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Silly heartfelt message time....


Utopian Dreamer
I'm not sure folks outside of Houston *get* what we are feeling with our team.

You do.

Words fail to describe everything, and to be honest, I don't want to think or talk about history other than noting we were never supposed to get another team.

I would dearly love for this playoff run to be long and magnificent and triumphant but I understand the odds. Bleep the odds.

I just want to say how truly grateful I am to have become a part of our Texans community. I've met so many great people, great fans. We have a shared history, and now we are making new history. It is cool.

NFL football by far is my favorite sport but what makes sport great is the people. The shared emotion about something that in the big scheme of things doesn't matter but it does in its connections.

None of us are guaranteed tomorrows, and so I am appreciating today and every moment. I want to say how much I love you all. Glad for this MB. Glad for our fans. You guys are the best.

Now let's blow the roof off that sucker. For those who can be at the game. And for those who cannot.

:texans chick:
Love it, Steph! Regardless of outcome, I feel a bond with Houston football fans. We collectively share the same hopes, dreams, and desires for our team, and we experience the highs and lows together.

Just chatting with old Oilers fans about our individual experiences and perceptions about Luv Ya Blue and run & shoot has been a blast. It's a common denominator that transcends our varied histories and life stories. And it's a feeling of memories that connect us all.

Win or lose, I am honored to be a part of the collective Texans family around the world. :texflag:

I am as excited about tomorrow as much for the city and fans as I am for the team itself. :fans: :redtowel:
I'm not sure folks outside of Houston *get* what we are feeling with our team.

You do.

Words fail to describe everything, and to be honest, I don't want to think or talk about history other than noting we were never supposed to get another team.

I would dearly love for this playoff run to be long and magnificent and triumphant but I understand the odds. Bleep the odds.

I just want to say how truly grateful I am to have become a part of our Texans community. I've met so many great people, great fans. We have a shared history, and now we are making new history. It is cool.

NFL football by far is my favorite sport but what makes sport great is the people. The shared emotion about something that in the big scheme of things doesn't matter but it does in its connections.

None of us are guaranteed tomorrows, and so I am appreciating today and every moment. I want to say how much I love you all. Glad for this MB. Glad for our fans. You guys are the best.

Now let's blow the roof off that sucker. For those who can be at the game. And for those who cannot.

:texans chick:

You & your perfect butt will have to give me a hug the next time I'm hanging with the blue crew as you're next to them in the lot frequently. :-) The love is reciprocated.
I've never met you but I enjoy so much your writing and sharing how a lot of us truly feel about Our Texans!

We'll be up in Sec 637 raising cain tomorrow!!!

Go Texans!
I'm not sure folks outside of Houston *get* what we are feeling with our team.

You do.

Words fail to describe everything, and to be honest, I don't want to think or talk about history other than noting we were never supposed to get another team.

I would dearly love for this playoff run to be long and magnificent and triumphant but I understand the odds. Bleep the odds.

I just want to say how truly grateful I am to have become a part of our Texans community. I've met so many great people, great fans. We have a shared history, and now we are making new history. It is cool.

NFL football by far is my favorite sport but what makes sport great is the people. The shared emotion about something that in the big scheme of things doesn't matter but it does in its connections.

None of us are guaranteed tomorrows, and so I am appreciating today and every moment. I want to say how much I love you all. Glad for this MB. Glad for our fans. You guys are the best.

Now let's blow the roof off that sucker. For those who can be at the game. And for those who cannot.

:texans chick:

Exactly!!! I'm sure that the majority of us long time HOUSTON fans will agree.

I'll be watching and screaming from up here in NJ-I hope y'all hear me down there!!
Agreed Steph, I enjoy watching a team grow into what they can be. Sort of like with my son, he aggravates the poop out of me but when he shines it dang near blinds me.
Awesome post! I don't know why but that just got me even more pumped up! I am so excited, and I cannot wait to be in that stadium cheering like I have never cheered before in my entire life!!!
Solid post. Wish I could be home in Houston for the game but I'll be yelling at the TV in NOLA.
Great post Steph.
Texan true and Texans proud!

Btw, the second game I ever went to was with my wife and son. We were on about the 5 or 10 yd line and Steph walked by. I leaned over and told my wife: "That's Stephanie...I mean, TEXANS CHICK!" It's so cool to actually see a person that I knew from the boards. LOL My wife said, "Well don't be a dork, go over and introduce yourself to her, she looks friendly." I said, "YEAH RIGHT! It's Texans Chick...she's like a celebrity!"

Great post Steph.
Texan true and Texans proud!

Btw, the second game I ever went to was with my wife and son. We were on about the 5 or 10 yd line and Steph walked by. I leaned over and told my wife: "That's Stephanie...I mean, TEXANS CHICK!" It's so cool to actually see a person that I knew from the boards. LOL My wife said, "Well don't be a dork, go over and introduce yourself to her, she looks friendly." I said, "YEAH RIGHT! It's Texans Chick...she's like a celebrity!"


She may be but she is OUR celebrity!
I've met some of the greatest people in this city because of the Texans, and for that I'm forever greatful. It's been quite a ride to watch this team finally reach its potential.

I'm with you...bleep the odds! Let's go all way! Go Texans! :cowboy1:
I'm not sure folks outside of Houston *get* what we are feeling with our team.

You do.

Words fail to describe everything, and to be honest, I don't want to think or talk about history other than noting we were never supposed to get another team.

I would dearly love for this playoff run to be long and magnificent and triumphant but I understand the odds. Bleep the odds.

I just want to say how truly grateful I am to have become a part of our Texans community. I've met so many great people, great fans. We have a shared history, and now we are making new history. It is cool.

NFL football by far is my favorite sport but what makes sport great is the people. The shared emotion about something that in the big scheme of things doesn't matter but it does in its connections.

None of us are guaranteed tomorrows, and so I am appreciating today and every moment. I want to say how much I love you all. Glad for this MB. Glad for our fans. You guys are the best.

Now let's blow the roof off that sucker. For those who can be at the game. And for those who cannot.

:texans chick:

My friends here in Austin don't understand what it's like to be a Houston sports fan, particularly of football. When we lost to the Colts in Indy this year, they thought my frustration was unjustified. They said, "Be happy with what your team has achieved this year, they came a long way." But they are fans of teams with legacies. It's easy to take for granted. They didn't have two footballs teams that were forever in the shadow of Dallas, they didn't have to deal with a Bud Adams, or a constantly unsatiated desire to win. You have to have lived in our under-appreciated city, or grown up going to the Astrodome, or simply loving your Houston teams unconditionally, and never getting relevance and satisfaction in return.

So it is a special connection among Houston fans. That atmosphere yesterday at the tailgate and in Reliant was electric. I've been to a lot of sporting events, but I've never felt anything like that. I am happy to be part of it. I met a lot of good people yesterday who I intend on staying in touch with for a long time.

And Steph, when I told you that my Dad loves you, I should've said that we both love you. Keep doing what you're doing, and don't ever change.

The 24 hour period starting Friday night with Flag Practice up to driving home from the tailgate was a whirlwind but lifetime memories for sure.

Awesome seeing a lot of folks who made last second decisions to come - Brisco County, Hookem, Kaiser Toro, Honoring Earl 34, Double Barrel and his crew, Luv Ya Blue, and some others I am probably forgetting.

Awesome, it has been freakin' awesome.
The 24 hour period starting Friday night with Flag Practice up to driving home from the tailgate was a whirlwind but lifetime memories for sure.

Awesome seeing a lot of folks who made last second decisions to come - Brisco County, Hookem, Kaiser Toro, Honoring Earl 34, Double Barrel and his crew, Luv Ya Blue, and some others I am probably forgetting.

Awesome, it has been freakin' awesome.

If Tebow can pull off another one the Raven says never more , It will be deja'vu all over again . I enjoyed seeing how Lindsey has evolved in her face painting .