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Sick of AJ dropping the ball


How many does this guy drop every week? Dropped the quick slant, then drops the deeper pass in the CLUTCH situation.

Wonder if Kubiak will openly comment on his butterfingers?

Then again, Im sure its Carrs fault for putting the pass right in his numbers and hands.
Where are the "Trade Johnson" threads? This guy must be wearing tefllon gloves...criticism doesn't stick but neither does the ball :)
He's not used to a pass that far down the field . In fact it caught him by surprise he thought it was already dumped off . I know it took 3 points of the board cause theres no way in hell Carr was throwing a TD .
He's not used to a pass that far down the field . In fact it caught him by surprise he thought it was already dumped off . I know it took 3 points of the board cause theres no way in hell Carr was throwing a TD .

So true...

You know what else I'm tired of. Carr throwing INTs and short throws on 3rd and long.
Andre and the rest of the receiving corp cant do junk in garbage time. Tired of dropped passes, we could have taken a shot at the end zone or at least had a 50/50 chance of a field goal (you never know with our guys)
I loved when AJ dropped that ball that hit him "right in the breadbasket" (to quote the announcers). I loved the part where they were shocked that he dropped a pass. They said "you won't see that very often" which was my first clue that they don't see many Texans games. Johnson constantly gets a pass on his "Corey Bradford hands".
I loved when AJ dropped that ball that hit him "right in the breadbasket" (to quote the announcers). I loved the part where they were shocked that he dropped a pass. They said "you won't see that very often" which was my first clue that they don't see many Texans games. Johnson constantly gets a pass on his "Corey Bradford hands".

LOL, my friend and I found that funny as well, but when you are the worse team in the league you get the worse announcers, and BOY were they bad.

AJ gets a pass, he needs the HEAT brought down on him like CARR gets from the coaching staff.
How many does this guy drop every week? Dropped the quick slant, then drops the deeper pass in the CLUTCH situation.

Wonder if Kubiak will openly comment on his butterfingers?

Then again, Im sure its Carrs fault for putting the pass right in his numbers and hands.

Rice and TO were booed in SF for having drops. AJ is a good WR.
hell may be i dont really like AJ either but he doesnt suck as much as the david andre is our only pro bowler may be so he cant be that bad.

Never said I hated the guy, thats just your perception of wanting to be negative, its ok, it was a horrible loss.

But as Herv stated, he gets away with having "COREY BRADFORD HANDS"
But as Herv stated, he gets away with having "COREY BRADFORD HANDS"
Not really, cause Bradford couldn't catch anything. Easy or difficult catchs,
Bradford managed consistantly - he dropped most of them.
AJ makes a high percentage of tough catchs, really spectacular catchs.
You see that one hander today ?
Its obviously a concentration thing. He anticipates a difficult pass, the effort
gets his undivided attention. Anticipating an easy reception, his mind wanders
to running after the catch and he loses concentration on the incoming ball.
He's not part of the solution so obviously he must be part of the problem. You ever notice how alot of other receivers after they make a spectacular catch it usually starts out with look at the move he uses right here on the LOS or look at the crisp route running. Whatever they usually say. However with Johnson it's never like that. The guy needs to get better. He relies to much on his physical talents. He has all the tools he just isn't elite all the time.
Not really, cause Bradford couldn't catch anything. Easy or difficult catchs,
Bradford managed consistantly - he dropped most of them.
AJ makes a high percentage of tough catchs, really spectacular catchs.
You see that one hander today ?
Its obviously a concentration thing. He anticipates a difficult pass, the effort
gets his undivided attention. Anticipating an easy reception, his mind wanders
to running after the catch and he loses concentration on the incoming ball.

How can you have over 3,000 posts and actually believe that Corey Bradford couldn't catch anything. You have to know that's bull right? Bradford was the master of the acrobatic catch. He made catches that AJ wishes he could make. The difficult catches were never a problem for Corey Bradford. They were his stock and trade.

Corey couldn't catch the simple passes. He'd catch a 30 yard pass one handed while leaping in the air upside down and come down in stride on one play and then drop one placed right in his hands while he stood still with nobody around him on the next play. He was money if it looked like it might make a highlight reel but useless if you needed a first down to keep a drive alive on 3rd and 8.

That's why I say AJ has Corey Bradford Hands. Not nearly as bad a case of them as Corey had but he still drops the gimmies way too often.
How can you have over 3,000 posts and actually believe that Corey Bradford couldn't catch anything. You have to know that's bull right? Bradford was the master of the acrobatic catch. He made catches that AJ wishes he could make. The difficult catches were never a problem for Corey Bradford. They were his stock and trade.

Corey couldn't catch the simple passes. He'd catch a 30 yard pass one handed while leaping in the air upside down and come down in stride on one play and then drop one placed right in his hands while he stood still with nobody around him on the next play. He was money if it looked like it might make a highlight reel but useless if you needed a first down to keep a drive alive on 3rd and 8.

That's why I say AJ has Corey Bradford Hands. Not nearly as bad a case of them as Corey had but he still drops the gimmies way too often.

So does almost every WR in the league except for maybe 3 or 4
That's why I say AJ has Corey Bradford Hands. Not nearly as bad a case of them as Corey had but he still drops the gimmies way too often.
AJ might very well go to the Pro Bowl this year, but invitations to the Pro Bowl are stat driven. And we all know how misleading stats are.

Andre Johnson and David Carr have one thing in common. I don't remember the last time either one of them came through in the clutch.
Andre's stats look nice, but not a good day. The one drop was a huge one, but one that was early enough that we could have recovered from.
Drops them all the time, why should it change now! He is what HE is, A big Physical guy that drops balls that elite WRs make to help out their Qbs.

He drops balls and drops balles and drops balls, I counted nearly 1 for every game last year and pretty much this year. Dropped 2 today.
I loved when AJ dropped that ball that hit him "right in the breadbasket" (to quote the announcers). I loved the part where they were shocked that he dropped a pass. They said "you won't see that very often" which was my first clue that they don't see many Texans games. Johnson constantly gets a pass on his "Corey Bradford hands".

Yes, and Herv how long have I been saying AJ does not have the hands of an elite receiver and been lambasted by this board. AJ should not be the go to man in critical situations. It should be Moulds who has the hands of an elite receiver.

Is a AJ a very good receiver. I think there is no question, but that is true. But I don't believe he will ever be an elite receiver. His catched would have materially changed the game, but that's the way it has been for a long time. Their is some truth to the notion of being surprised by something that doesn't often happen simply because we don't try to do it very often.
I loved when AJ dropped that ball that hit him "right in the breadbasket" (to quote the announcers). I loved the part where they were shocked that he dropped a pass. They said "you won't see that very often" which was my first clue that they don't see many Texans games. Johnson constantly gets a pass on his "Corey Bradford hands".

I found that extremely funny myself! He is usually good for at least 1 drop a game and if for some reason when the ball does slip out of his hands and gets intercepted (Sage's pass against Tennessee and the time he had the ball ripped from him earlier this year (I think against the Dolphins but am not sure)) he seems to actually get fired up and takes it more personal. Can we find some way to get him ticked off before the game starts?!? And on the deep ball he needs to do a better job of going up and getting it at times. He does a good job of positioning with his body but he rarely goes UP to get the ball over the smaller DB. AJ is a good receiver but even our best player has room for improvement!
Wasn't the knock on AJ coming out of college his hands?


but i thought he could afford better stickum now! Maybe he could just work on getting better now that he doesn't have to worry about all those pesty exams now that he's out of college. Nevermind...he went to the U!:sarcasm:

Sorry I'm a little sensitive after another game like this!
He does a good job of positioning with his body but he rarely goes UP to get the ball over the smaller DB.

Good observation!

Elite receivers not only go UP to get the ball, but know exactly WHEN to go UP. DBs are usually impatient, and leap too soon. Great receivers (Anthony Carter for example) are on the way up while the DBs are already on the way down.
Good observation!

Elite receivers not only go UP to get the ball, but know exactly WHEN to go UP. DBs are usually impatient, and leap too soon. Great receivers (Anthony Carter for example) are on the way up while the DBs are already on the way down.

Thanks and to add a little more to what you are saying...AJ usually seems like the impatient one and most of the time seems to be tripping all over himself.
Good observation!

Elite receivers not only go UP to get the ball, but know exactly WHEN to go UP. DBs are usually impatient, and leap too soon. Great receivers (Anthony Carter for example) are on the way up while the DBs are already on the way down.

Which is exactly what happened last week against the Bills. Nate Clements went up and over AJ to sang that INT out of AJ's hands. I watched the replay about 15 times.
Which is exactly what happened last week against the Bills. Nate Clements went up and over AJ to sang that INT out of AJ's hands. I watched the replay about 15 times.

not exactly. Carr got hit as he was throwing the ball. It was sailing, and went right to Clements. AJ got their late, and got one hand on the ball, and tried to rip it out.
not exactly. Carr got hit as he was throwing the ball. It was sailing, and went right to Clements. AJ got their late, and got one hand on the ball, and tried to rip it out.

The ball hit AJ in the hands and Clements jumped over the top of him and ripped the ball out of AJ's hands. Go to the Buffalo Bills website and watch the replay, they show it from the opposite side of the field.
The ball hit AJ in the hands and Clements jumped over the top of him and ripped the ball out of AJ's hands. Go to the Buffalo Bills website and watch the replay, they show it from the opposite side of the field.

First, you need to stop hanging around on the buffalo bills website, second, do they show David getting hit as the ball is being released?? Do they show AJ changing his route to get to the ball?? because he jumped in to try to strip it from Nate. he never had two hands on the ball, as he came down and landed on one of those hands while his other was still on the ball.
First, you need to stop hanging around on the buffalo bills website, second, do they show David getting hit as the ball is being released?? Do they show AJ changing his route to get to the ball?? because he jumped in to try to strip it from Nate. he never had two hands on the ball, as he came down and landed on one of those hands while his other was still on the ball.
First, you need to stop hanging around on the buffalo bills website, second, do they show David getting hit as the ball is being released?? Do they show AJ changing his route to get to the ball?? because he jumped in to try to strip it from Nate. he never had two hands on the ball, as he came down and landed on one of those hands while his other was still on the ball.

BEST VERTICAL: Nate Clements – He out jumped 6’3” Andre Johnson for a first quarter interception which was also his first pick of the season. (Honorable mention to Houston LB Shantee Orr who leaped right over Anthony Thomas to sack Losman).

BEST VERTICAL: Nate Clements – He out jumped 6’3” Andre Johnson for a first quarter interception which was also his first pick of the season. (Honorable mention to Houston LB Shantee Orr who leaped right over Anthony Thomas to sack Losman).

Well heck, since it says so on a Bills website, I guess I should believe it, and not what my eyes see......

How about that Carr throwing behind the line of scrimmage? Oh yeah that is the sign of true talent! What 2 yards here and 5 yards there is good for you?

I'm not standing up for Carr but frankly that's all he seems to have open. Even the commentators were talking about how he looks down field... finds nothing and has to dump short. With that said it was an absolute mistake for the Texan's to make Carr a starter from day 1. I think that it obvious now with so many 2-3 year QBs taking over teams and looking so great.

AJ drops balls just like every other WR in the NFL. Unfortunately we wind up with L's instead of W's and so every mistake every player makes stands out. What I'm tired of is watching is our guys dropping the ball in key situations... and this isn't just AJ. And where are the the YAC!!!!
How can you have over 3,000 posts and actually believe that Corey Bradford couldn't catch
Lousy memory ? Honestly, I can remember Bradford catching the pass in the inaugural game that all the Cowboys haters are so sentimental about, but
most of all I remember his big catch in the season opener down in South Florida back in 2003. But that's about it. On the other hand I can remember gobs of spectacular catchs that AJ made.
But the thing about AJ is that it seems he is the one player on the roster who is immune from Kubiacks criticism when he deserves it in many situations.
And we had a couple of those situations yesterday, and not just the big dropped pass. AJ very conspicuously dogged it on a play where he basically turned into a statue to ignore a Jet defender right in front of him who made
the tackle. But I can't ever remember Kubiak getting on AJs case a single time. Maybe my lousy memory at work again ?
AJ is the best offensive player the team has and I hope he has a long career with the Texans. But if people are going to jump on Carr then it is only fair that AJ receives some of the blame as well.

I don't think it is time to run AJ out of town but yes, he needs to hold on to the ball and it has happened too often to be ignored. But having said that he will be fine and is still one of the best WR in the NFL..
I've got the game recorded, and I watched that play several times. That ball did not go where David wanted it to. AJ was running to the outside, Nate was on top, running with him, till he saw the ball heading right for him, he broke off of AJ, and went back to get the ball. AJ had to turn inside just to get in position to try to get it away from Clements.

Look, there are a lot of things we can bash AJ about. He runs poor routes... he drops way too many balls..... he doesn't block worth a darn.. & for all his play making ability, we need more vocal leadership out of him.

But he didn't get out jumped on that play.
I've got the game recorded, and I watched that play several times. That ball did not go where David wanted it to. AJ was running to the outside, Nate was on top, running with him, till he saw the ball heading right for him, he broke off of AJ, and went back to get the ball. AJ had to turn inside just to get in position to try to get it away from Clements.

Look, there are a lot of things we can bash AJ about. He runs poor routes... he drops way too many balls..... he doesn't block worth a darn.. & for all his play making ability, we need more vocal leadership out of him.

But he didn't get out jumped on that play.

Dre stumbled like his knees gave out, so you cant really tell what would have happened, he needs to come down with that ball, but who cares we love Andre.
I've got the game recorded, and I watched that play several times. That ball did not go where David wanted it to. AJ was running to the outside, Nate was on top, running with him, till he saw the ball heading right for him, he broke off of AJ, and went back to get the ball. AJ had to turn inside just to get in position to try to get it away from Clements.

Look, there are a lot of things we can bash AJ about. He runs poor routes... he drops way too many balls..... he doesn't block worth a darn.. & for all his play making ability, we need more vocal leadership out of him.

But he didn't get out jumped on that play.

When a defender jumps over the top of you and takes the ball from you I call that getting out jumped.
Andre Johnson and David Carr have one thing in common. I don't remember the last time either one of them came through in the clutch.

Bingo! I still go back to the Bills game on a 3rd and 2 that these two no. 1 draft picks could not complete. I'm at the point of realizing that neither of these players are clutch, because that should have been a gimme' play after Carr completed 22 in a row earlier in the game.

Elite players seal the deal when it matters. Good players have good stats, but that does not make them elite.
I'll tell ya what, let AJ go and keep Carr. Do it, dammit!!!

I don't think anyone is petitioning to run AJ out of town. But like many people onthis board say, he is our best offensive player. If anyone is going to criticize Carr for ill-adviced throws than it is only fair that our best offensive player catch some heat for not making some clutch receptions.:hmmm:
Yes, and who is the head coach of Dallas? Some have been clamoring about VY and we really did him a favor when you look at who is his head coach and who is his offensive coordinator. I really think some of this is all about who is the head coach and who is the OC or the QB coach.

Despite the down year the Titans had last year they are really an established team with a very, very good head coach and an excellent OC. Parcells can match anyone as a head coach and he has taught a lot of QB's the game as well as his defensive personnel. He's probably one of the most well rounded coaches in the NFL.

I understand how people feel. I just think Carr has been in a weak system for a very long time. Place him on a team with an O-line that knows how to pass block and I think you will find a very different player. Quite frankly I said well before the start of the season that it probably was a mistake for Carr to stay in Houston and I think that really is the case. He simply will never be respected in Houston no matter what and it is time for him to move on.

Its simply a no win situation. I really don't think Carr can be himself while playing for the Texans. Simply too much has happened to make that possible. I really think this is Carr's last year in Houston.
Bingo! I still go back to the Bills game on a 3rd and 2 that these two no. 1 draft picks could not complete. I'm at the point of realizing that neither of these players are clutch, because that should have been a gimme' play after Carr completed 22 in a row earlier in the game.

Elite players seal the deal when it matters. Good players have good stats, but that does not make them elite.

Very good point.

I would just add to this whole discussion, that a player is going to make mistakes, drop balls, turnovers, etc.

The question is, does the player make the big plays to overcome those mistakes and provide a net value to the team?
Carr lover's need to find an excuse for him to stay in town. I remember they blamed Palmer alot for his problem's. Now palmer is back at the Cowboy's organization and look what he did to Romo. Hmmm it makes you wonder...

The Cowboys also three out of five starting linemen who have been to the Pro Bowl in the past and Romo has TO, Crayton, and Glenn to throw to. Not saying our WR core is bad, but TO is still a top 3 WR in the NFL if not the #1 WR in the NFL.