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So who LOVES the GB Packers?


Practice Squad
So in 4 weeks the World Famous Green Bay Packers are coming to YOUR town. Do you think your boys are ready? Green bay started off real bad in the early weeks of this season, but in the last 2 weeks... they are lookin like the great caliber team that they are. So be ready, cause on Nov. 21st---The PACK is comin to YOUR TOWN! Catch me way up in nose bleed because for some reason this was the highest price seat for the WHOLE YEAR! Section 621!~ But it will be great just to see Favre kick some Texans tail! oh yeah...

See ya in the parking lot for Tailgating!
I love the GB Packers....we defeat them historicaly at Lambeau Field...48-28.

I loved that game.

Does that counts? :woot
I LIKE the Packers..well Favre anyway. I really like the way he plays and I admire the fact that he's so tough.

And I agree. Please drop the yellow. It's headache inducing.
Yellow is one TOUGH color!!! :woot ..yeah right!

Hey Chad! Any luck finding any of these guys yet?

jamal with a V. javon walker is pretty good. he is on my fantasy team too!!! no more yellow font please - it hurts my eyes.

i cant wait to see the pack and texans go at it. and since im going to be at home watching it i get to see the SKYCAM in action. the only bad thing is that joe will be talking. :hehe:
Titanico said:
I love the GB Packers....we defeat them historicaly at Lambeau Field...48-28.

I loved that game.

Does that counts? :woot

I sure do hope you guys beat another team cause i'm getting tired of hearing you brag about beating the packers !!!!! So did your Message board dissolve along with your hopes of making the playoffs ?????
Trivia time.

The Packers have never lost in Houston. They were 3-0 in that dirty domed building that so sadly stands silent in the orange lot. Ironically, the Oilers (at least while they were in Houston) never lost at Lambeau. They were 3-0 there as well.

The last time the Packers were in Houston was 1992. They beat the Oilers 16-14. Even though that loss dropped the Oilers to 8-6 and gave the division title to the Steelers, the Oilers recovered to win their last two games to finish 10-6. Little did we know that we were only weeks away from the biggest choke job in history (35-3).

Guess who was calling the offensive plays for the Oilers that day? You may be surprised. It wasn't Kevin Gilbride. He was out recovering from his cancer surgery. Moon wasn't playing either. Cody played QB that day.
Ok Ok come on over here and beat us,,,,i mean kind of like you beat the titans and bears at home,,,,hmmm hey we beat the titans too LOL lol: !!!! Ok Ok sorry didnt mean to make fun of the packers i mean hey yall beat Carolina BRAVO !!!!! Brett will want to retire after we make him look like a fool on national Tv .
aj. said:
Trivia time.

Guess who was calling the offensive plays for the Oilers that day? You may be surprised. It wasn't Kevin Gilbride. He was out recovering from his cancer surgery. Moon wasn't playing either. Cody played QB that day.

Thanks for the trivia, aj. Now, are you gonna tell us who was calling the plays, so I can breathe again?
aj. said:
Trivia time.
Guess who was calling the offensive plays for the Oilers that day?
Well, the Oilers only put up 14 points. So it must have been Chris Palmer calling the plays. :)
Lucky when you grow up and get out of school you might have a chance to take in the fact that we are growing a team. Get off of Chris Palmers back untill you have the credentials to talk that ****.
How can someone not like the Packers? The tradition of that team and town is the stuff every sports franchise longs for. The Packers also have the classiest player in perhaps all of professional sports in Favre. It will be different having to root against them when they come to town, but it's only for one week.
TexansTrueFan said:
I sure do hope you guys beat another team cause i'm getting tired of hearing you brag about beating the packers !!!!! So did your Message board dissolve along with your hopes of making the playoffs ?????
No...the Titans Online Messge Board is doing well...thanks for asking!

And the win against the Packers was HUGE....and I can't get tired of that great MNF the Titans played!! :popcorn:
Titanico said:
No...the Titans Online Messge Board is doing well...thanks for asking!

And the win against the Packers was HUGE....and I can't get tired of that great MNF the Titans played!! :popcorn:

Oh, OK. So you'll continue to go ON and ON about ONE WIN, right? :confused:

Read your own posts. The irony is delicious.
Elle said:
Jamal Walker is pretty good, too. I enjoy watching him catch the ball. He's from Louisiana. Childhood best friend of a good friend of mine.
you mean Javon Walker? heehee for being a friend of a friends friends cousins brother, you gotta know his name.... ;)
SassyTexan said:
Jamal ..Javon ..whatever! .. We'll take Johnson anyday! .. Andre :headbang:
OK, um... YOU do the math 591 yards and 4 TDs -vs- 726 yards and 6TDs... now without knowin who is who... which would you pick? 6 over 4? or 4 over 6? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
Do your homework girl! lol ;)
chadthedrummer7 said:
OK, um... YOU do the math 591 yards and 4 TDs -vs- 726 yards and 6TDs... now without knowin who is who... which would you pick? 6 over 4? or 4 over 6? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
Do your homework girl! lol ;)

Laugh all you want, there isn't a single NFL GM or coach that wouldn't pick AJ over Walker.

And PS, your boy has played one more game than AJ, and AJ played the last game gimped so the stats aren't even a direct comparison.
I think Javon Walker is an excellent WR. I'd love to have him on our team. However, Andre Johnson has more potential- and he's already realizing much of it in his second season in the NFL. Walker is a probowl calliber player. Andre Johnson could dominate the NFL for the next 10 years.
Jevon Walker over AJ????
That's like taking a grenade over a daisycutter. One of the 2 is juuuuuuuust a bit more....what's the word??? Oh yeah, EXPLOSIVE.
Titanico said:
No...the Titans Online Messge Board is doing well...thanks for asking!

And the win against the Packers was HUGE....and I can't get tired of that great MNF the Titans played!!

The TOMB is doing well???? I was there earlier this week and most of the posters were:
1. Wanting to fire Fisher
2. Trade McNair and start Volek :D
3. Lynch Bennett for dropping passes
4. Blame Reese for not drafting well

I could list more but if you've been there you are aware of the turmoil in the TOMB.

I would like to make a couple of suggestions to titan fans

1 Run Bud and his sorry franchise out of town like we did and wait for a good owner
2 :bag: disguise yourselves, its only going to get worse

CAC :coffee:
I personally like the Packers and Brett Favre. He's still my favorite NFL player. I like their organization, their coaches, and the fans devotion to their team. Hopefully it will be a good game and we'll win, but it's just too far away for me to start thinking about that game. For now it's about this week and that means the Jags coming to town.
You ALL sound like a bunch of cryin little babies...
"AJ is better than Walker" wow, kick @ss!

How many Titles does the city of Houston own?
Who is the last quaterback that came close to being a warrior like Favre?
The Super Bowl trophy is named after which Houston coach?
that is what i thought... ;)

Man you people cry WAY to much about your precious wide reciever...
OK so your opinion is that you like AJ better than Walker, um ok!
That is your opinion and likin Walker is mine.

But one thing can't be denied:
Green Bay Packers are owned by the people of Green Bay Wisconsin!
And that is the true American Way, FOR the People BY the People!

and unfortunatley NO Houston Texans fans can take THAT away,
so you all can cry about your lil WR all you want! He is just one
part of your team, remember that! I admit that GBs WRs aren't the
greatest, but the fans of Green bay are WAY better to their team
than ANY other sports fans are to their team, JUST go to Lambeau
Field (see my name in the tile out front) and realize the GREATNESS
that is the GREEN BAY PACKERS! Remember that next time you boo
your team... Green Bay fans are the BEST FANS IN THE WORLD...
ask anybody that has been there... proven FACT! ...
:headbang: oh yeah... BEST FANS IN THE WORLD... bar NONE!
I've already spent part of the week feeding one troll. I don't have the time to bother with this one. Come back when the Packers are actually getting ready to play the Texans and I'll consider it. And next time go ahead and bring the cheese, don't bother bringing the whine.
but yes sir I AM (and proud to be one, thank you very much), I am the biggest GB fan in Dallas. I was born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Grew up in Racine, went to 3 games as a kid with my parents in the '70s (i liked em even when they sucked in the 70s lol) Ray Nitschke is my favorite Packer of all times. He (like Brett) is a warrior and THAT is what football is all about--"a lil controversy never hurt". I bought a tile for the new renovated Lambeau Field and had it dedicated to my grandparents and it has my name and my aunts name on it. I am # 3,453 on the waiting list for season tickets. Every time GB plays i have my "BIG GUNS" out (signed pictures of Ray Nitschke and Vince Lombardi) that i place by the TV no matter where i watch the game. I have license plate cover that are GB Packers, my golf wood covers are GB as well as all my golf towels, I have a GB cell phone, In my office is GB everywhere, I went to the Denver game last year with my grandad to show him the tile i bought for him and cried after the game because we got to goto the playoffs (thanx to Arizona, thanx Arizona!) I play Madden 2005 almost everyday against whoever the Packers are playin that week. So I would consider myself a BIG Fan of the Packers, so YOU... sir, i think are mistaken! I AM A PROUD PACKER FAN... but you are right, Packer Fans are great, and I am proud to be a part of that great tradition...
I will quote Ray Nitschke from his autobiography:
"The Cowboys are only a football team, the Packers are a practicing religion". And I am proud to be part of that religion...

See you ALL on November 21st!

2 words for all Texans fans:
heehee... BRING IT!
... the fans of Green bay are WAY better to their team
than ANY other sports fans are to their team, JUST go to Lambeau
Field (see my name in the tile out front) and realize the GREATNESS
that is the GREEN BAY PACKERS!...

Your name in a tile.. If that defines GREATNESS .. You ought to see our huge wall, of thousands of Texan donor names in Reliant Park by the stadium. Now that's impressive!
well see that is just as cool! They sold tiles and bricks when renovating Lambeau field and i HAD to have my name on one of those. But NO my name being on a tile doesn't make the GB Packers great... No need to take my words out of context their is the fact that the fans are THAT into the team that they wanted to do that for their you told me the Texans are that into their team that they wanted to do that for them... i will go see this impressive wall of names of donors to your team, does THAT define greatness?
That wasn't my definition Chad, it was yours.
Don't you need to go visit the Redskins?

I think I'm with Hervoyel ...
Why are we doing battle this week with Packer, Titan and Jaguar fans? ..One battle at a time please.. :hehe:
Just starting the contorversy early, what you all can't handle that? OK, then un-multi tasking fans down in the valley can only handle one battle... deal with the Jags, then Broncos and Colts, THEN we will:

See you on Nov. 21st...

you are no fun...

I love the smell of controversy in the morning!
Hervoyel, troll all over THIS!

What happened to the great Packer fans on that MNF game? Madden and Al were mentioning how bizarre it was to see them leave so early. I guess if you own the team you can leave whenever you want.

To be honest Houston fans are notoriously late to games and way too worried about traffic after games. I'm not sure that will ever change.

Ray Nitschke was a hell of a player, but he was on a good team. Tommy Nobis was much better of an individual player on horrible Falcon teams. :ninja:
you are right, that was the oddest thing i had ever seen... they just weren't there at all... then fans were NOT the fans that i know! Not sure about Nobis, goin to have to look into that... but Ray sure could hit ya! and hit ya HARD! Remember "The Longest Yard" with Burt Reynolds? oh what a movie!
Nitschke is one of my favorites too. My wife's boss is a drop dead lookalike too. Who's playing his role in the new movie, Ray Lewis?
I'd take J. Walker over Andre.....




cuppacoffee said:
Titanico said:
No...the Titans Online Messge Board is doing well...thanks for asking!

And the win against the Packers was HUGE....and I can't get tired of that great MNF the Titans played!!

The TOMB is doing well???? I was there earlier this week and most of the posters were:
1. Wanting to fire Fisher
2. Trade McNair and start Volek :D
3. Lynch Bennett for dropping passes
4. Blame Reese for not drafting well

I could list more but if you've been there you are aware of the turmoil in the TOMB.

I would like to make a couple of suggestions to titan fans

1 Run Bud and his sorry franchise out of town like we did and wait for a good owner
2 :bag: disguise yourselves, its only going to get worse

CAC :coffee:
You are pulling my leg. Maybe you just read the thread titles...but not what many TOMB members were saying.

Second of all....I really doubt about the originality of those "fans". I could bet they aren't true Titans fans...not even Titans fans. Read the entire posts, and you will see what we really think. In 85% of the poll fans are saying to not fire Fisher. we are not nuts, we need Fisher and we now that he is capable to achieve great things for us.

Reese not drafting well? you are kidding right? How many years does Carr needed to start playing better?

I will never gonna be ashamed of the Titans, this has been a bumpy year, because for all the injured players we have had....12. The Titans had give to us many satisfactions. I am a PROUD Titans fan to the bs there.

What does the Texans owner is making him better than our team's owner? I haven't seen your team going to play-offs or having winning records still.

Is not going to get worse, as you say. You will see that starting on the second half of the season. Eight of those 12 injured players are coming a result, the team will be more solid.