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Starting white CBs?


Hall of Fame
Does anyone know off the top of their head any white guys besides Jason Sehorn who started at CB in recent NFL history? Trivia question for a friend.
Sehorn was a CB for the Giants for a while then moved to safety for the Rams.

sounds like we need to force the league to draft and sign more white corners.
Methinks this thread is doomed!

Methinks this is absurd. I read that site posted earlier, and they make some great points. The racial disparity in the NFL and NBA is ridiculous, yet all the media talks about is how few black quarterbacks and coaches there are. I'm pissed!
Now it is..:gun:

Sorry for hating the fact that the media jumps on how racist white owners and college athletic directors are for not having more black coaches and quarterbacks but God forbid I say anything about there not being enough white players in general. You're right. :gun:
Hell, if the whole roster was 3-footed purple freaky people, I wouldn't care as long as they won....


This in no way was meant to be derogatory towards three-footed people with purple colored skin or even a purlish hue......
Hell, if the whole roster was 3-footed purple freaky people, I wouldn't care as long as they won....


This in no way was meant to be deragotory towards three-footed people with purple colored skin or even a purlish hue......

I totally agree Bill. My only issue is the amount of media coverage given to the lack of black quarterbacks and coaches but none is given to this issue or the issue of whites in the NBA.

Personally, I want to live in colorblind society. I support the black athlete as long as he is the best player at the position. As long as my team wins, I don't care what color it is.

My point is black people say they want a colorblind society but at every opportunity mention the issue of race...
Hell, if the whole roster was 3-footed purple freaky people, I wouldn't care as long as they won....


This in no way was meant to be derogatory towards three-footed people with purple colored skin or even a purlish hue......

Too late! I'm pissed now. :(
Hell, if the whole roster was 3-footed purple freaky people, I wouldn't care as long as they won....


This in no way was meant to be derogatory towards three-footed people with purple colored skin or even a purlish hue......

Fortunately, I'm a 4-footed purple freaky people, otherwise, you would be in deep doo-doo
I totally agree Bill. My only issue is the amount of media coverage given to the lack of black quarterbacks and coaches but none is given to this issue or the issue of whites in the NBA.

Personally, I want to live in colorblind society. I support the black athlete as long as he is the best player at the position. As long as my team wins, I don't care what color it is.

My point is black people say they want a colorblind society but at every opportunity mention the issue of race...

I hear you... It was an attempt at levity, because this thread could wind up in the NSZ quicker than you can say 'Stretch' Suba three times fast.

I'll be seeing you in court, Texan Bill.

Dammit..... I'm suing my attorney's. They assured me that the disclaimer would work...
There are few white athletes in general. Sad but true. If you expect the politically correct media to help end racial disparity in the NFL, you're sadly mistaken. As far as the modern American media is concerned, there is no such thing as discrimination against whites. That's why any black comedian can call white people "honkies" or "crackers" with no fear of backlash. Yet when Michael Richards...well, you get my point. It's just a part of life at this point.
Same deal with WR's. Kevin Walter and Joe Jurevicius are the only two I can think of off my head that are noteworthy.

Thanks for considering us of no account.


Kevin Curtis, Ricky Proehl (only recently retired), Matt Jones (actually of no account), and Mike Furrey
Thanks for considering us of no account.


Kevin Curtis, Ricky Proehl (only recently retired), Matt Jones (actually of no account), and Mike Furrey

Kevin Curtis is the only one worth mentioning, but yes, I figured I would miss a few.

You're just as big of a jerk.


Brandon Stokely, Wes Welker

Same as above, except this time for Wes.

Interesting trend here.

Walter, Welker, Curtis and Jurevicius are all slot receivers/#3 WR's

Stokely hit it big as Manning's slot receiver... did we forget that season where Wayne/Harrison/Stokely all hit 1000 yards?
Kevin Curtis is the only one worth mentioning, but yes, I figured I would miss a few.

Same as above, except this time for Wes.

Interesting trend here.

Walter, Welker, Curtis and Jurevicius are all slot receivers/#3 WR's



Couldn't put together a coherent thought. Figure I'll let someone without a splitting sinus headache tackle that one.
There are few white athletes in general. Sad but true.

Hold on there....

Are you watching football only?

There are an overwhelming number of whites in soccer, tennis, baseball, hockey, swimming..........bobsledding (yes, I'm being ridiculous now). But let's not say that just because basketball and football are dominated by black athletes that there "are few white athletes in general."
Dream will find this thread and get on it like white on rice..... oh, um.... Damn!

Nowhere for this to go but down now.

Do you feel that? It's an impact tremor. Dream is getting closer. Run away!
Sorry for hating the fact that the media jumps on how racist white owners and college athletic directors are for not having more black coaches and quarterbacks but God forbid I say anything about there not being enough white players in general. You're right. :gun:

Thats the point...

With all the black players and athletes that are littered throughout the leauge, why is there such disparity only with certain positions ? AKA positions of leadership....
Thats the point...

With all the black players and athletes that are littered throughout the leauge, why is there such disparity only with certain positions ? AKA positions of leadership....

Good question. Why are there white linebackers, WRs, and linemen, but no RBs?
Thats the point...

With all the black players and athletes that are littered throughout the leauge, why is there such disparity only with certain positions ? AKA positions of leadership....
because all the white guys that couldn't play had to turn to coaching.
Same deal with WR's. Kevin Walter and Joe Jurevicius are the only two I can think of off my head that are noteworthy.

Thanks for considering us of no account.


Kevin Curtis, Ricky Proehl (only recently retired), Matt Jones (actually of no account), and Mike Furrey

You're just as big of a jerk.


Brandon Stokely, Wes Welker

Kevin Curtis is the only one worth mentioning, but yes, I figured I would miss a few.

Same as above, except this time for Wes.

Interesting trend here.

Walter, Welker, Curtis and Jurevicius are all slot receivers/#3 WR's


Don't forget me!


Drew Bennett

Steve Largent


Kiss my ASS!!
Thats the point...

With all the black players and athletes that are littered throughout the leauge, why is there such disparity only with certain positions ? AKA positions of leadership....

I really hope you're not being serious with this question. Please answer me this: if coaches, general managers, athletic directors, etc. are ok having blacks at every other position on the football field, why exactly would they have a problem with them at quarterback and head coach? Once again, :gun:
The NFL is a league based on performance and fitting into a system under a salary cap. Moreover, you get a peek at the draft process over the year. Essentially it is transparent and, copnsequently, fair and color blind.

The fans can choose to be racist or act out their racist uprbringing with words - not necessarily a right, but certainly not illegal.

I am not a big QB idolater so I do not get wrapped up in race at that position. Front office and coaches are all about time-in and paying dues, that is regardless of sport by and large. Fast tracking folks for the purpose of getting folks based on race into a position that they are not qualified for is racist, in of itself in my opinion, and detrimental to the business of the team.

Some of you need to understand that the market is deciding before our very eyes. It may be happening to fast or to slow depending upon what side of the spectrum one is on, but it is happening.
Same deal with WR's. Kevin Walter and Joe Jurevicius are the only two I can think of off my head that are noteworthy.
Thanks for considering us of no account.


Kevin Curtis, Ricky Proehl (only recently retired), Matt Jones (actually of no account), and Mike Furrey
You're just as big of a jerk.


Brandon Stokely, Wes Welker
Don't forget me!


Drew Bennett
Steve Largent


Kiss my ASS!!
Where is the line for this?


Ed McCaffrey, Wayne Chrebet, Cris Collinsworth
Okay.... So we went from theRealJoker asking about there being any relatively current white corner backs - to white receivers some back as long ago as 20, 30 and 40 years ago....

LMAO... A.D.D. at it's finest... :thisbig:
I am shocked there are only two white CBs in the NFL. There needs to be a white CBs association to foster the growth and development of white CBs in all levels of football from peewee to pro.
Okay.... So we went from theRealJoker asking about there being any relatively current white corner backs

I think that we've uncovered the answer. It is "No, there haven't been any white cornerbacks in recent history outside of Jason Sehorn."
I think you field the best team you can, and I love how the Texans are doing it. Quality, smart, high character, community-involved, leaders and good/very good football players. You pick the best players, coaches, other personnell based on the above requirements and that's it.

I think it's absurd to "get blamed" for not interviewing a coach even if you have no intention in hiring him. When 'we' hired Kubiak this time around, didn't we get blamed for not interviewing any black coaches? Well if we saw what we wanted in Kubiak, you shut down the interviewing process and hire him before someone else does.

Same goes for Rick Smith... If he was the first guy you interview for GM, and he fits exactly what you want as the GM of your franchise, you hire him right away. Who cares if we don't "interview" a white GM, just to say, 'oh yea sorry, we were just kidding. we have absolutely no intention in hiring you because we've already decided on somebody. we're just wasting your time that you could use to go find another job.' All I know is I have yet to find somebody that DOESN'T like Rick Smith as our GM. Maybe we should have interviewed a black OL coach just to be fair instead of hiring Alex Gibbs on the spot?

The road goes both ways and I'm pretty darn happy at the players and personnel (Kubiak, Smith, etc) we're getting. I do wish, however, we did have at least 1 3ft purplish freaky person... 1 is all im asking for! :aggressive:

Back to the topic of a lack of white corners... I presume the better athletes and cornerbacks stick with the position longer and win position battles and make the teams more... they just happen to be black.
The best person, black, white, or purple is the one that should be hired for ANY position in ANY job, regardless of how many blacks and purple people are or have been in upper management.

In a perfect world race is not a part of the equation and hiring anyone for a position based on race is not the answer.
Thats a good question. Wish I knew the answer.

Answer: They don't have a problem with black QBs. The owners, GMs, head coaches and staff want whoever is going to win for them. Take a look around at the black GMs and head coaches in the league, and look at who they are picking for QB. Ozzie Newsome drafted Troy Smith, then this year, he decided to draft Joe Flacco.

As much as some people want to inject race into everythnig, it just doesn't play as big a part in some things.
Don't blame the NFL. There aren't many white CBs coming from the farm system, aka the NCAA.

Good point. For a recent example look at former Notre Dame WR Jeff Smaridija (however the hell you spell his name). He decided against pursuing a career in the NFL to sign with the Cubs as a pitcher. Who can blame him? He'll get a guaranteed contract in baseball, but he wouldn't be able to get that in the NFL.
I think you field the best team you can, and I love how the Texans are doing it. Quality, smart, high character, community-involved, leaders and good/very good football players. You pick the best players, coaches, other personnell based on the above requirements and that's it.

I think it's absurd to "get blamed" for not interviewing a coach even if you have no intention in hiring him. When 'we' hired Kubiak this time around, didn't we get blamed for not interviewing any black coaches? Well if we saw what we wanted in Kubiak, you shut down the interviewing process and hire him before someone else does.

Same goes for Rick Smith... If he was the first guy you interview for GM, and he fits exactly what you want as the GM of your franchise, you hire him right away. Who cares if we don't "interview" a white GM, just to say, 'oh yea sorry, we were just kidding. we have absolutely no intention in hiring you because we've already decided on somebody. we're just wasting your time that you could use to go find another job.' All I know is I have yet to find somebody that DOESN'T like Rick Smith as our GM. Maybe we should have interviewed a black OL coach just to be fair instead of hiring Alex Gibbs on the spot?

The road goes both ways and I'm pretty darn happy at the players and personnel (Kubiak, Smith, etc) we're getting. I do wish, however, we did have at least 1 3ft purplish freaky person... 1 is all im asking for! :aggressive:

Back to the topic of a lack of white corners... I presume the better athletes and cornerbacks stick with the position longer and win position battles and make the teams more... they just happen to be black.

Hopefully this adds to the discussion. If you don't think Div. 1A schools stereotype, you're crazy. This is where the problem comes in. I know directly from the horses mouth that they do. A buddy of mine plays for Texas A&M. His name is Roger Holland. If any of you are Aggie fans, he is our punt returner.

The kid is just plain fast. He literally runs about a 4.3 40 and is extremely athletic. He was a star in track and can be great in coverage. Yet when he came to A&M he was literally told to not even try to play CB because the coaches were not going to waste their time trying to develop him for the position.

Supposedly they want him to be a WR, yet he is receiving substantially less coaching than many of the other athletes. So instead of trying to groom him and make him something, they stick the white guy back to return punts. We'll see if it's all he does for the rest of his career. I'm just sayin...