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Tebow to the Jets

hilarious...can't wait to see the clown car roll in with Ryan and Tebow getting out
@MikeKlis: Broncos get a 4th and a 6th round pick in exchange for Tebow and a 7th. Broncos now have 7 picks _ 1, 2, 3, 4th (two), 5, 6

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA! Tebow in New York? And it's the Jets? Are you kidding me? That's the greatest news I have heard all week!
For a team that needs desperately to sell tickets the Dolphins and Jag-holes should have gotten him.
This is good and bad. Good because Tim Tebow will not play for the Jags and Jville will still be our home away from home.

Bad because IMO what the Jets were missing last year was Brad Smith and his ability to run that wild cat. They get that back with Tebow. Now Mark Sanchez will have to become a better QB or step aside and my money is on Tebow.
I don't know if I'm really a Tebow fan, but I like watching the guy play. I think he'll be pretty good over there if they get some decent receivers and if Shonn Greene keeps improving.

If not, then we can expect to see an awesome Rex Ryan flame-out. Either way, it'll be interesting.
So they shatter Sanchez's confidence with the Manning wooing, then try to build it back up with a contract extension, only to sign a QB who will cause fans to boo and harass Sanchez when he makes his first mistake.

The Jets have no idea what they are doing...
So they shatter Sanchez's confidence with the Manning wooing, then try to build it back up with a contract extension, only to sign a QB who will cause fans to boo and harass Sanchez when he makes his first mistake.

The Jets have no idea what they are doing...

and I LOVE it! Tebow will be the Wildcat QB in Sparano's offense, which was gimmicky for that one year, then teams caught on and it failed. Now they need to come up with a catchy name for their Wildcat with Tebow. How about the "Wild Lamb of God"?
So they shatter Sanchez's confidence with the Manning wooing, then try to build it back up with a contract extension, only to sign a QB who will cause fans to boo and harass Sanchez when he makes his first mistake.

The Jets have no idea what they are doing...
he must have a paper thin ego then. Manning is something everyone should have pursued if they didn't have top notch QB play. You just don't see HOF players totally Free in FA. Jets ran the wildcat quite a bit two years ago but their wildcat guy went to Buffalo....he's just replacing Brad Smith's role. I don't see how that should worry Sanchez if Sanchez is playing at a decent level. that said, I think its gonna be funny up there with all the weirdness of the Ryan/Tebow polar opposite personality thing.
This stinks, I wanted us to trade a 5th rounder for Tebow, and put him at LB to fill the void.
That way our defense could have brought fire and brimstone down on the opposing offense.
This stinks, I wanted us to trade a 5th rounder for Tebow, and put him at LB to fill the void.
That way our defense could have brought fire and brimstone down on the opposing offense.
Fire and Brimstone would be way better than Bulls on Parade, IMO
I wonder if they are planning some sort of strange experiment where they try to build one competent QB out of two flawed QBs.

Take Sanchez ability to actually throw the ball, combine with Tebow's intangibles, and you have a solid qb.
I see this as a risky move on Denver's part. They're not even sure at what level Manning's going to be able to play. I think it would have been smarter of them to keep Tebow in-house.

But Elway's always hated the guy, so this isn't really a surprise.
he must have a paper thin ego then. Manning is something everyone should have pursued if they didn't have top notch QB play. You just don't see HOF players totally Free in FA. Jets ran the wildcat quite a bit two years ago but their wildcat guy went to Buffalo....he's just replacing Brad Smith's role. I don't see how that should worry Sanchez if Sanchez is playing at a decent level. that said, I think its gonna be funny up there with all the weirdness of the Ryan/Tebow polar opposite personality thing.

The first thing I thought when I heard this was how weird of a fit Tebow seems for the Jet's team culture.
With The Jets signing, Tebow, they have the prettiest QB's in the NFL. lol. All they need now is, Carr Gabbert, and Alex Smith, and they would have a boy band Called "Noodle Arm Kids on the Block" LOL!

I see this as a risky move on Denver's part. They're not even sure at what level Manning's going to be able to play. I think it would have been smarter of them to keep Tebow in-house.

But Elway's always hated the guy, so this isn't really a surprise.

Yeah, Elway saw this as his way of getting Tebow off the team without being crucified.

Pretty sure he offered Manning some incredible side incentives to sign (j/k)
Now saying trade may be nixed

ESPN's Adam Schefter reports that the NFL has encountered "hangup language" that could nullify the Jets' trade for Tim Tebow.
Schefter doesn't have finite details, but the deal has not been approved by the NFL. Per Schefter, the Rams "could wind up getting back into play" if the trade is nixed. The Jaguars and Packers also had interest in Tebow. Stay tuned.
ESPN just led off with the snag in the trade. Shame on ESPN for covering a snag in a trade negotiation for a mediocre QB over an historic punishment handed down by the NFL that will effect an entire team for a good while.

I guess if the Jets are involved (to say nothing of Tebow), it's "more important".
Did the Tebow in you make you choose that word?

What's more, I hear the trade is being put off due to language about required foot massages for the coach from the qb.

Please, please let this trade happen. Ryan and Tebow are just too much fodder for fun.
What's more, I hear the trade is being put off due to language about required foot massages for the coach from the qb.

Please, please let this trade happen. Ryan and Tebow are just too much fodder for fun.

You have to LOL at just the thought of those two at the podium togeather trying to explain what happened after a game.
Jets agreed to trade....THEN looked at the contract? LOL

Broncos source says Jets agreed to Tebow trade -- and it's their fault for not thoroughly reading contract. They contend trade should stand.
on my twitter
NFL Soap Opera. Priceless.

@JeffDarlington: Several other teams -- including the Jaguars -- recognized the language that required nearly $5 million payment, source said. Jets did not.
Lots of gold in this thread, keep it up! Here are the contract snag details:

I wondered why the Broncos never announced their trade with the New York Jets.

The Broncos and Jets agreed to a trade that sent Denver quarterback Tim Tebow and a seventh-round draft pick to New York in exchange for a fourth- and sixth-round draft pick.

The Jets even announced the trade on their twitter feed. And th-e-e-e-e-e-n someone in Jets’ management decided to look at Tebow’s contract. The Jets were apparently in too much rush to make a news splash for their New York tabloids. They didn’t look at Tebow’s contract until after agreeing to the deal.

Would you buy a home without an inspections?

The contract says any team acquiring Tebow has to kick back $5.06375 million to the Broncos in advanced salaries from the 2012, 2013 and 2014 seasons, according to an NFL source.

Tebow received $6.277 million in salary advance during the 2011 season. The breakdown of that advance: $1,213,750 in 2011 (the Broncos paid); $1,425,000 in 2012; $1,691,250 in 2013; and $1.92 million in 2014.

The Broncos expect the Jets to pay them back those salary advances from 2012-14 per Tebow’s contract. The Jets are balking. This deal may die.
One question...did Tebow pray to go to Jacksonville and did God put the poison pill in the contract?
One question...did Tebow pray to go to Jacksonville and did God put the poison pill in the contract?

If Tebow goes to Jax after this debacle, mark my words, people will claim (not jokingly) that GOD sent Tebow to Jax.

Btw, this isn't a poisin pill, for some reason he got an advance on future salaries, but his contract states any team acquiring him in trade has to pay back the team 5 million of that 6 he was given. I have never heard of anything like that before.
If Tebow goes to Jax after this debacle, mark my words, people will claim (not jokingly) that GOD sent Tebow to Jax.

Btw, this isn't a poisin pill, for some reason he got an advance on future salaries, but his contract states any team acquiring him in trade has to pay back the team 5 million of that 6 he was given. I have never heard of anything like that before.
because it was divine inspiration :doot: