)

I didn't make the numbers up. I said, "based on his 5 year career... this is what we can expect".

Also, I don't think he'll be cut. I was pointing out that he is the reason why we are up against the cap. The Texans could fix it by giving him another contract but I don't think they want him for another 6 years.
40% = 2/5 very good seasons he had ('07, '08)
60% = 3/5 seasons where he had average to solid seasons but often seemed disinterested ('06, '09, '10)

I didn't make the numbers up. I said, "based on his 5 year career... this is what we can expect".

Also, I don't think he'll be cut. I was pointing out that he is the reason why we are up against the cap. The Texans could fix it by giving him another contract but I don't think they want him for another 6 years.

Besides one season wonders like Babin, there arent a WHOLE LOT of consistent DEs out there, his size and speed make him deadly. And he is in his prime, we dont need to become like the Astros.
I was hoping they would be under a little and use what is left over for a bonus for Foster, the most underpaid in the NFL. Remember the whole AJ underpaid contract that was redone a few years ago, Ha, Foster brings the term underpaid to a whole new level. If he has another huge year it looks like we will not have the money for him next year.
Not really a valid comparison for AJ vs. Foster. AJ was getting paid 'decent' $$ for a 1st Rd. pick, but just had a bad agent. Foster making at/near the league minimum as an UDFA.

Looks like the Texans are $8.5 million over the cap. Surely no one can accuse the Texans of being unwilling to open their checkbook this year.
Apparently Rick Smith intends to address this problem by trying to renegotiate some contracts. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
Nope, Bob didn't go cheap this year, that's for sure. For the record though, does anyone else ever remember the Texans having to re-structure contracts to get under the cap BEFORE this year?
AdamSchefter Adam Schefter
As of this morning, there are five teams over the salary cap: OAK $15.25 mil; PITT $8.5m; DET $7.8m; DALLAS $6.7m: HOUSTON $3.25m.
AdamSchefter Adam Schefter
As of this morning, there are five teams over the salary cap: OAK $15.25 mil; PITT $8.5m; DET $7.8m; DALLAS $6.7m: HOUSTON $3.25m.

I'm now wondering who they already worked with. 3.25 million seems like an easier # to work with today.
I was pointing out that he is the reason why we are up against the cap.

LOL, yeah. Just accept that you're a freakin' off the deep end lunatic about this issue and stop trying to convince the rest of us. Believe what you want, but we ain't buying it.
LOL, yeah. Just accept that you're a freakin' off the deep end lunatic about this issue and stop trying to convince the rest of us. Believe what you want, but we ain't buying it.

Cap = $120 million
Mario's cap # = $16 million
next 50 players = $110 million

What is to convince?
Cap = $120 million
Mario's cap # = $16 million
next 50 players = $110 million

What is to convince?
That out of the next 50 players, maybe 4 are anywhere near on a par with MW. This kind of stuff is OK for the Pats to do because they have an absolute genuis for a HC. We don't have that luxury. The Steelers do it on a routine basis also, but they have the depth to do that. Our team depth wouldn't qualify as one of those blue kiddie pools at Wal-Mart.
In the new defense they will use the split safety look a lot more often and qb's will not know who is free and who is strong on any given play. He said that should make them hold onto the ball a bit longer and cause more confusion with their reads.

Wow, in another thread I had said the same thing (but was wondering if I was right or wrong).

I had said that in the 3-4 our safeties will mix it up and the SS will sometimes play a FS role and vice versa...which complicates pre-snap calls by the QB and delays a QB during the play from being able to know which Safety is doing a certain role on that play.

All in all, offenses won't be able to dial up a play and know with certainty that the WR will be open on that play before the ball's even snapped.
Nope, Bob didn't go cheap this year, that's for sure. For the record though, does anyone else ever remember the Texans having to re-structure contracts to get under the cap BEFORE this year?

Well, we did have someone saying that we aren't spending any more this year than we had in the past....

And my reply was "Gee, I was thinking this was the first time in team history that we're OVER the cap." Then again, the same poster thinks Steve Slaton ran better in 2010 than he did in 2008 (his one and only "good" year here).

Go figure.

Facts is facts: McNair grew a pair this offseason. The first domino to fall was the hiring of a legitimate d-coord. I'm still not happy with who we have as a secondary coach though--Not thrilled with it. But I am hoping Wade's d-coord skills overshadow it.
That out of the next 50 players, maybe 4 are anywhere near on a par with MW. This kind of stuff is OK for the Pats to do because they have an absolute genuis for a HC. We don't have that luxury. The Steelers do it on a routine basis also, but they have the depth to do that. Our team depth wouldn't qualify as one of those blue kiddie pools at Wal-Mart.

You are correct. There are only a handful of players as good as or better than Mario on the Texans. However, none of them cost nearly as much under the cap as Mario does. Why? Well, because the other high end players (Andre, Schaub, Demeco, Joseph) are players the Texans have confidence in for the next 5 years. The Texans can't restructure and extend Mario because, after 5 years, they still don't know if he is reliable or not. They know AJ is a gamer. Schaub has proven he can stay healthy, etc... But, can Mario stay healthy? does he really love football? Nobody knows.
I don't think there will be any cuts I think Smith is going to figure things out. You don't lose a player like Mario going into a season with a brand new defense and so much on the line for the current staff.
The Texans have redone the contracts of Andre Johnson, DeMeco Ryans and Antonio Smith to get under the salary cap. They were $8.5M over.
-- McClain.
Well if we are now only $3.25m over and NFl allows any team to use an extra $3m in cash benefits, we are in great shape.
You are correct. There are only a handful of players as good as or better than Mario on the Texans. However, none of them cost nearly as much under the cap as Mario does. Why? Well, because the other high end players (Andre, Schaub, Demeco, Joseph) are players the Texans have confidence in for the next 5 years. The Texans can't restructure and extend Mario because, after 5 years, they still don't know if he is reliable or not. They know AJ is a gamer. Schaub has proven he can stay healthy, etc... But, can Mario stay healthy? does he really love football? Nobody knows.
The only doubt the Texans should have is the switch to OLB. That experiment will playout this season. Mow if he is a bomb instead of da bomb, you can start looking at trades for him. He would be insanely expensive for a 3-4 DE and probably not nearly as productive. I guess what I'm saying is trading MW should be the last resort, not the first option.