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Simms and Gruden Relationship "Broken."


Dallas Frog
Maybe Chrissy should get a tatoo with JG on his ankle.:)

Chris Simms says his relationship with Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Jon Gruden is irreparably broken and is seeking a trade or his outright release, the St. Petersburg Times and Tampa Tribune reported.

Simms, who suffered a ruptured spleen during a game in 2006 and spent most of 2007 on the injured reserve list, is sitting out the team's workouts this week and not sure he will attend next week's minicamp.

"It is totally broken," Simms said of his relationship with Gruden, the Tribune reported. "And it kills me to say that, because the Bucs have been great to me; the fans have been great to me … But the relationship between me and coach Gruden -- it's broken. It just is. And I don't see any way it's going to get better again."

According to the report, Simms has asked the Bucs for a trade or his outright release. He said the reason the team gave him for not doing so has been "muddled."

"I feel like I'm being held hostage," Simms said, according to the Times. "I hate that all this has happened. I love Tampa. My family loves it here. But I've been quiet long enough. I feel like it's time to let everybody know why I'm not out there."
Chris was/is a choke artist whom I wish had decided to enroll at Tenn. instead of UT.

He is the only UT alum of the top of my head I'll cheer against.
Regardless of anyone's personal feelings on Simms, if Gruden really did what Simms says he did, re: injury, that's pretty F'ed up by Gruden. The guy had a ruptured spleen, FFS. That's life-threatening.

Simms said his relationship with Gruden began deteriorating last year during training camp. He alleged Gruden never acknowledged the seriousness of the injury, asked him if it was all in his mind, and put him into a preseason game when he had been given few practice reps.
So it's 2008 and Chris Simms thinks it's time to speak up? Who didn't know this at the start of last season?
I guess he and QB's just aren't seeing eye to eye these days. I saw this yesterday from CBSSportsline

QB Garcia considering retirement?: NFL Network reports that Bucs QB Jeff Garcia is so unhappy with his current contract -- and the club's decision not to offer him an extension -- that he's open to the idea of retiring. Garcia is in a contract year that is scheduled to pay him $2 million, a bargain considering what he did for the Bucs last season. "If it doesn't work itself out, if a contract is not presented as far as a renewal to finish my career, then I will seriously think about what my alternate options may be. And it may come to not playing football anymore," Garcia told SIRIUS Satellite Radio. "I feel like when you mistreat people there comes a time when it doesn't matter how much you are paid, it's going to lead to some drastic decisions. ... There are days I'm not as excited to be there, I'll be honest."
(Updated 06/05/2008).

Anybody want a job?
I guess he and QB's just aren't seeing eye to eye these days. I saw this yesterday from CBSSportsline

Anybody want a job?

Sign me up I think I'm the perfect QB for Grudens offense.

As a total unknown with no background in American Football any and all success I have will be attributed to the giant ego that is John Gruden.

What do you think John?
"I feel like when you mistreat people there comes a time when it doesn't matter how much you are paid, it's going to lead to some drastic decisions. ... There are days I'm not as excited to be there, I'll be honest."

Seriously? Clearly him and Simms are sharing the same gatorade. Mistreated? Dude $2M is far more money than most people on the PLANET will ever see and you think you're being mistreated? (Nevermind the whole Playboy wife)
"I feel like when you mistreat people there comes a time when it doesn't matter how much you are paid, it's going to lead to some drastic decisions. ... There are days I'm not as excited to be there, I'll be honest."

Seriously? Clearly him and Simms are sharing the same gatorade. Mistreated? Dude $2M is far more money than most people on the PLANET will ever see and you think you're being mistreated? (Nevermind the whole Playboy wife)

PapaL what would you do if tomorrow you walked into work and your boss gave you a toilet brush and other cleaning supplys and said this is what you will be doing from now on? Would you just do the work and not think you are being mistreated? Would you even do the work or would you walk out? Just because he is paid $2 mil does not mean he cant feel like he is being mistreated. Oh and what the hell does how is wife looks have to do with how he feels he is being treated at work?

I guess because he makes a certain doolar amount and his wife looks a certain way then it does not matter how he is treated, right?
PapaL what would you do if tomorrow you walked into work and your boss gave you a toilet brush and other cleaning supplys and said this is what you will be doing from now on? Would you just do the work and not think you are being mistreated? Would you even do the work or would you walk out? Just because he is paid $2 mil does not mean he cant feel like he is being mistreated. Oh and what the hell does how is wife looks have to do with how he feels he is being treated at work?

I guess because he makes a certain doolar amount and his wife looks a certain way then it does not matter how he is treated, right?

Dude, for $2 mill, not only would I clean... I would clean with a grin from ear to ear.... I'd be the happiest, $2million per year, cleaning fool - evah!!!


Now, on the other hand - I think that if Tampa doesn't have Simms in their plans, they should man-up and let him pursue his options too...
PapaL what would you do if tomorrow you walked into work and your boss gave you a toilet brush and other cleaning supplys and said this is what you will be doing from now on? Would you just do the work and not think you are being mistreated? Would you even do the work or would you walk out? Just because he is paid $2 mil does not mean he cant feel like he is being mistreated. Oh and what the hell does how is wife looks have to do with how he feels he is being treated at work?

I guess because he makes a certain doolar amount and his wife looks a certain way then it does not matter how he is treated, right?

Maybe it's the military background and prior service in me but yeah I would do it. I've had to do it before and at much less than $2M.

Not getting a new contract is not being mistreated. He is more than well compensated for what he does - play a game we all enjoy watching.
I'll tell you what; if the $2M didn't make me smile throughout the day I'm sure the picture of my lovely wife sure would make me smile.

You're trying to make it seem like a complete different situation than it is. He's crying because he hasn't gotten a new deal. Let's see, how old is he, how long has he been around and how many snaps does he have left? Yeah...
Dude, for $2 mill, not only would I clean... I would clean with a grin from ear to ear.... I'd be the happiest, $2million per year, cleaning fool - evah!!!


Now, on the other hand - I think that if Tampa doesn't have Simms in their plans, they should man-up and let him pursue his options too...

I agree on both points. I think TB might be screwin the pooch with their QB situation. They settled with Plummer, Garcia's bent outa shape about his contract and Simms is wanting out all together.

A team that was once stacked with average QB's might be up the river. It might get interesting in TB in a few weeks.
I'm not sure everyone here is talking in terms of just the season. However look at the amount of time a guy has to stay away from home. 8 road games a year, the time at TC and mini camp and OTAs. Let's not forget all the charity events and autograph sessions. It sounds pretty and fun but when you have a family, and your main goal is playing and you aren't getting any of those working for you 2 mil might not be enough. Don't get me wrong, I would trade places with a guy making 2 mil to sit the bench but none of that is ever really guaranteed when you spread that out over years .

I think Simms move is a smart one. He wants to play, TB has 82 QBs on roster, there are other teams out there that need a qb, and this is his only way out to do so.
I am one who believes for the most part, athletes earn the dollars they are paid. If they fail to perform after a given period of time whether by injury or performance as expected, then they will be out of there on the first thing smoking. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the number of jerseys of former players of a team that is only six years old. When considering the number of football players in the country, only the select few makes the cut and get contracts for the 10 or so, if lucky, years that they will be in the league.

There are times that I get the impression that because of their contracts players are sometimes treated more as property than human beings that deserve a certain amount of dignity that most would take for granted. Just a few years ago, although I don't recall the team, there was a player that was pressured back to work and ended up with a life threatening infection that ended his career. I will google to refresh my memory.

I also realize that with some of the young men new to the league, that maturity has not yet set in, example--recent post about Mario Williams and his car obsession. Some at that age perhaps would complain on issues they haven't been in the league long enough to understand the importance of focus and dedication. However, Simms and especially Garcia are not babes in this business, therefore, I give them the benefit of the doubt that their complaints are legitimate.
I agree on both points. I think TB might be screwin the pooch with their QB situation. They settled with Plummer, Garcia's bent outa shape about his contract and Simms is wanting out all together.

A team that was once stacked with average QB's might be up the river. It might get interesting in TB in a few weeks.

Gradkowski's already out of there as well.