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Sick of the lack of accountability and piss poor coaching


I walked out of Reliant Stadium after the Ronsenfails' 3 INT in complete ****ing disgust with this team. It is Fire Kubiak pink avatar time.

This team sucks because of a lack of accountability and piss poor coaching and it starts from the ****ing top. Let me list the ways:

1. Kubiak after the Minnesota game was saying "oh we played a good game except for...." That is PURE LOSER TALK. Do you think for ONE SECOND that a Bill Parcells-Tony Sparano, Bill Belichick, hell Mike Smith, or Mike Harbaugh coached team would put up with turnover machine QBs that we have. Parcells would have cut Rosenfails right after the Indy game.

2. Our plague of turnovers is DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE to coaching. That means as a coach you BENCH turnover machines and do not coddle their ass. Printing "Protect the Ball" on the ass area of practice shorts and giving a gosh dolly we will try harder next time approach is not going to get the damn job done.

3. That Anthony Weaver is still on this team and much less playing sends a message to the team that if you are highly paid you will get PT despite inferior play and that this is a great place for has-beens to come. That Jacques the Suck Reeves still does not turn his mother****ing head around to even try to make a play shows the lack of accountability from Kubiak and the abortion that is Richard Smith.

4. Piss poor game awareness and horrible clock management - this is why we need to get rid of Kubiak. Getting rid of Richard Smith is not going to cut it with me. I am SICK OF THE CUTE PLAYCALLING on offense. You are on the ONE YARD LINE on 2nd down, RUN THE GOD DAMN FOOTBALL and do not let the TO machine Rosenfails to **** you over.

We had THREE TIMEOUTS at the end of the 1st half. How come we did not take a TO after the 15 yd completion to David Anderson? We wasted 20 friggin seconds with less than a minute to play. If we had that time we could have tried at least one shot into the endzone.

I AM DONE WITH KUBIAK AND THIS REGIME. We came out flat AGAIN and we have PERSISTENT PROBLEMS that have not gotten better. I don't want Kubiak to be around to dig us further in the ground with another draft. Of course, Dick Smith needs to go but the guy at the top needs to get taken out.

MCNAIR LISTEN TO ME BRING US MARTYBALL AND/OR COWHER POWER NOW!!!!! Let's get rid of our flawed QBs and get some journeyman type. Let's draft a stud every down back. Let's not turn the ****ing ball over like its going out of style, run the ball, and play DEFENSE. Marty's teams ALWAYS have always had a positive TO Ratio. That is what we need. Marty or Cowher here next year would win 11 games.

I have always watched EVERY game even when I was the only guy in a bar watching our game in NYC. I am boycotting our game next week. Even at the nadir of 2005 I always watched so that I can properly ***** on this board. I have Sunday Ticket and will watch real teams next weekend.
You might as well take the rest of this season and next season off as a Texans fan, because Kubiak isn't going anywhere this off-season.
You want accountability? Fire Sage.

That is what I want and is what I listed in point #1. You know what kills me, it is that Miami and Atlanta have won 5 AND 6 games ALREADY despite both being in the friggin cellar last year. It is not that hard people. Atlanta's coach instilled a tough attitude that some thought was coaching cheap shots but he gets in a damn good RB, plays tough defense, and drafted a stud QB who has put into winnable situations.

Miami's coaches were creative enough to come up with the Wildcat that has helped them out. They play tough D and don't turn the ball over. Shocking that they now are a winning team.

The Texans meanwhile turn the ball over like crazy and are heading towards ANOTHER losing season. I am just sick of it. Look at the Ravens, it is a JOKE that our moronic defensive coordinator did not try to confuse and pressure a rookie QB who has had some bad games this year. That he had a Colt McCoy completion percentage drives me up the wall.
You might as well take the rest of this season and next season off as a Texans fan, because Kubiak isn't going anywhere this off-season.

Really, you think there won't be a fan revolt if we win 3-5 games this years which it looks like where we are heading. I think McNair better realize that this fan base has had enough.
You might as well take the rest of this season and next season off as a Texans fan, because Kubiak isn't going anywhere this off-season.

Agreed. Kubiak will get another year, and Marty or Bill wouldnt take this dead end job.

Start up your draftboards people. The Texans will have a top 10 pick again.
You might as well take the rest of this season and next season off as a Texans fan, because Kubiak isn't going anywhere this off-season.

Depends on the outcome of the season. Texans keep playing like this and Kubiak will be a goner.
I'm as upset as the next person but I will point out that the two biggest things Kubiak stressed during the offseason was not turning the ball over and not committing penalties. I think they've done a much better job this year with those two things. QB play is where the main problem is and i'm not going to fault Kubiak on that. Our offense has only committed 2 turnovers through 9 games not counting QB play. 2! As far as penalties, I think they've done a good job up until today, we had like 10 or something.
Depends on the outcome of the season. Texans keep playing like this and Kubiak will be a goner.

I was a fan when he came from Denver, but I haven't seen any improvment from where we were when he got here to today. Only diffrence I can clearly see is that now we're losing with "his" guys on our roster.
Depends on the outcome of the season. Texans keep playing like this and Kubiak will be a goner.

There so many excuses that Kubiak will get for this season, I just can't see Kubiak getting fired even if we end up 4-12. Hurricane Ike, 15 straight games without a by week, bad DC, injuries, etc. Plus the improvement we've seen from each year, improvement in record, offense top 5 in league, etc.

McNair is just too nice of a owner to make me believe he will make a huge changes after this season, especially with all the "excuses".
I'm as upset as the next person but I will point out that the two biggest things Kubiak stressed during the offseason was not turning the ball over and not committing penalties. I think they've done a much better job this year with those two things. QB play is where the main problem is and i'm not going to fault Kubiak on that. Our offense has only committed 2 turnovers through 9 games not counting QB play. 2! As far as penalties, I think they've done a good job up until today, we had like 10 or something.

Maybe the thing Kubiak will stress next year is winning football games. :cool:
That is what I want and is what I listed in point #1. You know what kills me, it is that Miami and Atlanta have won 5 AND 6 games ALREADY despite both being in the friggin cellar last year. It is not that hard people. Atlanta's coach instilled a tough attitude that some thought was coaching cheap shots but he gets in a damn good RB, plays tough defense, and drafted a stud QB who has put into winnable situations.

Miami's coaches were creative enough to come up with the Wildcat that has helped them out. They play tough D and don't turn the ball over. Shocking that they now are a winning team.

The Texans meanwhile turn the ball over like crazy and are heading towards ANOTHER losing season. I am just sick of it. Look at the Ravens, it is a JOKE that our moronic defensive coordinator did not try to confuse and pressure a rookie QB who has had some bad games this year. That he had a Colt McCoy completion percentage drives me up the wall.

We've had these same issues for years and no one can come up with a solution. We're still losing because of the same reasons. If all of us fans can see the problems clear as day, how is it that a headcoach can't? And if he does, why won't he do anything to change it?

2. Our plague of turnovers is DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE to coaching. That means as a coach you BENCH turnover machines and do not coddle their ass. Printing "Protect the Ball" on the ass area of practice shorts and giving a gosh dolly we will try harder next time approach is not going to get the damn job done.

No kidding. Just talking about protecting the ball ain't getting the job done.
There so many excuses that Kubiak will get for this season, I just can't see Kubiak getting fired even if we end up 4-12. Hurricane Ike, 15 straight games without a by week, bad DC, injuries, etc. Plus the improvement we've seen from each year, improvement in record, offense top 5 in league, etc.

McNair is just too nice of a owner to make me believe he will make a huge changes after this season, especially with all the "excuses".

No no, injuries was the excuse last year. I think we had like 17 guys on IR, but notthis year. No sir...that excuse won't work. Starters get hurt, but he still chose every guy on that depth chart...if they suck, it's on him. That's why he gets paid.
I'll give you the Ike thing and 15 games in a row. Those can be used as excuses, but not injuries again. that was last season.
I'm as upset as the next person but I will point out that the two biggest things Kubiak stressed during the offseason was not turning the ball over and not committing penalties. I think they've done a much better job this year with those two things. QB play is where the main problem is and i'm not going to fault Kubiak on that. Our offense has only committed 2 turnovers through 9 games not counting QB play. 2! As far as penalties, I think they've done a good job up until today, we had like 10 or something.

man did u even watch the game to day???????

there was a plethora of both on deck all day long man:bomb:
No no, injuries was the excuse last year. I think we had like 17 guys on IR, but notthis year. No sir...that excuse won't work. Starters get hurt, but he still chose every guy on that depth chart...if they suck, it's on him. That's why he gets paid.
I'll give you the Ike thing and 15 games in a row. Those can be used as excuses, but not injuries again. that was last season.

Yes, injuries is a major excuse, still, this season. Matt Schaub was playing like a top ten QB before his injury, Zach Diles was our leading tackling and one of the bright spot on the defense, Ahman was crucial for our running game and offense(so-so for this season in playing games), Andre Davis was a playmaker for us. Injuries will still be used as an excuse because of key players being injured.
No no, injuries was the excuse last year. I think we had like 17 guys on IR, but notthis year. No sir...that excuse won't work. Starters get hurt, but he still chose every guy on that depth chart...if they suck, it's on him. That's why he gets paid.
I'll give you the Ike thing and 15 games in a row. Those can be used as excuses, but not injuries again. that was last season.


We looked HORRIBLE before that ****ing hurricane wrecked our ****. This coaching staff is not getting it done.

How did I forget this awesome example of our coaching. Love the formation and long ass developing play in the ****ing ENDZONE that led to the safety. Awesomeness. Leave our disappointing LT on an island.
Yes, injuries is a major excuse, still, this season. Matt Schaub was playing like a top ten QB before his injury, Zach Diles was our leading tackling and one of the bright spot on the defense, Ahman was crucial for our running game and offense(so-so for this season in playing games), Andre Davis was a playmaker for us. Injuries will still be used as an excuse because of key players being injured.

Every single team in the NFL has injuries. The Ravens were playing us today minus two studs in the secondary. Not every team folds when injuries occur.
There so many excuses that Kubiak will get for this season, I just can't see Kubiak getting fired even if we end up 4-12. Hurricane Ike, 15 straight games without a by week, bad DC, injuries, etc. Plus the improvement we've seen from each year, improvement in record, offense top 5 in league, etc.

McNair is just too nice of a owner to make me believe he will make a huge changes after this season, especially with all the "excuses".

You're right....Richard Smith should be fired right now at least...send a message to someone...

but we seem to give guys too many chances.
It's fact, check it out. Give me a break, look it up. :rolleyes:

Yay we can rack up a bunch of yards. Too bad our red zone percentage SUCKS ASS and that we are in the top 2 in the league in turnovers. That is not improvement. I didn't even mention our defense which still sucks ass. Sheesh, NFL teams turn things around in ONE SEASON. Guys 3 years into their tenure have already gotten fired for their team's shitty play, look at Linehan. I am sure KC's coach will get the axe as well. Why the hell should we stick on the 5 year plan with this loser.
Every single team in the NFL has injuries. The Ravens were playing us today minus two studs in the secondary. Not every team folds when injuries occur.


I'm just saying that McNair will look at that as one of the excuse for Kubiak, as his passes for this season.
There so many excuses that Kubiak will get for this season, I just can't see Kubiak getting fired even if we end up 4-12. Hurricane Ike, 15 straight games without a by week, bad DC, injuries, etc. Plus the improvement we've seen from each year, improvement in record, offense top 5 in league, etc..


here....fixed it for u
Yay we can rack up a bunch of yards. Too bad our red zone percentage SUCKS ASS and that we are in the top 2 in the league in turnovers. That is not improvement. I didn't even mention our defense which still sucks ass. Sheesh, NFL teams turn things around in ONE SEASON. Guys 3 years into their tenure have already gotten fired for their team's shitty play, look at Linehan. I am sure KC's coach will get the axe as well. Why the hell should we stick on the 5 year plan with this loser.

Oh well, then get rid of the QBs.

Kubiak will get another year, nothing you say or do will change that. That is a fact, so just give it a rest. If Capers got 4 years, then Houston's own Kubiak will get 4 years if not more.
well unlike most weeks where there was some 50/50 coaching decisions that some people just didnt like and some clock management questions that turned out to be because of broken microphones and such, some bad coaching decisions in this game were pretty much non arguable.

although the first poor decesion could be argued. passing on first and goal could be an option with an offense that has trouble gaining the tough yards, but you have to realize you have an ***** at qb. not calling a timeout at the end of the half was horrible. having aj in on the last series of the game was stupid. not benching sage, also stupid but for a different reason. you have to let him know that type of play will not be tolerated.

i cant see how anyone can blame kube's for the turnovers. i dont remember the last time someone turned the ball over that does not play the qb position. so apparantly everyone else gets it. and at this point im not sure who you want to play qb that wont turn the ball over. its just something that has to be dealt with in the offseason. how kubiak deals with it will probably decide his future as our coach.

im very dissapointed after this game. i thought we would probably lose this one but having sage play like this(if this continues) will have to change our draft philosphy. even if you like matt as our starter we cant be put in a position to rely on sage. after losing some games we could of won this was our chance to win one we might not should of. we didnt get dominated on the field like i thought we might we just got dominated between the ears.
J-Russ, there was more of a leash with Dom Capers since we were an expansion team. The leash is shorter because we as a fan base are rightfully impatient in being continually fed the dog **** they try to pass off as a football team.

Who pray tell:

1. Told McNair that he could turn David Carr around into a legit starting NFL QB and that we didn't need to address this position in the 2006 draft.

2. Realized that Carr was an abortion and then OVERPAID by giving up 2 2nd rounders for an average QB in Matt Schaub who is injury prone.

3. Brought in the TO machine in Rosenfels and HELD ON TO HIM despite being offered a THIRD ROUND PICK this past year.

These were ALL Kubiak's decisions. Remember this guy was supposedly a QB guru! The one position that has absolutely KILLED us this year has been QB. Why the hell should he get one more year to dig us further in the ditch. I am thinking McNair is tired of this crap too and wants to finally see a winner here. Enough with the excuses man.
well unlike most weeks where there was some 50/50 coaching decisions that some people just didnt like and some clock management questions that turned out to be because of broken microphones and such, some bad coaching decisions in this game were pretty much non arguable.

although the first poor decesion could be argued. passing on first and goal could be an option with an offense that has trouble gaining the tough yards, but you have to realize you have an ***** at qb. not calling a timeout at the end of the half was horrible. having aj in on the last series of the game was stupid. not benching sage, also stupid but for a different reason. you have to let him know that type of play will not be tolerated.

i cant see how anyone can blame kube's for the turnovers. i dont remember the last time someone turned the ball over that does not play the qb position. so apparantly everyone else gets it. and at this point im not sure who you want to play qb that wont turn the ball over. its just something that has to be dealt with in the offseason. how kubiak deals with it will probably decide his future as our coach.

im very dissapointed after this game. i thought we would probably lose this one but having sage play like this(if this continues) will have to change our draft philosphy. even if you like matt as our starter we cant be put in a position to rely on sage. after losing some games we could of won this was our chance to win one we might not should of. we didnt get dominated on the field like i thought we might we just got dominated between the ears.

He's right too...our QBs have been the only ones on offense, excluding the one Andre Johnson Fumble and no one is going to point fingers at him.

So everyone else does get it...but these turnover problems happen when we play a team with a good DT...every time...
Hey, at this point I don't care if Kubiak is are HC next year or not. I'm looking at it from a realistic standpoint.

Look at this season, team, owner overall, and you'll see why Kubiak get another year. It helps that his hometown is Houston as well.

Oh and the Carr thing was Kubiak telling McNair what he wanted to hear. I bet McNair died alittle inside when he had to releases Carr. and correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't McNair consultant, Reeves, the one that said Carr could be fixed? Sounds like Kubiak would go against everyone if he said otherwise, not a smart move for a guy trying to get his dream coaching job.
You might as well take the rest of this season and next season off as a Texans fan, because Kubiak isn't going anywhere this off-season.

Agreed: Bob McNair just sold one of his major horse racing properties last month.
Might of been a tax move. Or might be he is setting up to be more pro active with the team. I think McNair will dig in with kubiak. I have no prove of this just a feeling. I could see him paying off one year on the contract. Not two.
We as fans have to find a way to get our sorry excuse for a DC and HC fired. Seriously c'mon. McNair doesn't care since every game is sold out. We need to do something to open his eyes. I couldn't finish the game today. Hurt too much.
Agreed: Bob McNair just sold one of his major horse racing properties last month.
Might of been a tax move. Or might be he is setting up to be more pro active with the team. I think McNair will dig in with kubiak. I have no prove of this just a feeling. I could see him paying off one year on the contract. Not two.

I think McNair is the biggest part of the problem. He'd rather sit back and let ticket brokers and diehard fans fill his wallet with a losing team than spend to get any good free agents, coaches, or GMs

We looked HORRIBLE before that ****ing hurricane wrecked our ****. This coaching staff is not getting it done.

How did I forget this awesome example of our coaching. Love the formation and long ass developing play in the ****ing ENDZONE that led to the safety. Awesomeness. Leave our disappointing LT on an island.

wow dude, look at us. as fans, we're talking about what excuses hold more water than other excuses for why we suck. bottom line, our team sucks. all i know is i'm running out of sighs.
go texans i guess.
J-Russ, there was more of a leash with Dom Capers since we were an expansion team. The leash is shorter because we as a fan base are rightfully impatient in being continually fed the dog **** they try to pass off as a football team.

Who pray tell:

1. Told McNair that he could turn David Carr around into a legit starting NFL QB and that we didn't need to address this position in the 2006 draft.

2. Realized that Carr was an abortion and then OVERPAID by giving up 2 2nd rounders for an average QB in Matt Schaub who is injury prone.

3. Brought in the TO machine in Rosenfels and HELD ON TO HIM despite being offered a THIRD ROUND PICK this past year.

These were ALL Kubiak's decisions. Remember this guy was supposedly a QB guru! The one position that has absolutely KILLED us this year has been QB. Why the hell should he get one more year to dig us further in the ditch. I am thinking McNair is tired of this crap too and wants to finally see a winner here. Enough with the excuses man.

All great points. Though I did not know he was considered a QB guru. Whoever said he was must not have really known him to well. When do we get a D-Line guru? We need one if them I think.
I think McNair is the biggest part of the problem. He'd rather sit back and let ticket brokers and diehard fans fill his wallet with a losing team than spend to get any good free agents, coaches, or GMs

I'm not sure that's the case. We do spend money on these things, we just pick the guys that aren't up for the job, ie. we overspend on everything.

We need to a value approach and build this damn team. It doesn't matter what positions we upgrade at this point, they all could use upgrades. Just get good players on this team. Good coaches. Our defense seems to have good coaches, but the guy at the top, Dick Smith, is holding them down. Get him out of here ASAP. I don't care if it's tomorrow.

McNair just needs to find someone he trusts that knows football because he does not know football. He has yet to find that guy he can trust. He tried to trust Casserly and he seems to be trying to trust Rick Smith. Maybe Rick Smith can be that guy, but if he wants to keep his job he is going to have to bring a better DC in here to work with his draft picks and free agent pickups.
I'm not sure I've seen as bad a game day coach since Hugh Campbell. I'm still high on Kubiak as a coordinator though.
like i said in another post lets see how this season pans out if it goes wayy south Unleash hells gates !!!!!!!

everyone says of firiring everybody might be a quick fix but its puts us in MAJOR Contract Debt

we already hit the reset button back in 05 only 3 years later hiting it again is just sad
I'm not sure I've seen as bad a game day coach since Hugh Campbell. I'm still high on Kubiak as a coordinator though.

if he wants to be a coach im thinking he needs to let his coordinator's coordinate. and concentrate on the other stuff.

1. Kubiak is not a leader. He should not be a head coach. Sure he's a nice guy who used to live in Houston and has a nice haircut, but he is not a leader.

2. Sage is just too stupid to be an NFL QB.

3. Schaub is weak and is constantly injured.

4. Richard Smith....... there is no accounting for Richard Smith.

5. Jacques Reeves, (what a stupid name, Jacques) How the hell is this man in the NFL?


1. Fire Kubiak after the season. Pay tons of money for a proven leader.

2. Cut Sage after the season. Slap his parents.

3. Feed him more Wheaties.

4. Fire Richard Smith. This is a 100% certainty now.

5. Cut Jockless immediately. Slap his parents.
may i add to the Fire list

-Fire all the Lower ranking and various coaches
-Fire Kyle Shannhan
-Fire Green
-Fire Greenwood
-Fire Faggians
-FIre most of our secondary
-FIre Pittman & Turk and the OL Pittman
-Fire most of the guyz on special teams blocking
-Fire Weeaver
-Fire Myers
-Fire some of the Fugly cheerleaders and training staff and medical staff and stadium staff-When are the ever going to "Start" fixing the $(%)$*( ROOF !!!
-And fire some of the fans who are not load enough during the game

etc etc etc

and slap all of there mommas

1. Kubiak is not a leader. He should not be a head coach. Sure he's a nice guy who used to live in Houston and has a nice haircut, but he is not a leader.

2. Sage is just too stupid to be an NFL QB.

3. Schaub is weak and is constantly injured.

4. Richard Smith....... there is no accounting for Richard Smith.

5. Jacques Reeves, (what a stupid name, Jacques) How the hell is this man in the NFL?


1. Fire Kubiak after the season. Pay tons of money for a proven leader.

2. Cut Sage after the season. Slap his parents.

3. Feed him more Wheaties.

4. Fire Richard Smith. This is a 100% certainty now.

5. Cut Jockless immediately. Slap his parents.

Great Answers seriously, can I go back a week and write in my presidential vote for you. I am not being sarcastic either, that sh*t is genius. In all honesty I am in relatively good spirits because after the saftey I actually told my wife I WOULD go to Sam's club with her, set the TIVO and left. Just got back saw the score while turning on the tube, saw Sage's stat line, and just laughed. Guess I will be deleting that TIVO game real quick, sorry to the poor suckers who watched this. You want entertainment watch re-runs of the A-team not a Texans game (unless you want to watch a bad comedy).
Every single team in the NFL has injuries. The Ravens were playing us today minus two studs in the secondary. Not every team folds when injuries occur.

how many of our starters would unseat any of the Ravens' starting 22??
Maybe Mario and AJ. Probably just AJ since Mario isn't a classic 3-4 DE. That's IT!
My point is, the Ravens (amoung other teams) have so many other studs that they can "hide" "B-quality" guys.

TexanMike (among others) has been telling us since the off-season. We ARE NOT playoff ready.
Neither the D-line nor the O-line are stout enough.
We do not have a dependable running attack.
Our QBs, for one reason or another, are suspect.
We have no defensive identity.
We have a soft team identity.

Are we better off than we were last year or the year before? Yes. Are we ready to compete at a playoff level? Not yet.
may i add to the Fire list

-Fire all the Lower ranking and various coaches
-Fire Kyle Shannhan
-Fire Green
-Fire Greenwood
-Fire Faggians
-FIre most of our secondary
-FIre Pittman & Turk and the OL Pittman
-Fire most of the guyz on special teams blocking
-Fire Weeaver
-Fire Myers
-Fire some of the Fugly cheerleaders and training staff and medical staff and stadium staff-When are the ever going to "Start" fixing the $(%)$*( ROOF !!!
-And fire some of the fans who are not load enough during the game

etc etc etc

and slap all of there mommas

Why don't y'all just say dynamite Reliant Stadium and sell the team to San Antonio...?
Are we better off than we were last year or the year before? Yes. Are we ready to compete at a playoff level? Not yet.

You sound like this is a given. Why? The Texans seem to be falling apart in crucial leadership areas and have about the worst defense they've ever had. The QB position looked somewhat settled last year, but evidence this year shows it may still be an area that requires improvement for the team to reach the next level. The o-line isn't any better than most other years. We have another year that shows the Texans won't address coaching problems. The list goes on.

I don't think this is a season of "continued yearly improvement" under Kubiak.
how many of our starters would unseat any of the Ravens' starting 22??
Maybe Mario and AJ. Probably just AJ since Mario isn't a classic 3-4 DE. That's IT!
My point is, the Ravens (amoung other teams) have so many other studs that they can "hide" "B-quality" guys.

TexanMike (among others) has been telling us since the off-season. We ARE NOT playoff ready.
Neither the D-line nor the O-line are stout enough.
We do not have a dependable running attack.
Our QBs, for one reason or another, are suspect.
We have no defensive identity.
We have a soft team identity.

Are we better off than we were last year or the year before? Yes. Are we ready to compete at a playoff level? Not yet.

I agree with your points about the Ravens being more talented than us but what does that have to do with injuries being used as an excuse for us?
You're right....Richard Smith should be fired right now at least...send a message to someone...

but we seem to give guys too many chances.

Gary Kubiak should have called Richard Smith onto the field and then publicly fired him right on the 50 yard line. Then Toro could have led Smith onto that 4X4 he rides around on and driven the disgraced Richard Smith out as the Texans fans still remaining could have showered him with plastic cups, used napkins, and other leftover concessions.

THAT would have been great.